Emma Gonzalez Question

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The FBI wanted to have another school shooting, probably not the last either

^How does one take this seriously?

Steps the FBI took after received 37 tips that Cruz was dangerous:

End of list

I think we can all agree the FBI didn't do enough. To claim the FBI was wanting or even not taking action in the hopes that this kid would shoot up a school is moronic and demonstrates how diseased the alt-right have become.

Crisis Actors and retarded conspiracies, this is where the far right is leading you.

I know, it's an awful and ugly opinion of a once great American agency. But what did you exppect when the FBI allowed itself to be used as the SS of the Democrat Party, AND NO ONE STOOD UP TO SAY, "NO!!!"

You're now comparing the FBI to the SS? No response from me needed, you do it to yourself.

Fuck yes. How do you think the SS started?
This is what ridiculous hypocrites you idiot leftists are. You cheer on the indoctrinated children of liberal parents and suddenly for a conservative a new standard develops

Many if not most gun control measures are held by a majority of the country. It's not just a liberal point of view.

Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.


Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

That worked so well with Cruz....didn't it?

It didn't, the background check system is too weak and there is not an adequate way for mental health problems to be included in the check. Also, he purchased the guns while under 21. So, yeah there ya' go.

I seriously doubt anyone who's right to own a gun through due process has been removed has not been included in the background check. Can you prove that's not true?
Many if not most gun control measures are held by a majority of the country. It's not just a liberal point of view.

Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.

Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

You think we're idiots and believe your BS. Judge Stevens just said it our loud, you want to repeal the 2A. Just own up to it!

I don't want to overturn the 2nd as I own a gun and of course I think you guys are idiots.

Had Hillary won, you would have had your 5th gun grabber SCOTUS vote and the 2A would be history and the FBI would never have been outed as the Democrat Party SS.

The SCOTUS can't overturn the 2nd amendment, this is yet another reason why I think you're an idiot.

They can rule that there is no individual right to arms.

Try again

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

"In 2008, the Supreme Court overturned Chief Justice Burger’s and others’ long-settled understanding of the Second Amendment’s limited reach by ruling, in District of Columbia v. Heller, that there was an individual right to bear arms. I was among the four dissenters...."

Yep. That the Bill of Rights aren't individual rights is how corrupt the SCOTUS is
^How does one take this seriously?

Steps the FBI took after received 37 tips that Cruz was dangerous:

End of list

I think we can all agree the FBI didn't do enough. To claim the FBI was wanting or even not taking action in the hopes that this kid would shoot up a school is moronic and demonstrates how diseased the alt-right have become.

Crisis Actors and retarded conspiracies, this is where the far right is leading you.

I know, it's an awful and ugly opinion of a once great American agency. But what did you exppect when the FBI allowed itself to be used as the SS of the Democrat Party, AND NO ONE STOOD UP TO SAY, "NO!!!"

You're now comparing the FBI to the SS? No response from me needed, you do it to yourself.

Fuck yes. How do you think the SS started?

Well they started out not as a government agency and swore allegiance not to a country but to a man.

The FBI didn't.

Many if not most gun control measures are held by a majority of the country. It's not just a liberal point of view.

Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.


Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

That worked so well with Cruz....didn't it?

The FBI wanted to have another school shooting, probably not the last either

^How does one take this seriously?

Yes, I scratch my head on that one, like the one you claimed to be a gun owner which is how you know guns emanate evil and no one should be allowed to own them and they are useless for self defense
Many if not most gun control measures are held by a majority of the country. It's not just a liberal point of view.

Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.


Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

That worked so well with Cruz....didn't it?

It didn't, the background check system is too weak and there is not an adequate way for mental health problems to be included in the check. Also, he purchased the guns while under 21. So, yeah there ya' go.

I seriously doubt anyone who's right to own a gun through due process has been removed has not been included in the background check. Can you prove that's not true?

Odd, did I make that point?
Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.

Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

You think we're idiots and believe your BS. Judge Stevens just said it our loud, you want to repeal the 2A. Just own up to it!

I don't want to overturn the 2nd as I own a gun and of course I think you guys are idiots.

Had Hillary won, you would have had your 5th gun grabber SCOTUS vote and the 2A would be history and the FBI would never have been outed as the Democrat Party SS.

The SCOTUS can't overturn the 2nd amendment, this is yet another reason why I think you're an idiot.

They can rule that there is no individual right to arms.

Try again

That's already been decided, there is precedent to that you have the right to bear arms.

Yes, to you of course bearing arms meaning the gun is at home in a gun safe
Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.


Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

That worked so well with Cruz....didn't it?

It didn't, the background check system is too weak and there is not an adequate way for mental health problems to be included in the check. Also, he purchased the guns while under 21. So, yeah there ya' go.

He was never put into the system,moron, having no record will do that.

Right, it's one of those things about the background check system that needs to be corrected. What is so difficult for you to not understand?

How to you "correct" government incompetence and indifference? Hey, 17 people died at the hands of bureaucratic incompetence, no biggie. We just need to correct that. The problem is we aren't pretending that gun laws will work.
Anyone know when Emma's family fled the Progressive Paradise of Cuba: No guns, universal healthcare, low carbon foot print?

Why wont she hop an inner tube with Hogg and head back to Paradise

Right.... more attacks on the people, and not on the arguments.

Why do you think this is okay? Why do you think that attacking people is a justified tactic of "debating" politics?

You mean like accusing people who weren’t there of murder and having blood on their hands because they disagree with you politically? Which is exactly what Emma and many of these other kids are doing

They're accusing people of something they know they did. How they choose to frame that is up to them.

But then again you're saying "if teenage kids do it, then we can do it too", what does that make you all? Nothing better than a bunch of teenage kids.

Aren't the NRA supposed to be GROWN UPS?

These kids are reacting to something that has happened and impacted their world. Their political knowledge isn't great and they're searching for answers to their problems. You can't necessarily expect them to be totally right.

However what the NRA is doing is spending a lot of money to attack these kids, and they're KIDS. They're at HIGH SCHOOL for fuck's sake, and you lot are going after them like they deserve it.

You're like a mafia, if a small child gets in your way, you get rid of them without battering an eye lid, and on Sunday you're in church pretending to be pious again.
America must reject the tactics, methods, lack of American values and adherence to American traditions being forced on the country by the Trump inspired Trump-American right wing.
Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.

Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

You think we're idiots and believe your BS. Judge Stevens just said it our loud, you want to repeal the 2A. Just own up to it!

I don't want to overturn the 2nd as I own a gun and of course I think you guys are idiots.

Had Hillary won, you would have had your 5th gun grabber SCOTUS vote and the 2A would be history and the FBI would never have been outed as the Democrat Party SS.

The SCOTUS can't overturn the 2nd amendment, this is yet another reason why I think you're an idiot.

They can rule that there is no individual right to arms.

Try again

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

"In 2008, the Supreme Court overturned Chief Justice Burger’s and others’ long-settled understanding of the Second Amendment’s limited reach by ruling, in District of Columbia v. Heller, that there was an individual right to bear arms. I was among the four dissenters...."

Yep. That the Bill of Rights aren't individual rights is how corrupt the SCOTUS is

I see, well we have for better or worse 3 branches of government outlined by our forefathers. What would be a better system Kaz? It appears to me you're willing to take down our democracy rather than institute some common sense gun control measures. Congrats, patriot*.
You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

You think we're idiots and believe your BS. Judge Stevens just said it our loud, you want to repeal the 2A. Just own up to it!

I don't want to overturn the 2nd as I own a gun and of course I think you guys are idiots.

Had Hillary won, you would have had your 5th gun grabber SCOTUS vote and the 2A would be history and the FBI would never have been outed as the Democrat Party SS.

The SCOTUS can't overturn the 2nd amendment, this is yet another reason why I think you're an idiot.

They can rule that there is no individual right to arms.

Try again

That's already been decided, there is precedent to that you have the right to bear arms.

Yes, to you of course bearing arms meaning the gun is at home in a gun safe

Does it? When have I ever said that, Kaz? Put up or shut up ya' lying douche.
You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.


Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

That worked so well with Cruz....didn't it?

It didn't, the background check system is too weak and there is not an adequate way for mental health problems to be included in the check. Also, he purchased the guns while under 21. So, yeah there ya' go.

He was never put into the system,moron, having no record will do that.

Right, it's one of those things about the background check system that needs to be corrected. What is so difficult for you to not understand?

How to you "correct" government incompetence and indifference? Hey, 17 people died at the hands of bureaucratic incompetence, no biggie. We just need to correct that. The problem is we aren't pretending that gun laws will work.

Kaz, what efforts do you think the FBI should have taken that you would agree to? Maybe even you and I can agree on something.
You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.


Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

That worked so well with Cruz....didn't it?

It didn't, the background check system is too weak and there is not an adequate way for mental health problems to be included in the check. Also, he purchased the guns while under 21. So, yeah there ya' go.

He was never put into the system,moron, having no record will do that.

Right, it's one of those things about the background check system that needs to be corrected. What is so difficult for you to not understand?

Be corrected? It would have worked if he'd been put on it. Are you nuts? Oh wait.....

He's disingenuous. Do you notice all these leftist gun owners (sic) never say, "Democrats want to eliminate guns. I don't." They always pretend they don't realize what the Democratic party's true goal is, which is why they are not credible.

I was pissed at the Republicans for not being fiscally conservative. I left the party, I didn't pretend they were

You can’t imagine why we don’t want to give up the weapons we have to protect our families?

Hint: it’s because we love our children and don’t want people who are threatening our lives to take away the one thing stopping them from fulfilling their sick fantasy
This is what ridiculous hypocrites you idiot leftists are. You cheer on the indoctrinated children of liberal parents and suddenly for a conservative a new standard develops

Many if not most gun control measures are held by a majority of the country. It's not just a liberal point of view.

Either you're arguing that the majority of the country wants to ban all guns, which is complete crap, or what exactly you're referring to is completely unclear.

You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.

Please clarify specifically what you are arguing. The majority of the country wants to do what exactly?

Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

You think we're idiots and believe your BS. Judge Stevens just said it our loud, you want to repeal the 2A. Just own up to it!

Had Hillary won, you would have had your 5th gun grabber SCOTUS vote and the 2A would be history and the FBI would never have been outed as the Democrat Party SS.
Is the weather still freezing in Moscow?

You can check in about two minutes when you are discussing Uranium One and you flip to pro-Russian again
That worked so well with Cruz....didn't it?

It didn't, the background check system is too weak and there is not an adequate way for mental health problems to be included in the check. Also, he purchased the guns while under 21. So, yeah there ya' go.

He was never put into the system,moron, having no record will do that.

Right, it's one of those things about the background check system that needs to be corrected. What is so difficult for you to not understand?

Be corrected? It would have worked if he'd been put on it. Are you nuts? Oh wait.....

He's disingenuous. Do you notice all these leftist gun owners (sic) never say, "Democrats want to eliminate guns. I don't." They always pretend they don't realize what the Democratic party's true goal is, which is why they are not credible.

Do some people want to repeal the 2nd? Sure, it's not going to happen but I wouldn't deny there are people there who think that. What's your point? You asked/assumed what my views are and got it wrong.

I was pissed at the Republicans for not being fiscally conservative. I left the party, I didn't pretend they were

But you still voted for them....him.
You guys keep doing this. Someone says 'gun control' and you immediately stroke out and think they are talking about repealing the 2nd amendment.

I'm referring to increased background checks to include ridding ourselves of gun show and private sale loopholes. Banning certain components of guns such as bump stocks and extended clips. Involve mental health professionals more directly into the background check system. Raising the age of purchase to 21, not allowing those who are facing domestic abuse charges to own/purchase guns.

You find a real poll where any of that is unpopular.


Keep idiots and morons who have a documented history of being unable to control themselves from owning guns.

That worked so well with Cruz....didn't it?

The FBI wanted to have another school shooting, probably not the last either

^How does one take this seriously?

Steps the FBI took after received 37 tips that Cruz was dangerous:

End of list

I think we can all agree the FBI didn't do enough. To claim the FBI was wanting or even not taking action in the hopes that this kid would shoot up a school is moronic and demonstrates how diseased the alt-right have become.

Crisis Actors and retarded conspiracies, this is where the far right is leading you.

I agree with you on the FBI. But what's truly moronic and demonstrates how diseased the left has become is that you still want to pretend gun laws will work and when we're getting shot we should call a cop and wait for them to arrive to direct traffic
View attachment 184892

King cited Gonzalez's Cuban heritage as a reason why she should love guns, as Castro removed all weapons from its citizenry. A lie.

Castro never confiscated all guns, and in fact, Cuba had an active citizen militia for many years, especially after the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. GunPolicy.org puts current private gun ownership there at several hundred thousand.

So, another baseless lie that the right often uses to shore up its attacks on its enemies.

Steve King Attacks Emma González With Offensive Meme

It’s offensive to point out that she is wearing the symbol of a brutal violent regime? How?
She is Cuban American. One of her parents, I think. Try going to Little Havana and saying shit about the Cuban flag. Go ahead. Make my day.

You really think they are going to disagree that the Cuban government is beutalyand violent? They did flee for a reason.

Why is it you never see Senator Cruz or Rubio flying a Cuban flag?
Anyone know when Emma's family fled the Progressive Paradise of Cuba: No guns, universal healthcare, low carbon foot print?

Why wont she hop an inner tube with Hogg and head back to Paradise
Can't handle her, huh? Gotta dream her to a foreign country. LOL

I can handle her. I'm just wondering why she's still here when Cuba is everything Progressive dream about
You're not getting rid of us, Frank. We're after your AR's.

Which is why we oppose you. We aren’t giving up our ability to defend ourselves
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