Even with audio proof trump denies "Nasty" remark

Adults? That's laughable. Adults - particularly in responsible positions - think before they speak and choose their words carefully. You couldn't have picked a less-accurate term for a man who lashes out like a two-year-old.

Imagine a plane of reality where words and actions are two different things entirely. Words are meaningless. Insults are empty and hollow. His outward demeanor toward the public is irrelevant. How he behaves and what he says in the presence of other leaders is pertinent. Action is everything.

Meanwhile, we have a bunch of elected House Democrats calling for the impeachment of a sitting president sans evidence of any crimes or misdemeanors he committed.

Are they choosing their words wisely?
My interest in this story is less about what he said --


Your TDS is showing.

Not TDS, a desire for a modicum of civility, for which I agree with. Trump could use some tact in certain situations.

I LOVE that he calls them as he sees them.

I am SO God DAMNED sick of diplomatic lawyers.

Trump is a breath of fresh air. You may or may not like what he has to say, but there is never any doubt what he's saying.

Plus, and this is most important, he is NOT a scum-sucking, filthy, disgusting, piece of fucking shit scumbag politician-lawyer.

No lower form of life exists on the planet.
Trump was elected to be a walking Fuck You sign. That's fine for a month or two of entertainment, but then the country needs someone fit to be President.

Curious, Presidents don't run America on spoken word alone.

Or do they? I was always taught to judge a president based on what he did for the country and not solely off of words alone.
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....

It seems like the man couldn't tell a truth if his life depended on it.

That's not a very good way to go through life.

Well....when his racist father showers him with millions of dollars....I expect he can get away with many lies....as he has....
  1. This lie is symptomatic of a man with a major mental illness. The man is unable to tell the truth for more than five minutes....AMAZING
You people elected a MORON! But since most of you are also Morons....you really are okay with it...

Obvious projection.

Great deflection from the obvious lie....
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....

It seems like the man couldn't tell a truth if his life depended on it.

That's not a very good way to go through life.

Well....when his racist father showers him with millions of dollars....I expect he can get away with many lies....as he has....

Your jealousy is pathetic.

Why can't slimeballs like you comprehend that envious is not a healthy attitude?
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Adults? That's laughable. Adults - particularly in responsible positions - think before they speak and choose their words carefully. You couldn't have picked a less-accurate term for a man who lashes out like a two-year-old.

Imagine a plane of reality where words and actions are two different things entirely. Words are meaningless. Insults are empty and hollow. His outward demeanor toward the public is irrelevant. How he behaves and what he says in the presence of other leaders is pertinent. Action is everything.

Meanwhile, we have a bunch of elected House Democrats calling for the impeachment of a sitting president sans evidence of any crimes or misdemeanors he committed.

Are they choosing their words wisely?

Imagine a world in which Trump's words and actions stood alone - his insults weren't blamed on the person he was insulting, and his words weren't excused with 'yebbut the democrats'.
Bottom line: The thread title is a lie.
Not really. It's just a basic fact. The debate is what he meant by calling her that. Not that he said she was nasty or that now he denies using that term despite the audio of him using that exact term.
You are simply wrong. Check your reading comprehension skills.
Just did. He said she was nasty. Then denied saying she was nasty. Got a dick in your ear or something?
Your extremely low IQ does not affect my language comprehension skills, dick.

I suspect that your TDS affliction is very negatively affecting your reading comprehension skills. Did your TDS affliction begin before or after Trump whooped the candidate that you were brainwashed into thinking could not possibly lose?

Oh....stick you head back in the sand and calling it a day. You are embarrassing yourself....
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....

It seems like the man couldn't tell a truth if his life depended on it.

That's not a very good way to go through life.

Well....when his racist father showers him with millions of dollars....I expect he can get away with many lies....as he has....

Oh boy, and you're criticizing the president for calling Markle nasty?

Where I come from, insulting a man's dead father gets you knocked on your backside.
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....

It seems like the man couldn't tell a truth if his life depended on it.

That's not a very good way to go through life.

Well....when his racist father showers him with millions of dollars....I expect he can get away with many lies....as he has....

Your jealousy is pathetic.

Who cares what his racist father gave him? Just say....He lied...and stop making yourself look stupid....if possible.
Adults? That's laughable. Adults - particularly in responsible positions - think before they speak and choose their words carefully. You couldn't have picked a less-accurate term for a man who lashes out like a two-year-old.

Imagine a plane of reality where words and actions are two different things entirely. Words are meaningless. Insults are empty and hollow. His outward demeanor toward the public is irrelevant. How he behaves and what he says in the presence of other leaders is pertinent. Action is everything.

Meanwhile, we have a bunch of elected House Democrats calling for the impeachment of a sitting president sans evidence of any crimes or misdemeanors he committed.

Are they choosing their words wisely?

Imagine a world in which Trump's words and actions stood alone - his insults weren't blamed on the person he was insulting, and his words weren't excused with 'yebbut the democrats'.

Uh, isn't that what I just said?

Words and actions are distinct. You judge him on words but not actions.

So um, what are you getting at exactly?

'yebbut Trump'

Please don't.
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....

It seems like the man couldn't tell a truth if his life depended on it.

That's not a very good way to go through life.

Well....when his racist father showers him with millions of dollars....I expect he can get away with many lies....as he has....

Oh boy, and you're criticizing the president for calling Markle nasty?

Where I come from, insulting a man's dead father gets you knocked on your backside.

Not unsult....FACT....and now you want to talk about the request to move the USS John McCain?


YOUR president IS A JERK!
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....

It seems like the man couldn't tell a truth if his life depended on it.

That's not a very good way to go through life.

Well....when his racist father showers him with millions of dollars....I expect he can get away with many lies....as he has....

Your jealousy is pathetic.

Why can't slimeballs like you comprehend that envious is not a healthy attitude?

You have been a Dick on this board for years....try to do better.

I am ridding my life of Dicks...including you. Grow a Brain....
Yes there is, stupid.

How about you add the question he asked Trump?

Trump calls everyone nasty that opposes him, and the journalist surprised him by saying she was against him during his campaign. So he said "I didn't know she was nasty." There you go, idiot. Actual fucking context to the statement.

He called everyone who opposed him nasty and then when the interviewer said Markle was against him he called her what? And this helps your argument? How?
He was saying that He didn't know she WAS nasty to him. How do you fucking morons not understand the concept of context? I thought you idiots called yourselves smart?

Either you're all on the autism spectrum and don't understand social aspects like context, are deliberately ignoring it, or just to fucking stupid to understand context when it comes to quotes. Take your pick.

So wait. Trump said "I didn’t know that she was nasty" after hearing she made comments about him. And now you are trying to rewrite that, where he wasn't saying she was nasty, but rather her comments to him were?

Are you deliberately ignoring WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAID? or just too fucking stupid to understand the English language.
No, but I'm smart enough to understand that context matters when understanding quotes. Merkle might say something like: "Sure, I could kill him." And, without context, you wouldn't know what that quote would mean or what the intent of that quote was. Could be talking about murder, or Call of Duty. You'd need more context from the discussion that the quote was made in.

Same with Trump saying "I didn't know she was nasty." You have to know the context in which that statement was made. The dude informed Trump that she disliked him in 2016 and thus he made his statement. About him not knowing her being nasty to him in the past. You idiots seem to dismiss the fact that he PRAISED her in the same fucking discussion. Listen to the whole fucking conversation and you might end up getting a clue about he actually feels about her, instead of just listening to a sound clip and barking at Trump like a bunch of dogs.

After today, I can't wait for Joe Biden to say something like "Well, yea I did touch her." And conservatives take it out of context and call him a pervert. Then I'll sit back and watch as Democrats fucking scramble to put context into the quote. Maybe then you'll turn the blinders off and get a clue.

LOL....our President praised her until he was told she opposed him in 2016 election

That made her nasty

What a man child

Not even a child....that big ass must be wearing a diaper....
Trump denies he called Meghan Markle 'nasty' despite audio of remark

The Liar in Chief knows that most of his mindless cult will accept his latest lie as truth. He laughs at their ignorance daily.....

It seems like the man couldn't tell a truth if his life depended on it.

That's not a very good way to go through life.

Well....when his racist father showers him with millions of dollars....I expect he can get away with many lies....as he has....

Your jealousy is pathetic.

Who cares what his racist father gave him? Just say....
You do. Quite apparently, that's why you were bitching and whining about it in the first place, you piece of shit contemptible lowlife scumbag.

So how's that envy been working out for you?

Has choosing to be a jealous piece of shit improved your lot in life at all? :lol:
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Imagine a world where Republicans, Democrats and others who like to preen themselves in front of others, weren't so hellbent on scrutinizing a man from beginning to end.

Imagine a world where Americans counted on what someone does for America rather than purely off of what they say.

Imagine a world where a President does precisely what he says.
YOUR president IS A JERK!

Nevermind the fact you are just as much of a "jerk" as you claim he is.

You know, I remember the first time I said "Obama wasn't my president" after he was elected. So consumed with emotion I was.

I was questioning the results of a legitimate election. After a while, I thought, "if Obama isn't my president, who is?"

Then it dawned on me. Whether I liked him or not, he was the President of The United States, and I should embrace him as the leader of the free world.

So, Jim, if Trump isn't your president, then who is?

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