Erasing Southern Pride: U.S. Army War College Removing Confederate Generals Portraits

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No "the 100,000 wide spread support for the union formed in the south troops" were not contraband troops. This is your answer?

Do you live near power lines?

If that is your answer then you're lying sack of shit.
The troops were contraband troops, slaves used by the north not to fight but to loot.
Making your wide spread support argument a load shit.

Lol, it seems libtard deflecting 'humor' is spreading to some here like some kind of STD.
Some of the black troops obviously came from the South, and if they came in the numbers bigreb suggests, then his figure undermines the few number of blacks who fought for the South: the more black troops from the South who fought against the South overwhelmingly trounces the few who fought for the gray.

A few northern whites fought for the South.

Huge pockets of southern resistance to the CSA existed throughout the South.

The one state, Texas, that permitted a citizen referendum voted 1:4 against secession.

What numbers have I suggested Jake?

Your numbers suggested require documentation. Do you have it? If so post. If not, then shut up. :lol:
What numbers have I suggested? How can I provide documentation when I made no such suggestion.
I am through being nice you fucking piece of shit, what the fuck is wrong with you? You make a god damn wide ass claim and when asked to support it you dance spin and run.
Only large number of troops formed in the south for the north were contraband troops. Now shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit.

I answered your damn question over and over and over, you stupid fuck. What the hell do you want, idiot?
You left out this part
Only large number of troops formed in the south for the north were contraband troops. Now shut the fuck up you lying piece of shit.

He answered you here:

He said they were not contraband troops. If by that phrase 'contraband troops' you mean troops organized for foraging and not open field combat that would not be surprising in a great many cases.

But obviously some of the negro (can we say the word negro anymore? lol) were regular battlefield troops, so are you wanting to get what people think the proportions of both were?

In Slaves We Trust. Their foundation, their cornerstone, the engine that ran the southern economy, their lifeblood working the fields, emblazoned right on their currency.

In Slaves We Trust. Their foundation, their cornerstone, the engine that ran the southern economy, their lifeblood working the fields, emblazoned right on their currency.

Wow, your cut-n-paste skills are just your own mind, lol.
Conservative estimate = over 100,000 White Southerners left the CSA to fight for the Union.

Every Southern state except South Carolina raised at least a battalion of Southern Unionists.

[Lincoln's Loyalists: Union Soldiers from the Confederacy]

[Also: "...some 100,000 white southerners (along with 150,000 blacks) — at least one battalion of white troops from every Confederate state except South Carolina — served in Union armies during the course of the war. " ]
Mackubin Thomas Owens on Cold Mountain on National Review Online

Other estimates place it well over a quarter million.

Wow, the goddess of hystery got one right.

Yes, a lot of Southerners were against secession and did things to oppose it personally, politically and combatively.

But the vast MAJORITY of Southerners took up arms simply to DEFEND THEIR COMMUNITIES, not to defend slavery, which is not convenient to PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists like you dear.

why was their community under attack asswipe? Links, try them sometime :eusa_eh: As long as we're on the subject, gawd but you're a little bitch :thup:
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It's seems to annoy the JimCrowie that I provide backup references and occasional illustration for what I post.

That, in itself, is revealing.
which is not convenient to PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists like you dear.

(1) JB does not know what "PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists" means; it is simply TeaParty talk.

(2) JB has no idea how to relate it to the discussion.

(3) A good portion of the South hated the Confederacy.
which is not convenient to PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists like you dear.
(1) JB does not know what "PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists" means; it is simply TeaParty talk.

(2) JB has no idea how to relate it to the discussion.

(3) A good portion of the South hated the Confederacy.
I don't think even many in the Tea Party crowd would refer to a woman as "miserable ****" as JimCrowie does.
Conservative estimate = over 100,000 White Southerners left the CSA to fight for the Union.

Every Southern state except South Carolina raised at least a battalion of Southern Unionists.

[Lincoln's Loyalists: Union Soldiers from the Confederacy]

[Also: "...some 100,000 white southerners (along with 150,000 blacks) — at least one battalion of white troops from every Confederate state except South Carolina — served in Union armies during the course of the war. " ]
Mackubin Thomas Owens on Cold Mountain on National Review Online

Other estimates place it well over a quarter million.

When I see someone use the phrase "lost cause" I see a skewed view. From my research I can't see any where near 100,000 leaving their home and country to fight for another country.
many knew it was a lost cause and that it was only a matter of time so its no wonder that they merely traveled North to escape the inevitable unpleasantness (See- Sherman's march to the sea).
Conservative estimate = over 100,000 White Southerners left the CSA to fight for the Union.

Every Southern state except South Carolina raised at least a battalion of Southern Unionists.

[Lincoln's Loyalists: Union Soldiers from the Confederacy]

[Also: "...some 100,000 white southerners (along with 150,000 blacks) — at least one battalion of white troops from every Confederate state except South Carolina — served in Union armies during the course of the war. " ]
Mackubin Thomas Owens on Cold Mountain on National Review Online

Other estimates place it well over a quarter million.

Wow, the goddess of hystery got one right.

Yes, a lot of Southerners were against secession and did things to oppose it personally, politically and combatively.

But the vast MAJORITY of Southerners took up arms simply to DEFEND THEIR COMMUNITIES, not to defend slavery, which is not convenient to PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists like you dear.

why was their community under attack asswipe? Links, try them sometime

I need to link the fact that the South was invaded by the north?

You are more ignorant and stupid than I thought you are.
which is not convenient to PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists like you dear.

(1) JB does not know what "PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists" means; it is simply TeaParty talk.

(2) JB has no idea how to relate it to the discussion.

(3) A good portion of the South hated the Confederacy.

I know that you are a fascist punk, you little bitch.

The Frankfurt school of Marxism came to the USA and took over most of the social studies departments here in the USA and this has been documented by Horrowitz.

But I am not wasting time providing documentation for a fascist twat like you.
which is not convenient to PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists like you dear.
(1) JB does not know what "PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists" means; it is simply TeaParty talk.

(2) JB has no idea how to relate it to the discussion.

(3) A good portion of the South hated the Confederacy.
I don't think even many in the Tea Party crowd would refer to a woman as "miserable ****" as JimCrowie does.

What proof is there that you are a woman?

And so what if you are? You conduct yourself like a crack whore, then I will call you a crack whore if I like.

You claim to be a historian of some sort, but all I have seen from you is cut-n-paste a kid could do.

If you cant bring the facts tied together with some reason, then piss off whether you are a man, a woman, or some surgically altered abomination.
which is not convenient to PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists like you dear.

(1) JB does not know what "PPC neoMarxist historical revisionists" means; it is simply TeaParty talk.

(2) JB has no idea how to relate it to the discussion.

(3) A good portion of the South hated the Confederacy.

A good portion of the South hated the Confederacy.

Really? If that were true there would not have been a war.
Stop burping out bull shit.
It's seems to annoy the JimCrowie that I provide backup references and occasional illustration for what I post.

That, in itself, is revealing.

rw'ers, like JimCrowie1958, think that doing research & posting sources is nerdy. More like they're too lazy or the facts don't support their assertions :eek: :lol:
It's seems to annoy the JimCrowie that I provide backup references and occasional illustration for what I post.

That, in itself, is revealing.

Anyone can cut n paste crap from other web sites.

What you cannot do is rebut arguments against your point of view.

You are just so above that, lolol.
It's seems to annoy the JimCrowie that I provide backup references and occasional illustration for what I post.

That, in itself, is revealing.

rw'ers, like JimCrowie1958, think that doing research & posting sources is nerdy.

Where did she do that in response to anything I have posted that had an argument to it and a rebuttal to my post?

no, she cant be bothered because she doesn't understand my posts apparently, because she is a fraud.

The primary driving force to the instigation of the Civil War was Lincolns invasion of the South that he repeatedly stated was to restore the union and had nothing to do with freeing slaves unless he thought that could help restore the union.

The Southerners repeatedly stated that they fought to defend themselves from this invasion.

But to idiots like you and frauds like paperview, what the actors of history say they do things for is irrelevant. She knows the real hidden Truth, roflmao.
I read that book 10+ yrs ago. Wonder if bigrebnc or JimCrowie1958 have? :eusa_whistle: :doubt:

Conservative estimate = over 100,000 White Southerners left the CSA to fight for the Union.

Every Southern state except South Carolina raised at least a battalion of Southern Unionists.

[Lincoln's Loyalists: Union Soldiers from the Confederacy]

[Also: "...some 100,000 white southerners (along with 150,000 blacks) — at least one battalion of white troops from every Confederate state except South Carolina — served in Union armies during the course of the war. " ]
Mackubin Thomas Owens on Cold Mountain on National Review Online

Other estimates place it well over a quarter million.
many knew it was a lost cause and that it was only a matter of time so its no wonder that they merely traveled North to escape the inevitable unpleasantness (See- Sherman's march to the sea).

They may have thought it was a lost cause but when the war would end they would have to return home. They would not have known about sherman's march to the sea or even if it could be possible. Hell most thought the war would be over in one fight most enlisted for 90 days.
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