Europe Laments, "Trump is Right"

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

The anti-Islam protest group, Pegida, is growing in number as unprecedented reports of rape, murder and theft flood the EU. Massive anti-Islam protests have exploded across Europe with a message for the American people: Trump is right.

Donald Trump warned early on that the Muslim refugee crisis could trigger the end of Europe. Afterward, the GOP front runner was targeted by Muslim apologists in the UK, who initiated a petition demanding Mr. Trump be banned from Europe. Reports later surfaced that most of the signers were Muslims.

In a recent interview with French media, Trump said, “The French should have been allowed to bear arms and protect themselves. Mr. Trump added, “I've been to Bataclan before. If I had been at Bataclan, I would have opened fire.” 89 people perished at the Bataclan after Islamic terrorists opened fire inside the theatre.

Officers who entered the Bataclan during the massacre were not permitted to report on camera what they had seen. Police union spokesman, Nicolas Comte recounted their story to the BBC.

Inside Bataclan, they heard the sound of gunfire as hostages continued to be executed. Pleas for help from within went unanswered because the specially trained police had to neutralize the shooters before saving anyone.

“They thought they were walking in water, then realized it was blood,” Comte said. They had to step over bodies as they made their way in the dark. After killing the terrorists, the police witnessed bodies piled up on top of each other. One officer reported, “We really saw hell tonight.”

Europe is in crisis. Trending today one news headline reports: Syrian Crisis: 15 million refugees headed for Europe and rebels blame Britain. While the number may have been exaggerated, the danger for Europe is not.

UN bureaucrats have demanded that Turkey open its borders to the tens of thousands gathered at the border. Some informed Europeans are calling the UN mass immigration policy, “pre-planned chaos.”

“They deliberately engineered the migrant crisis by toppling all the secular dictators who were essentially the “dams of Europe” holding back (and containing) radical Islam within their own countries, according to one source. He asks, “Was it not highly suspicious that the Arab Spring happened in countries directly controlling land and sea borders into Europe?

Why was it only those countries and not other Islamic nations? The reason is obvious, he states. It was the deliberate destruction of the dams of Europe, a precursor to a migrant invasion. The source cites Peter Sutherland, special representative to the UN on mass migration, as the man who is responsible.

While Sutherland protects Muslim immigrants as if they were an endangered species, he is void of any concern for the citizens of Europe. Peter Sutherland is a senior member of Bilderberg who identifies himself as an internationalist.

Bilderberg leader, Etienne Davignon has been called the man behind the formation of the EU while Sutherland has been named, the father of globalism. One report noted that the UN is using the EU to flood Europe with immigrants in order to destabilize European countries and erase Christian and national identity. Some people believe it is time to exit the EU and have created a website to inform citizens. Home Political leaders are also weighing in on the discussion.

Prior to his death, Libyan leader Gaddafi said, “If I go down, Europe goes black."

Gaddafi was right. Apparently this is why the UN targeted Libya but how did they get away with using the US Military to accomplish their destabilization plan of the ME?

Congress never authorized our military to destabilize Libya, Egypt or Syria. The UN did. This is on record as Senator Jeff Sessions questioned Leon Panetta about who granted the US military permission to go to war. Leon Panetta told the Senator that the UN granted permission. This is in direct violation of our US Constitution and War Powers Act. Seeking permission from the UN rather than Congress is not acceptable.

As European countries awaken to the realization that they need to withdraw from the EU, Americans must understand that withdrawing from the UN is the right course of action. We must protect our own sovereignty and constitutional rights.

Donald Trump warned the American people that there are “bad people” out there who want to do things that are not in the best interest of America.

Europe laments, "Trump is right."
Trump is right. On that, we must agree.

HUNDREDS of Protesters Carry "TRUMP IS RIGHT" Signs at First PEGIDA Rally in England - The Gateway Pundit
SYRIA CRISIS: '15 million MORE refugees head to Europe'... and rebels say BRITAIN to blame
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This is a false OP, so noted and reported. The OP correctly should be, "
Pegida Laments, "Trump is Right"
oh look, Westboro Baptist Church agrees with Trump too! amazing...

Is anyone accually going to state that Europe is NOT being destablized? That IS what is happening, anyone who thinks this will not happen here is delusional. It can and it will, unless we do something to stop it...
i'm sure those people holding signs wouldn't have any interest in causing more division in America.

fyi individuals with signs are not countries. or continents. now you know :thup:

Just like muslims signing a petition doesnt represent the UK.
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing. Many signed in support of Muslim friends.
In all honesty Trump isnt taken seriously over here. He is seen as a bit of a joke.
This might change if his campaign progresses.
Ultimately the people of America are too bright to elect a clown.
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing.
To ban a person for having and stating an opinion is a GREAT example of why the colonies kicked the crap out of your forefathers. That is a Facist move, and you should be ashamed, though I am sure you are not.
Is anyone accually going to state that Europe is NOT being destablized? That IS what is happening, anyone who thinks this will not happen here is delusional. It can and it will, unless we do something to stop it...

Tell it to the women of Cologne and the children of Rotherham.
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing. Many signed in support of Muslim friends.
In all honesty Trump isnt taken seriously over here. He is seen as a bit of a joke.
This might change if his campaign progresses.
Ultimately the people of America are too bright to elect a clown.

Any new rape rings?
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing.
To ban a person for having and stating an opinion is a GREAT example of why the colonies kicked the crap out of your forefathers. That is a Facist move, and you should be ashamed, though I am sure you are not.
Why is it fascist? If Trump can propose a ban, then also a community has the right to petition, which is protected constitutionally. I would certainly petition a council meeting to keep a proposed FLDS or Kingston housing project out of my town. Correll wants to keep out Muslims. Some in Great Britain want to keep out Trump.
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing.
To ban a person for having and stating an opinion is a GREAT example of why the colonies kicked the crap out of your forefathers. That is a Facist move, and you should be ashamed, though I am sure you are not.
Well firstly nobody thought that a ban would come out of this process. Secondly, there are some people whose behaviour falls well short of acceptable and any community should have the right to exclude them.
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing.
To ban a person for having and stating an opinion is a GREAT example of why the colonies kicked the crap out of your forefathers. That is a Facist move, and you should be ashamed, though I am sure you are not.
Why is it fascist? If Trump can propose a ban, then also a community has the right to petition, which is protected constitutionally. I would certainly petition a council meeting to keep a proposed FLDS or Kingston housing project out of my town. Correll wants to keep out Muslims. Some in Great Britain want to keep out Trump.
Huge difference. Banning a Person because of an opinion is totally different from banning a group of people who have a PROVEN record of violence, and a stated agenda of desroying you.
According to merriam-webster:
Definition of fascism. : a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted.
Does that clear things up for you?
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing.
To ban a person for having and stating an opinion is a GREAT example of why the colonies kicked the crap out of your forefathers. That is a Facist move, and you should be ashamed, though I am sure you are not.
Why is it fascist? If Trump can propose a ban, then also a community has the right to petition, which is protected constitutionally. I would certainly petition a council meeting to keep a proposed FLDS or Kingston housing project out of my town. Correll wants to keep out Muslims. Some in Great Britain want to keep out Trump.

YOu make a fair point.

Trump has no right to travel to Britain as he is not a citizen there.

Thus it is NOT fascist to Ban him.

If the Hate Law speeches I hear of are used to prevent people who are citizens from speaking the ideas that Trump has, that would be fascist.

Meanwhile, the thousands of children victimized in the various rape rings, I hope appreciate how much care is being given to keep in place the Political Correctness that led to them being raped and tortured.

And is no doubt, leading to more children being raped and tortured, if not now, then in the very near future.
Why is it fascist? If Trump can propose a ban, then also a community has the right to petition, which is protected constitutionally. I would certainly petition a council meeting to keep a proposed FLDS or Kingston housing project out of my town. Correll wants to keep out Muslims. Some in Great Britain want to keep out Trump.

Islam is a totalitarian political ideology viciously opposed to the notion of free speech, demands absolute conformity, micromanages people's lives down to the iota and seeks to destroy all other ways of life. In that, it shares much in common with fascism. Tommy Taint's role here is to defend this totalitarian ideology and share it's hatred of any criticism of Islam. In that, he shares qualities with fascism.

True fascism is a far right ideology, of course, and Tommy Taint is a far leftist, but the net result is a boot stamping upon a human face forever in either case.
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing.
To ban a person for having and stating an opinion is a GREAT example of why the colonies kicked the crap out of your forefathers. That is a Facist move, and you should be ashamed, though I am sure you are not.
Well firstly nobody thought that a ban would come out of this process. Secondly, there are some people whose behaviour falls well short of acceptable and any community should have the right to exclude them.

Like people who support and enable Rape Rings?
I signed the petition to ban Trump and it wasnt just a Muslim thing.
To ban a person for having and stating an opinion is a GREAT example of why the colonies kicked the crap out of your forefathers. That is a Facist move, and you should be ashamed, though I am sure you are not.
Well firstly nobody thought that a ban would come out of this process. Secondly, there are some people whose behaviour falls well short of acceptable and any community should have the right to exclude them.
Whether or not you thought the petition would be successfull is irrelevent. Support of an idea is support of an idea. If I where to publicly support everyone having the same standard of living, regardless of their contribution (or lack there of), it would be fair to say that I am a Communist. If you support a Facist petition, one could surmise that you are a Facist. I, however, give you the benifit of the doubt, and merely attack your action, not make a blanket statement about your political leanings.

You said, "...there are some people whose behaviour falls well short of acceptable and any community should have the right to exclude them." And yet you have a problem with Trump suggesting just that. Typical leftwing double standard.

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