Evangelicals remember your role in Germany

My view is clear I have done research on religions and WWII.

Religion was one of the most unimportant themes under the Nazis.

The Vatican was neutral as they signed a treaty with the Nazi.

This was onyl one of lots of concordates with lots of states where the catholic church made clear that it has nothing to do any longer with worldly might.

When the treaty was broken the Vatican said nothing.

Sure said the catholic church nothing when Hitler broke the concordate with her. No one went to Hitler and said: "High old house - you broke your word. What do you think about?"

There were a few here and there that opposed Hitler but Catholic Priests and other religious officials prayed with and for the German troops.

German troops for example fought against brutal enemies like Americans who threw bombs on innocent german people - what made it the same time a little complicate to think about the politics of the NSDAP in and outside of Germany, because it was war.

The most united Christian group to stand up to the Nazi regime was Jehovah's Witnesses.

The Jehovah's witnesses got their instructions from their headquarter in the USA. Lots of them were executed because they refused to become soldiers. The delict was "Wehrkraftzersetzung" what means something like "undermining of military moral".

And nothing you stated changes the fact that the Catholic Church blessed the troops. Also Catholics, unlike Jehovah's Witnesses joined the army because as you pointed out, Jehovah's Witnesses were told to not support Hitler, the Catholic Church gave no such order. There by allowing Catholics to support Hitler.
My view is clear I have done research on religions and WWII.

Religion was one of the most unimportant themes under the Nazis.

---true in the ranks of the german Nazi party members------higher-ups-------but it was centuries
of Catholicism and Lutheranism ------that primed the population for the acceptance of the
genocide---------and Catholicism in Poland and Hungary------and Austria. Try to face facts.
The Nazi approach to genocide was not much at odds with CANON LAW that rendered
the Inquisition ---legal ---------and Martin Luther would have loved it
My view is clear I have done research on religions and WWII.

Religion was one of the most unimportant themes under the Nazis.

The Vatican was neutral as they signed a treaty with the Nazi.

This was onyl one of lots of concordates with lots of states where the catholic church made clear that it has nothing to do any longer with worldly might.

When the treaty was broken the Vatican said nothing.

Sure said the catholic church nothing when Hitler broke the concordate with her. No one went to Hitler and said: "High old house - you broke your word. What do you think about?"

There were a few here and there that opposed Hitler but Catholic Priests and other religious officials prayed with and for the German troops.

German troops for example fought against brutal enemies like Americans who threw bombs on innocent german people - what made it the same time a little complicate to think about the politics of the NSDAP in and outside of Germany, because it was war.

The most united Christian group to stand up to the Nazi regime was Jehovah's Witnesses.

The Jehovah's witnesses got their instructions from their headquarter in the USA. Lots of them were executed because they refused to become soldiers. The delict was "Wehrkraftzersetzung" what means something like "undermining of military moral".

And nothing you stated changes the fact that the Catholic Church blessed the troops. Also Catholics, unlike Jehovah's Witnesses joined the army because as you pointed out, Jehovah's Witnesses were told to not support Hitler, the Catholic Church gave no such order. There by allowing Catholics to support Hitler.

It was pius------but he did kinda change his mind------I think------sorta. He was not the man
for the job in those days
My view is clear I have done research on religions and WWII.

Religion was one of the most unimportant themes under the Nazis.

---true in the ranks of the german Nazi party members------higher-ups-------but it was centuries
of Catholicism and Lutheranism ------that primed the population for the acceptance of the
genocide---------and Catholicism in Poland and Hungary------and Austria. Try to face facts.
The Nazi approach to genocide was not much at odds with CANON LAW that rendered
the Inquisition ---legal ---------and Martin Luther would have loved it

A german knight in the middle ages for example had to adopt children of the enemies. So wars in the christian middle ages had nothing to do with "race". A process of the inqusition for example was very complex - it needed often years. So the inqusition is not able to be a tool for genocides. The shoa was just simple a very modern industry of massmurder.

Btw: No one gave Jews for example the chance "Become a Christian now - or we will ban you (or kill you)". So what you say is pure nonsense - and you know it. The Nazis murdered just simple every Jew in the last years of the war - even children. They knew Germany has no chance to win this war - but they continued with their mass-murder.

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My view is clear I have done research on religions and WWII.

Religion was one of the most unimportant themes under the Nazis.

The Vatican was neutral as they signed a treaty with the Nazi.

This was onyl one of lots of concordates with lots of states where the catholic church made clear that it has nothing to do any longer with worldly might.

When the treaty was broken the Vatican said nothing.

Sure said the catholic church nothing when Hitler broke the concordate with her. No one went to Hitler and said: "High old house - you broke your word. What do you think about?"

There were a few here and there that opposed Hitler but Catholic Priests and other religious officials prayed with and for the German troops.

German troops for example fought against brutal enemies like Americans who threw bombs on innocent german people - what made it the same time a little complicate to think about the politics of the NSDAP in and outside of Germany, because it was war.

The most united Christian group to stand up to the Nazi regime was Jehovah's Witnesses.

The Jehovah's witnesses got their instructions from their headquarter in the USA. Lots of them were executed because they refused to become soldiers. The delict was "Wehrkraftzersetzung" what means something like "undermining of military moral".

And nothing you stated changes the fact that the Catholic Church blessed the troops. Also Catholics, unlike Jehovah's Witnesses joined the army because as you pointed out, Jehovah's Witnesses were told to not support Hitler, the Catholic Church gave no such order. There by allowing Catholics to support Hitler.

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My view is clear I have done research on religions and WWII.

Religion was one of the most unimportant themes under the Nazis.

The Vatican was neutral as they signed a treaty with the Nazi.

This was onyl one of lots of concordates with lots of states where the catholic church made clear that it has nothing to do any longer with worldly might.

When the treaty was broken the Vatican said nothing.

Sure said the catholic church nothing when Hitler broke the concordate with her. No one went to Hitler and said: "High old house - you broke your word. What do you think about?"

There were a few here and there that opposed Hitler but Catholic Priests and other religious officials prayed with and for the German troops.

German troops for example fought against brutal enemies like Americans who threw bombs on innocent german people - what made it the same time a little complicate to think about the politics of the NSDAP in and outside of Germany, because it was war.

The most united Christian group to stand up to the Nazi regime was Jehovah's Witnesses.

The Jehovah's witnesses got their instructions from their headquarter in the USA. Lots of them were executed because they refused to become soldiers. The delict was "Wehrkraftzersetzung" what means something like "undermining of military moral".

And nothing you stated changes the fact that the Catholic Church blessed the troops. Also Catholics, unlike Jehovah's Witnesses joined the army because as you pointed out, Jehovah's Witnesses were told to not support Hitler, the Catholic Church gave no such order. There by allowing Catholics to support Hitler.

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Thank you for conceding.
My view is clear I have done research on religions and WWII.

Religion was one of the most unimportant themes under the Nazis.

The Vatican was neutral as they signed a treaty with the Nazi.

This was onyl one of lots of concordates with lots of states where the catholic church made clear that it has nothing to do any longer with worldly might.

When the treaty was broken the Vatican said nothing.

Sure said the catholic church nothing when Hitler broke the concordate with her. No one went to Hitler and said: "High old house - you broke your word. What do you think about?"

There were a few here and there that opposed Hitler but Catholic Priests and other religious officials prayed with and for the German troops.

German troops for example fought against brutal enemies like Americans who threw bombs on innocent german people - what made it the same time a little complicate to think about the politics of the NSDAP in and outside of Germany, because it was war.

The most united Christian group to stand up to the Nazi regime was Jehovah's Witnesses.

The Jehovah's witnesses got their instructions from their headquarter in the USA. Lots of them were executed because they refused to become soldiers. The delict was "Wehrkraftzersetzung" what means something like "undermining of military moral".

And nothing you stated changes the fact that the Catholic Church blessed the troops. Also Catholics, unlike Jehovah's Witnesses joined the army because as you pointed out, Jehovah's Witnesses were told to not support Hitler, the Catholic Church gave no such order. There by allowing Catholics to support Hitler.

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Thank you for conceding.

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