Ending health insurance for 13 million to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy?

Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
/----/ Letting people keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. Welfare is.
That's the $1.4 trillion lie you have been told to believe. But it is a lie.

Those tax gifts come at the cost of higher tax rates on EVERY taxpayer, and at the cost of borrowing ever larger sums from China.

It's theft. And you bet your ass it is welfare.

Government tax gifts costs $1.4 trillion a year. That's the biggest wealth redistribution in human history.

So, it is your assertion that taking less of my paycheck is a gift?

It's better to take a fraction of your paycheck now than to lose all of it, including your savings, after paying a fortune in hospital bills in the wake of a catastrophic illness. The goal of PPACA was to bring in more revenue to incentivize the insurance companies to lower their rates while also providing subsidies for those who needed insurance coverage the most but had little or no funds i.e., children and many seniors who hadn't reached age 65.

Not going to happen, I'm well insured.
I am too

1. vet [retired]
3. Tricare
4. Medicare.
Why should other people be forced to pay for those 13 million people that’s fucking immoral

Good question: Why should 13 million freeloaders using the emergency room for free drive up insurance costs for the rest of us?

Funny shit - Conservatives used to HATE freeloaders! :)
Make the insurance companies pay pro bono...

I say eliminate healthcare Insurance companies altogether and install a Federal medical corps. Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free.
...and make it 100% Voluntary
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
/----/ Letting people keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. Welfare is.
That's the $1.4 trillion lie you have been told to believe. But it is a lie.

Those tax gifts come at the cost of higher tax rates on EVERY taxpayer, and at the cost of borrowing ever larger sums from China.

It's theft. And you bet your ass it is welfare.

Government tax gifts costs $1.4 trillion a year. That's the biggest wealth redistribution in human history.

So, it is your assertion that taking less of my paycheck is a gift?

It's better to take a fraction of your paycheck now than to lose all of it, including your savings, after paying a fortune in hospital bills in the wake of a catastrophic illness. The goal of PPACA was to bring in more revenue to incentivize the insurance companies to lower their rates while also providing subsidies for those who needed insurance coverage the most but had little or no funds i.e., children and many seniors who hadn't reached age 65.
Define fraction. 95% is a fraction.
If I only steal a fraction of your money is the rest a gift?
If people choose not to buy health insurance if we don't force them to, how have we taken anything from them?
No one is being FORCED to buy insurance. Some people choose to pay the tax penalty instead. You have a choice, damn it. So in either case when you go to the ER you can hold your head high ( if your neck isn't broken} and truthfully say you're no freeloader.

The penalty is the use of force. Can we at least try to be honest here?
Freeloading ought to be a crime. So, yes, you can call it "use of force" when protecting the interest of taxpayers by making people responsible for their inevitable injuries pay in advance. If you go to the ER without insurance you will be treated and you will be billed; but, who can pay off a 50,000 medical bill immediately? Hospitals are not banks; so, the administrators realize that daily operational necessity depend on getting timely lump sums instead of waiting years for people to pay what they can. The debt owed to the hospital for treating uninsured patients is devastating because government compensation is a pittance. Hospital with a large number of uninsured and medicaid patients can go under.

"The government does provide some compensation to hospitals for treating low-income patients. Most of it is in the form of Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments, which, according to federal law, are owed to any qualified hospital that serves a large number of Medicaid and uninsured patients. But the research shows it is not enough to offset hospital costs. “The DSH payments are less than the uncompensated care that’s provided."
Why should other people be forced to pay for those 13 million people that’s fucking immoral

Good question: Why should 13 million freeloaders using the emergency room for free drive up insurance costs for the rest of us?

Funny shit - Conservatives used to HATE freeloaders! :)
Make the insurance companies pay pro bono...

I say eliminate healthcare Insurance companies altogether and install a Federal medical corps. Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free.
...and make it 100% Voluntary
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
Hey everybody!

I got a great idea!

Lets borrow $1.5 trillion and give it to Billionaires as a Christmas present
/----/ Letting people keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. Welfare is.
That's the $1.4 trillion lie you have been told to believe. But it is a lie.

Those tax gifts come at the cost of higher tax rates on EVERY taxpayer, and at the cost of borrowing ever larger sums from China.

It's theft. And you bet your ass it is welfare.

Government tax gifts costs $1.4 trillion a year. That's the biggest wealth redistribution in human history.

So, it is your assertion that taking less of my paycheck is a gift?

It's better to take a fraction of your paycheck now than to lose all of it, including your savings, after paying a fortune in hospital bills in the wake of a catastrophic illness. The goal of PPACA was to bring in more revenue to incentivize the insurance companies to lower their rates while also providing subsidies for those who needed insurance coverage the most but had little or no funds i.e., children and many seniors who hadn't reached age 65.
Define fraction. 95% is a fraction.
If I only steal a fraction of your money is the rest a gift?
95% IS A PERCENTAGE but I know what you mean. I'm just wondering where you came up with that kind of number.
/----/ Letting people keep more of their own money is not a giveaway. Welfare is.
That's the $1.4 trillion lie you have been told to believe. But it is a lie.

Those tax gifts come at the cost of higher tax rates on EVERY taxpayer, and at the cost of borrowing ever larger sums from China.

It's theft. And you bet your ass it is welfare.

Government tax gifts costs $1.4 trillion a year. That's the biggest wealth redistribution in human history.

So, it is your assertion that taking less of my paycheck is a gift?

It's better to take a fraction of your paycheck now than to lose all of it, including your savings, after paying a fortune in hospital bills in the wake of a catastrophic illness. The goal of PPACA was to bring in more revenue to incentivize the insurance companies to lower their rates while also providing subsidies for those who needed insurance coverage the most but had little or no funds i.e., children and many seniors who hadn't reached age 65.
Define fraction. 95% is a fraction.
If I only steal a fraction of your money is the rest a gift?
95% IS A PERCENTAGE but I know what you mean. I'm just wondering where you came up with that kind of number.
/-----/ I got it from your ambiguous post "It's better to take a fraction of your paycheck " so tell me Dear Lib, what is your definition of a fraction of my paycheck? I bet my definition is different.
Good question: Why should 13 million freeloaders using the emergency room for free drive up insurance costs for the rest of us?

Funny shit - Conservatives used to HATE freeloaders! :)
Make the insurance companies pay pro bono...

I say eliminate healthcare Insurance companies altogether and install a Federal medical corps. Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free.
...and make it 100% Voluntary
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
It's in my office at the business. I'll scan the relevant pages and post it but you'll still just say I'm making it up.

Even if it's true, it only highlights your ineptitude as an employer to do better for your employees.

While Premiums Soar Under Obamacare, Costs of Employer-Based Plans Are Stable

I posted the premium page earlier so you can look

And you obviously don't know shit about the plans available to me in my state and your article was about 2016 premiums.

Maybe you should read the shit you post

like this part that was from a link in the article you posted

In 2016, the average annual premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance are $6,435 for single coverage and $18,142 for family coverage. The average family premium rose 3% over the 2015 average premium while the increase in the premium for single coverage was not statistically significant.

so now tell me what the differences in 2015 and 2016 insurance premiums has to do with the 2018 premiums I posted

Better yet, you tell me how you claim premiums are up 80% when the trend from previous years does not reflect that.

Next time you try to lie, at least keep it believable.

Here you go Dickless
View attachment 166236

That's not proof of anything.
How about you post some supporting evidence such as articles or a link to the insurer's web page that state premiums will rise that significantly in 2018.

Obamacare premiums are set to soar in 2018 — but there's a big catch

It proves how much the premiums for my employees are rising. You see you post news articles full of bullshit I give you a page from my insurance company which is Anthem BCBS CT telling me what the premiums for my employees will be and the percentage of the increase over 2017 rates

and I'm not turning off my ad blocker to read your links
Make the insurance companies pay pro bono...

I say eliminate healthcare Insurance companies altogether and install a Federal medical corps. Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free.
...and make it 100% Voluntary
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.
I say eliminate healthcare Insurance companies altogether and install a Federal medical corps. Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free.
...and make it 100% Voluntary
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.

Operational costs would be controlled by the Feds....so would the quality (lack of).
I say eliminate healthcare Insurance companies altogether and install a Federal medical corps. Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free.
...and make it 100% Voluntary
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.
/----/ Nothing is free JQ. The only money the Government has is money they take from the US Taxpayers. It's not free and the charges to the taxpayer will cripple our economy. You remind me of the lady who said vote for Obama because he gave us free phones and paid for it from his secret stash.
Even if it's true, it only highlights your ineptitude as an employer to do better for your employees.

While Premiums Soar Under Obamacare, Costs of Employer-Based Plans Are Stable

I posted the premium page earlier so you can look

And you obviously don't know shit about the plans available to me in my state and your article was about 2016 premiums.

Maybe you should read the shit you post

like this part that was from a link in the article you posted

In 2016, the average annual premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance are $6,435 for single coverage and $18,142 for family coverage. The average family premium rose 3% over the 2015 average premium while the increase in the premium for single coverage was not statistically significant.

so now tell me what the differences in 2015 and 2016 insurance premiums has to do with the 2018 premiums I posted

Better yet, you tell me how you claim premiums are up 80% when the trend from previous years does not reflect that.

Next time you try to lie, at least keep it believable.

Here you go Dickless
View attachment 166236

That's not proof of anything.
How about you post some supporting evidence such as articles or a link to the insurer's web page that state premiums will rise that significantly in 2018.

Obamacare premiums are set to soar in 2018 — but there's a big catch

It proves how much the premiums for my employees are rising. You see you post news articles full of bullshit I give you a page from my insurance company which is Anthem BCBS CT telling me what the premiums for my employees will be and the percentage of the increase over 2017 rates

and I'm not turning off my ad blocker to read your links
If that excerpt you posted is true your employees premiums are not rising because of Obamacare. here is what I see on that document: It seems to be the ACA fees only added a little bit over 126.00 dollars to the premium.
...and make it 100% Voluntary
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.

Operational costs would be controlled by the Feds....so would the quality (lack of).
I never heard any soldiers complaining about their medical care in Military hospitals and clinics.
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.

Operational costs would be controlled by the Feds....so would the quality (lack of).
I never heard any soldiers complaining about their medical care in Military hospitals and clinics.

Evidently you also haven't heard of any of the VA scandals over the last 10-20 years.
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.

Operational costs would be controlled by the Feds....so would the quality (lack of).
I never heard any soldiers complaining about their medical care in Military hospitals and clinics.
VA Hospitals Scandal - News & Videos - CBS News
...and make it 100% Voluntary
/----/ "Nationalize all hospitals and make healthcare free." How are you going to get all those doctors, nurses, administrative people and housekeeping to work for free?
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.
/----/ Nothing is free JQ. The only money the Government has is money they take from the US Taxpayers. It's not free and the charges to the taxpayer will cripple our economy. You remind me of the lady who said vote for Obama because he gave us free phones and paid for it from his secret stash.

I meant free to those who cannot's afford it and also lower more stable premiums for those who can. But yes...the tax payer may have to foot some of the bill for operational costs. However, we might take a look at all the military installations we have around the world and consider choosing between maintaining fewer of those enclaves and using that money to implement my plan.
This is yet another example of how pathetic the Republican Party has become. Trump was already this pathetic.

Ending the mandate will cause 13 million to no longer be insured. The Republicans will save the money that would be spent on health insurance subsidies. Where do they think these people will get healthcare? Using the system without paying. More children on CHIP ( If Republicans decide to renew it at current levels). Who pays for that? We do.

Trump & the Republicans want to save money by reducing the number signing up for health insurance on the exchanges.

Chickenfuck Trump cut the enrollment period & reduced the outreach to help people get insurance. The same practice these pathetic assholes use to depress the vote.

Republicans keep to their traditions: Keep handing rich people & corporations money & making the middle class pay for it.

Ryan said SS, Medicare & Medicaid is next. After adding a trillion to the deficit, they will cry about debt & blame it on these programs.

The fact is that Republicans suck big slimy moose dick.,

Most experts agree that these tax cuts will not pay for themselves. Trump is kicking the debt can down the road to enrich his already rich friends at the expense of future generations of poor and middle class Americans. On Christmas Day - think about the millions who will lose their health insurance in order to help pay for Trump's tax cut con job.
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.

Operational costs would be controlled by the Feds....so would the quality (lack of).
I never heard any soldiers complaining about their medical care in Military hospitals and clinics.

Evidently you also haven't heard of any of the VA scandals over the last 10-20 years.
The VA is run by civilians... military hospitals have had no such scandals...
They won't have to work for free, they will become civil servants...government employees with a military rank and pay scale structure.
/-----/ Well that's different. You said "free healthcare" The Post Office is run by civil servants but postage isn't free. Please explain free healthcare and where their pay comes from.
Nothing I said is different. You just went off on a tangent because you misread what I said. Free healthcare socialized medicine. Thats when the hospitals are owned by the government and the medical personnel are all employees of the government. Operating Costs would be lowered considerably. Doctors would start at the rank of Captain, Nurses would start as 1st LTs, and aides, specialists and technicians would be enlisted. The chief administrator, depending on the size of the hospital and staff, could be a Colonel in smaller hospitals and up to a 2 star General in larger ones. People would still be required to have government insurance so as to offset operational costs but it would all be controlled centrally by the Feds instead of individual states or greedy private entities.

Operational costs would be controlled by the Feds....so would the quality (lack of).
I never heard any soldiers complaining about their medical care in Military hospitals and clinics.
VA Hospitals Scandal - News & Videos - CBS News

Give us some stories and statistics on private hospital scandals. Personally, I like the VA healthcare - and so do most of my friends - including the ones who also have private healthcare insurance as I do.

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