Employer Coverage Booming Under ACA


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
oops.... there goes another fear tactic lost for the 2014 midterms...

looks like the right may actually have to figure out what they want instead of what they hate

oh wait....

that won't happen.

never mind.

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds
April 8 at 2:51 pm

While the political world has spent the past several months watching enrollment numbers in Obamacare health insurance marketplaces, maybe we should have been focusing on employer-sponsored insurance.
A new survey from Rand Corp. estimates 9.3 million people were newly insured between September 2013 and March 2014, a trend that was mostly driven by an enrollment increase in employer-sponsored plans.
The growing market for employer-sponsored insurance is still the nation's most common source of coverage. The survey, which comes with some caveats, finds that of the previously uninsured who gained new coverage, 7.2 million were covered by employer plans, 3.6 million were covered by Medicaid and 1.4 million signed up through the Obamacare exchanges. In all, employer coverage increased by 8.2 million since September, Rand said.
Fewer than 1 million people who previously had individual coverage are still uninsured, Rand found. What’s not clear is how many had their plans cancelled or decided their coverage was unaffordable. In all, people who lost previous coverage in the individual market made up less than 1 percent of nonelderly adults, Rand said.

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds
oops.... there goes another fear tactic lost for the 2014 midterms...

looks like the right may actually have to figure out what they want instead of what they hate

oh wait....

that won't happen.

never mind.

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds
April 8 at 2:51 pm

While the political world has spent the past several months watching enrollment numbers in Obamacare health insurance marketplaces, maybe we should have been focusing on employer-sponsored insurance.
A new survey from Rand Corp. estimates 9.3 million people were newly insured between September 2013 and March 2014, a trend that was mostly driven by an enrollment increase in employer-sponsored plans.
The growing market for employer-sponsored insurance is still the nation's most common source of coverage. The survey, which comes with some caveats, finds that of the previously uninsured who gained new coverage, 7.2 million were covered by employer plans, 3.6 million were covered by Medicaid and 1.4 million signed up through the Obamacare exchanges. In all, employer coverage increased by 8.2 million since September, Rand said.
Fewer than 1 million people who previously had individual coverage are still uninsured, Rand found. What’s not clear is how many had their plans cancelled or decided their coverage was unaffordable. In all, people who lost previous coverage in the individual market made up less than 1 percent of nonelderly adults, Rand said.

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds

Holy Cow! The GOP is going to have to find another battering ram to slam the Dems with. The ACA is even having indirect positive influence on employee coverage. No one saw that coming! Certainly not the GOP Doomsday Predictors.
This thread is funny. People who are enrolling in ESI aren't enrolling in Obamacare. You're trying to attribute things like ESI and Medicaid to the ACA, in a desperate attempt to hail the law as a success. This liberal sniveling turns my stomach. Just accept this law fell flat on it's face from the beginning.

Repeat after me: Enrollments in Medicaid and ESI have nothing to do with Obamacare.
Oh by the way, all those new ESI enrollees may soon be kicked off of their coverage when the employer mandate hits. So, how will the ACA have any "positive impact" then, exactly?

The ACA is a ridiculous pig of a law that only could have been belched out by a political party; a law that maintains this massive monkey on the back of business (health care coverage should not be their problem or responsibility in an intense, increasingly competitive global business environment); a law that maintains our absolutely insane "system" of FIVE (5) different payment protocols (individual/group, VA, Medicaid, Medicare, indigent); not to mention the bizarre IRS ties.

It also absolutely must work. The GOP did nothing when they had the chance to offer a clear and comprehensive idea, choosing instead to allow the Democrats to push this thing through by the barest of margins. And they won't be able to repeal it -- it's too far entrenched anyway -- so now all they can do is look even worse. Now it will have to be "tweaked" and "fixed" here and there for eternity. They listened to the Limbaughs and the Hannitys who told them they didn't need to offer an alternative. So, tough shit, too late, you asked for it.

Just another bureaucratic wealth distribution monster, courtesy of our "leaders".

Jillian, here is another article on the boom in Employer coverage.

Watch: Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds - Headnine Business News

A good indirect results of the ACA.


i find it amusing to watch the rightwingnuts rant and rave.

of course, they could always improve on things...

but why would they?

it would deflect from the constant obama derangement.

do you think at some point they'll figure it only works on loons who think like they do?
Guess we'll just wait and see how many emplyers kick benefits to the curb and dump their employees into Obamacare.

Once folks get a look at those high deductables I doubt they will be pleased.

When they get a look at how their taxdollars will be subsidizing all those who can't take care of themselves I doubt they will be pleased.

This is one pig of a bill that never should have been passed. Another huge entitlement strapped around the necks of the taxpayers.

Yup. Barry's signature legislation. What a fucking pig.
You guys do realize that employer sponsored plans is NOT Obamacare...right?
So how you guys attribute this to Obamacare is really pretty funny.
Jillian, here is another article on the boom in Employer coverage.

Watch: Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds - Headnine Business News

A good indirect results of the ACA.


i find it amusing to watch the rightwingnuts rant and rave.

of course, they could always improve on things...

but why would they?

it would deflect from the constant obama derangement.

do you think at some point they'll figure it only works on loons who think like they do?

Funny how you just negged me for trolling, then go on an epic troll yourself. Is this how liberals argue?
Ah yes, and another fact of life:

Only 1.4 million previously uninsured people actually signed up for the exchanges. Meaning that 5.7 out of the 7.1 million who "signed up" did so because their previous plan had been cancelled.
lol, propaganda coming at us fast and furious now

We'd get more truth from Pravda than the WashingtonCompost and anyone not a cult follower of Obama
Okay, time to school me.

Is there a form of insurance called Obamacare? I thought it was just a law, with the exchange essentially acting as a conduit for insurance companies.

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