End of COVID-19?

Trump spoke truth to the drug company greed...the same companies Fauci works for....and his words came from his doctor not a comic book.....Fauci is not the only doctor in the world dummy....
Nothing I’m saying has anything to do with Fauci. So funny how y’all have made him some kind of devil. Pretty sad as the man works to help you and your family.

don’t even try to spin this truth to greed BS. Trump was trying to find wins to brag about during a pandemic. He was trying to project strong leadership and he did so ignorantly and recklessly and it costed him the election.
It's going to be experimental and not fully FDA approved until at least one year later. What has all the hysteria surrounding the vaccines been about since they came out? What have antivaxxers been screeching about since they gained emergency use authorization? Two things: that they are not approved by FDA and that they're experimental. How will this be any different? I rest my case.

No, the main case has never been that they are not approved or experimental.
That is just the non-technical summation.
The actual argument against these mRNA injections is that their description of how they work is bizarre.
The CDC site claims that even though they are intramuscular injections, they somehow get into our cells, and there are translated by our own ribosomes, in order to get our own cells to grow spike proteins.
Not only does that sound wrong since cells deliberately keep things out, but it would seem ridiculously dangerous to reprogram out cells to make spike proteins and even worse to make our immune system target spike proteins our own exosomes routinely use.
So... reading all of this...

According to the antivaxxers :
They are the sole arbiters of the "real truth".
Somehow the lowest profit margin medicines (AKA vaccines) is supposedly making big pharma rich.
And these vaccines kill half (50%) of all recipients to prevent a virus that only kills 0.02% of any of the extreme few who actually successfully catch it.
And those few people who caught it shoulda taken invermectin or Hydrochloriquine and zinc to fix themselves up instead of dying in the hospital on a ventilator...
Or like my Father-in-law who is still married to his oxygen bottle 4 months after getting infected.

And I'm supposed to be really stupid for not believing the "sole arbiters of truth" because the rest of the world is lying?

Ummmm.....yeah I'm going to get back to y'all on this one....hold your breath the whole time I'm gone m'kay?
Merck' vaccines failed. Others did not.

Personally, I don’t trust a company that’s never manufactured a vaccine before in its history until rushing trials to gain emergency status. Especially when considering none of the 3 companies have ever produced a vaccine in their history before. You honestly consider that a fair comparison with Merck? Good grief. Your remarks never cease to amaze me Crepitus how you can stay so uninformed even when you’re given the information, almost spoonfed since you likely reject even scientific findings. Is it because it doesn’t fit inside CNN’s narrative?

Which source for facts do you trust? Feel free to say I’m jumping to conclusions, but I’m going to wager $100 bet here that you don’t even answer this question. Pay up.
No medication has ZERO side effects.

I have the expectation that consumers will soon force Pharma companies to do better. It will cost more to produce pure medicines extending production times, but it’s now more possible than ever before and as you know advancement will continue.

Reduction in profit isn’t a great incentive for these profiteering drug companies, so they would pass on the extra cost to consumers. I’d be willing to pay a few dollars more if they work harder to produce better meds and remove impurities (connected to negative side effects), how about you?

The only medicine I take by the way is Tylenol on occasion when needed for headache. I have a good diet that helps me stay well. All people who need medicines to live, however, should not be accepting a medicine in 2021 that has…for example, a possibility of paralysis, blindness, or loss of appetite. Unreal imo as this isn’t the 80’s or even 90’s.
A long history of fines and penalties, like all big pharma firms.
Merck | Violation Tracker
When I first learned that Merck “failed” their trials to indicate that a vaccine route was better than a non-vaccine route, I found some of their court history. I do not imply that Merck is a non-violator. I do trust a company that has produced various vaccines, successful ones at that, as well as TRUE vaccines (reducing the chance to contract) not falsely labeled as such to gain public trust. Forget that nonsense.
But if Badger2 is correct, then Fauci knew about covid 8 years ago, about the time it would take to prepare vaccines.
And it would explain why he went with "flattening the curve", when that can not possibly work or help. While flattening the curve, it is still expanding, so leaves you in a worse situation than when you started. So is a terrible idea. But does give vaccine makers time to ramp up production. Even though vaccines are not a good way to end an epidemic in progress, and have never been used that way before.
Yes, this makes sense for development reasons, and it may be even more vaccine-involved when we track thded copperr connections to (Alzhemier’s disease [italics]), one that also is begging for a vaccine. Elsewhere we have pointed to age differences in presenilin protein when mutating between alanine and valine. There is no doubt that copper also links to amyloid beta, so this is a leading report along these lines, recalling that early into the pandemic, we saw reports coming from Thai HIV medicine used against SARS-CoV-2 in the media. Because in Alzheiemer’s the alanine-to-valine vs. valine-to-alanine makes for the difference (in age [italics]) between late- and early-onset Alzheimer’s, and because we already had documented SARS-CoV-2 mutations at position 222, we searched Pubmed ‘SARS-CoV-2 v222a’ and retrieved:

V222A / Ebola. / HIV-1
This would be further vaccine-development evidence, and note Fau Chi’s mutation that he gets backwards in his video: D614G links precisely to ebola vaccine.

Next, we searched www. and retrieved:

29 Oct 2020 Thailand Medical News
’....A222V mutation on the spike protein and the A220 A220V in the nucleoprotein....the A222V mutation could be more dangerous, as its residue is located within the B-cell immunodominant epitopes already previously identified. This could mean that this strain could have an immune-evasive advantage in terms of B- and T-cell responses, and may affect the structure of these epitopes.’

This is strong evidence for the development of Alzheimer’s vaccines. The Tongguan copper mine links to heptad repeats of SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, RaTG13. These repeats implicate copper ligands, so this bat virus may have accelerated its affinity to human ACE2 via the assistance of the metal.

Here is one report that reinforces this premise, and we will later document the geography-of-origin of this study:

’....All of the amino acids in the three positions (929, 936 and 939) more prone to mutation in SARS-CoV-2 S protein HR1 (heptad repeat) fusion core are conserved in RaTG13 protein (sharing an oveerall sequence identity of 97% with SARS-Cov-2 S protein) while all of them are mutated in SARS-CoV S protein....It has been proposed that SARS-CoV-2 HR1 mutations as compared with SARS-CoV m ay be associated with enhanced interactions with HR2, further stabilizing the 6-helix bundle structure and maybe leading to increased infectivity of the virus. In this context it is noteworthy that the point mutations we are discussing did not restore the corresponding SARS-CoV amino acids.’

This would make sense, because of the civet-bat host differences between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. But even more intriguing is the salt-bridge link, as these authors continue:

’The H bond between D936 and R1185 is actually a salt bridge (estimated to contribute an additional 3-5 kCal/mol to the free energy of protein stability as compared to a neutral H bond).’

Thus, a Pubmed search, ‘salt-bridge copper’ retrieved the beta-amyloid link to Alzheimer’s:
Ap 2021 UK: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Copper Binding to N-Terminal Mutants of Amyloid Beta
’....clear differences in binding energies of the copper centre for each system.’
We will reinforce the heptad repeat/copper connection with two studies from Ann Arbor:

2015 Ann Arbor
’Four heptads with capping glycines....leucine hydrophobes allows metal ligands to be introduced into A or D sites (heptad ABCDEFG) in order to bind metals....assessing enzymes competent to reduce nitrite with copper centers in a histidine-rich environment.’

Sep 2020 Ann Arbor / Heptad Repeat / Copper / Stammer Insert

Now that one sees a mechanism involving the A and D (positions 1 and 4), comparisons can be made in the heptad regions of SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, and RaTG13 to see whether or not the virus uses a branched-chain strategy, because branched-chain aminos certainly matter in the hosts SARS-CoV-2 infects, linking back to Fau Chi’s NIH:

NIH Lipo-COVID Study
(Johns Hopkins; Lipoprotein Metabolism Section, Translational Vascular Medicine Branch, National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Md.)
’....Moreover, patients with severe COVID-19 were found to have remarkably elevated GlycA levels, and elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate. Patients with severe COVID-19 have been reported to have low levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol, but elevated levels of triglycerides.’

One can see from the beginning of the spike sequences in comparing SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and RaTG13, that these viruses clearly use a branched-chain amino acid substitution strategy whereby they will vary between the three branched-chain aminos (valine, leucine, isoleucine) or else use multiples of these BCAAs.

Perhaps we need a cure and not a vaccine or both? But this is very encouraging.
Why did it take them 17 years to find this out?

(2004) Utah State University: N4-Hydroxycytidine / SARS-CoV
Perhaps when no other option is available, a drug corporation must come out with their knowledge and hidden wares for better solutions. Maybe they’ve learned that more than 50% of the public isn’t buying into the fake vaccine solution so now they’re going to go to pill route and other ways to gain drug profit long-term.

My immune system is working perfectly fine and I’m exposed daily to viruses. There are tens of millions just like me, at a minimum. That would be a very hard statistic to research though given LSM’s and Google’s mega-informational pro-fake vax push. I’m surprised they haven’t named this a “War on Covid” which would mean total fail. Maybe even they realized that one was better left alone. True imbeciles at the helm.
But Merck was there from the beginning with ivermectin, Pfizer’s Selamectin brand being used for scabies in the very proven animal reservoir of SARS-CoV. The video on the Ivermectin Story thread shows that on the resident’s floor, none of those humans taking ivermectin for scabies got COVID-19 while the health personnel caring for them did.
But Merck was there from the beginning with ivermectin, Pfizer’s Selamectin brand being used for scabies in the very proven animal reservoir of SARS-CoV. The video on the Ivermectin Story thread shows that on the resident’s floor, none of those humans taking ivermectin for scabies got COVID-19 while the health personnel caring for them did.
I have no disagreement with you on the effectiveness of Ivermectin for coronaviruses along with other ways far superior to the reliance on these outdated, over purchased (the govt is used to that concept) and yet actively peddling these worthless concoctions trying to pass them off as a solution when they do nothing to prevent nor contract.

It’s the coverup that mostly gave them away. When truthfullness rules the day there is no need for secrecy and extensive cover ups like we’ve seen on several medical and political fronts.
I don't lie. Look at the date on your link.

GEezus, how stupid can you get?
Lol. You lied. Admit it.

The date of my link has absolutely nothing to do with you proving your statement the vaccines are FDA approved, or don’t you get this?
Ralph Baric (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) and Peter Daszak (Eco Health Alliance) both link to another virus of interest, SCH014, studied at Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Fau Chi link to the Tongguan miners (26 Ap 2012) goes back even earlier to 2011 for Urbani strain SCH014, which was collected on 18 Ap 2011 at location Lat. 24.67 N, Long. 102.60 E and documents Eco Health Alliance as being involved in the collection. This location is very close to where the copper miners went into the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University on 26 Ap 2012: Jinning, Jinning County, Kunming, Yunnan, China. This is a virus of interest for cross-reactivity that links host ranges. It has a very different RBD (receptor binding domain) which can be comparable to the copper mine viruses in that SCH014 likely did not evolve in proximity to large deposits of that metal.
Lol. You lied. Admit it.

The date of my link has absolutely nothing to do with you proving your statement the vaccines are FDA approved, or don’t you get this?
The Pfizer vax is FDA approved


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