Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage

The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?
Dumbfuck, where did I say the samples were from the U.S.??

In fact, the section I posted from the report even identified them as being tribes located in Canada and Mexico.

Dumbfuck, where did I say we were talking about anything YOU said?

Let's review, because I'm not interested in playing your little "I'll be obtuse and pretend we're talking about something different every fucking time I answer until people get so tired of talking to something with fewer IQ points than a chunk of granite that they walk away, at which point I'll claim 'VICTORY' on the basis of how relentlessly stupid I am" game.

Elizabeth Warren spent years claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee and sometimes Delaware, in her recent family history.

The Cherokee and the Delaware are both North American tribes originating within what is now the United States.

Elizabeth Warren recently had a DNA test done, which showed that she PROBABLY had .09% DNA that the tester attributed to Native American, which is about half of what most white Americans have.

The tester admitted, in the summary results of his test, that he had no DNA samples from US Native Americans with which to compare Warren's DNA, because Native Americans in the US rarely consent to participate in genetic studies.

The tester further explained that he reached his conclusions through comparisons with DNA samples from Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, and by his own extrapolation theories as to prehistoric human migration. That is, after all, his primary field of study.

Now then, since you are presumably finally caught up on all the facts, see if you can say something coherent and relevant to the topic. I'm sure we're all waiting on tenterhooks to see if you pull it off.
Dumbfuck, I pointed out a retard's claims that the test did not include samples from Indians -- was wrong. Along comes an imbecile like you to "correct" me by pointing out the Indian samples were not from the U.S. when all you do is look like the putz you are since you're "correcting" something I never said.


Dumbfuck, you wrongly tried to tell someone that their quote of the test summary was wrong because you didn't want it to be true. Along comes another person who ACTUALLY READ THE TEST RESULTS and corrects you - repeatedly - by pointing out - repeatedly - that the samples weren't what you claim they were. All you do is look like a putz by saying something, and then denying you said it, and then saying it again.

I'd ask if you savvy, but it's painfully obvious you don't understand your ass from your elbow, let alone anything else.

How does your foot taste?? :lmao:

If you manage to pry your size 14 clown feet from your toothless mouth, re-read post #1539 a few dozen more times so that hopefully, reality will get past your impenetrable armor of ignorance.


Yeaaaaah, Pocahontas Warren is a fraud so naturally faun fraud gravitated towards her lies...and she is a plagiarist as well!

Elizabeth Warren's Pow Wow Chow 'Cherokee' recipes were word for word COPIES of famous FRENCH chef's techniques | Daily Mail Online
The same test samples that you didn't read, and thus didn't know they said that they didn't actually have any Native American samples from the US?
Dumbfuck, where did I say the samples were from the U.S.??

In fact, the section I posted from the report even identified them as being tribes located in Canada and Mexico.

Dumbfuck, where did I say we were talking about anything YOU said?

Let's review, because I'm not interested in playing your little "I'll be obtuse and pretend we're talking about something different every fucking time I answer until people get so tired of talking to something with fewer IQ points than a chunk of granite that they walk away, at which point I'll claim 'VICTORY' on the basis of how relentlessly stupid I am" game.

Elizabeth Warren spent years claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee and sometimes Delaware, in her recent family history.

The Cherokee and the Delaware are both North American tribes originating within what is now the United States.

Elizabeth Warren recently had a DNA test done, which showed that she PROBABLY had .09% DNA that the tester attributed to Native American, which is about half of what most white Americans have.

The tester admitted, in the summary results of his test, that he had no DNA samples from US Native Americans with which to compare Warren's DNA, because Native Americans in the US rarely consent to participate in genetic studies.

The tester further explained that he reached his conclusions through comparisons with DNA samples from Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, and by his own extrapolation theories as to prehistoric human migration. That is, after all, his primary field of study.

Now then, since you are presumably finally caught up on all the facts, see if you can say something coherent and relevant to the topic. I'm sure we're all waiting on tenterhooks to see if you pull it off.
Dumbfuck, I pointed out a retard's claims that the test did not include samples from Indians -- was wrong. Along comes an imbecile like you to "correct" me by pointing out the Indian samples were not from the U.S. when all you do is look like the putz you are since you're "correcting" something I never said.


Dumbfuck, you wrongly tried to tell someone that their quote of the test summary was wrong because you didn't want it to be true. Along comes another person who ACTUALLY READ THE TEST RESULTS and corrects you - repeatedly - by pointing out - repeatedly - that the samples weren't what you claim they were. All you do is look like a putz by saying something, and then denying you said it, and then saying it again.

I'd ask if you savvy, but it's painfully obvious you don't understand your ass from your elbow, let alone anything else.

How does your foot taste?? :lmao:

If you manage to pry your size 14 clown feet from your toothless mouth, re-read post #1539 a few dozen more times so that hopefully, reality will get past your impenetrable armor of ignorance.


So, Pocahontas Warren alleges that her great, great, great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee? and the blood tests to check for DNA weren't even that of the Cherokee tribe but an alleged facsimile thereof by testing (snicker) "DNA" samples from Mexico, Peru and Columbia because the Stanford "Professor" wasn't able to use native Cherokee DNA...so he ( BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)"IMPROVISED" and she is .09 to 1.5 (HOLY SHIT! You can't make this up!!!) "NATIVE AMERICAN!!!!!" and so much so that she could "check off" that box from 1986 to 1994 declaring herself a :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: MINORITY!!!!!!!!!! Best case
scenario is that SIX generations ago to TEN generations ago, Pocahontas was the descendant many generations removed from a tryst in a tepee after the smoking of a peace pipe and the great hunt with a squaw??? Or was it a buck and a white woman from back in the mid to late 1700's????

OH WAIT! Pocahontas told the story that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him to marry a woman that had Cherokee blood!!!!!!! Let's do the math, shall we? Pocahontas Warren is 69 years old so she was born roughly around 1949...and her "mother", she of the Cherokee bloodline 5 generations removed was born roughly around 1929? So, please, do tell, how in THE fuck did Pocahontas Warren's father's "blue blood" parents know that his bride to be was of Cherokee blood five FUCKING generations removed??????? There was no ancestry.com back in those days, no internet, not much of a wide reaching scope of intelligence agents (not even Pinkertons did that kind of shit of tracing "Indian" bloodlines...but HOLY shit!!! You swallowed Warren's bullshit story that constantly changed and at the end of the day doesn't even correspond with her wildest tales.....you are such my bitch now and you better mind your Ps & Qs around me going forward, dipshit.

You see? My great grandfather on my dad's side of the family WAS a full blooded Choctaw from the southern region of Mississippi and Alabama. My Paw-Paw was born in 1892 and his dad was born...oh who the fuck knows? They didn't have birth certificates and their way of keeping a calendar wasn't that of the white man. But the bottom line is that I am now part of the protected class, you white, racist piece of shit whose ancestors killed OUR bison and shoved US on reservations and I fucking want reparations and by reparations I don't mean a casino either, ya bastard. AND furthermore, if you don't bow down and humble yourself before me due to my lineage? Then you are a hypocritical sack of shit...I suspect that the P.C lib police will take away your leftard membership card....watch your step, dipshit.


I'll post it later, but, at best her DNA allegedly shows she has American Indian DNA 6 TO 10 GENERATIONS AGO! She has no business passing herself off as American Indian!

Even leaders of Cherokees are pissed that she's been making false claims. No one would care except that she has made these claims in order to advance her own career. Shameless bitch.

I remember when Denis Banks , Russel Means the wonder pseudo Indians took over Columbus day back in the 1990's. Not that it was big deal to me then. But it has become one . I stood there in civic center in Denver an listening to these assholes shut down basic America rights because these phony assholes made it an issue...what should I have done? I realized what empty ideologues they were. Viva Columbus.
I was "turned' because of phony Indians for phony issues . I went to the confrontation back in 1992 At Denver's civic center over the Columbus day issue. Indians ...Means, Banks and activist social speakers. The Knights of Columbus? They postponed the parade. Nothing happened. All they did (Indian activists) was alienate people. And be hostile and act like that is the new norm. That is the dawn of my wakening. I realized what empty self righteous asshole ideologues liberals are. I abandoned Liberalism then, I think. Bye bye.
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I listen to Indigenous people's radio and Native American experiences. It's here sometime there. Am. Fm. I can rarely find it any more. Of course there is FNX on cable. All those Canadian Eskimo shows. One of my best fiends is a catholic and a member of the knights of Columbus. Me? Call me Ishmael.
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Why Many Native Americans Are Angry With Elizabeth Warren

Why Many Native Americans Are Angry With Elizabeth Warren
I know I am, I partially 10% one thing and 90% another. When Trump pledges a bazillion dollars to prove Warren's Indian heritage, she proved it. Perhaps he ought to cough it up. It isn't going to bankrupt Trump to show humility. Say I am sorry, and winky wink, because he's an Indian giver, there must be some indigenous blood in Trump somewhere.
Elizabeth Warren has taken a DNA test.

The results show she wasn't lying.

trump and the republicans have been lying all this time.

The truth is that most American families that have been here for a long time have Native American Indian somewhere in the past in their families.

I do. Like Warren it was a long family story that many generations back someone married a Cherokee woman. I never believed it until I took a DNA test. There it was. Just like Warren, a very small part of my DNA has Native American Indian. Just like the family story, it's very small which means it's many generations back.

Just like most Americans.

So go ahead and call her names. You're only showing your hate and ignorance.

Elizabeth Warren's DNA test results point to Native American heritage
The Cherokee Nation called, they said she's not one of theirs
Dumbfuck, where did I say the samples were from the U.S.??

In fact, the section I posted from the report even identified them as being tribes located in Canada and Mexico.

Dumbfuck, where did I say we were talking about anything YOU said?

Let's review, because I'm not interested in playing your little "I'll be obtuse and pretend we're talking about something different every fucking time I answer until people get so tired of talking to something with fewer IQ points than a chunk of granite that they walk away, at which point I'll claim 'VICTORY' on the basis of how relentlessly stupid I am" game.

Elizabeth Warren spent years claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee and sometimes Delaware, in her recent family history.

The Cherokee and the Delaware are both North American tribes originating within what is now the United States.

Elizabeth Warren recently had a DNA test done, which showed that she PROBABLY had .09% DNA that the tester attributed to Native American, which is about half of what most white Americans have.

The tester admitted, in the summary results of his test, that he had no DNA samples from US Native Americans with which to compare Warren's DNA, because Native Americans in the US rarely consent to participate in genetic studies.

The tester further explained that he reached his conclusions through comparisons with DNA samples from Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, and by his own extrapolation theories as to prehistoric human migration. That is, after all, his primary field of study.

Now then, since you are presumably finally caught up on all the facts, see if you can say something coherent and relevant to the topic. I'm sure we're all waiting on tenterhooks to see if you pull it off.
Dumbfuck, I pointed out a retard's claims that the test did not include samples from Indians -- was wrong. Along comes an imbecile like you to "correct" me by pointing out the Indian samples were not from the U.S. when all you do is look like the putz you are since you're "correcting" something I never said.


Dumbfuck, you wrongly tried to tell someone that their quote of the test summary was wrong because you didn't want it to be true. Along comes another person who ACTUALLY READ THE TEST RESULTS and corrects you - repeatedly - by pointing out - repeatedly - that the samples weren't what you claim they were. All you do is look like a putz by saying something, and then denying you said it, and then saying it again.

I'd ask if you savvy, but it's painfully obvious you don't understand your ass from your elbow, let alone anything else.

How does your foot taste?? :lmao:

If you manage to pry your size 14 clown feet from your toothless mouth, re-read post #1539 a few dozen more times so that hopefully, reality will get past your impenetrable armor of ignorance.


So, Pocahontas Warren alleges that her great, great, great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee? and the blood tests to check for DNA weren't even that of the Cherokee tribe but an alleged facsimile thereof by testing (snicker) "DNA" samples from Mexico, Peru and Columbia because the Stanford "Professor" wasn't able to use native Cherokee DNA...so he ( BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)"IMPROVISED" and she is .09 to 1.5 (HOLY SHIT! You can't make this up!!!) "NATIVE AMERICAN!!!!!" and so much so that she could "check off" that box from 1986 to 1994 declaring herself a :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: MINORITY!!!!!!!!!! Best case
scenario is that SIX generations ago to TEN generations ago, Pocahontas was the descendant many generations removed from a tryst in a tepee after the smoking of a peace pipe and the great hunt with a squaw??? Or was it a buck and a white woman from back in the mid to late 1700's????

OH WAIT! Pocahontas told the story that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him to marry a woman that had Cherokee blood!!!!!!! Let's do the math, shall we? Pocahontas Warren is 69 years old so she was born roughly around 1949...and her "mother", she of the Cherokee bloodline 5 generations removed was born roughly around 1929? So, please, do tell, how in THE fuck did Pocahontas Warren's father's "blue blood" parents know that his bride to be was of Cherokee blood five FUCKING generations removed??????? There was no ancestry.com back in those days, no internet, not much of a wide reaching scope of intelligence agents (not even Pinkertons did that kind of shit of tracing "Indian" bloodlines...but HOLY shit!!! You swallowed Warren's bullshit story that constantly changed and at the end of the day doesn't even correspond with her wildest tales.....you are such my bitch now and you better mind your Ps & Qs around me going forward, dipshit.

You see? My great grandfather on my dad's side of the family WAS a full blooded Choctaw from the southern region of Mississippi and Alabama. My Paw-Paw was born in 1892 and his dad was born...oh who the fuck knows? They didn't have birth certificates and their way of keeping a calendar wasn't that of the white man. But the bottom line is that I am now part of the protected class, you white, racist piece of shit whose ancestors killed OUR bison and shoved US on reservations and I fucking want reparations and by reparations I don't mean a casino either, ya bastard. AND furthermore, if you don't bow down and humble yourself before me due to my lineage? Then you are a hypocritical sack of shit...I suspect that the P.C lib police will take away your leftard membership card....watch your step, dipshit.


You should start by finding your missing basement, delusional dale. :cuckoo:
Dumbfuck, where did I say we were talking about anything YOU said?

Let's review, because I'm not interested in playing your little "I'll be obtuse and pretend we're talking about something different every fucking time I answer until people get so tired of talking to something with fewer IQ points than a chunk of granite that they walk away, at which point I'll claim 'VICTORY' on the basis of how relentlessly stupid I am" game.

Elizabeth Warren spent years claiming to be Native American, specifically Cherokee and sometimes Delaware, in her recent family history.

The Cherokee and the Delaware are both North American tribes originating within what is now the United States.

Elizabeth Warren recently had a DNA test done, which showed that she PROBABLY had .09% DNA that the tester attributed to Native American, which is about half of what most white Americans have.

The tester admitted, in the summary results of his test, that he had no DNA samples from US Native Americans with which to compare Warren's DNA, because Native Americans in the US rarely consent to participate in genetic studies.

The tester further explained that he reached his conclusions through comparisons with DNA samples from Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, and by his own extrapolation theories as to prehistoric human migration. That is, after all, his primary field of study.

Now then, since you are presumably finally caught up on all the facts, see if you can say something coherent and relevant to the topic. I'm sure we're all waiting on tenterhooks to see if you pull it off.
Dumbfuck, I pointed out a retard's claims that the test did not include samples from Indians -- was wrong. Along comes an imbecile like you to "correct" me by pointing out the Indian samples were not from the U.S. when all you do is look like the putz you are since you're "correcting" something I never said.


Dumbfuck, you wrongly tried to tell someone that their quote of the test summary was wrong because you didn't want it to be true. Along comes another person who ACTUALLY READ THE TEST RESULTS and corrects you - repeatedly - by pointing out - repeatedly - that the samples weren't what you claim they were. All you do is look like a putz by saying something, and then denying you said it, and then saying it again.

I'd ask if you savvy, but it's painfully obvious you don't understand your ass from your elbow, let alone anything else.

How does your foot taste?? :lmao:

If you manage to pry your size 14 clown feet from your toothless mouth, re-read post #1539 a few dozen more times so that hopefully, reality will get past your impenetrable armor of ignorance.


So, Pocahontas Warren alleges that her great, great, great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee? and the blood tests to check for DNA weren't even that of the Cherokee tribe but an alleged facsimile thereof by testing (snicker) "DNA" samples from Mexico, Peru and Columbia because the Stanford "Professor" wasn't able to use native Cherokee DNA...so he ( BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)"IMPROVISED" and she is .09 to 1.5 (HOLY SHIT! You can't make this up!!!) "NATIVE AMERICAN!!!!!" and so much so that she could "check off" that box from 1986 to 1994 declaring herself a :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: MINORITY!!!!!!!!!! Best case
scenario is that SIX generations ago to TEN generations ago, Pocahontas was the descendant many generations removed from a tryst in a tepee after the smoking of a peace pipe and the great hunt with a squaw??? Or was it a buck and a white woman from back in the mid to late 1700's????

OH WAIT! Pocahontas told the story that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him to marry a woman that had Cherokee blood!!!!!!! Let's do the math, shall we? Pocahontas Warren is 69 years old so she was born roughly around 1949...and her "mother", she of the Cherokee bloodline 5 generations removed was born roughly around 1929? So, please, do tell, how in THE fuck did Pocahontas Warren's father's "blue blood" parents know that his bride to be was of Cherokee blood five FUCKING generations removed??????? There was no ancestry.com back in those days, no internet, not much of a wide reaching scope of intelligence agents (not even Pinkertons did that kind of shit of tracing "Indian" bloodlines...but HOLY shit!!! You swallowed Warren's bullshit story that constantly changed and at the end of the day doesn't even correspond with her wildest tales.....you are such my bitch now and you better mind your Ps & Qs around me going forward, dipshit.

You see? My great grandfather on my dad's side of the family WAS a full blooded Choctaw from the southern region of Mississippi and Alabama. My Paw-Paw was born in 1892 and his dad was born...oh who the fuck knows? They didn't have birth certificates and their way of keeping a calendar wasn't that of the white man. But the bottom line is that I am now part of the protected class, you white, racist piece of shit whose ancestors killed OUR bison and shoved US on reservations and I fucking want reparations and by reparations I don't mean a casino either, ya bastard. AND furthermore, if you don't bow down and humble yourself before me due to my lineage? Then you are a hypocritical sack of shit...I suspect that the P.C lib police will take away your leftard membership card....watch your step, dipshit.


You should start by finding your missing basement, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

You should probably take a lap. You got obliterated.
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The DNA test basically proved that the average American walking around has as much, if not more, Native American DNA as Warren...which is minuscule.

On her Harvard Application Warren checked Native American, knowing full well that their admissions office was going to weigh her application differently based on her checking that box.

How many Americans are now going to think, "If Elizabeth Warren can call herself 'Native American' while being 1/1016th then I can, too' and will check 'that' box to get that same 'special' consideration for admissions?

How are colleges going to know now who actually is what they claim to be when they see those boxes checked? Are they going to demand DNA test results to go along with applications now? Will there be a 'minimum percentage' required (20%, 30%, full-blooded Native American')?

Warren may have just been the incentive to eliminate those 'ethnic boxes' from applications...
We are to believe that her mother had to elope when she got married because she was 1/1000 Native American?

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!

And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

You never heard her comments about having high cheekbones.
No, what did she say about her cheekbones?

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
Dumbfuck, I pointed out a retard's claims that the test did not include samples from Indians -- was wrong. Along comes an imbecile like you to "correct" me by pointing out the Indian samples were not from the U.S. when all you do is look like the putz you are since you're "correcting" something I never said.


Dumbfuck, you wrongly tried to tell someone that their quote of the test summary was wrong because you didn't want it to be true. Along comes another person who ACTUALLY READ THE TEST RESULTS and corrects you - repeatedly - by pointing out - repeatedly - that the samples weren't what you claim they were. All you do is look like a putz by saying something, and then denying you said it, and then saying it again.

I'd ask if you savvy, but it's painfully obvious you don't understand your ass from your elbow, let alone anything else.

How does your foot taste?? :lmao:

If you manage to pry your size 14 clown feet from your toothless mouth, re-read post #1539 a few dozen more times so that hopefully, reality will get past your impenetrable armor of ignorance.


So, Pocahontas Warren alleges that her great, great, great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee? and the blood tests to check for DNA weren't even that of the Cherokee tribe but an alleged facsimile thereof by testing (snicker) "DNA" samples from Mexico, Peru and Columbia because the Stanford "Professor" wasn't able to use native Cherokee DNA...so he ( BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)"IMPROVISED" and she is .09 to 1.5 (HOLY SHIT! You can't make this up!!!) "NATIVE AMERICAN!!!!!" and so much so that she could "check off" that box from 1986 to 1994 declaring herself a :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: MINORITY!!!!!!!!!! Best case
scenario is that SIX generations ago to TEN generations ago, Pocahontas was the descendant many generations removed from a tryst in a tepee after the smoking of a peace pipe and the great hunt with a squaw??? Or was it a buck and a white woman from back in the mid to late 1700's????

OH WAIT! Pocahontas told the story that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him to marry a woman that had Cherokee blood!!!!!!! Let's do the math, shall we? Pocahontas Warren is 69 years old so she was born roughly around 1949...and her "mother", she of the Cherokee bloodline 5 generations removed was born roughly around 1929? So, please, do tell, how in THE fuck did Pocahontas Warren's father's "blue blood" parents know that his bride to be was of Cherokee blood five FUCKING generations removed??????? There was no ancestry.com back in those days, no internet, not much of a wide reaching scope of intelligence agents (not even Pinkertons did that kind of shit of tracing "Indian" bloodlines...but HOLY shit!!! You swallowed Warren's bullshit story that constantly changed and at the end of the day doesn't even correspond with her wildest tales.....you are such my bitch now and you better mind your Ps & Qs around me going forward, dipshit.

You see? My great grandfather on my dad's side of the family WAS a full blooded Choctaw from the southern region of Mississippi and Alabama. My Paw-Paw was born in 1892 and his dad was born...oh who the fuck knows? They didn't have birth certificates and their way of keeping a calendar wasn't that of the white man. But the bottom line is that I am now part of the protected class, you white, racist piece of shit whose ancestors killed OUR bison and shoved US on reservations and I fucking want reparations and by reparations I don't mean a casino either, ya bastard. AND furthermore, if you don't bow down and humble yourself before me due to my lineage? Then you are a hypocritical sack of shit...I suspect that the P.C lib police will take away your leftard membership card....watch your step, dipshit.


You should start by finding your missing basement, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

Yo should probably take a lap. You got obliterated.
Delusional dale owes you dinner after that reach-around.
The Cherokee Nation is not an 'All-Men's Golf Club' where the government can step in and demand they must accept women - especially 99.9999999999% White European Women - as members.

Well.... They must have had some very meticulous bigots in town..you know...people who were a thousand times more prejudiced than normal!

And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

You never heard her comments about having high cheekbones.
No, what did she say about her cheekbones?

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.
And freaking psychic, to boot. Pretty sure no one can detect 1/1024th Native American purely by sight.
So? Did she ever claim to look like an Indian?

You never heard her comments about having high cheekbones.
No, what did she say about her cheekbones?

You are such a know-it-all on most topics, why are you so f-ing ignorant of the topic?

Do your own research, dumbass!
I did. That’s why I know you’re crazy since I could find no quotes where she talked about her cheekbones. That’s why you can’t quote her.
She lied. She told on herself.

Why are you defending her?

She is 1/1024th victim, like any typical white chick.

She is a white woman who lied.

Lilly fucking white.
Dumbfuck, you wrongly tried to tell someone that their quote of the test summary was wrong because you didn't want it to be true. Along comes another person who ACTUALLY READ THE TEST RESULTS and corrects you - repeatedly - by pointing out - repeatedly - that the samples weren't what you claim they were. All you do is look like a putz by saying something, and then denying you said it, and then saying it again.

I'd ask if you savvy, but it's painfully obvious you don't understand your ass from your elbow, let alone anything else.

How does your foot taste?? :lmao:

If you manage to pry your size 14 clown feet from your toothless mouth, re-read post #1539 a few dozen more times so that hopefully, reality will get past your impenetrable armor of ignorance.


So, Pocahontas Warren alleges that her great, great, great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee? and the blood tests to check for DNA weren't even that of the Cherokee tribe but an alleged facsimile thereof by testing (snicker) "DNA" samples from Mexico, Peru and Columbia because the Stanford "Professor" wasn't able to use native Cherokee DNA...so he ( BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)"IMPROVISED" and she is .09 to 1.5 (HOLY SHIT! You can't make this up!!!) "NATIVE AMERICAN!!!!!" and so much so that she could "check off" that box from 1986 to 1994 declaring herself a :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: MINORITY!!!!!!!!!! Best case
scenario is that SIX generations ago to TEN generations ago, Pocahontas was the descendant many generations removed from a tryst in a tepee after the smoking of a peace pipe and the great hunt with a squaw??? Or was it a buck and a white woman from back in the mid to late 1700's????

OH WAIT! Pocahontas told the story that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him to marry a woman that had Cherokee blood!!!!!!! Let's do the math, shall we? Pocahontas Warren is 69 years old so she was born roughly around 1949...and her "mother", she of the Cherokee bloodline 5 generations removed was born roughly around 1929? So, please, do tell, how in THE fuck did Pocahontas Warren's father's "blue blood" parents know that his bride to be was of Cherokee blood five FUCKING generations removed??????? There was no ancestry.com back in those days, no internet, not much of a wide reaching scope of intelligence agents (not even Pinkertons did that kind of shit of tracing "Indian" bloodlines...but HOLY shit!!! You swallowed Warren's bullshit story that constantly changed and at the end of the day doesn't even correspond with her wildest tales.....you are such my bitch now and you better mind your Ps & Qs around me going forward, dipshit.

You see? My great grandfather on my dad's side of the family WAS a full blooded Choctaw from the southern region of Mississippi and Alabama. My Paw-Paw was born in 1892 and his dad was born...oh who the fuck knows? They didn't have birth certificates and their way of keeping a calendar wasn't that of the white man. But the bottom line is that I am now part of the protected class, you white, racist piece of shit whose ancestors killed OUR bison and shoved US on reservations and I fucking want reparations and by reparations I don't mean a casino either, ya bastard. AND furthermore, if you don't bow down and humble yourself before me due to my lineage? Then you are a hypocritical sack of shit...I suspect that the P.C lib police will take away your leftard membership card....watch your step, dipshit.


You should start by finding your missing basement, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

Yo should probably take a lap. You got obliterated.
Delusional dale owes you dinner after that reach-around.

STFU, bitch........you got your fucking ass handed to you on a silver platter..... and you best watch that disgusting white mouth of yours.

Are we clear, lil faun????

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