Employer Coverage Booming Under ACA

LL do you even care that Obama went on National Television and said that 7.1 MILLION had signed up through the Exchanges but the truth is that only 3.9 did?

Do you even care?
(smile) Sorry kid, they delayed the Employer Mandate for at least another year, hence the surge in ESI plans....you need to try and keep up.

Those people were already enrolled in those grandfathered plans. You are sounding less like a professional these days.

LOL...at least you are consistently uniformed.

Even a rat learns LL...but I'll be happy to continue bitch slapping you for your ignorance.

Someone was cruel to you as a youngster. They told you that words mean the opposite of what they mean to the rest of us. "Bitch slap" does NOT mean "to tickle one's balls" and "ignorance" does NOT mean "common sense"

Try harder, gramps.
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LL do you even care that Obama went on National Television and said that 7.1 MILLION had signed up through the Exchanges but the truth is that only 3.9 did?

Do you even care?

You do not know the truth, gramps. The numbers that the administration used are verifiable.

Didn't you say earlier in this thread that only 1.4 million signed up on the exchanges?
Those people were already enrolled in those grandfathered plans. You are sounding less like a professional these days.

LOL...at least you are consistently uniformed.

Even a rat learns LL...but I'll be happy to continue bitch slapping you for your ignorance.

Someone was cruel to you as a youngster. They told you that words mean the opposite of what they mean to the rest of us. "Bitch slap" does NOT mean "to tickle one's balls" and "ignorance" does NOT mean "common sense"

Try harder, gramps.


Nay argument. Try harder, LL.
Oh by the way, all those new ESI enrollees may soon be kicked off of their coverage when the employer mandate hits. So, how will the ACA have any "positive impact" then, exactly?

This makes no sense at all.

Employers that already offer plans are going to drop the plans once they're mandated to offer the plans?
LOL...at least you are consistently uniformed.

Even a rat learns LL...but I'll be happy to continue bitch slapping you for your ignorance.

Someone was cruel to you as a youngster. They told you that words mean the opposite of what they mean to the rest of us. "Bitch slap" does NOT mean "to tickle one's balls" and "ignorance" does NOT mean "common sense"

Try harder, gramps.


Nay argument. Try harder, LL.

Nay? Nay argument? Does that mean something?
Oh by the way, all those new ESI enrollees may soon be kicked off of their coverage when the employer mandate hits. So, how will the ACA have any "positive impact" then, exactly?

This makes no sense at all.

Employers that already offer plans are going to drop the plans once they're mandated to offer the plans?

Of course they will! Isn't it obvious?
Obamacare is not just the exchange, folks. All types of health insurance have been reformed by the law. That is why you will soon be calling it The Affordable Care Act.

I will always call it Obamacare in honor of the President who risked his political career on it
Ah yes, and another fact of life:

Only 1.4 million previously uninsured people actually signed up for the exchanges. Meaning that 5.7 out of the 7.1 million who "signed up" did so because their previous plan had been cancelled.

That's not true.

My familys previous plan was discontinued.

Did we sign up for the ACA on its website as a result?

No, we went with the new plan the same employer and same company offered.

Get a new schtick. There's plenty wrong with the law. People who "lost their plan" were offered new plans from the same damn companies, which met the new guidelines.

Every person who lost their plan was not forced over to a plan from the website.
Jillian, here is another article on the boom in Employer coverage.

Watch: Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds - Headnine Business News

A good indirect results of the ACA.


i find it amusing to watch the rightwingnuts rant and rave.

of course, they could always improve on things...

but why would they?

it would deflect from the constant obama derangement.

do you think at some point they'll figure it only works on loons who think like they do?

Funny how you just negged me for trolling, then go on an epic troll yourself. Is this how liberals argue?

that's because you *are* a troll.


information from the Washington post is NEWS....

your disagreement only makes it more valuable. unfortunately, mentally deranged rightwingnut bots like you don't get that.

now run along... rush limbot must be popping an oxycontin somewhere.....
Ah yes, and another fact of life:

Only 1.4 million previously uninsured people actually signed up for the exchanges. Meaning that 5.7 out of the 7.1 million who "signed up" did so because their previous plan had been cancelled.

That's not true.

My familys previous plan was discontinued.

Did we sign up for the ACA on its website as a result?

No, we went with the new plan the same employer and same company offered.

Get a new schtick. There's plenty wrong with the law. People who "lost their plan" were offered new plans from the same damn companies, which met the new guidelines.

Every person who lost their plan was not forced over to a plan from the website.

of course there are things wrong with the law. there are things wrong with lots of laws (no child left behind comes to mind). but the wingnut bots in the bubble aren't interested in addressing real issues.

they'd rather lie....

because Obama derangement syndrome is just so much sweeter when you can make any claim you want without regard to reality and simply rant and rave incessantly.
oops.... there goes another fear tactic lost for the 2014 midterms...

looks like the right may actually have to figure out what they want instead of what they hate

oh wait....

that won't happen.

never mind.

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds
April 8 at 2:51 pm

While the political world has spent the past several months watching enrollment numbers in Obamacare health insurance marketplaces, maybe we should have been focusing on employer-sponsored insurance.
A new survey from Rand Corp. estimates 9.3 million people were newly insured between September 2013 and March 2014, a trend that was mostly driven by an enrollment increase in employer-sponsored plans.
The growing market for employer-sponsored insurance is still the nation's most common source of coverage. The survey, which comes with some caveats, finds that of the previously uninsured who gained new coverage, 7.2 million were covered by employer plans, 3.6 million were covered by Medicaid and 1.4 million signed up through the Obamacare exchanges. In all, employer coverage increased by 8.2 million since September, Rand said.
Fewer than 1 million people who previously had individual coverage are still uninsured, Rand found. What’s not clear is how many had their plans cancelled or decided their coverage was unaffordable. In all, people who lost previous coverage in the individual market made up less than 1 percent of nonelderly adults, Rand said.

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds

depends on what is cheaper for the employer

1 keeping the insurance for the employee that obamacare has waivered for the time being

2 dropping the employee insurance and paying the fine

3 trading insurances for the employee from low deductible low out of pocket

to obamacare plans with high deductibles and high co pays
No one said that this was the ACA. The article and we are saying that the increased enrollment is an indirect effect of the ACA. In a couple years when a lot of us retire, some of us will probably be comparing the rates and benefits of continued employer covered insurance and the ACA. Competition is always a good thing, right?
it would be a direct effect

since certain employers did not get an exception to the mandate to provide insurance

they are not willingly doing so but rather by force under law

if the article is even true
I'll bet you actually believe that 7 million people signed up for obamacare.
Anyone thinking that Washington Post is a "news" source should not be taken seriously.

As it continues to show just like MSNBC, NYTimes, LATimes, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, etc. they all DNC/far left hacks.
The naysayers are becoming desperate as Obamacare becomes more popular. I expect that the GOP is already developing another attack plan. Who knows, in a few years they may even be claiming credit for Obamacare. The best thing the GOP can hope for is that voters have s short memory. You now, that they don't remember all the lies. "Let Grandma die" and "Death Panels. are two that come to mind.

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