employees are owners bitches

Nah, I would have not hired BS, because I would have recognized him as a business wannabee pirate and looter.

We had to deal with competitors like that from East Texas to Shreveport and Alexandria on to west Florida.

We were always able to bribe disgruntled employees who were happy to help us hack their net works.
Hey I think I should also add a comment in fairness to your position.

My business operations include skilled labor for specific tasks. The employees are hired to complete those tasks. The expectation to improve their processes and my services is within an appropriate scope of those defined duties. It wouldn't do me any good to run off quality employees.

I am also probably dealing with an overall smaller staff ... I have less than 50 employees. Competition in that market is high and there are plenty of employers offering less obligation for similar services.

My operations strictly compete on my ability to keep the products and services at a higher quality than the status quo ... And they are not a product of mass production or bargain shopping.

It certainly would not work in every business model ... And it specifically designed to get what I need out if my employees. They are usually thankful to have opportunity and we grow together. In my business I never made a dime doing what other people do ... And those expectations are the key to the difference that allows me to compete.

In seven years I lost 2 employees (they had issues in life that needed to be addressed) and fired 3 (two were simply unable to fit the structure and one was charged with theft) ... I think it is a pretty good record.

Why don't you cross-train to maximize your employee assets?
Hey I think I should also add a comment in fairness to your position.

My business operations include skilled labor for specific tasks. The employees are hired to complete those tasks. The expectation to improve their processes and my services is within an appropriate scope of those defined duties. It wouldn't do me any good to run off quality employees.

I am also probably dealing with an overall smaller staff ... I have less than 50 employees. Competition in that market is high and there are plenty of employers offering less obligation for similar services.

My operations strictly compete on my ability to keep the products and services at a higher quality than the status quo ... And they are not a product of mass production or bargain shopping.

It certainly would not work in every business model ... And it is specifically designed to get what I need out if my employees. They are usually thankful to have opportunity and we grow together. In my business I never made a dime doing what other people do ... And those expectations are the key to the difference that allows me to compete.

In seven years I lost 2 employees (they had issues in life that needed to be addressed) and fired 3 (two were simply unable to fit the structure and one was charged with theft) ... I think it is a pretty good record.

BlsckSand, honestly it sounds like you run a great company. The sort of place that I would have loved to have worked 20 years ago when I got out of college with an Assoc. of Science in CAD. Unfortunately, three different employers in three different businesses (Structural Engineering, Commercial Architecture, and now Utility Engineering) have taught me that for the most part doing anything more than necessary is a dumb idea because it will not come back to you in a positive way. I've been taught that I'm a commodity, to be used, abused, and thrown away when/if I try to buck the system at all. I've learned not to trust a damn thing that isn't in writing and signed by all necessary parties and their legal teams.

Hell, I'm going to likely have an arguement with my boss tomorrow over travel time while sending us to regional offices for storm work.... something that's an agreed upon practice and has been for 30+ years. Why? Because it's not in his best interest to pay any more time than he has to; even though he's sending us to these locations to cover HIS butt.
Hey I think I should also add a comment in fairness to your position.

My business operations include skilled labor for specific tasks. The employees are hired to complete those tasks. The expectation to improve their processes and my services is within an appropriate scope of those defined duties. It wouldn't do me any good to run off quality employees.

I am also probably dealing with an overall smaller staff ... I have less than 50 employees. Competition in that market is high and there are plenty of employers offering less obligation for similar services.

My operations strictly compete on my ability to keep the products and services at a higher quality than the status quo ... And they are not a product of mass production or bargain shopping.

It certainly would not work in every business model ... And it specifically designed to get what I need out if my employees. They are usually thankful to have opportunity and we grow together. In my business I never made a dime doing what other people do ... And those expectations are the key to the difference that allows me to compete.

In seven years I lost 2 employees (they had issues in life that needed to be addressed) and fired 3 (two were simply unable to fit the structure and one was charged with theft) ... I think it is a pretty good record.

Why don't you cross-train to maximize your employee assets?

Most of the highly skilled positions require certification in specific areas of operations. I am small enough that those tasks are defined by education, experience, certification or license and more career oriented.

I offer training to employees that want advance from one position to the next ... But the nature of the work does not involve cross tasking.

Example ... The Chemist is responsible for his part of the operation and the Quality Control Supervisor that checks his work is accountable to me and not the Chemist for obvious reasons. In other parts of my operations, the Captains are in charge of the boats and crews ... While the Master Divers are in charge of the dive.

Crew members, lab techs, quality techs and agricultural hands can all advance in position ... But only under supervision of the existing structure. While they are conducting their required duties, it is necessary they fall under the strict command of that structure and in some cases for legal reasons.

You ought to see what happens when a crew hand tells a boat Captain what to do.

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BlsckSand, honestly it sounds like you run a great company. The sort of place that I would have loved to have worked 20 years ago when I got out of college with an Assoc. of Science in CAD. Unfortunately, three different employers in three different businesses (Structural Engineering, Commercial Architecture, and now Utility Engineering) have taught me that for the most part doing anything more than necessary is a dumb idea because it will not come back to you in a positive way. I've been taught that I'm a commodity, to be used, abused, and thrown away when/if I try to buck the system at all. I've learned not to trust a damn thing that isn't in writing and signed by all necessary parties and their legal teams.

Hell, I'm going to likely have an arguement with my boss tomorrow over travel time while sending us to regional offices for storm work.... something that's an agreed upon practice and has been for 30+ years. Why? Because it's not in his best interest to pay any more time than he has to; even though he's sending us to these locations to cover HIS butt.

All I can say is that I am sorry that has been your experience.

I also have no delusions that corporations and companies don't always work in the best interests of their employees or even their customers/clients. Those businesses screwing everyone over is what helps me compete.

I just never take a "save the world" stance ... And find it more productive to advance whatever I touch or have control over.

Those businesses screwing everyone over is what helps me compete.

the pure beauty of capitalism is that the less you please your employees and customers the more likely you are to go bankrupt.

Socialism has no such constraints which is why 120 million human beings slowly starved to death in the USSR and Red China.
Nah, I would have not hired BS, because I would have recognized him as a business wannabee pirate and looter.

We had to deal with competitors like that from East Texas to Shreveport and Alexandria on to west Florida.

We were always able to bribe disgruntled employees who were happy to help us hack their net works.

Lolz ... You couldn't hack the front door with a key.

People like you who run around playing games with your business and employee's lives with reckless disregard towards your actual abilities to do something right over the desire to spite others crack me up. It is why you will always be sucking dust, complaining about other people and fixing messes you find yourself in.

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I just never take a "save the world" stance ..

why not??? what could be more godly than creating a business to give people jobs and better new products.

Capitalism is Godly- remember Max Weber's "Capitalism and the Protestant Work Ethic
I just never take a "save the world" stance ..

why not??? what could be more godly than creating a business to give people jobs and better new products.

Capitalism is Godly- remember Max Weber's "Capitalism and the Protestant Work Ethic

Well ... The God I respect isn't interested in material wealth ... And walking with God influences what I do where I am at ... Not what I want others to do.

If God is telling you to save the world ... Knock yourself out and don't worry about me ... I don't need saving.

too stupid of course since people need material wealth so as to not slowly starve to death.

I have never let anyone I have come across starve. Expecting me to feed everyone on the face of the Earth is what is truly stupid..

I have no idea what any of that has to with the topic though.

I just never take a "save the world" stance ... And find it more productive to advance whatever I touch or have control over.

I'm not looking to save the world. Honestly, I couldn't care any less about the world. I'm interested in making sure I can put a roof over my family's heads, food on our table and clothes on our backs. I have seen what it takes in these companies to "get ahead" and what is expected once you've gotten there. I have no interest in back-stabbing fellow employees, lying, cheating, and knowingly doing the wrong things to get ahead. I don't have enough Political Correcness in my entire body to be a Supervisor or Manager (nor do I have the organizational skills). I just want to do my job, put in my time, and go home to my wife at the end of the day. As an employee of a utility company, I already get to go into work on days when everyone else gets to stay home warm and dry in their houses. I'm already doing more than most people do.
.. The God I respect isn't interested in material wealth ...


too stupid of course since people need material wealth so as to not slowly starve to death.

I disagree, having the means to meet your dietary needs is different than material wealth. My material wealth buys me an XBOX One ( I cannot wait for Christmas :D). I go to school or train to develop the skills I need to buy food or I would need to farm or hunt with tools to get the food I need, that is a matter of survival not material wealth.

Luckily I have a great boss that is smart enough to keep the company going.
I'm not looking to save the world. Honestly, I couldn't care any less about the world. I'm interested in making sure I can put a roof over my family's heads, food on our table and clothes on our backs. I have seen what it takes in these companies to "get ahead" and what is expected once you've gotten there. I have no interest in back-stabbing fellow employees, lying, cheating, and knowingly doing the wrong things to get ahead. I don't have enough Political Correcness in my entire body to be a Supervisor or Manager (nor do I have the organizational skills). I just want to do my job, put in my time, and go home to my wife at the end of the day. As an employee of a utility company, I already get to go into work on days when everyone else gets to stay home warm and dry in their houses. I'm already doing more than most people do.

I agree and understand exactly what you are saying about management and their difficulties in being politically correct and compliant with associated corporate or business policies. The workplace has been converted into an extension of social policy because employers are held to standards inconsistent with compliance ... And managers spend more time managing personnel than they do improving conditions.

A lot of businesses cannot escape their worn out policies and the desire to cheat their employees or fudge in their production procedures to cut cost. Honestly ... My first job after the military and while in college ... Was working for a trademarking agency. My job was busting manufacturing facilities that were cheating and failed to meet the trademarking requirements.

My only point in commenting on the fact I don't have a "save the world" approach ... Is that I have learned that no matter what requirements and laws are enacted ... And no matter the diligence an employee can express towards their security ... Some businesses will always find a way to cheat. I also understand they maintain their ability to cheat through employees who know the business is cheating and enable the process.

I simply want to impress upon people that cheating is not a requirement ... And there are businesses that don't cheat. Perhaps your views towards employment would be different if you had been able to find a company that was more interested in providing an honest product or service at a higher quality standard.

In no way does that mean I want to make sure every business or employee follows standards we cannot force them to follow ... Just to further define the practices of companies that are not cheating and already meet a higher standard. Fix what is broken and leave the people doing it right alone. Don't assume that everyone should follow certain business practices to ensure higher quality and better conditions for employees. I don't want to be like the other guy ... I want to be better.

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I'm not looking to save the world. Honestly, I couldn't care any less about the world. I'm interested in making sure I can put a roof over my family's heads, food on our table and clothes on our backs. I have seen what it takes in these companies to "get ahead" and what is expected once you've gotten there. I have no interest in back-stabbing fellow employees, lying, cheating, and knowingly doing the wrong things to get ahead. I don't have enough Political Correcness in my entire body to be a Supervisor or Manager (nor do I have the organizational skills). I just want to do my job, put in my time, and go home to my wife at the end of the day. As an employee of a utility company, I already get to go into work on days when everyone else gets to stay home warm and dry in their houses. I'm already doing more than most people do.

I agree and understand exactly what you are saying about management and their difficulties in being politically correct and compliant with associated corporate or business policies. The workplace has been converted into an extension of social policy because employers are held to standards inconsistent with compliance ... And managers spend more time managing personnel than they do improving conditions.

A lot of businesses cannot escape their worn out policies and the desire to cheat their employees or fudge in their production procedures to cut cost. Honestly ... My first job after the military and while in college ... Was working for a trademarking agency. My job was busting manufacturing facilities that were cheating and failed to meet the trademarking requirements.

My only point in commenting on the fact I don't have a "save the world" approach ... Is that I have learned that no matter what requirements and laws are enacted ... And no matter the diligence an employee can express towards their security ... Some businesses will always find a way to cheat. I also understand they maintain their ability to cheat through employees who know the business is cheating and enable the process.

I simply want to impress upon people that cheating is not a requirement ... And there are businesses that don't cheat. Perhaps your views towards employment would be different if you had been able to find a company that was more interested in providing an honest product or service at a higher quality standard.

In no way does that mean I want to make sure every business or employee follows standards we cannot force them to follow ... Just to further define the practices of companies that are not cheating and already meet a higher standard. Fix what is broken and leave the people doing it right alone. Don't assume that everyone should follow certain business practices to ensure higher quality and better conditions for employees. I don't want to be like the other guy ... I want to be better.


It sounds like you use a "Best Practices" methodology in your business, one that you came up with.
It sounds like you use a "Best Practices" methodology in your business, one that you came up with.

Well ... Even though I am the owner, I am also a Six-Sigma Black Belt (means I am a certified quality expert in regards to manufacturing ... not a ninja), and portions of my operations are covered under FDA GMP (good manufacturing practices) requirements.

As mentioned I started in Quality while in college ... And my first stand alone business was as a Quality Consultant. We assisted corporations interested in figuring out how to improve product quality and employee conditions ... And tied the overall cost of improvements to the savings they would recognize as a result of those improvements.

That in turn allowed me to stumble across the idea I could take my skills in Quality ... Walk right in and slice the top off of some markets wrought with corruption and malicious malfeasance ... Through providing a superior product that met much higher standards ... And charged the shit out my clients/customers.

Go big ... Make better ... Follow-Up and Follow-Through ... Continuous Improvement ... Leave the sorry motherfuckers behind.

That is my business plan!

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It sounds like you use a "Best Practices" methodology in your business, one that you came up with.

Well ... Even though I am the owner, I am also a Six-Sigma Black Belt (means I am a certified quality expert in regards to manufacturing ... not a ninja), and portions of my operations are covered under FDA GMP (good manufacturing practices) requirements.

As mentioned I started in Quality while in college ... And my first stand alone business was as a Quality Consultant. We assisted corporations interested in figuring out how to improve product quality and employee conditions ... And tied the overall cost of improvements to the savings they would recognize as a result of those improvements.

That in turn allowed me to stumble across the idea I could take my skills in Quality ... Walk right in and slice the top off of some markets wrought with corruption and malicious malfeasance ... Through providing a superior product that met much higher standards ... And charged the shit out my clients/customers.

Go big ... Make better ... Follow-Up and Follow-Through ... Continuous Improvement ... Leave the sorry motherfuckers behind.

That is my business plan!


You sound like a business owner who knows her stuff and will succeed under any conditions. I think your employees are lucky to have you.
You sound like a business owner who knows her stuff and will succeed under any conditions. I think your employees are lucky to have you.

I just want to express I am fully aware that some businesses and the corporate environment have deeply entrenched poor business practices. Screw it ... I got started in business fixing some of those problems in corporations who were honestly interested in making conditions better.

I just get sick and tired of people who constantly bash businesses or corporations ... And think their opinion applies to everyone in business. There are some truly outstanding businesses and corporations that pay their employees appropriately, ensure their products meet the applicable standard and have an aggressive stance towards added consumer value.

Attitude is how you change any corporate environment ... Integrity over easy is how you surpass the built-in handicapped corruption. There are just as many good corporations out there as bad ... Although some of them have not reached their best yet. We need new people who take stand to ensure their work is appropriate at every level of the business ... And someone who just shows up and does what they are told will never accomplish that (unless the person telling them gets it right).

You got lucky ... Or took the time to search out a good company to work for. I figure it is still about a 50/50 chance an employee will end up in a decent company interested in doing things right.

You have to excuse me when I ramble on ... I get excited talking about quality products and services. I also hate it when people are stuck talking about how things don't work or what we cannot expect to accomplish. People need to start thinking about what they can do to make it happen. Those are the people I am interested in ... They are going somewhere.

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