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Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Those who choose Satan are called Zionists.

Sherri dear-----Satan is not a person ---It is not an entity with free will and power.
Nor is the tooth fairy Satan is a concept -------in terms of theology actually
a DIVINE CONCEPT which opposes man------ie is harmful to man. It is something
like a force that produces evil against man like your kith and kin who have ---in the
of the past 1700 years murdered 100s of millions in the name of 'isa/allaaaa"

In theological perspective------it is part of the creation----but seems a bit out of
control Zion is the place of the "Shchinah" or "divine presence"---
or-----sometimes called "the holy ghost" (a bit scary but that is one of the
usual translations of Shchinah ) your theology is more like dualism-----
and includes a "god of the underworld"

The very sublime story of Cain and Abel is not one in which Cain is asked to make
a CHOICE between ----ths snake and G-d or a choice betwen
belief and disbelief . He is asked to make a choice
between DEATH AND LIFE---------conclusion is "CHOOSE LIFE"

You should try reading that book sometime
If Jesus can be a Zionist then he can also believe in the Theory of Evolution and be a fan of the NFL.

I can't believe such a stupid topic like this exists. Jesus was not a Zionist.

Only a moron thinks he was.
Sure sure. Whatever you say, Himmler.

Jesus was a circumcised barmitzvah'd Jew, an Israelite, and a lover of Zion, like all Jews were. It was their nation.

Jesus was circumsized and had a Bar Mitzvah. Like all good Jewish boys back then.

But Zionism is a modern philosophy created during the late 1800s. Its impossible for Jesus, Barabas, Joseph of Aramathia, Peter, St. Paul, Joseph, Mary, Moses, David, Solomon, and Isaiah to have been Zionists.

You can't believe in a political philosophy that was created 2,500 years after you died.

Only a complete moron believes such idiocy.
Luke 4:1-13

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, [2] where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

[3] The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread."

[4] Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone.'"

[5] The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. [6] And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. [7] So if you worship me, it will all be yours."

[8] Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'"

[9] The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down from here. [10] For it is written:

" 'He will command his angels concerning you
to guard you carefully;*
[11] they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.' "

[12] Jesus answered, "It says: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

[13] When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.
Luke 4:1-13

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, [2] where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

[3] The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread."

[4] Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone.'"

[5] The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. [6] And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. [7] So if you worship me, it will all be yours."

[8] Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'"

[9] The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down from here. [10] For it is written:

" 'He will command his angels concerning you
to guard you carefully;*
[11] they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.' "

[12] Jesus answered, "It says: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

[13] When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.

Whither Canada? [1.01]
Whizzo Butter

Pepperpot #1: I can't tell the difference between Whizzo butter and this dead crab.
Interviewer: Yes, we find that 9 out of 10 British housewives can't tell the difference between Whizzo Butter and a dead crab.
Various Pepperpots: It's true… We can't… No.
Pepperpot #2: Here. Here! You're on television, aren't you?
Interviewer: [humbly] Yes, yes…
Pepperpot #2: He does the thing with one of those silly women who can't tell Whizzo Butter [points with handbag at the butter] from a dead crab [points with handbag at the dead crab].
Various Pepperpots: Yeah, yeah.
Pepperpot #3: You try that around here, young man, and we'll slit your face.
Pepperpot #4: [quietly] Yeah, with a razor.
Satan is a fallen angel and Satan is real.

Jesus was tempted by Satan.

I posted two accounts of that temptation from The Bible, The Word of God.

Those who choose Satan are called Zionists.

Sherri dear-----Satan is not a person ---It is not an entity with free will and power.
Nor is the tooth fairy Satan is a concept -------in terms of theology actually
a DIVINE CONCEPT which opposes man------ie is harmful to man. It is something
like a force that produces evil against man like your kith and kin who have ---in the
of the past 1700 years murdered 100s of millions in the name of 'isa/allaaaa"

In theological perspective------it is part of the creation----but seems a bit out of
control Zion is the place of the "Shchinah" or "divine presence"---
or-----sometimes called "the holy ghost" (a bit scary but that is one of the
usual translations of Shchinah ) your theology is more like dualism-----
and includes a "god of the underworld"

The very sublime story of Cain and Abel is not one in which Cain is asked to make
a CHOICE between ----ths snake and G-d or a choice betwen
belief and disbelief . He is asked to make a choice
between DEATH AND LIFE---------conclusion is "CHOOSE LIFE"

You should try reading that book sometime
Last edited:
Sure sure. Whatever you say, Himmler.

Jesus was a circumcised barmitzvah'd Jew, an Israelite, and a lover of Zion, like all Jews were. It was their nation.

Jesus was circumsized and had a Bar Mitzvah. Like all good Jewish boys back then.

But Zionism is a modern philosophy created during the late 1800s. Its impossible for Jesus, Barabas, Joseph of Aramathia, Peter, St. Paul, Joseph, Mary, Moses, David, Solomon, and Isaiah to have been Zionists.

You can't believe in a political philosophy that was created 2,500 years after you died.

Only a complete moron believes such idiocy.

Why do you keep repeating that little smear of islamo nazi propaganda?
"ZIONISM" as an aspect of jewish theology which attaches "JEWS"---
----ie the HEBREWS as a nation to "israel/judea" ----began with
ABRAHAM and his migration and renunciation of the creed of Babylon.
He founded a nation-----in the land mass called CANAAN which became
the historic kingdoms of JUDAH and ISRAEL which had as its state
religion ----the religion we call in english JUDAISM (judaism is not
a hebrew word----for that matter---neither is "zionism")

In the course of the past two millenia----since the destruction of Jerusalem--
there have been several MASS MOVEMENTS with "return to zion"
being the agenda------logically called "ZIONIST MOVEMENTS" (in english)
The one elaborated in the 1890s included a notion that return to
ZION was not entirely a religious notion----but could be secular national---
in summary-----one need not keep kosher to be a zionist-----any more.
That's all. Thus ----even Einstein could be a ZIONIST.

It is true---that JESUS was not a secular zionist-----he had a beard and
never tasted bacon. It is possible and even likely that he would have
rejected secular zonism as did many many many people-----but who were
and remain ARDENT ZIONISTS ----(sorry folks-----they do not kill each other--
do not confuse it with shiite/sunni)
Satan is a fallen angel and Satan is real.

Jesus was tempted by Satan.

I posted two accounts of that temptation from The Bible, The Word of God.

Those who choose Satan are called Zionists.

Sherri dear-----Satan is not a person ---It is not an entity with free will and power.
Nor is the tooth fairy Satan is a concept -------in terms of theology actually
a DIVINE CONCEPT which opposes man------ie is harmful to man. It is something
like a force that produces evil against man like your kith and kin who have ---in the
of the past 1700 years murdered 100s of millions in the name of 'isa/allaaaa"

In theological perspective------it is part of the creation----but seems a bit out of
control Zion is the place of the "Shchinah" or "divine presence"---
or-----sometimes called "the holy ghost" (a bit scary but that is one of the
usual translations of Shchinah ) your theology is more like dualism-----
and includes a "god of the underworld"

The very sublime story of Cain and Abel is not one in which Cain is asked to make
a CHOICE between ----ths snake and G-d or a choice betwen
belief and disbelief . He is asked to make a choice
between DEATH AND LIFE---------conclusion is "CHOOSE LIFE"

You should try reading that book sometime

Sherri----an angel is not a person or a 'god' LUKE was not a jew and LUKE--
never met Jesus------and he wrote in greek. The term "fallen angel" is
actually meaningless The parable of Luke-----is cute------interpret it as you
wish in your gross ignorance. I would not try to guess what Luke had in mind
when he invented that parable----but logically he was using the parable method
in the manner that parables were used in those days----TO MAKE A POINT----
not a claim to be a recording of a real event. Even in those days----having
conversations with "satan"------was the common way of stating a person
is INSANE-------or if he resists those conversations----he is fighting insanity
Jesus was a Zionist.

He was a also a member of MENSA, a Tea Party Patriot, and he works at the CERN super-collider.

None of this makes sense of course, as he died 2,000 years ago.
Jesus was a Zionist.

He was a also a member of MENSA, a Tea Party Patriot, and he works at the CERN super-collider.

None of this makes sense of course, as he died 2,000 years ago.

You didn't answer my question. Can you please explain your username, Victory67
James 4:7

English Standard Version (ESV)

Submit yourselves therefore to God.*Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Zionism is nowhere in The Bible , nor are Zionists.

Satan is spoken of throughout The Bible, by Jesus, and others, like his brother James.

Sure sure. Whatever you say, Himmler.

Jesus was a circumcised barmitzvah'd Jew, an Israelite, and a lover of Zion, like all Jews were. It was their nation.

Jesus was circumsized and had a Bar Mitzvah. Like all good Jewish boys back then.

But Zionism is a modern philosophy created during the late 1800s. Its impossible for Jesus, Barabas, Joseph of Aramathia, Peter, St. Paul, Joseph, Mary, Moses, David, Solomon, and Isaiah to have been Zionists.

You can't believe in a political philosophy that was created 2,500 years after you died.

Only a complete moron believes such idiocy.

Why do you keep repeating that little smear of islamo nazi propaganda?
"ZIONISM" as an aspect of jewish theology which attaches "JEWS"---
----ie the HEBREWS as a nation to "israel/judea" ----began with
ABRAHAM and his migration and renunciation of the creed of Babylon.
He founded a nation-----in the land mass called CANAAN which became
the historic kingdoms of JUDAH and ISRAEL which had as its state
religion ----the religion we call in english JUDAISM (judaism is not
a hebrew word----for that matter---neither is "zionism")

In the course of the past two millenia----since the destruction of Jerusalem--
there have been several MASS MOVEMENTS with "return to zion"
being the agenda------logically called "ZIONIST MOVEMENTS" (in english)
The one elaborated in the 1890s included a notion that return to
ZION was not entirely a religious notion----but could be secular national---
in summary-----one need not keep kosher to be a zionist-----any more.
That's all. Thus ----even Einstein could be a ZIONIST.

It is true---that JESUS was not a secular zionist-----he had a beard and
never tasted bacon. It is possible and even likely that he would have
rejected secular zonism as did many many many people-----but who were
and remain ARDENT ZIONISTS ----(sorry folks-----they do not kill each other--
do not confuse it with shiite/sunni)
James 4:7

English Standard Version (ESV)

Submit yourselves therefore to God.*Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Zionism is nowhere in The Bible , nor are Zionists.

Satan is spoken of throughout The Bible, by Jesus, and others, like his brother James.

Jody 4:7

English Standard Version (ESV)

Submit yourselves therefore to Jody.*Resist the Jody, and he will flee from you.

Sperm smuggling is nowhere in The Bible , nor are "Palestinians".

Jody is spoken of throughout The Bible, by Mary Magdalene, and others, like his brother Jodi.
James 4:7

English Standard Version (ESV)

Submit yourselves therefore to God.*Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Zionism is nowhere in The Bible , nor are Zionists.

Satan is spoken of throughout The Bible, by Jesus, and others, like his brother James.

Jesus was circumsized and had a Bar Mitzvah. Like all good Jewish boys back then.

But Zionism is a modern philosophy created during the late 1800s. Its impossible for Jesus, Barabas, Joseph of Aramathia, Peter, St. Paul, Joseph, Mary, Moses, David, Solomon, and Isaiah to have been Zionists.

You can't believe in a political philosophy that was created 2,500 years after you died.

Only a complete moron believes such idiocy.

Why do you keep repeating that little smear of islamo nazi propaganda?
"ZIONISM" as an aspect of jewish theology which attaches "JEWS"---
----ie the HEBREWS as a nation to "israel/judea" ----began with
ABRAHAM and his migration and renunciation of the creed of Babylon.
He founded a nation-----in the land mass called CANAAN which became
the historic kingdoms of JUDAH and ISRAEL which had as its state
religion ----the religion we call in english JUDAISM (judaism is not
a hebrew word----for that matter---neither is "zionism")

In the course of the past two millenia----since the destruction of Jerusalem--
there have been several MASS MOVEMENTS with "return to zion"
being the agenda------logically called "ZIONIST MOVEMENTS" (in english)
The one elaborated in the 1890s included a notion that return to
ZION was not entirely a religious notion----but could be secular national---
in summary-----one need not keep kosher to be a zionist-----any more.
That's all. Thus ----even Einstein could be a ZIONIST.

It is true---that JESUS was not a secular zionist-----he had a beard and
never tasted bacon. It is possible and even likely that he would have
rejected secular zonism as did many many many people-----but who were
and remain ARDENT ZIONISTS ----(sorry folks-----they do not kill each other--
do not confuse it with shiite/sunni)

Palestine is also not in the Bible, yet you claim Jesus was a Palestinian

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can't type that without laughing !
Jesus was a Zionist.

He was a also a member of MENSA, a Tea Party Patriot, and he works at the CERN super-collider.

None of this makes sense of course, as he died 2,000 years ago.

You didn't answer my question. Can you please explain your username, Victory67
Could be the slogan for an Arab country that won the '67 war.
Political movements like ZIONISM Are Not Biblical teachings.

Your statement does not make sense sherri. Perhaps you should define
what you mean by "POLITICAL MOVEMENTS" and "BIBLICAL

When Abraham-----founder of the hebrew nation----migrated from ARAM---
to Canaan----specifically Beersheba----he was making a POLITICAL MOVE---
The biblical history is that he was escaping NIMROD---the king of Babylon
as a DISSIDENT he rejected the babylonian system-----which is actually
the basis of the filth you love.

Jesus of nazareth as presented in the 'new" testament ---was certainly
a POLITICAL LEADER as was John the baptist-----they were talking about
a BIG CHANGE---the dramatic move on the part of Jesus was the attack
on the money changers of the temple----shills of rome---it was
construed as an act of Sedition against rome which is why he was
crucified. Crucifixtion in Judea was reserved for POLITICAL CRIME
against Rome. You should learn some history. Remember sparticus?
mass crucifixtions for REBELLION AGAINST SPARTA

getting back to zionism-----it is very much a biblical issue. Remember
the Psalm ----by the rivers of babylon .....??? That Psalm
recounts the exile of jewish notables and leaders OUT of Judea/Israel---
all the way to today's Iraq and their agenda for RETURN----the return
part is ZIONISM. Even back then ---if you wish---I could call it
a "political movement" just as "civil rights for blacks" was a political
movement ---------did you resent that movement too? lots of people
of your ilk opposed on basis of that which YOU call biblical "teachings"
Jesus was a Zionist.

He was a also a member of MENSA, a Tea Party Patriot, and he works at the CERN super-collider.

None of this makes sense of course, as he died 2,000 years ago.

You didn't answer my question. Can you please explain your username, Victory67
Could be the slogan for an Arab country that won the '67 war.

Problem is, all the Arab countries lost....and were humiliated :D
If Jesus can be a Zionist then he can also believe in the Theory of Evolution and be a fan of the NFL.

I can't believe such a stupid topic like this exists. Jesus was not a Zionist.

Only a moron thinks he was.
Jews having their own homeland is an ancient belief and true archaeologically. Which is what Zionism is. Jesus as a Jew expressed this right for a Jewish homeland as he believed promised by God as all Jews who lived in Judeah. The geographical word ZION is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible and Jesus expressed nothing but concern and love for it.

Apparently you don't know the definition of Zionism. Be that as it may, Isrsel isn't going anywhere, much to your chagrin.
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