Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

My bottom line (For whatever that's worth ):

I don't want a POTUS who pops off his mouth like that.
I agree. What other candidates have to take from the Trump Effect is that candidates would be better off saying what they really think instead of being pc. People want a no nonsense kind of president that is strong.
No, that is not the answer in YouTube America

Everything you say turns up in a sound bite. Look at Mitt Romney and his 47% comments. Spouting any offensive thought under the pretext of "telling it like it is" will bury you
Romney did not explain the context of that comment. He didn't handle it well, because he was PC.
Any rational thinking person can see what this is all about. This is about the establishment stopping at nothing to get Bush the Republican nom. This was all supposed to be a Clinton/Bush showdown and its going oh so horribly wrong :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so entertained over this whole thing. Zero fucks given over him being disinvited to this oh so important gathering ;) Lets see what kind of bump the clown car gets while Trump continues to pull away from the field.
I tried to @ you in my last post in the lounge subforum..didnt work tho...

Anyhoo i agree this is str8 up entertainment this election....awesome
Any rational thinking person can see what this is all about. This is about the establishment stopping at nothing to get Bush the Republican nom. This was all supposed to be a Clinton/Bush showdown and its going oh so horribly wrong :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so entertained over this whole thing. Zero fucks given over him being disinvited to this oh so important gathering ;) Lets see what kind of bump the clown car gets while Trump continues to pull away from the field.
I tried to @ you in my last post in the lounge subforum..didnt work tho...

Anyhoo i agree this is str8 up entertainment this election....awesome
All the talk is about Trump and that is good for Trump and good for the Democrats. Look at how many threads are going about Clinton's scandals. None or almost none.
Any rational thinking person can see what this is all about. This is about the establishment stopping at nothing to get Bush the Republican nom. This was all supposed to be a Clinton/Bush showdown and its going oh so horribly wrong :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so entertained over this whole thing. Zero fucks given over him being disinvited to this oh so important gathering ;) Lets see what kind of bump the clown car gets while Trump continues to pull away from the field.
If Trump was smart, he would buy tv time at the same time the Red State affair is going on and have half an hour of nothing but his views without the caustic questions that are going to be levelled against him in another Establishment venue. ;)
I like ;)

Notice nobody picked up on his brilliant policy on healthcare, nor bothered to get his opinion on the Iran deal during the debate? Pundits are more focused on bullshit rather than substance and yes Trump has put forth a lot of substance. If people really bothered to listen to him speak rather than forming their opinions on soundbites the msm plays they'd learn something about him. There's a reason Trump is killing in the polls and it's not because of his boorish behavior.
My bottom line (For whatever that's worth ):

I don't want a POTUS who pops off his mouth like that.
I agree. What other candidates have to take from the Trump Effect is that candidates would be better off saying what they really think instead of being pc. People want a no nonsense kind of president that is strong.
No, that is not the answer in YouTube America

Everything you say turns up in a sound bite. Look at Mitt Romney and his 47% comments. Spouting any offensive thought under the pretext of "telling it like it is" will bury you
Romney did not explain the context of that comment. He didn't handle it well, because he was PC.
He did explain the context and dug a deeper hole

While Conservatives rail about PC and its affect on free speech, free speech never meant there are no consequences for what you say
Any rational thinking person can see what this is all about. This is about the establishment stopping at nothing to get Bush the Republican nom. This was all supposed to be a Clinton/Bush showdown and its going oh so horribly wrong :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am so entertained over this whole thing. Zero fucks given over him being disinvited to this oh so important gathering ;) Lets see what kind of bump the clown car gets while Trump continues to pull away from the field.
If Trump was smart, he would buy tv time at the same time the Red State affair is going on and have half an hour of nothing but his views without the caustic questions that are going to be levelled against him in another Establishment venue. ;)
I like ;)

Notice nobody picked up on his brilliant policy on healthcare, nor bothered to get his opinion on the Iran deal during the debate? Pundits are more focused on bullshit rather than substance and yes Trump has put forth a lot of substance. If people really bothered to listen to him speak rather than forming their opinions on soundbites the msm plays they'd learn something about him. There's a reason Trump is killing in the polls and it's not because of his boorish behavior.

Exactly right, CK. There's more to Trump than boorish behavior... a lot of ideas that people should hear so they can make a better decision about him. If he can afford doing his own advertising and buying his own tv time, use it to his advantage.
I can't help but wonder if this is a way for deep pocket Republican operatives like the Kochs, Murdoch, or Adelson to start a deconstruction campaign on Donald Trump. Let's face it, the man behind this summit. Erick Erickson, is a misogynist himself, recall the time he called Wendy Davis "abortion Barbie?" or the time he attacked the children of gay parents? Why would a man like that get all politically correct all of a sudden?
Fox should come clean and admit they were fed those questions. Kelly should apologize in behalf of Fox. Republican leadership should stop trying to shoehorn Bush into the presidency.

^^^ this. If the GOP and the Media would stop trying to fix the elections. Trump wouldn't even be an issue.
I can't help but wonder if this is a way for deep pocket Republican operatives like the Kochs, Murdoch, or Adelson to start a deconstruction campaign on Donald Trump. Let's face it, the man behind this summit. Erick Erickson, is a misogynist himself, recall the time he called Wendy Davis "abortion Barbie?" or the time he attacked the children of gay parents? Why would a man like that get all politically correct all of a sudden?
Good post! I didn't know about Erickson's behavior, but the fact that the disinvite happened I would say is a 90% chance it is orchestrated by the Establishment.
It's heartwarming to see the libtards come to Kelly's defense. You know she hates you...but you bend over anyway. Lmao.
They will be back to trashing her with their own brand of misogynistic comments tomorrow. Dont worry.
I can't help but wonder if this is a way for deep pocket Republican operatives like the Kochs, Murdoch, or Adelson to start a deconstruction campaign on Donald Trump. Let's face it, the man behind this summit. Erick Erickson, is a misogynist himself, recall the time he called Wendy Davis "abortion Barbie?" or the time he attacked the children of gay parents? Why would a man like that get all politically correct all of a sudden?
Good post! I didn't know about Erickson's behavior, but the fact that the disinvite happened I would say is a 90% chance it is orchestrated by the Establishment.
Trump had plenty of opportunity to provide lots of specifics. He just blew a bunch of smoke. I guess that's enough for his base.
He really didn't. They front loaded his questions and knew it would take up at least 30 seconds to address them. It was well orchestrated. He'll figure out a way around that in September
Yes, an example of conservatives going PC and punishing a person for expressing himself.

Obviously, the PC franchise is still owned by the left wing PC Police - it's a primary source of their power - but this is definitely an exception that proves the rule.

Trump is turning the GOP on its head, and that's not in a good way.

I can't help but wonder if this is a way for deep pocket Republican operatives like the Kochs, Murdoch, or Adelson to start a deconstruction campaign on Donald Trump. Let's face it, the man behind this summit. Erick Erickson, is a misogynist himself, recall the time he called Wendy Davis "abortion Barbie?" or the time he attacked the children of gay parents? Why would a man like that get all politically correct all of a sudden?
Good post! I didn't know about Erickson's behavior, but the fact that the disinvite happened I would say is a 90% chance it is orchestrated by the Establishment.
More evidence that Eric Erickson is a misogynist:
  • Erickson: “When You Look At Biology, Look At The Natural World … The Male Is Typically The Dominant Role.”
  • Erickson: “Kids Most Likely Will Do Best In Households Where They Have A Mom At Home Nurturing Them While Dad Is Out Bringing Home The Bacon.”
  • Erickson: “I Understand That Some Women Believe They Can Have It All, And That’s The Crux Of The Problem.”
  • Erickson Called Michelle Obama A “Marxist Harpy Wife.”
  • Erickson: “There Is No Reason” For Anyone To Study Women Or Gender In College “Unless They Want To Be A Professional Victim.”
  • Erickson Described First Night Of Democratic National Convention As “The Vagina Monologues.”
Trump had plenty of opportunity to provide lots of specifics. He just blew a bunch of smoke. I guess that's enough for his base.
No, he had to respond to the questions and there wasn't any time for his own views.
He was asked to provide specifics on his claim that the Mexican government is intentionally sending murderers and rapists to our country. He ultimately responded some guys at the border told him
I can't help but wonder if this is a way for deep pocket Republican operatives like the Kochs, Murdoch, or Adelson to start a deconstruction campaign on Donald Trump. Let's face it, the man behind this summit. Erick Erickson, is a misogynist himself, recall the time he called Wendy Davis "abortion Barbie?" or the time he attacked the children of gay parents? Why would a man like that get all politically correct all of a sudden?
Good post! I didn't know about Erickson's behavior, but the fact that the disinvite happened I would say is a 90% chance it is orchestrated by the Establishment.
More evidence that Eric Erickson is a misogynist:
  • Erickson: “When You Look At Biology, Look At The Natural World … The Male Is Typically The Dominant Role.”
  • Erickson: “Kids Most Likely Will Do Best In Households Where They Have A Mom At Home Nurturing Them While Dad Is Out Bringing Home The Bacon.”
  • Erickson: “I Understand That Some Women Believe They Can Have It All, And That’s The Crux Of The Problem.”
  • Erickson Called Michelle Obama A “Marxist Harpy Wife.”
  • Erickson: “There Is No Reason” For Anyone To Study Women Or Gender In College “Unless They Want To Be A Professional Victim.”
  • Erickson Described First Night Of Democratic National Convention As “The Vagina Monologues.”
Very Interesting. If I was Trump, I would make that be known. I see a problem developing though. Will he be able to buy air time or get interviews with any media if the Establishment is against him?
Backlash Erickson Disinvites Donald Trump from RedState Gathering - Breitbart

What I wrote on Breitbart: Shame. You can't complain about the left's PC (political correctness) Police and then use, against an adversary, "Political Correctness". The guy has brought to the forefront what many real conservatives see as important. Don't attack him, look at his message. And please, leave the PC Police at home.
And how decent was Fox to Trump? He only said what he said after he was verbally assaulted. We all saw it.
STAND YOUR GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let's see how many "up" votes I get.


Conservatives Furious at Fox Say Trump Wasn t Treated Fairly

Donald Trump axed from event over Megyn Kelly blood comment - BBC News


And these Republicans. All their misogynist tendencies finally coming out.
Tampons for Trump, although the real pussies in this case weren't born with one...
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Trump had plenty of opportunity to provide lots of specifics. He just blew a bunch of smoke. I guess that's enough for his base.
No, he had to respond to the questions and there wasn't any time for his own views.
He was asked to provide specifics on his claim that the Mexican government is intentionally sending murderers and rapists to our country. He ultimately responded some guys at the border told him
Border Patrols know what is happening. We can see it with the crime reports here in the US. There's more substantive material against Trump than that.

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