Employment Report

how are you being fucked? exactly? give details.

I've already given them, shit fuck. American corporations have set record profits under Obama, and yet we have high unemployment and underemployment.

Why don't you get off your ass and explain this?

are you saying American corporations owe you something you're not getting therefore you're being fucked?

OWS nutters are pretty funny. They're actually too dumb to realize their own Party just shut em out at their Convention. OWS who?? :)
You got annihilated in a debate so now you ignore me and call me names. Yes, you WIN! :clap2:


Dude, you don't debate... you wander around topics aimlessly like an ADD kid...

But we only have to put up with you for a couple more months...:thup:

So how do you explain the situation, ass monkey? American corporations are reaping record profit, but we have high unemployment. Are you claiming that the market sucks?

You gotta ask yerself... if they're reaping record profits with the help they have why would they need to hire more people? HUH? WTF is wrong wit you?
You got annihilated in a debate so now you ignore me and call me names. Yes, you WIN! :clap2:


Dude, you don't debate... you wander around topics aimlessly like an ADD kid...

But we only have to put up with you for a couple more months...:thup:

So how do you explain the situation, ass monkey? American corporations are reaping record profit, but we have high unemployment. Are you claiming that the market sucks?

Yes, the poor really care about the stock market.... Their portfolios are really raking in the cash...

"American corporations are reaping record profit, but we have high unemployment." -Dick Tuck

Cite the companies along with where their products and or services are produced.

A company could be making record profits with the majority of their workforce overseas. Those profits won't lower the unemployment rate back home. Fairly simple.

Now Tuck your Dick back in and run along.
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how are you being fucked? exactly? give details.

I've already given them, shit fuck. American corporations have set record profits under Obama, and yet we have high unemployment and underemployment.

Why don't you get off your ass and explain this?

are you saying American corporations owe you something you're not getting therefore you're being fucked?

Did you see the thread where democratic delagates want to ban corporate profits?....:lol:
Every corporation or small business for that matter has to ask themselves. do I really need more people that I'm forced to provide health care for? or can I send this money to my shareholders so they can buy mandated healthcare for their families?
I've already given them, shit fuck. American corporations have set record profits under Obama, and yet we have high unemployment and underemployment.

Why don't you get off your ass and explain this?

are you saying American corporations owe you something you're not getting therefore you're being fucked?

Did you see the thread where democratic delagates want to ban corporate profits?....:lol:

yes I did. and then I started a thread asking if they in fact banned those profits what would they replace corporations with? Of course it was called a "strawman" :eusa_whistle:
Most idiots like you think Obamination is a black man.

Also, idiots like you are too stupid to understand the economy but are evil too not caring what Obamination does to this country since it is payback to the rich "white" man.

Most liberals don't give a shit, they are following the plan to destroy this country.

Meanwhile the dumb idiot on the street that will vote for the "black man" don't care or know the FACTS.

Like beavers we are chewing at the foundation first, is that what you want to hear? Now you can climax.
as far a a black man, ghee, he's black, I thought he was mulatto.

Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo Child ,had higher ratings than the RNC. Lmao

Dude, you don't debate... you wander around topics aimlessly like an ADD kid...

But we only have to put up with you for a couple more months...:thup:

So how do you explain the situation, ass monkey? American corporations are reaping record profit, but we have high unemployment. Are you claiming that the market sucks?

Yes, the poor really care about the stock market.... Their portfolios are really raking in the cash...


Penny stocks are on the rise again, look out.
What do you mean you're being fucked? Exactly. Please describe.

Why don't you explain how American corporations are showing record profits, and we still have such a high unemployment rate? I'd really love to hear your economic knowledge.

how are you being fucked? exactly? give details.

I believe he has stated a preference for getting anally fucked. I really don't want to read the details though, thanks.
All you'll get out of R2D2 is stupidity and silence. It's why I put him on ignore long ago. It's isn't worth reading or replying to anything that he posts.

You got annihilated in a debate so now you ignore me and call me names. Yes, you WIN! :clap2:


Dude, you don't debate... you wander around topics aimlessly like an ADD kid...

But we only have to put up with you for a couple more months...:thup:

You know RDD just got his ass handed to him when he declares victory. He is among the worst debaters on this site, saddled with a poor knowledge base and inferior intelligence.
Most idiots like you think Obamination is a black man.

Also, idiots like you are too stupid to understand the economy but are evil too not caring what Obamination does to this country since it is payback to the rich "white" man.

Most liberals don't give a shit, they are following the plan to destroy this country.

Meanwhile the dumb idiot on the street that will vote for the "black man" don't care or know the FACTS.

Like beavers we are chewing at the foundation first, is that what you want to hear? Now you can climax.
as far a a black man, ghee, he's black, I thought he was mulatto.

Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo Child ,had higher ratings than the RNC. Lmao

The president is mulatto;

Mulatto is a term used to refer to a person who is born from one white parent and one black parent, or more broadly, a person of mixed black and white ancestry

Try to remeber not to put words in my mouth, you have no authorization to consider how I look at the president.
I've asked the OWS Socialists/Progressives on this Board several times, what they would replace Free Market Capitalism with. And i have yet to read a logical & coherent response. All they know is that they hate that bad ole Capitalism. But when asked what they planned on replacing the System with, they're completely stumped. They have no answers. Their irrational hate isn't an answer. You have to offer realistic solutions, not just spittle-laced rants.
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FAIL! 96,000 jobs created. 125,000 expected.

Libtard translation:

YAY! more positive job growth! Yipee! Suck it GOP! WOO HOO! OBAMA FOREVER!!!!!!!!

FAIL! 96,000 jobs created. 125,000 expected.

What is the biggest crock of shit is the UE rate dropped to 8.1!!! Under a 100K jobs, yet it dropped to ticks! I guess those 386K people that left the workforce really don't count huh!
Well I guess according to liberals those 386K are baby boomer retiring! :eusa_silenced:

Jobs growth slows to a snail's pace in August - Economy Watch
The Labor Department reported Friday that the economy created a tepid 96,000 jobs in August, well below the 125,000 expected by economists and a far stretch from the plus-250,0000 needed to show robust growth. The unemployment rate slid to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent as more Americans gave up looking for work.

The data was further evidence of a Goldilocks economy -- not too hot, not too cold, but not just right either -- that could prompt the Federal Reserve to take new steps to boost growth.

This weak employment report, in jobs, wages, hours worked and participation is probably the last piece the Fed needs before launching another round of quantitative easing next week. QE will boost equities, damage the dollar and do little for the economy, but what else can an activist Fed do? " said Joseph Trevisani, chief market strategist at Wordwide Markets.

The report's weak tenor was also underscored by revisions to June and July data to show 41,000 fewer jobs created than previously reported. The labor force participation rate, or the percentage of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one, fell to 63.5 percent -- the lowest since September 1981.
Why don't you explain how American corporations are showing record profits, and we still have such a high unemployment rate? I'd really love to hear your economic knowledge.

how are you being fucked? exactly? give details.

I've already given them, shit fuck. American corporations have set record profits under Obama, and yet we have high unemployment and underemployment.

Why don't you get off your ass and explain this?

Corporations are doing well in part because they slashed costs during the recession, laying off workers and reining in spending on plants and equipment, which boosted profit margins.

Dumb ass.

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