Evangelicals remember your role in Germany

Also...most of these weren't Evangelicals.
Right from the Holocaust site: (who am I to argue with them)


The largest Protestant church in Germany in the 1930s was the German Evangelical Church, comprised of 28 regional churches or Landeskirchen that included the three major theological traditions that had emerged from the Reformation: Lutheran, Reformed, and United. Most of Germany's 40 million Protestants were members of this church, although there were smaller so-called "free" Protestant churches, such as Methodist and Baptist churches.

They were also persuaded by the statement on “positive Christianity” in Article 24 of the 1920 Nazi Party Platform, which read:
"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.
the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point.

What a delusional piece of shit you are

Are you saying they didn't? your delusional. You know that financial strangulation until a country can't breathe, sort of like Israel withholding money from the pals after they bombed the hell our of them for what is it they call it "punitive punishment".
Germany is and always has been a spiritually bankrupt nation. Germans are minions of Satan and we should all take notice of the actions of anyone who has German ancestry.

You mean like Albert Schweitzer, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther, J.S. Bach, Oskar Schindler, etc?
Yep. Their hate spirit is/ was reccessant, but still there. NEVER trust a German. They are hprrble people.

Germany is and always has been a spiritually bankrupt nation. Germans are minions of Satan and we should all take notice of the actions of anyone who has German ancestry.

No, your wrong, they were trying to renew the Godliness of their nation due to the godless Jews who infiltrated it:
The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."
The KKK invokes God too...doesn't really mean anything.

the Jews say the OT god gave them the land of Israel, doesn't mean a thing to me. I'm a RC, we were not involved in the KKK, the KKK didn't like RC's.
roman Catholics are among the most hateful cult members on this earth.
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.
the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point.

What a delusional piece of shit you are

Are you saying they didn't? your delusional. You know that financial strangulation until a country can't breathe, sort of like Israel withholding money from the pals after they bombed the hell our of them for what is it they call it "punitive punishment".

No. They did not.

I'm curious to hear how you will justify Germany's taking over much of Europe and killing over 11 million people, including 2/3 of the continent'' Jewish population, Slavs, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Disabled and more because the Jews "declared war on Germany". Did the Gypsies too declare war on Germany? How about the homosexuals?

This could get interesting.
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.

Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.
Germany is and always has been a spiritually bankrupt nation. Germans are minions of Satan and we should all take notice of the actions of anyone who has German ancestry.

You mean like Albert Schweitzer, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther, J.S. Bach, Oskar Schindler, etc?
Yep. Their hate spirit is/ was reccessant, but still there. NEVER trust a German. They are hprrble people.

You must have gotten some bad weinershnitzel.
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.

Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.

Not scapegoat, the cause , they got communism in Russia, but darn if Germany was going to give in so easy, but boy they have been paying for it every since. We also got shown who was boss in 9-11 as well. Killing Christ are you kidding, the Jews they disliked were the scoundrels, the atheists, the take over your country kind. That card was dead for a long time. The jews , the materialistic ones, spiritually dead.
Gypsies and homosexuals, that had been going on in the US and England. Churchill as very into eugenics. Then again, in the OT they were very racial. As Hilter said in his book, it was a global thing not a national one. They had the communist movement in the US the same time as the communist movement in Germany. You don't think they got rich off their good looks did you? :cool:
I am in no way saying that there were not bad people in all walks of life. The British Empire didn't grow out of being merciful to everyone. The US is not the global power by being nice to everyone either. We are far from even a century of being the global power. I do believe everyone is being made to look bad except for the jews. they always come off as smelling like the rose. Even the US generals and army were anti-Semitic , even though they risked their lifes for them.
Last edited:
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.

Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.

Not scapegoat, the cause , they got communism in Russia, but darn if Germany was going to give in so easy, but boy they have been paying for it every since. We also got shown who was boss in 9-11 as well. Killing Christ are you kidding, the Jews they disliked were the scoundrels, the atheists, the take over your country kind. That card was dead for a long time. The jews , the materialistic ones, spiritually dead.

"The cause"?

Who was boss in 9-11?

The "take over your country" kind?

Oh, this is indeed interesting :)


Communism wasn't a bad idea in those days - the class system and deeply entrenched inequities needed to be confronted.
Germany is and always has been a spiritually bankrupt nation. Germans are minions of Satan and we should all take notice of the actions of anyone who has German ancestry.

You mean like Albert Schweitzer, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther, J.S. Bach, Oskar Schindler, etc?
Yep. Their hate spirit is/ was reccessant, but still there. NEVER trust a German. They are hprrble people.

You're just a damn Gerper.
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.

Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.

Not scapegoat, the cause , they got communism in Russia, but darn if Germany was going to give in so easy, but boy they have been paying for it every since. We also got shown who was boss in 9-11 as well. Killing Christ are you kidding, the Jews they disliked were the scoundrels, the atheists, the take over your country kind. That card was dead for a long time. The jews , the materialistic ones, spiritually dead.

"The cause"?

Who was boss in 9-11?

The "take over your country" kind?

Oh, this is indeed interesting :)


Communism wasn't a bad idea in those days - the class system and deeply entrenched inequities needed to be confronted.

Penelope parrots islamo Nazi propaganda and nothing more-----I do agree that it is interesting that she eats the shit and spits it out undigested-----but do not expect her to digest the concept of "communism" ---it is far beyond her-----to her it is just a "bad word"
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.

Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.

Not scapegoat, the cause , they got communism in Russia, but darn if Germany was going to give in so easy, but boy they have been paying for it every since. We also got shown who was boss in 9-11 as well. Killing Christ are you kidding, the Jews they disliked were the scoundrels, the atheists, the take over your country kind. That card was dead for a long time. The jews , the materialistic ones, spiritually dead.

"The cause"?

Who was boss in 9-11?

The "take over your country" kind?

Oh, this is indeed interesting :)


Communism wasn't a bad idea in those days - the class system and deeply entrenched inequities needed to be confronted.

If you are surprised, coyote----you are very stupid. Nazism is alive and well in the USA-----but even MORE alive and well in the UMMAH. I learned about it----way back well before 1970----when I came into contact with lots of muslims-------Nazism is taught in
muslim countries and in mosques WORLD WIDE. A very interesting phenomenon is the SOCIALISM of
BAATHISM-----baathism is the Arabic form of Nazism but it includes a kind of limited notion of a socialistic
economy which appeals to Russians.----thus Russians are willing to finance the filth of NAZI BAATHISM------Gamal Abdel Nasser was a Baathist pig and very strongly supported by Russia. Of course---Assad is also a BAATHIST PIG------------Nazism and communism MEET at the international date-line where the penelopes of the world dance on the dead bodies of millions of infants
Of course not,
No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.

Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.

Not scapegoat, the cause , they got communism in Russia, but darn if Germany was going to give in so easy, but boy they have been paying for it every since. We also got shown who was boss in 9-11 as well. Killing Christ are you kidding, the Jews they disliked were the scoundrels, the atheists, the take over your country kind. That card was dead for a long time. The jews , the materialistic ones, spiritually dead.

"The cause"?

Who was boss in 9-11?

The "take over your country" kind?

Oh, this is indeed interesting :)


Communism wasn't a bad idea in those days - the class system and deeply entrenched inequities needed to be confronted.

Penelope parrots islamo Nazi propaganda and nothing more-----I do agree that it is interesting that she eats the shit and spits it out undigested-----but do not expect her to digest the concept of "communism" ---it is far beyond her-----to her it is just a "bad word"

Now why don't you tell us what communism is?
Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.

Not scapegoat, the cause , they got communism in Russia, but darn if Germany was going to give in so easy, but boy they have been paying for it every since. We also got shown who was boss in 9-11 as well. Killing Christ are you kidding, the Jews they disliked were the scoundrels, the atheists, the take over your country kind. That card was dead for a long time. The jews , the materialistic ones, spiritually dead.

"The cause"?

Who was boss in 9-11?

The "take over your country" kind?

Oh, this is indeed interesting :)


Communism wasn't a bad idea in those days - the class system and deeply entrenched inequities needed to be confronted.

Penelope parrots islamo Nazi propaganda and nothing more-----I do agree that it is interesting that she eats the shit and spits it out undigested-----but do not expect her to digest the concept of "communism" ---it is far beyond her-----to her it is just a "bad word"

Now why don't you tell us what communism is?

communism is an economic system------as is capitalism-----did you graduate high school in the
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.
the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point.

What a delusional piece of shit you are

What do you expect from a Christian, RC at that!
Also...most of these weren't Evangelicals.
Right from the Holocaust site: (who am I to argue with them)


The largest Protestant church in Germany in the 1930s was the German Evangelical Church, comprised of 28 regional churches or Landeskirchen that included the three major theological traditions that had emerged from the Reformation: Lutheran, Reformed, and United. Most of Germany's 40 million Protestants were members of this church, although there were smaller so-called "free" Protestant churches, such as Methodist and Baptist churches.

They were also persuaded by the statement on “positive Christianity” in Article 24 of the 1920 Nazi Party Platform, which read:
"We demand the freedom of all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not jeopardize the state's existence or conflict with the manners and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The Party as such upholds the point of view of a positive Christianity without tying itself confessionally to any one confession. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit at home and abroad and is convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only be achieved from within on the basis of the common good before individual good."

I am not saying this is at all representative of any religion but it is something to be watchful of.

(This is the Deutsche Christen flag.)
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.

Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.

Not scapegoat, the cause , they got communism in Russia, but darn if Germany was going to give in so easy, but boy they have been paying for it every since. We also got shown who was boss in 9-11 as well. Killing Christ are you kidding, the Jews they disliked were the scoundrels, the atheists, the take over your country kind. That card was dead for a long time. The jews , the materialistic ones, spiritually dead.

"The cause"?

Who was boss in 9-11?

The "take over your country" kind?

Oh, this is indeed interesting :)


Communism wasn't a bad idea in those days - the class system and deeply entrenched inequities needed to be confronted.

I agree but not to the extent it was. Now we have capitalism in the US, and so now we need socialism which will lead to communism , of which the gov. is in control and who is the Government, right now its peons who do what the elites tell them to do.
.... and if you were talking to German Evangelicals, that would apply. I'm an America, and never was in Germany, or a Nazi... so it doesn't apply to me... and I don't care what someone who can't tell the difference, thinks about it. Bye bye.

Of course not,
Anti-semitism did not begin with Hitler but Hitler took it to a new level.

No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.
the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point.

What a delusional piece of shit you are

What do you expect from a Christian, RC at that!

I have known lots of very nice RC's In 1964 Pope John XXIII gave permission to the decent catholics of the world to be human beings----most took it seriously------Nazi shit scum were DAMNED ANNOYED -----I remember it well
Of course not,
No really one can read William II words and also Karl Lueger use the Jewish Question before Hitler even knew a Jew . Also never forget the Jews declared war on German in 1933 at its lowest point. Now Hilter we know spent much time in Vienna of where he seen first hand the roles of the Jews here. I must say when one asks why Germany felt the way it did , one must also look at the actions of the Jews. Obviously Hitler was not alone in his feelings.

We see the same thing here in the states.

Penelope, keep this thing in mind that I always tell business owners and my children regarding staff and friends: "desperate people do desperate things". In business and friendship there are other applications to that, but in reference to the Nazis, we have to keep in mind that Germany was a devastated nation. The Treaty of Versailles completely crushed the German economy and German patriotism. The people were totally desperate and in that desperation they latched on to an extreme philosophy. Certainly, there was anti-Semitism in Germany to some degree, just as there is all over the world. But they were a convenient and desperate scapegoat for Hitler and the Nazi party to point to. Hitler was not going to gain power by saying 'we have only ourselves to blame'.

I totally agree - Hitler's rise to power was far more complex than people realize. The terms of WW1 led to it and the Jews have always been a convenient scapegoat due to their minority status and the Christian view towards them that blamed them for killing Christ and embraced the stereotypes. He also offered his people an opposition to communism and linked Jews with communism.

Not scapegoat, the cause , they got communism in Russia, but darn if Germany was going to give in so easy, but boy they have been paying for it every since. We also got shown who was boss in 9-11 as well. Killing Christ are you kidding, the Jews they disliked were the scoundrels, the atheists, the take over your country kind. That card was dead for a long time. The jews , the materialistic ones, spiritually dead.

"The cause"?

Who was boss in 9-11?

The "take over your country" kind?

Oh, this is indeed interesting :)


Communism wasn't a bad idea in those days - the class system and deeply entrenched inequities needed to be confronted.

I agree but not to the extent it was. Now we have capitalism in the US, and so now we need socialism which will lead to communism , of which the gov. is in control and who is the Government, right now its peons who do what the elites tell them to do.

Socialism doesn't necessarily lead to communism. It helps balance the inequities and injustices of pure capitalism.

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