Even with audio proof trump denies "Nasty" remark

What she said at that time was nasty.

Many of the Hollywood crowd said nasty things during the campaign.
Yes because Trump was talking about a lot of people moving to England from the U.S.

^That would be incorrect.

Not that this is important but if you want to claim you understand the context of Trump's own words then I suggest you look into that a little. Maybe double check what you think you know about the interview.
The Trump Alternate Universe.
Yup......all you have to do is ignore what he said and ignore how he said it and focus on one single word that the Democrat Media thinks should never be uttered. What we're being led to believe is everyone should feel as disgusted as the media is.
He said what he said.

I know we're not supposed to take him seriously, and I know that his followers are going to tell us what he "meant" every time he does something like this.

But he said what he said. But we can pretend he didn't.
I know exactly what he said, and you and your libroid buddies are making shit up again.

She was nasty.

How the fuck can you interpret that as anything elser?

He did not say " What she sasid was nasty"

Is this still funny? I'm honestly not sure.
Our President is a child

Trying to explain what he really meant does not change that

A child would have used the word icky or yucky. :laugh:

Left are all upset over one word they don't like.

Multi syllable words are usually outside our Presidents vocabulary

Today, he called the mayor of London....

Wait for it...

Wait for it.....

Wait for it...

A loser
More than likely the shortened tape.
Try this

Holy crap. They're denying it.

He was referring to her comment about moving to Canada if he won, which is a nasty comment. He followed up with this:

The President added that he believes the former actress will make “a very good” American princess, noting, “It is nice, and I am sure she will do excellently. She will be very good. I hope she does [succeed].”

Why would he call her a "nasty" person and in the same breath say nice things about her? LOL You Trump haters are some kind of special. Thank God the adults are running the country and not incessant butt-hurt whiners that only care about regaining power at the expense of Americans.
Thankfully Trump has his followers to tell us what he actually meant.


Or you could read the (entire) )transcript.
I listened to the tape.

But I appreciate your attempts at translation.
The Trump Alternate Universe.
Yup......all you have to do is ignore what he said and ignore how he said it and focus on one single word that the Democrat Media thinks should never be uttered. What we're being led to believe is everyone should feel as disgusted as the media is.
He said what he said.

I know we're not supposed to take him seriously, and I know that his followers are going to tell us what he "meant" every time he does something like this.

But he said what he said. But we can pretend he didn't.
I know exactly what he said, and you and your libroid buddies are making shit up again.

She was nasty.

How the fuck can you interpret that as anything elser?

He did not say " What she sasid was nasty"

Is this still funny? I'm honestly not sure.
No, this really isn't funny any more.
Holy crap. They're denying it.

He was referring to her comment about moving to Canada if he won, which is a nasty comment. He followed up with this:

The President added that he believes the former actress will make “a very good” American princess, noting, “It is nice, and I am sure she will do excellently. She will be very good. I hope she does [succeed].”

Why would he call her a "nasty" person and in the same breath say nice things about her? LOL You Trump haters are some kind of special. Thank God the adults are running the country and not incessant butt-hurt whiners that only care about regaining power at the expense of Americans.

Adults? That's laughable. Adults - particularly in responsible positions - think before they speak and choose their words carefully. You couldn't have picked a less-accurate term for a man who lashes out like a two-year-old.

Trump has a habit of calling women nasty. He ought to find a new word.
Adults - particularly in responsible positions - think before they speak and choose their words carefully.
No such standards are placed on Trump.

This is all you morons got?? Seriously??

Trump insults a piece of fluff that nobody likes and -- You people start in with your #orangemanbad bullshit....??

Your leftist slip is showing. I nailed it years ago.

libertarian my ass

The biggest difference between liberturdians and leftists is --


—Ayn Rand Lexicon

What do you think of the libertarian movement?
All kinds of people today call themselves “libertarians,” especially something calling itself the New Right, which consists of hippies who are anarchists instead of leftist collectivists; but anarchists are collectivists. Capitalism is the one system that requires absolute objective law, yet libertarians combine capitalism and anarchism. That’s worse than anything the New Left has proposed. It’s a mockery of philosophy and ideology. They sling slogans and try to ride on two bandwagons. They want to be hippies, but don’t want to preach collectivism because those jobs are already taken. But anarchism is a logical outgrowth of the anti-intellectual side of collectivism. I could deal with a Marxist with a greater chance of reaching some kind of understanding, and with much greater respect. Anarchists are the scum of the intellectual world of the Left, which has given them up. So the Right picks up another leftist discard. That’s the libertarian movement. [FHF 71]
What do you think of the Libertarian Party?
I’d rather vote for Bob Hope, the Marx Brothers, or Jerry Lewis—they’re not as funny as John Hospers and the Libertarian Party. If Hospers takes ten votes away from Nixon (which I doubt he’ll do), it would be a moral crime. I don’t care about Nixon, and I care even less about Hospers; but this is no time to engage in publicity seeking, which all these crank political parties are doing. (George Wallace is no great thinker—he’s a demagogue, though with some courage—but even he had the sense to stay home this time.) If you want to spread your ideas, do it through education. But don’t run for president—or even dogcatcher—if you’re going to help McGovern. [FHF 72]
There is no context that changes She was nasty into What she said was nasty
Yes there is, stupid.

How about you add the question he asked Trump?

Trump calls everyone nasty that opposes him, and the journalist surprised him by saying she was against him during his campaign. So he said "I didn't know she was nasty." There you go, idiot. Actual fucking context to the statement.

He called everyone who opposed him nasty and then when the interviewer said Markle was against him he called her what? And this helps your argument? How?
He was saying that He didn't know she WAS nasty to him. How do you fucking morons not understand the concept of context? I thought you idiots called yourselves smart?

Either you're all on the autism spectrum and don't understand social aspects like context, are deliberately ignoring it, or just to fucking stupid to understand context when it comes to quotes. Take your pick.

So wait. Trump said "I didn’t know that she was nasty" after hearing she made comments about him. And now you are trying to rewrite that, where he wasn't saying she was nasty, but rather her comments to him were?

Are you deliberately ignoring WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAID? or just too fucking stupid to understand the English language.
No, but I'm smart enough to understand that context matters when understanding quotes. Merkle might say something like: "Sure, I could kill him." And, without context, you wouldn't know what that quote would mean or what the intent of that quote was. Could be talking about murder, or Call of Duty. You'd need more context from the discussion that the quote was made in.

Same with Trump saying "I didn't know she was nasty." You have to know the context in which that statement was made. The dude informed Trump that she disliked him in 2016 and thus he made his statement. About him not knowing her being nasty to him in the past. You idiots seem to dismiss the fact that he PRAISED her in the same fucking discussion. Listen to the whole fucking conversation and you might end up getting a clue about he actually feels about her, instead of just listening to a sound clip and barking at Trump like a bunch of dogs.

After today, I can't wait for Joe Biden to say something like "Well, yea I did touch her." And conservatives take it out of context and call him a pervert. Then I'll sit back and watch as Democrats fucking scramble to put context into the quote. Maybe then you'll turn the blinders off and get a clue.

A good example of context was in President Obama's statement. "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." His opposition had a field day with that. But in its full context, what he was saying that nobody succeeds without involvement of others. When we are intellectually honest, I think it was obvious that he intended it to be something like like Hillary's 'It takes a village to raise a child" or "no man is an island" sort of thing.

The full quote in context: "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

It was said awkwardly, but I could easily cut President Obama some slack on that even though I strongly opposed what I saw as his Marxist side as opposed to social contract.

I wish the TDS crowd could do that for President Trump.
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