End income tax

I posted a link to the tax policy center in an earlier message on this thread. If you keep insisting I'm wrong, you're eventually going to have to prove it.

I'm a tax attorney. I absolutely know how taxes work. I know FAR better than you. This conversation is pointless because you don't have the necessary IQ to engage.
Comparing whose dick hangs lower doesn't change the fact that the "fair tax" is a big fat con game, that fails to address the moral issue of wealth confiscation and redistribution.

So....you're agreeing with me regarding the fair tax.

As for your evangelical opposition to wealth and income redistribution, just go back to the 16th century where you belong.

He's against all taxes, Mr. Missed The Obvious

Uh, I captured that, hence I told him to go back to the 16th century, Mr. Hypocrite.

Are you guys all under the influence right now?

You said he agreed with you, then you said you grasped he didn't. What a dumb ass

What the fuck?

We both agreed the Fair Tax is shit.

We disagreed that all taxes are shit.

If you think ALL taxes should be abolished, you are by definition wishing to go back to a feudal society. Ask people from the 16th century about that.

How old are you? I'm sensing senility.
And yes, you have your excuse to run off and cower as you can't answer the question, name a tax (other than the death tax) that is baked into the sale of a product? So, Mr. Tax Accountant?
The Ovomitcare tax, or fee, or fine, or whatever they're calling it this week, taxes you on the "transaction" of having a beating heart.

But that's the only other one I can think of.
You keep making sweeping and wrong allegations. If you understand it, why can't you back up your crap with anything but hand waiving and blind accusations?

What you are saying is idiotic crap. You don't understand how basic taxes work and that all taxes except the death tax are built into the price of products sold by companies already

I posted a link to the tax policy center in an earlier message on this thread. If you keep insisting I'm wrong, you're eventually going to have to prove it.

I'm a tax attorney. I absolutely know how taxes work. I know FAR better than you. This conversation is pointless because you don't have the necessary IQ to engage.

Yes, I have two of you working for me. One for business, one for personal. I'm impressed. Not. And you obviously you don't know since you aren't aware all taxes (except the death tax) are baked into the price of company products

Oh you have tax attorneys working for you? Great. I rode on a plane once, I guess I'm qualified to fly it.

Corporate allowance for tax expenses in the prices of goods has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about.

The fact you use the term "death tax" tells me all I need to know about your flat-earth ideology.

Tax accountant my ass.

What triggers a sales tax? A sale of goods or services
What triggers an income tax? Generation of income
What triggers a corporate income tax? Generation of corporate income

Taxes are named after their triggers. So what do you call a tax triggered by ... a death.

And yes, you have your excuse to run off and cower as you can't answer the question, name a tax (other than the death tax) that is baked into the sale of a product? So, Mr. Tax Accountant?

Correct, I'm not a tax accountant, I'm a tax attorney. You don't know the difference. You don't know what the fair tax is. You don't know a LOT of things, clearly.

That's your argument? If I forget accountant versus attorney I must not understand them? LOL. And OK, no wonder you don't understand taxes and how they work. My bad. Ask your accountant
Comparing whose dick hangs lower doesn't change the fact that the "fair tax" is a big fat con game, that fails to address the moral issue of wealth confiscation and redistribution.

So....you're agreeing with me regarding the fair tax.

As for your evangelical opposition to wealth and income redistribution, just go back to the 16th century where you belong.

He's against all taxes, Mr. Missed The Obvious

Uh, I captured that, hence I told him to go back to the 16th century, Mr. Hypocrite.

Are you guys all under the influence right now?

You said he agreed with you, then you said you grasped he didn't. What a dumb ass

What the fuck?

We both agreed the Fair Tax is shit.

We disagreed that all taxes are shit.

If you think ALL taxes should be abolished, you are by definition wishing to go back to a feudal society. Ask people from the 16th century about that.

How old are you? I'm sensing senility.

Capn is against all taxes you stupid fucking moron. I'm not. He's an anarchist. I'm a libertarian. You thought when I kept arguing for the fair tax I was against all taxes? How stupid are you?

And you're whining that I called you a tax accountant instead of a tax attorney?
Capn is against all taxes you stupid fucking moron. I'm not. He's an anarchist. I'm a libertarian. You thought when I kept arguing for the fair tax I was against all taxes? How stupid are you?

And you're whining that I called you a tax accountant instead of a tax attorney?
Well, then what I said about the moronic "fair tax" applies to your support for it.

Murica built roads, fought wars, educated kids and all sorts of other things without any direct federal taxation. Cut spending to the bare bones and devolve services to the private sector or states.

Make the federal government so small that you could drown it in a bathtub.
You said you like those when you advocated the current system

LMAO, nice logic, moron. First, I didn't "advocate the current system", I said the fair tax is stupid, unworkable, and regressive. It either leads to deficits or it increases taxes by a HUGE degree on the middle class.

You know nothing about the Fair Tax. Why don't you learn what it actually is then comment? LOL, that cracks me up, as if you'd ever do that. Knowing what you are talking about would be a precedent that would destroy liberalism.

The Fair Tax is virtually the system we have now. The only differences are that it doesn't favor high earners like the current system and the overhead for everyone is far lower

Jesus, I'm pretty sure YOU know nothing about the Fair Tax. It absolutely favors high earners, because high earners spend a far lower percentage of their income. Again, this is arithmetic. The prebate helps the impoverished, but the middle class is stuck with a bill.

Either MASSIVE deficits, or a totally regressive system that leaves a huge amount of the wealthy's income untaxed as compared to the way it is now (yes, even with loopholes).

You keep making sweeping and wrong allegations. If you understand it, why can't you back up your crap with anything but hand waiving and blind accusations?

What you are saying is idiotic crap. You don't understand how basic taxes work and that all taxes except the death tax are built into the price of products sold by companies already

I posted a link to the tax policy center in an earlier message on this thread. If you keep insisting I'm wrong, you're eventually going to have to prove it.

I'm a tax attorney. I absolutely know how taxes work. I know FAR better than you. This conversation is pointless because you don't have the necessary IQ to engage.
yea and Obama won the popular vote in the 008 primaries. Face it, you are an idiot. You know it. We know it.
Capn is against all taxes you stupid fucking moron. I'm not. He's an anarchist. I'm a libertarian. You thought when I kept arguing for the fair tax I was against all taxes? How stupid are you?

And you're whining that I called you a tax accountant instead of a tax attorney?
Well, then what I said about the moronic "fair tax" applies to your support for it.

Murica built roads, fought wars, educated kids and all sorts of other things without any direct federal taxation. Cut spending to the bare bones and devolve services to the private sector or states.

Make the federal government so small that you could drown it in a bathtub.

You keep making sweeping and wrong allegations. If you understand it, why can't you back up your crap with anything but hand waiving and blind accusations?

What you are saying is idiotic crap. You don't understand how basic taxes work and that all taxes except the death tax are built into the price of products sold by companies already

I posted a link to the tax policy center in an earlier message on this thread. If you keep insisting I'm wrong, you're eventually going to have to prove it.

I'm a tax attorney. I absolutely know how taxes work. I know FAR better than you. This conversation is pointless because you don't have the necessary IQ to engage.

Yes, I have two of you working for me. One for business, one for personal. I'm impressed. Not. And you obviously you don't know since you aren't aware all taxes (except the death tax) are baked into the price of company products

Oh you have tax attorneys working for you? Great. I rode on a plane once, I guess I'm qualified to fly it.

Corporate allowance for tax expenses in the prices of goods has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about.

The fact you use the term "death tax" tells me all I need to know about your flat-earth ideology.

Tax accountant my ass.

What triggers a sales tax? A sale of goods or services
What triggers an income tax? Generation of income
What triggers a corporate income tax? Generation of corporate income

Taxes are named after their triggers. So what do you call a tax triggered by ... a death.

And yes, you have your excuse to run off and cower as you can't answer the question, name a tax (other than the death tax) that is baked into the sale of a product? So, Mr. Tax Accountant?

Correct, I'm not a tax accountant, I'm a tax attorney. You don't know the difference. You don't know what the fair tax is. You don't know a LOT of things, clearly.
fair is a social concept not a capital concept.
Comparing whose dick hangs lower doesn't change the fact that the "fair tax" is a big fat con game, that fails to address the moral issue of wealth confiscation and redistribution.

So....you're agreeing with me regarding the fair tax.

As for your evangelical opposition to wealth and income redistribution, just go back to the 16th century where you belong.

He's against all taxes, Mr. Missed The Obvious

Uh, I captured that, hence I told him to go back to the 16th century, Mr. Hypocrite.

Are you guys all under the influence right now?

You said he agreed with you, then you said you grasped he didn't. What a dumb ass

What the fuck?

We both agreed the Fair Tax is shit.

We disagreed that all taxes are shit.

If you think ALL taxes should be abolished, you are by definition wishing to go back to a feudal society. Ask people from the 16th century about that.

How old are you? I'm sensing senility.

That's ok, but your posts scream shitty diapers.
You keep making sweeping and wrong allegations. If you understand it, why can't you back up your crap with anything but hand waiving and blind accusations?

What you are saying is idiotic crap. You don't understand how basic taxes work and that all taxes except the death tax are built into the price of products sold by companies already

I posted a link to the tax policy center in an earlier message on this thread. If you keep insisting I'm wrong, you're eventually going to have to prove it.

I'm a tax attorney. I absolutely know how taxes work. I know FAR better than you. This conversation is pointless because you don't have the necessary IQ to engage.

Yes, I have two of you working for me. One for business, one for personal. I'm impressed. Not. And you obviously you don't know since you aren't aware all taxes (except the death tax) are baked into the price of company products

Oh you have tax attorneys working for you? Great. I rode on a plane once, I guess I'm qualified to fly it.

Corporate allowance for tax expenses in the prices of goods has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about.

The fact you use the term "death tax" tells me all I need to know about your flat-earth ideology.

Tax accountant my ass.

What triggers a sales tax? A sale of goods or services
What triggers an income tax? Generation of income
What triggers a corporate income tax? Generation of corporate income

Taxes are named after their triggers. So what do you call a tax triggered by ... a death.

And yes, you have your excuse to run off and cower as you can't answer the question, name a tax (other than the death tax) that is baked into the sale of a product? So, Mr. Tax Accountant?

Correct, I'm not a tax accountant, I'm a tax attorney. You don't know the difference. You don't know what the fair tax is. You don't know a LOT of things, clearly.

Of COURSE you are, that's why you post like teenager.
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

Countries with no income taxes are 3rd world crapholes. Successful 1st world countries have income tax. We actually aren't paying enough.
You can certainly pay more if you want to...
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?

Countries with no income taxes are 3rd world crapholes. Successful 1st world countries have income tax. We actually aren't paying enough.
then feel free to pay more
"The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government" - Barry Goldwater
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?
You TNHarley do have some very strange fantasies and pipe dreams.

The U.S. Federal income tax is now officially 104 years old and counting.

It is the main revenue source of the U.S. Government.

It would be like you quitting your job and pension and social security for the Feds to get rid of it. They would not be able to pay themselves anymore.

Catch my drift ??
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?
You TNHarley do have some very strange fantasies and pipe dreams.

The U.S. Federal income tax is now officially 104 years old and counting.

It is the main revenue source of the U.S. Government.

It would be like you quitting your job and pension and social security for the Feds to get rid of it. They would not be able to pay themselves anymore.

Catch my drift ??
No. I want it replaced by a high consumption tax. Maybe 16% or so
No more IRS. Think about how many problems and $$ that would save.
No more bitching about tax returns
Loss of lobbyists in Washington
Products would be less. Then again, consumption tax would raise it back up... Hmmm
Everyone would pay their "fair share"
Loopholes? What fucking loopholes?
You TNHarley do have some very strange fantasies and pipe dreams.

The U.S. Federal income tax is now officially 104 years old and counting.

It is the main revenue source of the U.S. Government.

It would be like you quitting your job and pension and social security for the Feds to get rid of it. They would not be able to pay themselves anymore.

Catch my drift ??
No. I want it replaced by a high consumption tax. Maybe 16% or so
So you want to shift the tax burden to the poor ??


The best thing for you to do would be to read Adam Smith's famous book "The Wealth Of Nations". He has a chapter on taxes.

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