Enabling, what joe biden, the government, and news does best


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
dang, hunter biden, classic definition

What Enabling Looks Like​

Some typical ways that you may unintentionally enable a loved one’s addiction include:

  • Letting them live in your home rent-free, without making any meaningful contributions or doing housework
  • Paying for their expenses while they remain unemployed or spend their money on frivolous items
  • Giving them money to buying alcohol or drugs, out of fear that they’ll resort to illegal or dangerous means of getting money if you don’t; or in some cases, even getting the drugs or alcohol for them
  • Bailing them out of jail, or paying for their fines or legal fees
  • Making excuses for their addiction or blaming others for their behavior, such as, “His new boss has really been hard on him,” or “She took the stress of the pandemic really badly.”
  • Denying to others that there is a problem
  • Putting your own life on hold or neglecting your own self-care to focus your time and attention on the addict
There is more evidence of Biden corruption than any president in American history. The media and DOJ has enabled the corruption. Time to take our complaints to the very media who disregards the fact. Burn their buildings down
I believe that Joe Biden did much worse then simply enable his drug addicted son. Many parents mistake compassion with enabling, but have nothing but good intentions. That is clearly NOT the case when it comes to Hunter's parents. Was Joe being a good father when he took Hunter for a ride on Air force 2 to China to make shady deals that gave Hunter unlimited funds to destroy himself? Was Joe being a good father while he was ignoring the possibility of his own grandchild being used by his own son as a "plaything" while he was doping up? Hunter knows that his dad's entire family profited from the deals he was involved in. His own father allowed him to be used as the "bag man". Joe did not just enable Hunter...He used him.
Does any one truly believe that Joe (or Jill) never questioned any of their family members about the incredible wealth that was mysteriously appearing in their bank accounts from entities all over the world? Joe says that he never discussed Hunter's business dealing with him. That is a statement that is almost impossible to believe, however if it is true, then that would make Joe Biden one hell of a crappy dad.
Joe's own daughter wrote about inappropriate showers and waiting until late at night for a shower to avoid him joining her. Joe's own son refers to his father as "Pedo Pete". At some point, Joe (and Jill) decided to completely dismiss one of their own grandkids, instead of offering all their love and guidance... No folks,,,,,,Joe Biden (and his wife) are very creepy, and I believe that most Americans are tired of pretending that they are not.
When asked about this "sweetheart deal" Joe Biden simply stated "I'm very proud of my son". Is Joe proud that Hunter was kicked out of the Navy (after getting special treatment to get in) for drug abuse? Is Joe proud that his son is a tax cheat? Is he proud that Hunter started doing his brothers widow and cheated on her with a stripper? Is Joe proud of Hunter for making tons of money from using his political influence in nefarious ways? His Joe proud of all the disgusting images, depicting drug abuse and very young girls that Hunter obsessively photographed?
Now I will ask another question...Is Joe Biden just as proud of the way he has recklessly governed our nation, as he is with the way his son Hunter turned out?

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