End of COVID-19?

I’d be willing to pay a few dollars more if they work harder to produce better meds and remove impurities (connected to negative side effects), how about you?

Medications don't cause side-effects because of impurities (whatever those might be). It is the complexities of the human biology and pathophysiology.

When you introduce any drug into your system with the intent to correct a pathology, each human can react differently. Most of those reactions can be predicted. Some, such as allergic and autoimmune reactions, cannot.

A medication that is life-saving to millions, can be deadly to a very tiny minority of people.
The Pfizer vax is FDA approved

Where did the FDA publish the results of a human trial? How large was the sample group? What percentage of the trial group received a placebo?

A mandatory medication approved without human trials? That's new.
The Pfizer vax is FDA approved

The idiot lying poster claimed all the vaccines were fda approved then when asked to back up his claim, he tried to change the subject. Terribly disingenuous. Probably works for big pharma or CNN.
Where did the FDA publish the results of a human trial? How large was the sample group? What percentage of the trial group received a placebo?

A mandatory medication approved without human trials? That's new.
Wasn’t the question whether or not a vaccine was FDA approved? I think I just showed that it was. If you want to take issue of the process they took or information the released then go ahead but the fact that it is approved shouldn’t be in dispute
The idiot lying poster claimed all the vaccines were fda approved then when asked to back up his claim, he tried to change the subject. Terribly disingenuous. Probably works for big pharma or CNN.
Just Pfizer has been FDA approved so far, the others are approved for emergency use
Wasn’t the question whether or not a vaccine was FDA approved? I think I just showed that it was. If you want to take issue of the process they took or information the released then go ahead but the fact that it is approved shouldn’t be in dispute
That's not the experimental treatment used in the US.

That's not the experimental treatment used in the US.

yes it is… Ron Johnson doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Read the FDA approval and please claim that they aren’t talking about the Pfizer vaccine.

Medications don't cause side-effects because of impurities (whatever those might be). It is the complexities of the human biology and pathophysiology.

When you introduce any drug into your system with the intent to correct a pathology, each human can react differently. Most of those reactions can be predicted. Some, such as allergic and autoimmune reactions, cannot.

A medication that is life-saving to millions, can be deadly to a very tiny minority of people.
I was thinking about meds that are created in labs using petri dishes, eggs, animal embyos; as you suggested can lead to various individual allergic reactions.

A major selling tactic to the upcoming plant-based Covid vaccines? Plants in general, in this case tobacco, are void of potential animal contamination by not using animal eggs. People allergic to eggs and specific animal parts used would be higher risk.

I fully support all medicines that are saving lives. That faith does not include mRNA spike protein training method with unknown long-term consequences.
yes it is… Ron Johnson doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Read the FDA approval and please claim that they aren’t talking about the Pfizer vaccine.

I think I'll take the word of a US Senator over some random internet personna. No offense.
People allergic to eggs and specific animal parts used would be higher risk.

A large percentage of humans have allergies to plants.

A large percentage of humans have allergies to plants.

View attachment 546652
Okay, I’m sure that’s true. I was just repeating a sales pitch from a plant-based Covid manufacturer ha! Great additive with that pic btw

Yes, I have a known allergy to fall leaves, who knows why they don’t bother me when they’re alive only the dead ones- I guess the mold.
I think I'll take the word of a US Senator over some random internet personna. No offense.
Do you want me to send you a couple dozen us senators that don’t agree with Ron Johnson?

I didn’t send you an internet persona, I sent a direct link to the FDA approval announcement that’s named the Pfizer vaccine. You didn’t read it did you?

so what makes you trust Ron Johnson so much?
Do you want me to send you a couple dozen us senators that don’t agree with Ron Johnson?

I didn’t send you an internet persona, I sent a direct link to the FDA approval announcement that’s named the Pfizer vaccine. You didn’t read it did you?

so what makes you trust Ron Johnson so much?
I've met him, he’s my Senator and never failed to provide information I seek through his office. I have no reason to mistrust him.
I've met him, he’s my Senator and never failed to provide information I seek through his office. I have no reason to mistrust him.
He is one of the most partisan, agenda driven, dishonest hacks that we have in the capital. There are plenty of reasons to not trust him… starting with this subject. Listen to what he is claiming and then go to the FDA website and look at what they have said. It’s not complicated.

Here are some more reasons not to trust Ron Jon

He is one of the most partisan, agenda driven, dishonest hacks that we have in the capital. There are plenty of reasons to not trust him… starting with this subject. Listen to what he is claiming and then go to the FDA website and look at what they have said. It’s not complicated.

Here are some more reasons not to trust Ron Jon

Like I said, I have no reason to mistrust him. So long as my own interactions with his office are conducted in good faith I will continue to have trust in him.
Like I said, I have no reason to mistrust him. So long as my own interactions with his office are conducted in good faith I will continue to have trust in him.
Well I just listed several of his lies that you can fact check however you want. Or you can ignore them like I’m betting you will

Perhaps we need a cure and not a vaccine or both? But this is very encouraging.
agreed, it is very encouraging. Prevention being better than a cure is now a fundamental principle of modern health care and inherent within health and social care strategies.
agreed, it is very encouraging. Prevention being better than a cure is now a fundamental principle of modern health care and inherent within health and social care strategies.
Actually pharma goes with lifelong treatment instead of a cure, far more profitable. When was the last time something was cured?

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