Eloquent Trump: Congrats America. There is No Collusion. The only Collusion was done by Democrats

Snowflakes point to the FBI and what Mueller, McCabe, and Strzok has done....

The IG pointed at the FBI, Mueller, McCabe, & Strzok....and pointed out all the crimes they committed in their pursuit of Trump...McCabe has already been recommended for Indictment.
And I would like to wish you the best of luck in your decision to continue to refuse to accept the 2016 election results
Actually it is Tramp and the Right who refuse to accept the 2016 election results which make Tramp a MINORITY president by LOSING the popular vote by 3 million votes. They refuse to accept the fact that Tramp LOST the popular vote and that his EC win was NOT a "landslide."
Diamond and Silk have not spent 2 years and millions of tax dollars running a witch hunt because they are pissed their Felon to whom they GAVE the party's nomination failed to win the Presidency...again....like Mueller and the Democrats have.
You do know that this is the 1 (ONE) year anniversary of the Mueller investigation.
This is what I said...Slick got impeached for lying about a blow job.

Thank you for continuing to prove you are an IDIOT!

Lewinski and his getting BJ on the WH had no part in his being Impeached.

Bill Clinton became the 1st sitting President to be dragged into court and forced to testify, in a case regarding his sexual harassment of PAULA JONES. It was in that case that he intentionally engaged in deceit - according to the presiding Judge - in an attempt to mislead the Jury. The Judge hammered him for his UNETHICAL / criminal (Contempt of Court) behavior - his attempt to deny a US citizen of her Constitutional right to a fair trial.

Bill Clinton swore an oath of office to protect and defend US citizens' Constitutional Rights, but in this case he intentionally attempted to trample them to save his own ass. For his actions he was stripped / suspended of his license to practice law for a time.

Again, it had nothing to do with Lewinski or his BJ in the WH. The deliberate attempt to engage in deceit, to mislead a jury, to strip a US Citizen of their right to a fair trail, was MUCH more important than a perv adulterer getting a BJ in the WH. Bill violated his oath of office and broke the trust of the American people - their trust in him to protect, not violate, their Constitutional Rights.

Snowflakes, however, don't live in reality and prefer the previous 'fantasy' about how it was all about a BJ, which is a LIE!

Dude, just stop - you're embarrassing yourself.
You do know that this is the 1 (ONE) year anniversary of the Mueller investigation.
And he still has nothing to prove what the investigation was started to attempt to prove. I'm sure he'll find something though. Any day now.
You do know that this is the 1 (ONE) year anniversary of the Mueller investigation.
And he still has nothing to prove what the investigation was started to attempt to prove. I'm sure he'll find something though. Any day now.
You have NO idea what Mueller has or doesn't have because, unlike the White House, Mueller's group does not leak like a sieve.

But Tramp sure is worried about what Mueller MIGHT have!!!!!
Actually it is Tramp and the Right who refuse to accept the 2016 election results which make Tramp a MINORITY president by LOSING the popular vote by 3 million votes. They refuse to accept the fact that Tramp LOST the popular vote and that his EC win was NOT a "landslide."

Dude, you're like a Hippy from the 60s who refuses to leave the 60s behind and join us in 2018.

Hillary LOST an election she never deserved to be in (never won the DNC nomination) and should have been forced / perp-walked out of way before election day.

You haven't even accepted the official method for electing a President - the Electoral College, NOT a 'popularity contest' - let alone the RESULTS of the election! :p

This is part of the reason Hillary lost. Comey defended Hillary breaking laws yet not recommending she be indicted by saying she was TOO STUPID TO KNOW SHE WAS DOING IT. just like that, evidently, Hillary was TOO STUPID TO KNOW Presidents are elected by the Electoral College, not by 'popularity contest'. Maybe if she had been smart enough to know that she might have actually won....BUT SHE DIDN'T.

So you snowflakes bitterly hold on to that hate and cling to the fantasy that FELON Hillary is the rightful President because she won the 'popularity contest' and let me know how that works out. On 2nd thought, I already know...

She LOST....
She blames EVERYONE but herself, to include the Democrats....
And now even the Democrats want her to STFU and go away.

If the election was today she would not even win the 'popularity vote'.
You have NO idea what Mueller has or doesn't have because, unlike the White House, Mueller's group does not leak like a sieve.
I know he doesn't have proof of what the investigation has set out to prove, otherwise there wouldn't be an investigation going. And i can use my eyes to see how the lack of having proof is leading them to try to leverage little charges that have very little or nothing to do to with the investigation's target solely to get people to try to roll over or admit to something they either won't or can't. This is how the legal system works, especially when it's very motivated to take someone down.

I'm no Trump fan, but i can acknowledge reality.
[You have NO idea what Mueller has or doesn't have because, unlike the White House, Mueller's group does not leak like a sieve.

WTF are you talking about? Muller's Counsel has leaked info about the case 25 times already....
-- 25 leaks about the Mueller investigation and the problems they may cause

I know after 2 years Democrats still can not produce evidence of a crime of illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - they can't even produce evidence a crime was committed warranting Mueller's investigation.

I know the DOJ and Mueller have committed Obstruction of justice by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas to hand over documents and any evidence that a crime was committed warranting an investigation as well as evidence connecting Trump illegally to the Russians.
- Dude, there is only 1 reason why you illegally refuse to comply with a Congressional subpoena to produce evidence -- YOU AIN'T GOT ANY!
You have NO idea what Mueller has or doesn't have because, unlike the White House, Mueller's group does not leak like a sieve.
I know he doesn't have proof of what the investigation has set out to prove, otherwise there wouldn't be an investigation going. And i can use my eyes to see how the lack of having proof is leading them to try to leverage little charges that have very little or nothing to do to with the investigation's target solely to get people to try to roll over or admit to something they either won't or can't. This is how the legal system works, especially when it's very motivated to take someone down.

I'm no Trump fan, but i can acknowledge reality.

Winner winner, chicken dinner! Even those who do not support Trump can acknowledge reality....
"Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History...and there is still No Collusion and No Obstruction. The only Collusion was that done by Democrats who were unable to win an Election despite the spending of far more money!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

you were doomed to fail from the start, Mueller. wrap it up, grandpa!

I heard on the news that Mueller told Giuliani that there would be no indictment of the President.

LOL, and you believe that? Giuliani says a lot of things.

Watch and learn retard. Your whole fantasy world is going to come crashing down. Just in time for the 2018 elections.

A red wave is on the horizon and I’m going to love watching you morons drown in it.

Oh I'd believe that too if my only source of news was Fox.

It's amazing to see the results of special election after special election and STILL come to the conclusion that a "red wave" is coming. Truly fascinating that you simply refuse to actually educate yourself on the world around you.

You are just making it more and more fun for me.
"Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History...and there is still No Collusion and No Obstruction. The only Collusion was that done by Democrats who were unable to win an Election despite the spending of far more money!"

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

you were doomed to fail from the start, Mueller. wrap it up, grandpa!
I mean if you just ignore the 19 indictments or guilty pleas thus far then yeah there is NOTHING at all to this whole investigation.

Process crimes which are nothing but entrapment and shpuldnt even be a crime.

Shouldn't be crimes? Interesting.

Where did you receive your law degree from to be able to offer such an interesting insight?

One with common sense and the capacity for rational thought doesn’t need a law degree to see what is right. You lefties are perpetually allowing others to think for you. That’s why you sheep keep getting bitch slapped by reality.

So what about the 19 indictments and guilty pleas do you feel should not be a crime? I can't wait for your expert analysis based upon your "rational thought".

I’m pretty sure you aren’t smart enough to understand, you seem to be suffering from a low level of reading comprehension. But hey, I’m bored and helping the handicapped seems to help, atm.

I was referring to the process crimes which form the bulk of the indictments. It’s too easy to nail someone on a process crime like lying to the FBI. It’s a common entrapment tool used by law enforcement to get people to talk. It didn’t used to be a crime until fairly recently.

Common sense, no degree needed. No charge for the education.
I mean if you just ignore the 19 indictments or guilty pleas thus far then yeah there is NOTHING at all to this whole investigation.

Process crimes which are nothing but entrapment and shpuldnt even be a crime.
Did it ever occur to you that they were allowed to plead guilty to a lesser crime in exchange for their cooperation?
Of course it did, that is why Tramp and the Right are so worried!!!

It’s going to be so sweet watching reality kick your ass again.
Lefties here after reality sets in and thus whole witch hunt crashes down:

[You have NO idea what Mueller has or doesn't have because, unlike the White House, Mueller's group does not leak like a sieve.

WTF are you talking about? Muller's Counsel has leaked info about the case 25 times already....
-- 25 leaks about the Mueller investigation and the problems they may cause
WTF are you LYING about? Most likely all the leaks came from Tramp's whores on the House and Senate committees!!!!
From YOUR own link:
Former federal prosecutor Seth Waxman has seen no evidence that these leaks—often sourced to people familiar with the investigation or briefed on it—have come directly from Mueller or his staff. When Mueller has spoken publicly, it has been through criminal complaints and indictments.

“As a prosecutor, you want as little known about what you’re investigating and what witnesses you’re talking to as possible,” Waxman said.

Any information released to the media could enable witnesses to prepare and rehearse their answers. The fact that many witnesses are also speaking to House and Senate investigators and some of their testimony has become public through them further complicates the effort to control the flow of information.
[You have NO idea what Mueller has or doesn't have because, unlike the White House, Mueller's group does not leak like a sieve.

WTF are you talking about? Muller's Counsel has leaked info about the case 25 times already....
-- 25 leaks about the Mueller investigation and the problems they may cause
WTF are you LYING about? Most likely all the leaks came from Tramp's whores on the House and Senate committees!!!!
From YOUR own link:
Former federal prosecutor Seth Waxman has seen no evidence that these leaks—often sourced to people familiar with the investigation or briefed on it—have come directly from Mueller or his staff. When Mueller has spoken publicly, it has been through criminal complaints and indictments.

“As a prosecutor, you want as little known about what you’re investigating and what witnesses you’re talking to as possible,” Waxman said.

Any information released to the media could enable witnesses to prepare and rehearse their answers. The fact that many witnesses are also speaking to House and Senate investigators and some of their testimony has become public through them further complicates the effort to control the flow of information.
As an FBI Director you want as little information out about a case, usually, as possible...yet it has already been proven - by admission - Comey leaked classified...and McCabe was recommended for Indictment for leaks / lying......

COMEY ADMITTED TO LEAKING.....and McCabe pointed out in his testimony how Comey had perjured himself in his....

Gotta love all those smug Comey book-pushing interviews in which he exposed a lot of stuff...about himself. :p

Nice try.
I mean if you just ignore the 19 indictments or guilty pleas thus far then yeah there is NOTHING at all to this whole investigation.

Process crimes which are nothing but entrapment and shpuldnt even be a crime.

Shouldn't be crimes? Interesting.

Where did you receive your law degree from to be able to offer such an interesting insight?

One with common sense and the capacity for rational thought doesn’t need a law degree to see what is right. You lefties are perpetually allowing others to think for you. That’s why you sheep keep getting bitch slapped by reality.

So what about the 19 indictments and guilty pleas do you feel should not be a crime? I can't wait for your expert analysis based upon your "rational thought".

I’m pretty sure you aren’t smart enough to understand, you seem to be suffering from a low level of reading comprehension. But hey, I’m bored and helping the handicapped seems to help, atm.

I was referring to the process crimes which form the bulk of the indictments. It’s too easy to nail someone on a process crime like lying to the FBI. It’s a common entrapment tool used by law enforcement to get people to talk. It didn’t used to be a crime until fairly recently.

Common sense, no degree needed. No charge for the education.

So what you're saying is you have no clue what the 19 indictments and guilty pleas are actually for. It sure sounds that way.
Process crimes which are nothing but entrapment and shpuldnt even be a crime.

Shouldn't be crimes? Interesting.

Where did you receive your law degree from to be able to offer such an interesting insight?

One with common sense and the capacity for rational thought doesn’t need a law degree to see what is right. You lefties are perpetually allowing others to think for you. That’s why you sheep keep getting bitch slapped by reality.

So what about the 19 indictments and guilty pleas do you feel should not be a crime? I can't wait for your expert analysis based upon your "rational thought".

I’m pretty sure you aren’t smart enough to understand, you seem to be suffering from a low level of reading comprehension. But hey, I’m bored and helping the handicapped seems to help, atm.

I was referring to the process crimes which form the bulk of the indictments. It’s too easy to nail someone on a process crime like lying to the FBI. It’s a common entrapment tool used by law enforcement to get people to talk. It didn’t used to be a crime until fairly recently.

Common sense, no degree needed. No charge for the education.

So what you're saying is you have no clue what the 19 indictments and guilty pleas are actually for. It sure sounds that way.

Yeah I do, but that isn’t what I’m saying is it? It’s not even what you originally asked me. How the holy fuck am I supposed to have an argument with someone so profoundly lacking in reading comprehension skills? It’s just not possible. Sucks to be you. Dismissed.
[You have NO idea what Mueller has or doesn't have because, unlike the White House, Mueller's group does not leak like a sieve.

WTF are you talking about? Muller's Counsel has leaked info about the case 25 times already....
-- 25 leaks about the Mueller investigation and the problems they may cause
WTF are you LYING about? Most likely all the leaks came from Tramp's whores on the House and Senate committees!!!!
From YOUR own link:
Former federal prosecutor Seth Waxman has seen no evidence that these leaks—often sourced to people familiar with the investigation or briefed on it—have come directly from Mueller or his staff. When Mueller has spoken publicly, it has been through criminal complaints and indictments.

“As a prosecutor, you want as little known about what you’re investigating and what witnesses you’re talking to as possible,” Waxman said.

Any information released to the media could enable witnesses to prepare and rehearse their answers. The fact that many witnesses are also speaking to House and Senate investigators and some of their testimony has become public through them further complicates the effort to control the flow of information.
As an FBI Director you want as little information out about a case, usually, as possible...yet it has already been proven - by admission - Comey leaked classified...and McCabe was recommended for Indictment for leaks / lying......

COMEY ADMITTED TO LEAKING.....and McCabe pointed out in his testimony how Comey had perjured himself in his....

Gotta love all those smug Comey book-pushing interviews in which he exposed a lot of stuff...about himself. :p

Nice try.
So you have NO example of Mueller leaking as you try to muddy the waters.
Thank you.

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