Even The UK Independent Is Calling For Immigration Control


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
It is claimed that at least one of the terrorists who died on Friday night had arrived in France via Greece, as one of the half a million who have poured into Europe over the past year. The fear that terrorists could blend in with legitimate asylum-seekers may now be justified: cue Islamophobic rants from France’s Front National and its far-right allies elsewhere.

Never has it been more important that Europe get its act together on the migrant flows. It is vital that we offer help of every sort to those fleeing the Syrian civil war, but if that help is not to be torpedoed by populist governments building walls across the EU’s eastern flank, it is equally vital that Europe find the political will to defend its external borders from the easy and continuous predations of the people traffickers.

Sadly, this has been an urgent necessity for so long, and has elicited so feeble a collective response, that the odds of the EU now doing better are not good. But if it fails to take effective protective measures, Europe could begin to break up, while the soldiers of Isis will continue to make their way across the continent with little impediment.

The Paris horrors should spur a fresh united assault against Isis

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