Eradicate the Democratic Party first-then the Coronavirus.

On the west coast Dem's pack people together like sardines. Building lots as small as 3,000 sqft so as to maximize property tax revenue into the Dem coffers. Your neighbor could cough out their window and infect you with the virus.
New York has always been a state that is a rat’s nest of democratic politics. NY City has been a sanctuary city thumbing its nose at the rest of the country and inviting disease into its midst for political power and ideological centralized authority. Now the foolishness of its policies has come home to roost and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is making excuses for bad policies and accusing the rest of the country of trying to kill his mother.

Thanks to democratic policies and agendas to get votes for power, once eradicated diseases like Tuberculosis, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough and Polio have all made big comebacks in the US. But now New York, a state with over a half million illegal immigrants, has fifteen times the number of Coronavirus cases as California, a state with a larger population. New York state and New York City are longstanding democratic strongholds and the connection to democrats and disease is undeniable.

When this is over the country needs to save itself by first eradicating the Democratic Party and then the Coronavirus.

What is wrong with you?

Eradicate millions of people who disagree with your views?

What kind of sick person are you?

Yet I see posts from conservatives screaming democrats want to kill everyone because they tried to warn the nation about the virus or democrats are murderers because they support a woman's right to choose.

Yet here you are demanding to eradicate millions of democrats. Yet there are posts after posts from people like you calling for liberals and democrats to be killed.

You people really need to get some help with your need to eradicate and kill everyone who doesn't have the same beliefs you have.

Seriously, it's not normal and is very sick.
New York has always been a state that is a rat’s nest of democratic politics. NY City has been a sanctuary city thumbing its nose at the rest of the country and inviting disease into its midst for political power and ideological centralized authority. Now the foolishness of its policies has come home to roost and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is making excuses for bad policies and accusing the rest of the country of trying to kill his mother.

Thanks to democratic policies and agendas to get votes for power, once eradicated diseases like Tuberculosis, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough and Polio have all made big comebacks in the US. But now New York, a state with over a half million illegal immigrants, has fifteen times the number of Coronavirus cases as California, a state with a larger population. New York state and New York City are longstanding democratic strongholds and the connection to democrats and disease is undeniable.

When this is over the country needs to save itself by first eradicating the Democratic Party and then the Coronavirus.

What is wrong with you?

Eradicate millions of people who disagree with your views?

What kind of sick person are you?

Yet I see posts from conservatives screaming democrats want to kill everyone because they tried to warn the nation about the virus or democrats are murderers because they support a woman's right to choose.

Yet here you are demanding to eradicate millions of democrats. Yet there are posts after posts from people like you calling for liberals and democrats to be killed.

You people really need to get some help with your need to eradicate and kill everyone who doesn't have the same beliefs you have.

Seriously, it's not normal and is very sick.

The post says nothing about killing democrats.

New York has always been a state that is a rat’s nest of democratic politics. NY City has been a sanctuary city thumbing its nose at the rest of the country and inviting disease into its midst for political power and ideological centralized authority. Now the foolishness of its policies has come home to roost and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is making excuses for bad policies and accusing the rest of the country of trying to kill his mother.

Thanks to democratic policies and agendas to get votes for power, once eradicated diseases like Tuberculosis, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough and Polio have all made big comebacks in the US. But now New York, a state with over a half million illegal immigrants, has fifteen times the number of Coronavirus cases as California, a state with a larger population. New York state and New York City are longstanding democratic strongholds and the connection to democrats and disease is undeniable.

When this is over the country needs to save itself by first eradicating the Democratic Party and then the Coronavirus.

What is wrong with you?

Eradicate millions of people who disagree with your views?

What kind of sick person are you?

Yet I see posts from conservatives screaming democrats want to kill everyone because they tried to warn the nation about the virus or democrats are murderers because they support a woman's right to choose.

Yet here you are demanding to eradicate millions of democrats. Yet there are posts after posts from people like you calling for liberals and democrats to be killed.

You people really need to get some help with your need to eradicate and kill everyone who doesn't have the same beliefs you have.

Seriously, it's not normal and is very sick.
The post says nothing about killing democrats.

New York has always been a state that is a rat’s nest of democratic politics. NY City has been a sanctuary city thumbing its nose at the rest of the country and inviting disease into its midst for political power and ideological centralized authority. Now the foolishness of its policies has come home to roost and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is making excuses for bad policies and accusing the rest of the country of trying to kill his mother.

Thanks to democratic policies and agendas to get votes for power, once eradicated diseases like Tuberculosis, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough and Polio have all made big comebacks in the US. But now New York, a state with over a half million illegal immigrants, has fifteen times the number of Coronavirus cases as California, a state with a larger population. New York state and New York City are longstanding democratic strongholds and the connection to democrats and disease is undeniable.

When this is over the country needs to save itself by first eradicating the Democratic Party and then the Coronavirus.

What is wrong with you?

Eradicate millions of people who disagree with your views?

What kind of sick person are you?

Yet I see posts from conservatives screaming democrats want to kill everyone because they tried to warn the nation about the virus or democrats are murderers because they support a woman's right to choose.

Yet here you are demanding to eradicate millions of democrats. Yet there are posts after posts from people like you calling for liberals and democrats to be killed.

You people really need to get some help with your need to eradicate and kill everyone who doesn't have the same beliefs you have.

Seriously, it's not normal and is very sick.
Blob supporters are sick fucks. Confirmed
New York has always been a state that is a rat’s nest of democratic politics. NY City has been a sanctuary city thumbing its nose at the rest of the country and inviting disease into its midst for political power and ideological centralized authority. Now the foolishness of its policies has come home to roost and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is making excuses for bad policies and accusing the rest of the country of trying to kill his mother.

Thanks to democratic policies and agendas to get votes for power, once eradicated diseases like Tuberculosis, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough and Polio have all made big comebacks in the US. But now New York, a state with over a half million illegal immigrants, has fifteen times the number of Coronavirus cases as California, a state with a larger population. New York state and New York City are longstanding democratic strongholds and the connection to democrats and disease is undeniable.

When this is over the country needs to save itself by first eradicating the Democratic Party and then the Coronavirus.

What is wrong with you?

Eradicate millions of people who disagree with your views?

What kind of sick person are you?

Yet I see posts from conservatives screaming democrats want to kill everyone because they tried to warn the nation about the virus or democrats are murderers because they support a woman's right to choose.

Yet here you are demanding to eradicate millions of democrats. Yet there are posts after posts from people like you calling for liberals and democrats to be killed.

You people really need to get some help with your need to eradicate and kill everyone who doesn't have the same beliefs you have.

Seriously, it's not normal and is very sick.

The post says nothing about killing democrats.

New York has always been a state that is a rat’s nest of democratic politics. NY City has been a sanctuary city thumbing its nose at the rest of the country and inviting disease into its midst for political power and ideological centralized authority. Now the foolishness of its policies has come home to roost and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is making excuses for bad policies and accusing the rest of the country of trying to kill his mother.

Thanks to democratic policies and agendas to get votes for power, once eradicated diseases like Tuberculosis, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough and Polio have all made big comebacks in the US. But now New York, a state with over a half million illegal immigrants, has fifteen times the number of Coronavirus cases as California, a state with a larger population. New York state and New York City are longstanding democratic strongholds and the connection to democrats and disease is undeniable.

When this is over the country needs to save itself by first eradicating the Democratic Party and then the Coronavirus.

What is wrong with you?

Eradicate millions of people who disagree with your views?

What kind of sick person are you?

Yet I see posts from conservatives screaming democrats want to kill everyone because they tried to warn the nation about the virus or democrats are murderers because they support a woman's right to choose.

Yet here you are demanding to eradicate millions of democrats. Yet there are posts after posts from people like you calling for liberals and democrats to be killed.

You people really need to get some help with your need to eradicate and kill everyone who doesn't have the same beliefs you have.

Seriously, it's not normal and is very sick.
The post says nothing about killing democrats.

So what did you mean by eradicate? Do you know what that word means?

What is wrong with you? Why would you want anyone eradicated?

The only reason why you singled out New York is because it's a blue state but you say nothing about the red state of Louisiana. Why?

You seriously need to get help.

What you advocate isn't normal and is very sick.

Do you feel the same way about Louisiana and New Orleans?

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