EPA set to cut nearly 50% of staff in President Trump's first term

Another example of far right extremism. The Republicans should have focused on the EPA relying on sound science and getting rid of silly excuses for regulating such as declaring land that has water on it a wetland. The EPA has a important role as businesses cannot be trusted not to pollute. It is not surprising from a Administration that objects to regulations on coal waste in rivers. This will help put far left extremists in charge of everything after 2020 and things will be worse.

Why don't you show everyone where the Constitution allows the delegation of regulatory powers to said agency?

Con allows congress to make laws . They made a law creating the epa and have them authority . Nothing unconstitutional about that.

Where does the con mention the Air Force ? Is the Air Force unconstitutional?

So, a Law that expressly goes against the wording of the Constitution is Constitutional? You do know that Congress did not create the EPA, right?

The Constitution does not even mention the environment. There is nothing unconstitutional about the EPA.

Almost every bureau in the federal government is unconstitutional, including the FBI.
The Epa is a victim of its own success .

Exactly! They've successfully damaged our economy long enough.

They’ve cleaned up the enviornment . Dramatically over the last 40 years .

It’s like many agencies of the federal government. It was created by a government which by nature wants to grow. It has done many good things, but it has also grown and overreached now to the point of being a detriment. We need an ecological arm of the government, but this one is tooooooo big.

You believe that nonsense ?

Look at any agency and you’ll see its origins come from some bad behavior that outraged the public.

You mean it came from behavior that outraged some politicians.

It came from bad behavior from businesses. Businesses destroyed rivers by discharging toxic waste into rivers, creating toxic dumps and the such. Politicians didn't suddenly decide to be outraged. They acted because of the bad acts of businesses.

That's the result of the fact that no one owns our rivers. Out west where water is scarce rights to the water in rivers was bought and sold like a ommodity. If anyone dumped pollution in a river they would get sued by everyone with water rights in that river. Such thing didn't happen in the East where none had water rights. Whenever the government owns something, it ends up being abused.

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