Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

Well it certainly was overblown by faucohauntus. If this broad is the requirement for minority status, and I hope it is, minority status includes everyone in the country. Can we be done with this racial divide democrat bullshit now?
Since when do rightards give a shit when a pol embellishes? Isn’t that the message the right boasts when defending Donald “4000 lies and counting” Trump?
Nice deflection… Too bad it didn’t work

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards

"We always have an excuse why our lies are okay." - American leftards
Nice deflection… Too bad it didn’t work

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
And never said she was, idiot.
Just admit it Pocahontas lied to improve her status... Her new name should be Pinocchio Pocahontas

Tell me again about Donald “Mydaddyonlygavemeonemilliondollars” Trump.

The Cherokee Nation most likely has less dna showing native American Ancestry than she does.... this is why the Cherokee Indians do not use DNA tests to prove heritage. The Cherokees were the first friendly Indians to Europeans and began mixing and having children with the Europeans almost immediately....

Your last line is bulloney

I/1000 means exactly what it says...1 in 1000, NOT 1 in 100,000

1/1000 was the high number that you all keep regurgitating, but the results actually gave it the Range from 1/64 to 1/1024...1/64th means her great times 4 grandmother was Native American, which fits the family lore her mother had told her.


What is this ruckus all about....?

Certainly you are not concerned with her heritage and family lore passed down....

And certainly you truly are not concerned with any kind of lie, Since your orange god lies about everything at least 10 times a day and 20 on Sunday, since he took office....

So what's the beef with Republicans going after Elizabeth Warren for years on this?

Lol.....naive sweetie....every New Englander has an Indian heritage.


So now any person born in New England can now claim minority status when going for a job?


TO claim minority status requires you meet certain guidelines. Gert a fucking grip & quit lying to protect your orange butt buddy.

Why did she claim she was Native American and why is she now claiming she is 1/512th Native American?

Gee, 1/500th Native American. That's the highest figure I've yet seen! Does that mean if I get a metal sliver in my finger I can claim to be an iron bar? :D

I agree. Donald, write her a check for $900.
Lol.....naive sweetie....every New Englander has an Indian heritage.


So now any person born in New England can now claim minority status when going for a job?


TO claim minority status requires you meet certain guidelines. Gert a fucking grip & quit lying to protect your orange butt buddy.

Why did she claim she was Native American and why is she now claiming she is 1/512th Native American?

Gee, 1/500th Native American. That's the highest figure I've yet seen! Does that mean if I get a metal sliver in my finger I can claim to be an iron bar? :D

She is sooooooooooo dumb.

Trump played her for a fool.

Liz has him now! She's proven that she is 99.999% European, and 0.001% Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian. :eek:
She looks like she has a lot of John Denver DNA
Why is this an issue at all?

Why did she claim to be Native American?

That seems to be the real issue.

She said I’m an adult interview years ago that she had ancestor from Oklahoma that was of Native American descent.

Being a very effective legislator in the Senate she has become a threat to the rightards because there has been the assumption she might run for President.

Being the brain dead chicken shit cowards that rightards are, and let there be no doubt, rightards only attack what they are scared of. They have now become a hen house full of squawking hens because they obviously see her as a threat.
:5_1_12024: :cul2: All these years, all we hear about regarding what race Elizabeth Warren is, is that she is a Native American. But according to her, she is only 1/32nd Native American. Well, what about the other 95%?
What else is Elizabeth Warren?,, Russian? Kenyan? Japanese? Samoan? Canadian?
Please do your brief research, and fill us in.
Thanks !!!

She has a Native American ancestor, cool.

So anyway, got an issue of hervs you'd like to debate?

This sounds like some weirdo debate from fellad who wanna make blue eyed little girls for their friends to enjoy.
if I had a dog, I think he would claim to be 1/32nd Cherokee Indian too, therefore, he would be qualified to teach at Hahvaad

Oh, it worked alright. You don’t really think your acknowledgment is required, do ya?? :lmao:
In No way is she an American Indian... End of story
There are no lies, only embellishments ~ American rightards
She has been soundly rejected by the very tribe she claims have the heritage of...
She’s a lying bitch

We are to believe that her mother had to elope when she got married because she was 1/1000 Native American?

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!

And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
She has a Native American ancestor, cool.

So anyway, got an issue of hervs you'd like to debate?

This sounds like some weirdo debate from fellad who wanna make blue eyed little girls for their friends to enjoy.
No she doesn't....They had no Indian DNA and used DNA from Mexico, Peru, and Columbia.....A Jeep Cherokee is more of an Indian than she is.
She has a Native American ancestor, cool.

So anyway, got an issue of hervs you'd like to debate?

This sounds like some weirdo debate from fellad who wanna make blue eyed little girls for their friends to enjoy.
No she doesn't....They had no Indian DNA and used DNA from Mexico, Peru, and Columbia.....A Jeep Cherokee is more of an Indian than she is.

Great, native Americans from Central America or South America aren't the same as Native United Statesians.

U worried about what your kids with her will look like or sumptin?
What a heartless lady doing this after a hurricane hit where our president just visited. Jokes on her since she’s 0.0001 percent Native American like most of us are.

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