EPA set to cut nearly 50% of staff in President Trump's first term

Chocolate isn't toxic dumbass.

Anything can be toxic in sufficient quantities.


Nice girlfriend you have...you must be proud



The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Only reason Cons hate them is because they stand in the way of Big biz from literally destroying our country .

The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Exactly! They've successfully damaged our economy long enough.

They’ve cleaned up the enviornment . Dramatically over the last 40 years .

It’s like many agencies of the federal government. It was created by a government which by nature wants to grow. It has done many good things, but it has also grown and overreached now to the point of being a detriment. We need an ecological arm of the government, but this one is tooooooo big.

You believe that nonsense ?

Look at any agency and you’ll see its origins come from some bad behavior that outraged the public.
The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Only reason Cons hate them is because they stand in the way of Big biz from literally destroying our country .

The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Exactly! They've successfully damaged our economy long enough.

They’ve cleaned up the enviornment . Dramatically over the last 40 years .

It’s like many agencies of the federal government. It was created by a government which by nature wants to grow. It has done many good things, but it has also grown and overreached now to the point of being a detriment. We need an ecological arm of the government, but this one is tooooooo big.

You believe that nonsense ?

Look at any agency and you’ll see its origins come from some bad behavior that outraged the public.

Which nonsense, That it has done good things or that it is now too big and overreaching?

Good things-
banning the widespread use of the pesticide DDT, which was decimating bald eagles and other birds and threatening public health; achieving significant reductions in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions that were polluting water sources via acid rain; changing public perceptions of waste, leading to innovations that make use of waste for energy creation and making new products; getting lead out of gasoline; classifying secondhand smoke as a known cause of cancer, leading to smoking bans in indoor public places; establishing stringent emission standards for pollutants emitted by cars and trucks; regulating toxic chemicals and encouraging the development of more benign chemicals; establishing a national commitment to restore and maintain the safety of fresh water, via the Clean Water Act; promoting equitable environmental protection for minority and low-income citizens; and increasing public information and communities’ “right to know” what chemicals and/or pollutants they may be exposed to in their daily lives.

Too big and overreaching things-
Cap and trade
Regulating carbon dioxide
Dictating which light bulbs I use
which soap I use
how much power utilities generate
How much water I flush
And don’t even get me started with the lead paint certification program which is a huge waste of money for small businesses and of no value whatsoever.
banning the widespread use of the pesticide DDT,

Since the widespread ban over 50 million people have died from Malaria which in the early ‘60s had been nearly eradicated from South East Asia by the use of DDT.

Despite the fact that not a single human death has been linked to the commercial use of DDT.
banning the widespread use of the pesticide DDT,

Since the widespread ban over 50 million people have died from Malaria which in the early ‘60s had been nearly eradicated from South East Asia by the use of DDT.

Despite the fact that not a single human death has been linked to the commercial use of DDT.

Human Health Harms
The science on DDT's human health impacts has continued to mount over the years, with recent studies showing harm at very low levels of exposure. Studies show a range of human health effects linked to DDT and its breakdown product, DDE:

  • breast & other cancers
  • male infertility
  • miscarriages & low birth weight
  • developmental delay
  • nervous system & liver damage
No 'Silver Bullet' for Malaria Control
The only remaining legal use of DDT is to control malaria-carrying mosquitoes. A devastating disease, malaria kills more than 800,000 people every year, the majority of deaths among children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Indoor spraying with DDT is one of a number of tools being used to control malaria around the world. Only in rare cases is it the most effective choice.

Successful malaria control programs have been built all over the world using a variety of approaches that are affordable and appropriate to local needs. All include community involvement, appropriate technology and investment in public health capacity and education. These community-based, integrated solutions have proven successful in places as diverse as Mexico, Kenya and Vietnam.
The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Only reason Cons hate them is because they stand in the way of Big biz from literally destroying our country .

The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Exactly! They've successfully damaged our economy long enough.

They’ve cleaned up the enviornment . Dramatically over the last 40 years .

It’s like many agencies of the federal government. It was created by a government which by nature wants to grow. It has done many good things, but it has also grown and overreached now to the point of being a detriment. We need an ecological arm of the government, but this one is tooooooo big.

You believe that nonsense ?

Look at any agency and you’ll see its origins come from some bad behavior that outraged the public.

You mean it came from behavior that outraged some politicians.
Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.
The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Only reason Cons hate them is because they stand in the way of Big biz from literally destroying our country .

The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Exactly! They've successfully damaged our economy long enough.

They’ve cleaned up the enviornment . Dramatically over the last 40 years .

It’s like many agencies of the federal government. It was created by a government which by nature wants to grow. It has done many good things, but it has also grown and overreached now to the point of being a detriment. We need an ecological arm of the government, but this one is tooooooo big.

You believe that nonsense ?

Look at any agency and you’ll see its origins come from some bad behavior that outraged the public.

You mean it came from behavior that outraged some politicians.

It came from bad behavior from businesses. Businesses destroyed rivers by discharging toxic waste into rivers, creating toxic dumps and the such. Politicians didn't suddenly decide to be outraged. They acted because of the bad acts of businesses.
Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.

Why don't you show everyone where the Constitution allows the delegation of regulatory powers to said agency?
A little history lesson for that imbecile Buckeye who wants to cut the Endowment for the Arts....

When Winston Churchill was asked to cut funding to the arts in order to support the war effort in World War II, he responded “Then what would we be fighting for?”
Wouldn't that have been the crown supporting the arts?

There should never have been a national endowment for the arts. All it does is support that which should fail. The arts have always been supported by those who appreciate an artistic talent. It should have stayed that way.
Actually it's just the opposite. The NationalEndowment of the Arts gives more artists, performers etc. the chance to express themselves and permit more people the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy it.
The only thing better than one orchestra in a city is two orchestras... or more performances of that one orchestra people can enjoy.

The NationalEndowment of the Arts gives more artists, performers etc. the chance to express themselves and permit more people the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy it.

Sounds awesome. Maybe you should donate your tax savings to them, eh?
I donate a lot more than that to the PhiladelphiaOrchestra and other endeavors in Philadelphia.

Excellent! Good for you.
Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.

Why don't you show everyone where the Constitution allows the delegation of regulatory powers to said agency?

Show me where the Constitution bans it. If it does not ban it then the Congress has the power to do so. Or are you suggesting that businesses have a constitutional right to dump toxic waste in rivers.
Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.

Why don't you show everyone where the Constitution allows the delegation of regulatory powers to said agency?

Con allows congress to make laws . They made a law creating the epa and have them authority . Nothing unconstitutional about that.

Where does the con mention the Air Force ? Is the Air Force unconstitutional?
The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Only reason Cons hate them is because they stand in the way of Big biz from literally destroying our country .

The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Exactly! They've successfully damaged our economy long enough.

They’ve cleaned up the enviornment . Dramatically over the last 40 years .

It’s like many agencies of the federal government. It was created by a government which by nature wants to grow. It has done many good things, but it has also grown and overreached now to the point of being a detriment. We need an ecological arm of the government, but this one is tooooooo big.

You believe that nonsense ?

Look at any agency and you’ll see its origins come from some bad behavior that outraged the public.

Which nonsense, That it has done good things or that it is now too big and overreaching?

Good things-
banning the widespread use of the pesticide DDT, which was decimating bald eagles and other birds and threatening public health; achieving significant reductions in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions that were polluting water sources via acid rain; changing public perceptions of waste, leading to innovations that make use of waste for energy creation and making new products; getting lead out of gasoline; classifying secondhand smoke as a known cause of cancer, leading to smoking bans in indoor public places; establishing stringent emission standards for pollutants emitted by cars and trucks; regulating toxic chemicals and encouraging the development of more benign chemicals; establishing a national commitment to restore and maintain the safety of fresh water, via the Clean Water Act; promoting equitable environmental protection for minority and low-income citizens; and increasing public information and communities’ “right to know” what chemicals and/or pollutants they may be exposed to in their daily lives.

Too big and overreaching things-
Cap and trade
Regulating carbon dioxide
Dictating which light bulbs I use
which soap I use
how much power utilities generate
How much water I flush
And don’t even get me started with the lead paint certification program which is a huge waste of money for small businesses and of no value whatsoever.

Good things-
banning the widespread use of the pesticide DDT,

The DDT ban has killed millions in Africa.
Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.

Why don't you show everyone where the Constitution allows the delegation of regulatory powers to said agency?

Con allows congress to make laws . They made a law creating the epa and have them authority . Nothing unconstitutional about that.

Where does the con mention the Air Force ? Is the Air Force unconstitutional?

So, a Law that expressly goes against the wording of the Constitution is Constitutional? You do know that Congress did not create the EPA, right?
The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Exactly! They've successfully damaged our economy long enough.

They’ve cleaned up the enviornment . Dramatically over the last 40 years .

It’s like many agencies of the federal government. It was created by a government which by nature wants to grow. It has done many good things, but it has also grown and overreached now to the point of being a detriment. We need an ecological arm of the government, but this one is tooooooo big.

You believe that nonsense ?

Look at any agency and you’ll see its origins come from some bad behavior that outraged the public.

Which nonsense, That it has done good things or that it is now too big and overreaching?

Good things-
banning the widespread use of the pesticide DDT, which was decimating bald eagles and other birds and threatening public health; achieving significant reductions in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions that were polluting water sources via acid rain; changing public perceptions of waste, leading to innovations that make use of waste for energy creation and making new products; getting lead out of gasoline; classifying secondhand smoke as a known cause of cancer, leading to smoking bans in indoor public places; establishing stringent emission standards for pollutants emitted by cars and trucks; regulating toxic chemicals and encouraging the development of more benign chemicals; establishing a national commitment to restore and maintain the safety of fresh water, via the Clean Water Act; promoting equitable environmental protection for minority and low-income citizens; and increasing public information and communities’ “right to know” what chemicals and/or pollutants they may be exposed to in their daily lives.

Too big and overreaching things-
Cap and trade
Regulating carbon dioxide
Dictating which light bulbs I use
which soap I use
how much power utilities generate
How much water I flush
And don’t even get me started with the lead paint certification program which is a huge waste of money for small businesses and of no value whatsoever.

Good things-
banning the widespread use of the pesticide DDT,

The DDT ban has killed millions in Africa.

And contributed to the spread of bed bugs in the US.
Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.

Why don't you show everyone where the Constitution allows the delegation of regulatory powers to said agency?

Con allows congress to make laws . They made a law creating the epa and have them authority . Nothing unconstitutional about that.

Where does the con mention the Air Force ? Is the Air Force unconstitutional?

So, a Law that expressly goes against the wording of the Constitution is Constitutional? You do know that Congress did not create the EPA, right?

The Constitution does not even mention the environment. There is nothing unconstitutional about the EPA.
Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.

Why don't you show everyone where the Constitution allows the delegation of regulatory powers to said agency?

Con allows congress to make laws . They made a law creating the epa and have them authority . Nothing unconstitutional about that.

Where does the con mention the Air Force ? Is the Air Force unconstitutional?

So, a Law that expressly goes against the wording of the Constitution is Constitutional? You do know that Congress did not create the EPA, right?

The Constitution does not even mention the environment. There is nothing unconstitutional about the EPA.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.

You mean things will be a lot better. The EPA will be defanged and there will be no noticable degradation in the quality of the environment. Voters will learn that all the EPA hysteria of the last couple of decades was total fucking bullshit.

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