Evangelical devotion to Trump

Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?

Border problems started Way way before Biden took office,
Any one here old enough to remember the grape/Mexican border problems
True, but they have gotten much worse under senile joe. Trump had the border secure and american citizens safe. But we all understand the dems reason for open borders--------------their goal from the beginning has been to turn them into dem voters no matter what the impact and cost to our country and citizens.
Yes but these wrestlers weren't scum like Shitpants and his followers. They are the lowest form of humanity. And are hated by all American patriots and real Americans.
your juvenile desperation is noted. Trump is winning and will be president again while senile joe goes off to a rest home for the rest of his days.
Who has Biden sold classified information to? That's a very serious charge. It's treason like Johnathan Pollard. Produce your evidence. You're a serious person, aren't you?
The Hurr report is clear, he sold it to his book publishing company
We understand, you have no pics of Michael/MIchelle when pregnant. if you did you libs would have posted them years ago.
There are Birth Certificates with her listed as mother and Barack as father.

Now you get to scream…..FAKE NEWS
of course there are. how about a dna test? or pics of pregnant "michelle"? BCs can be faked, obozo proved that.
Been there done that with you conspiracy nuts

Any proof contrary to your bizarre rants are just deemed FAKE
Been there done that with you conspiracy nuts

Any proof contrary to your bizarre rants are just deemed FAKE

How much of this bizarre blind devotion do you think is PURELY because of the celebrity aspect, like the reality teevee show and pro wrestling appearances?

America loves our shallow celebrities. Kim Kardashian & Paris Hilton being other good examples.
This is definitely one of the big questions of this whole awful period.

I saw a Christian who wrote a book on this -- he also thinks the Christians have sold their soul -- say that one of the primary excuses is that "we need a barbarian to defeat the barbarians".

Well first, that tells you what they think of those who dare not to think just like them. And second, it shows they really do know what he is, even though they pretend he's a Christian.

This has set the church back a long way. A bunch of narcissistic Cafeteria Christians placing politics over their supposed God.

I don't know why I bother, but here goes.

Most of us Christians would agree that Trump doesn't appear to be a devout Christian. However, one of the the differences between Trump and Biden is that Trump's policies support Christian values while Biden's policy do not. It is that simple. Trump is more of a means to an end. I suppose for atheists and other non-believers, Biden is their means to an end. It is a pragmatic rather than an idealistic approach. Whether you like it or not, our country was founded on Christian values which is in large part why it has been so successful. Please forgive those of us who believe that preserving the core of our foundation is crucial for our future success.
How much of this bizarre blind devotion do you think is PURELY because of the celebrity aspect, like the reality teevee show and pro wrestling appearances?

America loves our shallow celebrities. Kim Kardashian & Paris Hilton being other good examples.

The vast majority of celebrities are far left. How much of the blind devotion of the average Democrat is due to their favorites celebrity's personal political opinions? As usual, you failed to think through the logical conclusion of what you post.
I don't know why I bother, but here goes.

Most of us Christians would agree that Trump doesn't appear to be a devout Christian. However, one of the the differences between Trump and Biden is that Trump's policies support Christian values while Biden's policy do not. It is that simple. Trump is more of a means to an end. I suppose for atheists and other non-believers, Biden is their means to an end. It is a pragmatic rather than an idealistic approach. Whether you like it or not, our country was founded on Christian values which is in large part why it has been so successful. Please forgive those of us who believe that preserving the core of our foundation is crucial for our future success.
I see your point.

But why endorse Trump over a true Christian like Mike Pence
Pence is a man with true Christian values, is loyal to his wife, humble, doesn’t swear, actually READS the Bible and doesn’t use it as a prop.
Worshipping at the feet of a false idol r yah?

i. Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240513 {post•24}. Leo123 May’24 Spiwtt: John Adams also wrote: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." lvvnnn 240513 Spiwtt00024

ii. A question for the USMB left. 240623. {post•468}. NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vaqftu: Did you know John Adams considered moral and religious people were those who did not believe the Christian doctrine of original sin? nfbw 240623 Vaqftu00468

iii. An Athiest Student as she has claimed, brings a lawsuit with the help of the ACLU? 120116 {post•325}. beagle9 {Jan’12 Saasas} being one who loves the values and morals of true Christianity says: “….we see (repression) of the message in which holds those values and morals within the message whom most hold dear unto them, but is fast becoming the norm in this nation to repress or stomp out that message, and this by what they are experiencing or seeing more and more of each day in America.” bvvglvn 120116 Saasas00325

iv. A question for the USMB left. 240623. {post•471}. NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Saqftu: Why does the historically proven fact that John Adams, our second president and founding revolutionary, did not believe in original sin, always bring out white Christian Biblicists like Saint_Beagle9’s paranoia about his Christianity (that is based upon ORIGINAL SIN) is being repressed by the sinful left in Saint_Beagle9’s white Christian version of America? nfbw 240623 Vaqftu00471

v. Evangelical devotion to Trump. 240623. Vedttz00532. DBA Jun’24 Sedttz says Trump’s policies support Christian values while Biden’s policy does not: It is that simple. Trump is more of a means to an end. I suppose for atheists and other non-believers, Biden is their means to an end. It is a pragmatic rather than an idealistic approach. Whether you like it or not, our country was founded on Christian values which is in large part why it has been so successful. Please forgive those of us who believe that preserving the core of our foundation is crucial for our future success. dbvxyz 240623 Sedttz00532

vi. Evangelical devotion to Trump. 240623. Vedttz00535

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vedtt: I cannot forgive you for being unconstitutionally religiously intolerant when you ignore the core of our foundation; Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison, Paine and Franklin’s separation of church and state. nfbw 240623 Vedttz00535
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Trump is a good man, he does not smoke or drink. Loyal to his wife and family. Is Trump perfect, no. Is Trump guilty of everything that the Politicians accuse him of. Not at all.
your juvenile desperation is noted. Trump is winning and will be president again while senile joe goes off to a rest home for the rest of his days.
No , your God and leader shitpants is a joke , the guy shits in his pants all day long from taking to much drugs , They had a diaper changing crew for him on his TV program and the diaper changers said the hardest part was getting him out of his girdle , he was strapped in like it was a straight jacket. He is like standing next to a open cesspool he stinks so bad. Rapist 34 Felony convictions, attempted overthrow of our government and democracy to force himself in as a dictator. He had it planned months before the election. He is a traitor to this country as is everyone of his followers. It is a clear Choice between a guy who has spent all his life believing in our democracy and one who plans on being a dictator if people are stupid enough to elect him. At this point I have to believe that his followers want him as a dictator for life also. Either they do or they are the stupidest humans in the history of the world. MAGA=hate, stupidity and lies.
The vast majority of celebrities are far left. How much of the blind devotion of the average Democrat is due to their favorites celebrity's personal political opinions? As usual, you failed to think through the logical conclusion of what you post.
OK and MAGA= hate , stupidity and lies. it is a clear choice. No one who supports a anti Christ can call themselves a Christian. MAGA is a clown act by very stupid people. haters all, cruel ugly and mean. Enemy's of this great country , Basically pond scum.
Worshipping at the feet of a false idol r yah?

i. Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240513 {post•24}. Leo123 May’24 Spiwtt: John Adams also wrote: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." lvvnnn 240513 Spiwtt00024

ii. A question for the USMB left. 240623. {post•468}. NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vaqftu: Did you know John Adams considered moral and religious people were those who did not believe the Christian doctrine of original sin? nfbw 240623 Vaqftu00468

iii. An Athiest Student as she has claimed, brings a lawsuit with the help of the ACLU? 120116 {post•325}. beagle9 {Jan’12 Saasas} being one who loves the values and morals of true Christianity says: “….we see (repression) of the message in which holds those values and morals within the message whom most hold dear unto them, but is fast becoming the norm in this nation to repress or stomp out that message, and this by what they are experiencing or seeing more and more of each day in America.” bvvglvn 120116 Saasas00325

iv. A question for the USMB left. 240623. {post•471}. NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Saqftu: Why does the historically proven fact that John Adams, our second president and founding revolutionary, did not believe in original sin, always bring out white Christian Biblicists like Saint_Beagle9’s paranoia about his Christianity (that is based upon ORIGINAL SIN) is being repressed by the sinful left in Saint_Beagle9’s white Christian version of America? nfbw 240623 Vaqftu00471

v. Evangelical devotion to Trump. 240623. Vedttz00532. DBA Jun’24 Sedttz says Trump’s policies support Christian values while Biden’s policy does not: It is that simple. Trump is more of a means to an end. I suppose for atheists and other non-believers, Biden is their means to an end. It is a pragmatic rather than an idealistic approach. Whether you like it or not, our country was founded on Christian values which is in large part why it has been so successful. Please forgive those of us who believe that preserving the core of our foundation is crucial for our future success. dbvxyz 240623 Sedttz00532

vi. Evangelical devotion to Trump. 240623. Vedttz00535

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vedtt: I cannot forgive you for being unconstitutionally religiously intolerant when you ignore the core of our foundation; Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison, Paine and Franklin’s separation of church and state. nfbw 240623 Vedttz00535
actually it was made clear this countries
The treaty of Tripoli was America's first Treaty, It was supported by 100% of congress to a standing ovation. With signers of both the Declaration of Independents and the constitution making up the congress at that time. It was signed by John Adams with the comment, “We are now a Country.
One thing is made totally clear in this Treaty

Article 11​

One of the most important parts of the Treaty of Tripoli has very little to do with the treaty's outcome. Article 11 of the treaty states:

'As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, - as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen, - and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.'


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