Epstein Pilot - Trump Flew on the Lolita Express

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Yet with Trump, it does matter do you.
You have no evidence that it isn't true, jackass. With Mike Tyson we do.

Understand the difference?
You have no evidence that it isn't true, jackass. With Mike Tyson we do.

Understand the difference?

Of course I have evidence. I already posted a link with many women claiming they didn't let him sexually assault him. Same evidence you have with Mike Tyson.
All the facts show show Trump cut all ties with Epstein. Another example how dishonest you are.

The claim was "He never hung out with him"....clearly that is not correct. That he later cut ties with him does not change a thing. You try so hard for your gotcha moment with me and fail every single time.

But hey, you get an E for effort.
All the facts show show Trump cut all ties with Epstein. Another example how dishonest you are.
Yeah, he cut ties with him a year after Epstein was charged and arrested for sex crimes. Who other than Trump associates with a charged sex offender for a year?

Of course I have evidence. I already posted a link with many women claiming they didn't let him sexually assault him. Same evidence you have with Mike Tyson.
We already know those claims are false. Tyson, on the other hand, was arrested and convicted. There is quite a different level of evidence in his case, although it still may not be true.
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The claim was "He never hung out with him"....clearly that is not correct. That he later cut ties with him does not change a thing. You try so hard for your gotcha moment with me and fail every single time.

But hey, you get an E for effort.
I never made that claim. What I say has nothing to do with your dishonesty, does it?
And yet threads about Bidens go to the toilet and threads about Trump stay in politics.
So? Just don't go blaming the left for that. That's due to those threads breaking the forum rules. Not because of left or right mods or posters.
That isn't evidence, moron. Evidence means you have facts that indicate Trump violated the person of a specific person, not some vague generalized insinuation about Trump's character.
As always, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

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