Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

These unconstitutional payments go to the insurance companies for being forced to lower costs. It will be up to the monopolies folks like you created, on how it affects individuals.

That's what Trump claims and it's idiotic to say the least. Insurance companies aren't being forced to lower costs, and the money is not subsidizing them, it helps people who can't afford insurance and can't make those payments on their own.

But go ahead and do it - and say hello to 13 million more people using the emergency rooms when they get sick or need emergency surgery. And then, to pay for that trillion dollar subsidy to the Republican donor class - slash the hell out of Medicare and SS. There will be a reckoning in November,

Ya ain't as bright as you think TN
Well, if I could paste a sticker on your forehead that said do not treat unless paid in advance, then I would be for it.

But no, you would get drunk & walk in front of a bus & get treated at MY expense. So fuck you assholes.

What kind of person does not protect their family? And don't pretend you have the money.

Remember when "conservatives" hated providing free health care to charity cases? Apparently no longer.
Nobody is ending health insurance for 13M people, you damn liar

Senate Republicans have proposed eliminating the ACA’s requirement that all Americans have health insurance or pay a penalty. By getting rid of this, the CBO estimates 13 million fewer people would have insurance a decade from now.
Thats not ending it dumbfuck... Good gawd
That is giving people a choice instead of forcing them to buy a for-profit product.
And he is a voter lol
Let me correct you.

If SHOP (the aspect for small businesses) is not offered in your area, then there are tax credits.

If SHIP is available, you have actual plans offered priced based on the number & age of your employees.

Exchanges are for individuals. If you buy as an individual, you cab save money even if you don'
You can still sign up for SHOP.

I looked in western PA, 5 employees. One 55, 4 at variou ages under 40. A gold plan under $1600 month total.
SHOP health insurance overview
A fucking rip off

You tell the mf's, shit take your sign and march on D.C.
Obama care is a lost cause it only suits fucking progressives
Trumpettes are too stupid to figure it out.

Apparently, none of their trumptard buddies have the balls to tell them that they receive huge subsidies.
It’s just another socialist entitlement program that successful people have to pay for. Why don’t people pay for their own shit, it does not take a fucking village
Bullshit. Read the Unaffordable Health Care Act and tell me this is not government health care.

What is being run by the government? Not the insurance companies
Not the doctors
Not the hospitals.

The care you get is up to your private doctor.

The ACA is a capitalistic approach.

You Trumpettes love capitalism, right?

The only thing the exchanges do is allow those who typically buy as individuals or small group become part of a larger group.

Let me correct you here: Exchanges for individuals are to see if one qualifies for a subsidy. For small group to receive a tax advantage if the business qualifies. Small groups purchasing on the exchange does not make them part of a larger group or puts them in that category. Again only for a tax advantage. The same group plan of the exchange would cost the exact same premiums.
Let me correct you.

If SHOP (the aspect for small businesses) is not offered in your area, then there are tax credits.

If SHIP is available, you have actual plans offered priced based on the number & age of your employees.

Exchanges are for individuals. If you buy as an individual, you cab save money even if you don'
No they were 500 last year and 900 in 2018 for one employee
they were 700 and change for another last year and will be 1300 and change next year for an over 80% increase

I was a little off because I didn't remember the exact numbers buy still there's not much difference between and 80% and 90% increase

the total net change in my premiums will be an 70% increase

And what I didn't tell you is that everyone's deductible is going up and prescriptions will cost more

We've absorbed every increase since Obammy care was shoved down our throats and have been paying 90% of the premiums for everyone but it's just no longer possible to do that.

View attachment 166199

I apologize, you are getting fucked. Fucked by your insurance company.

As a small business, insurance companies love fucking you over & over.

Did you explore the exchanges? They have a section for small businesses.

Don't blame Obama, I had my insurance premiums for my company go up 340% in 4 years. Well before the ACA.

This was in the ACA if WEkl Dumpster didn't take it out:

"Rate Review
Rate Review helps protect you from unreasonable rate increases. Insurance companies must now publicly explain any rate increase of 10% or more before raising your premium."

Don't let insurance companies fuck you over like this. My wife' insurer sent her a letter with a rate increase trying ti get the lazy to just agree., Don't take no shit.

It's not the insurance company it's the government regulation that are put on the insurance company

I'm going to tell my employees that they have to get their own insurance through the exchanges then I'll reimburse them under Section 105

You can still sign up for SHOP.

I looked in western PA, 5 employees. One 55, 4 at variou ages under 40. A gold plan under $1600 month total.
SHOP health insurance overview

No, again I work this everyday. SHOP and the only reason to do so as a small business is so the small business can get a tax credit. Then you have to jump through hoops as a business owner to receive it, ask a CPA.

His best bet was set up HRA and let his employees try and get a subsidy (advanced premium tax credit different from SHOP tax break). Now that being said, the open enrollment was extended as a SEP the 16th through the 31st in many counties in Texas and all of Florida because of the hurricanes and also extended that had to move out of state and relocate because of the hurricanes. I believe it may have been extended in other areas of the U.S. due to weather related or fires.
I looked at a company in Western PA with 5 total people of ages 55 down to 24. A silver plan was $1500.00. I don't think anyone could beat that outside of ACA.
That’s like throwing money away, a fucking rip off
It's in my office at the business. I'll scan the relevant pages and post it but you'll still just say I'm making it up.

I want to see it. Premiums going up for the same policy on a person over 45.

I seriously doubt that if the priemums was $1000 last year, it is $1900 this year.

No they were 500 last year and 900 in 2018 for one employee
they were 700 and change for another last year and will be 1300 and change next year for an over 80% increase

I was a little off because I didn't remember the exact numbers buy still there's not much difference between and 80% and 90% increase

the total net change in my premiums will be an 70% increase

And what I didn't tell you is that everyone's deductible is going up and prescriptions will cost more

We've absorbed every increase since Obammy care was shoved down our throats and have been paying 90% of the premiums for everyone but it's just no longer possible to do that.

View attachment 166199

I apologize, you are getting fucked. Fucked by your insurance company.

As a small business, insurance companies love fucking you over & over.

Did you explore the exchanges? They have a section for small businesses.

Don't blame Obama, I had my insurance premiums for my company go up 340% in 4 years. Well before the ACA.

This was in the ACA if WEkl Dumpster didn't take it out:

"Rate Review
Rate Review helps protect you from unreasonable rate increases. Insurance companies must now publicly explain any rate increase of 10% or more before raising your premium."

Don't let insurance companies fuck you over like this. My wife' insurer sent her a letter with a rate increase trying ti get the lazy to just agree., Don't take no shit.
You fucking moron... lol the Obama administration hated small business that’s why so many quit during that his terms. fucking stupid in the head
Bush recession, dumbsass. Since then numbers improved.
Na, small business cannot survive socialist society… fact
an honest deal, you're openly forcing him to pay for things he doesn't receive.

If you have car insurance and have NOT had an accident this year, by all means DEMAND that your insurance company refund your premium....

Let us know how THAT works out for you...............LOL

Not only does not receive, literally cannot receive.
I could care less who has and who has not signed up for insurance I am sick to death people coming in my office loving trump hating obama and walking away with a $1000 a month subsidy, now these are fucking hypocrites.
There is no reason for socials entitlement programs, this is true
Hannity's pretty smart, actually. Angry and shrill, but no idiot. Of course, you wouldn't know that, would you, since you don't ever listen to him. Or are you a closet Hannity listener?

I LOVE comedy shows......so, YES, I do listen to the idiot........

So, now tell me about an 80 year old lady forced to buy an IUD as you alleged in post #406.....
Any time you require policies to carry coverage unneeded and unwanted by the customer, you're no longer offering the customer an honest deal, you're openly forcing him to pay for things he doesn't receive.

Health insurance is only unneeded if you suddenly drop dead.

Why must someone pay for insurance that covers what they can't get?
Do you have any concept of reality? Obamacare forced us, prior to Obamacare we were not forced.

No one forced you to do anything.

Terrific, another clueless individual.

Who forced you? Did someone hold a gun to your head? Did someone threaten your family? You could have just paid a penalty which in most cases was cheaper than your premiums. How long has it taken you to figure that out, if at all?

Ok, I'll go slow for you. A person/family can pay the penalty, which also is forced. The penalty is less than the premiums, the first year and second year. The penalty goes up each and every year.

Penalty has not rose in two years. Also simply based on your penalty they cannot put a lien on your property or ganish your wages, that was built into the law.

Now with that being said I don't think any responsible person will drop their health insurance if the mandate is gone and I could be wrong. I'm afraid that the insurance companies won't take into account that most people who have it wanted it in the first place and just don't raise the premiums again sky high without checking to see how many have dropped it. If I'm wrong and millions to drop their insurance because the mandate is gone you ain't seen nothing yet as far as premium increases.
You are missing the point no one should be forced to purchase insurance for any reason, forced insurance is legalized extortion.
I want you tell me with a straight face the people who are voluntarily uninsured are costing us more in health care costs than the high school dropouts we are all subsidizing.

Don't be the usual fence sitter.......

The ACA "tried" to address the issue of uninsured in the HC system,,,,,

I don't know of ANY law that would compel HS drop outs....\

Do you???........If so, let me know.
Way to totally evade the point.

Who is costing us more?

Which group is the REAL freeloaders?

Any uninsured individual who uses the healthcare system and is unable to pay.
The uninsured, " voluntarily" or otherwise, still use the system when needed. If one is "voluntarily" uninsured, they should voluntarily not seek treatment unless they can pay in full.
They should be able to buy insurance after they get sick, Fuck the insurance companys
He didn't GIVE anything. People still are forced to pay through the nose for it, remember?
Not really, subsidies take up the slack for most people and the premiums are pro-rated. If your premiums went up its because you have private insurance and /or your income is above the threshold for subsidies.

By subsidies you mean other people paying way more than they should have to, to subsidize people who get to pay less, for the same damn policy.
No, that's not what I meant at all. Subsidies to poor folk have no bearing on what you and your insurer agree upon. Subsidies come from tax dollars so you should ask your insurer why they raised your premiums ?
My advice to you is to cancel that policy and join a grouo insurance plan. You'll get a better rate.

Who do you think pays for the subsidies the tooth fairy? :cuckoo:

Who do you imagine pays,(at a much higher rate BTW), for the uncompensated care that health systems provide?

Taxpayers have always paid for the care of those who can't. The difference is the ACA does it with control.
Insurance should be 100 percent voluntary, And if someone gets sick or in an accident they should be able buy insurance at that time and use it, and drop it afterwards.
These unconstitutional payments go to the insurance companies for being forced to lower costs. It will be up to the monopolies folks like you created, on how it affects individuals.

That's what Trump claims and it's idiotic to say the least. Insurance companies aren't being forced to lower costs, and the money is not subsidizing them, it helps people who can't afford insurance and can't make those payments on their own.

But go ahead and do it - and say hello to 13 million more people using the emergency rooms when they get sick or need emergency surgery. And then, to pay for that trillion dollar subsidy to the Republican donor class - slash the hell out of Medicare and SS. There will be a reckoning in November,

Ya ain't as bright as you think TN
Why should other people be forced to pay for those 13 million people that’s fucking immoral
Why should other people be forced to pay for those 13 million people that’s fucking immoral

Good question: Why should 13 million freeloaders using the emergency room for free drive up insurance costs for the rest of us?

Funny shit - Conservatives used to HATE freeloaders! :)
Not really, subsidies take up the slack for most people and the premiums are pro-rated. If your premiums went up its because you have private insurance and /or your income is above the threshold for subsidies.

By subsidies you mean other people paying way more than they should have to, to subsidize people who get to pay less, for the same damn policy.
No, that's not what I meant at all. Subsidies to poor folk have no bearing on what you and your insurer agree upon. Subsidies come from tax dollars so you should ask your insurer why they raised your premiums ?
My advice to you is to cancel that policy and join a grouo insurance plan. You'll get a better rate.

Who do you think pays for the subsidies the tooth fairy? :cuckoo:

Who do you imagine pays,(at a much higher rate BTW), for the uncompensated care that health systems provide?

Taxpayers have always paid for the care of those who can't. The difference is the ACA does it with control.

Riiiiiight ACA is working brilliantly that's why Dem's keep telling us we need to fix it, the American people hate it, and it cost you the House, Senate, and White House that's how fantastic ACA is. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
the American people hate it,

They don't. It's more popular than unpopular.

Poll: ObamaCare more popular than House GOP healthcare bill

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA
I want you tell me with a straight face the people who are voluntarily uninsured are costing us more in health care costs than the high school dropouts we are all subsidizing.

Don't be the usual fence sitter.......

The ACA "tried" to address the issue of uninsured in the HC system,,,,,

I don't know of ANY law that would compel HS drop outs....\

Do you???........If so, let me know.
Way to totally evade the point.

Who is costing us more?

Which group is the REAL freeloaders?

Any uninsured individual who uses the healthcare system and is unable to pay.
The uninsured, " voluntarily" or otherwise, still use the system when needed. If one is "voluntarily" uninsured, they should voluntarily not seek treatment unless they can pay in full.
They should be able to buy insurance after they get sick, Fuck the insurance companys

That's not how it works, dumbass.
Why would an insurer pay a claim after the fact?
Hannity's pretty smart, actually. Angry and shrill, but no idiot. Of course, you wouldn't know that, would you, since you don't ever listen to him. Or are you a closet Hannity listener?

I LOVE comedy shows......so, YES, I do listen to the idiot........

So, now tell me about an 80 year old lady forced to buy an IUD as you alleged in post #406.....
Any time you require policies to carry coverage unneeded and unwanted by the customer, you're no longer offering the customer an honest deal, you're openly forcing him to pay for things he doesn't receive.

Health insurance is only unneeded if you suddenly drop dead.

Why must someone pay for insurance that covers what they can't get?
You mean like women paying for insurance that covers viagra or Erectile dysfunction treatments.
It's a phony question. Health insurance and tax cuts are separate, unrelated issues. If anything, cutting the corporate income tax rate and encouraging our big companies to expand and create more middle-income jobs will help more people get jobs with health insurance.
It's a phony question. Health insurance and tax cuts are separate, unrelated issues. If anything, cutting the corporate income tax rate and encouraging our big companies to expand and create more middle-income jobs will help more people get jobs with health insurance.

A business doesn't expand just because they have money. They expand because there is demand for them to do so.
It's a phony question. Health insurance and tax cuts are separate, unrelated issues. If anything, cutting the corporate income tax rate and encouraging our big companies to expand and create more middle-income jobs will help more people get jobs with health insurance.

That sounds good but experience has taught us that stock holders and CEOs get the bulk of profits...

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