Employment Report

FAIL! 96,000 jobs created. 125,000 expected.

Explain why American corporations have set record profit growth, and we're still being fucked. Make your argument.

Advances in (robotic)machine technology?

Less legal Americans being hired. Replaced with either illegals or offshored to China???

Corperate tax needs to be reduced as that's like a chain around our throats.
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I was 3 years old in 1981 and don't pretend to know everything. Would love to hear your opinion about what you brought up and how that relates to what I said.

It was the brainchild of Jack Kemp and was pushed through by Reagan. it very substantially reduced tax rates across the board and helped stimulate a very strong economic recovery leading to greater tax revenues.

This was not a new idea, by the way: under JFK a democratic administration stimulated the economy in the same way.

So you're in favor of reducing tax rates across the board? What about the whole notion that "47% of Americans don't pay taxes". Wouldn't an across the board tax decrease only increase that number of people "not paying taxes"?

I am not suggesting a carbon copy of the policies of 1981. No two era's are exactly the same and different situations call for different measures. But a radical simplification of the tax code, coupled with substantial overall tax reduction, substantial reductions in certain government expenditures, and other business friendly measures can have a substantial benificial effect on the economy and employment.
I was 3 years old in 1981 and don't pretend to know everything. Would love to hear your opinion about what you brought up and how that relates to what I said.

It was the brainchild of Jack Kemp and was pushed through by Reagan. it very substantially reduced tax rates across the board and helped stimulate a very strong economic recovery leading to greater tax revenues.

This was not a new idea, by the way: under JFK a democratic administration stimulated the economy in the same way.

So you're in favor of reducing tax rates across the board? What about the whole notion that "47% of Americans don't pay taxes". Wouldn't an across the board tax decrease only increase that number of people "not paying taxes"?

People complain about a 15% capital gains tax, the deductions the 'rich' get for certain things... make it simple.. 20% across the board with zero exception and zero deduction..... but then, I would expect, that ones like you would scream for the lowering of the rate to that of the capital gains that you complain about now... and I also bet you would be more receptive to government spending cuts in areas the government is not empowered to be operating in
8.1 is better then 8.3 so it is what it is , getting better . Piss & moan all you want facts are

facts .

Yes facts are facts and the fact is the number of people who have given up looking for work increased and they are not counted in the unemployment figures which is why the number went from 8.3 to 8.1 that is one way to get the unemployment number down but not one I would recommend.
8.1 is better then 8.3 so it is what it is , getting better . Piss & moan all you want facts are

facts .

Yes facts are facts and the fact is the number of people who have given up looking for work increased and they are not counted in the unemployment figures which is why the number went from 8.3 to 8.1 that is one way to get the unemployment number down but not one I would recommend.

They could jail everyone on the unemployment rolls and we could have zero unemployment. Another Obama success!
FAIL! 96,000 jobs created. 125,000 expected.

Explain why American corporations have set record profit growth, and we're still being fucked. Make your argument.

Explain the details about job creation in Obama's acceptance speech. I even gave you a link in the other post.

Go on, Dickless... we're waiting for your brilliant and thoughtful analysis of the details of Obama's jobs plan, as stated in his speech. :rofl:
The rate drops to 8.1% and the left call it a victory since people have given up all "Hope" to find a job. Let's see how many from the left will be dancing over this great news of the unemployment rate dropping to 8.1%.

Is this a joke or a nightmare?

If its a joke, where's the punch line. If its a nightmare, when will I wake up?
The number of discouraged workers is published by the BLS in the same report being cited in this thread, so there is no excuse for you lying about it!

Employment Situation Summary

Among the marginally attached, there were 844,000 discouraged workers in August, a
decline of 133,000 from a year earlier.
We can't compete against China and pay our workers the way they want. WE live in a global economy.

Having one of the highest corporate taxes makes it only worse.

Sadly, you can't expect people trying to get rich to not offshore or to hire American.
FAIL! 96,000 jobs created. 125,000 expected.

Explain why American corporations have set record profit growth, and we're still being fucked. Make your argument.

What do you mean you're being fucked? Exactly. Please describe.

Why don't you explain how American corporations are showing record profits, and we still have such a high unemployment rate? I'd really love to hear your economic knowledge.
The unemployment rate dropped because people dropped out of the work force. Obama is fucking our country up.
Does "Matthew" or anyone else remember representatives from the Bush Administration ever mentioning the problem of people dropping out of the work force when the job figures came out on their watch?

Enough said!
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The unemployment rate dropped because people dropped out of the work force. Obama is fucking our country up.
Does "Matthew" or anyone else remember the representatives from the Bush Administration ever mention the problem of people dropping out of the work force when the job figures came out on their watch?

Enough said!

You do know the unemployment rate during EVERY SINGLE month of the presidency of George W. Bush was LOWER than during EVERY SINGLE month of the Obama presidency, do you?
We can't compete against China and pay our workers the way they want. WE live in a global economy.

Having one of the highest corporate taxes makes it only worse.

Sadly, you can't expect people trying to get rich to not offshore or to hire American.

Yet, Romney's private sector experience shows he'd like to replace the middle class with minimum wage earners. It might be good for Romney, but it sucks for America.
Explain why American corporations have set record profit growth, and we're still being fucked. Make your argument.

What do you mean you're being fucked? Exactly. Please describe.

Why don't you explain how American corporations are showing record profits, and we still have such a high unemployment rate? I'd really love to hear your economic knowledge.

how are you being fucked? exactly? give details.
Everyone knows the unemployment numbers will drop dramatically as soon as we increase tax breaks for the rich and cut out safety nets for the poor and middle class. Only idiots can't see this!!

This isn't about republicans, this is about Obama and his failed time as president of the United States.

Please explain how 368,000 people leaving the workforce in August is the republicans fault.

Please explain how for every one person who finds a job, four people are leaving the workforce because they are too discouraged is the republicans fault

Please explain how 25 M Americans out of work is the republicans fault.

This is purely about Obama. Not Romney/Ryan, but Obama.

Who said this was the republicans fault? My point, which you are clearly missing, is what alternative plan would have fixed this situation faster? A plan that involves further tax breaks for the rich? A plan that cuts out safety nets for the middle class? You may not be happy with the results under Obama, fine. But tell me what the better plan is and how it would decrease the unemployment rate faster.

Apparently 0bama's plan failed...
We can't compete against China and pay our workers the way they want. WE live in a global economy.

Having one of the highest corporate taxes makes it only worse.

Sadly, you can't expect people trying to get rich to not offshore or to hire American.

Yet, Romney's private sector experience shows he'd like to replace middle class with minimum wage earners. It might be good for Romney, but it sucks for America.

Much better to have everybody on unemployment and food stamps, right?
8.1 is better then 8.3 so it is what it is , getting better . Piss & moan all you want facts are

facts .

Yes facts are facts and the fact is the number of people who have given up looking for work increased and they are not counted in the unemployment figures which is why the number went from 8.3 to 8.1 that is one way to get the unemployment number down but not one I would recommend.
Whenever a CON$ervoFascist says something is a "fact" you can be absolutely sure it is not a fact.

The number of discouraged workers DECLINED from 852,000 in July to 844,000 in August.
According to James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute, the unemployment rate would be 11.4 per cent if the labour force participation rate had remained what it was when Obama took office in January 2009.

President Barack Obama was made aware of the figures before he took the stage to deliver his prime-time address at the Democratic convention on Thursday night, which could account for his sometimes grim demeanour as he spoke.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-tells-DNC-problems-solved.html#ixzz25nFSicee
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