Evening with Bret Stephens: a Showcase of Political Illiteracy and ... Lies...

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

Bret Stephens
Bret L. Stephens joined The New York Times as an Op-Ed columnist in April 2017. His column appears Thursday and Saturday.

Mr. Stephens came to The Times after a long career with The Wall Street Journal, where he was most recently deputy editorial page editor and, for 11 years, a foreign affairs columnist.

Before that, he was editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post. At The Post he oversaw the paper's news, editorial and digital operations and its international editions, and also wrote a weekly column. He has reported from around the world and interviewed scores of world leaders.

Mr. Stephens is the author of "America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder," released in November 2014. He is is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions, including two honorary doctorates and the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. He was raised in Mexico City and holds a B.A. from the University of Chicago and an MSc. from the London School of Economics. He and his wife, Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, a music critic for The Times, live with their three children in New York and Hamburg, Germany.


When Mr.Trump slammed the media as ‘the true Enemy of the People’, I took this statement as political hyperbole. However, as it turned out, I was wrong.

American mainstream media, controlled by the special interest groups, is, as it turned out, a haven of under-educated mediocre people that compensate lack of academic knowledge with the frank сhutspah.

I made this conclusion after visiting the "Cocktails and Conversations: Evening with Bret Stephens", organized by the Metropolitan Republican Club of New York

Bret Stephens's pose spoke for itself: he leaned back in the arm-chair, with his leg up and answered questions, prepared by the mediator, with all his appearance emphasizing his own significance and exclusivity.

The journalist made a statement that the “Capital” of Marx, which shows the underside of a capitalist society based on the exploitation of man by man, “is outdated because“ life goes forward. ”

The journalist did not bother to substantiate his claim with examples.

This was his first logical and conceptual mistake.

Then he appealed to the audience saying that there must be something “eternal” and that is the American Constitution.

This was his second logical mistake

Everything else was a mixture of BS and cliche sets from the arsenal of ideological and psychological warfare against the American people, which we constantly come across in newspapers and hear on television.

I managed to address the Pulitzer Prize winner with a remark that, as I suspected, some people not only did not read Marx's Capital but do not know how many volumes this work consists of. I asked the prominent journalist WHY Marx's Capital is OUT OF DATE.

He REFUSED to answer the question.

Actually, this was a violation of academic ethics, because my academic title is above BA and MSc ... and it was a matter of the elementary ETHICS of the behavior of a lower-ranking person.

When all this profanity ended, I tried to invite the journalist to take part in the discussion at my Socrates International Discussion Club.

A lady with a mass of Stryker blocked my access to the journalist ...

And this despite the fact the journalist repeatedly mentioned "freedom of speech" and other "eternal" American freedoms.

I left the club premises and walked through the evening New York. There was a feeling of touching something nasty and dirty/ It was drizzling, streams of water flowed down the sides of the umbrella, washing away the accumulated dust. But in the soul a sense of abomination remained.

It was my first-lifetime experience seeing "alive" a poorly educated, extremely arrogant, and venal American journalist, one of those who cheat and "brainwash" the American people ...

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Marx.....unfairly getting bad press.

Off to the gulag, eh comrade?

You know, there is a rule: you open a book, read it from the first to the last page, and then draw your conclusions. Otherwise, you become a parrot repeating the stupidities of others.

I was struck by his arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah - a product of the University of Chicago? He also emphasized that he is a "Jew." So what?! If you are not a Jew, are you a “second-class” man in America ?!
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Bret Stephens
Bret L. Stephens joined The New York Times as an Op-Ed columnist in April 2017. His column appears Thursday and Saturday.

Mr. Stephens came to The Times after a long career with The Wall Street Journal, where he was most recently deputy editorial page editor and, for 11 years, a foreign affairs columnist.

Before that, he was editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post. At The Post he oversaw the paper's news, editorial and digital operations and its international editions, and also wrote a weekly column. He has reported from around the world and interviewed scores of world leaders.

Mr. Stephens is the author of "America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder," released in November 2014. He is is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions, including two honorary doctorates and the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. He was raised in Mexico City and holds a B.A. from the University of Chicago and an MSc. from the London School of Economics. He and his wife, Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, a music critic for The Times, live with their three children in New York and Hamburg, Germany.


When Mr.Trump slammed the media as ‘the true Enemy of the People’, I took this statement as political hyperbole. However, as it turned out, I was wrong.

American mainstream media, controlled by the special interest groups, is, as it turned out, a haven of under-educated mediocre people that compensate lack of academic knowledge with the frank сhutspah.

I made this conclusion after visiting the "Cocktails and Conversations: Evening with Bret Stephens", organized by the Metropolitan Republican Club of New York

Bret Stephens's pose spoke for itself: he leaned back in the arm-chair, with his leg up and answered questions, prepared by the mediator, with all his appearance emphasizing his own significance and exclusivity.

The journalist made a statement that the “Capital” of Marx, which shows the underside of a capitalist society based on the exploitation of man by man, “is outdated because“ life goes forward. ”

The journalist did not bother to substantiate his claim with examples.

This was his first logical and conceptual mistake.

Then he appealed to the audience saying that there must be something “eternal” and that is the American Constitution.

This was his second logical mistake

Everything else was a mixture of BS and cliche sets from the arsenal of ideological and psychological warfare against the American people, which we constantly come across in newspapers and hear on television.

I managed to address the Pulitzer Prize winner with a remark that, as I suspected, some people not only did not read Marx's Capital but do not know how many volumes this work consists of. I asked the prominent journalist WHY Marx's Capital is OUT OF DATE.

He REFUSED to answer the question.

Actually, this was a violation of academic ethics, because my academic title is above BA and MSc ... and it was a matter of the elementary ETHICS of the behavior of a lower-ranking person.

When all this profanity ended, I tried to invite the journalist to take part in the discussion at my Socrates International Discussion Club.

A lady with a mass of Stryker blocked my access to the journalist ...

And this despite the fact the journalist repeatedly mentioned "freedom of speech" and other "eternal" American freedoms.

I left the club premises and walked through the evening New York. There was a feeling of touching something nasty and dirty/ It was drizzling, streams of water flowed down the sides of the umbrella, washing away the accumulated dust. But in the soul a sense of abomination remained.

It was my first-lifetime experience seeing "alive" a poorly educated, extremely arrogant, and venal American journalist, one of those who cheat and "brainwash" the American people ...

Yes the American mainstream media is comprised of fools and compromised propagandists. They are in many respects extensions of the State. They are also mouthpieces for the 1% since after all, six billionaires own much of the MSM.

While more and more Americans are realizing this fraud being perpetrated on them, many still haven’t. Millions are easily controlled by the MSM.

Americans as old as me, remember the Soviet press. We use to laugh at it, but now my country has something very similar.
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Marx.....unfairly getting bad press.

Off to the gulag, eh comrade?

You know, there is a rule: you open a book, read it from the first to the last page, and then draw your conclusions. Otherwise, you become a parrot repeating the stupidities of others.

I was struck by his arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah - a product of the University of Chicago?

Oh no, a journalist with arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah.
Stop the presses......hold the front page.

So, what is the best example of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

Bret Stephens
Bret L. Stephens joined The New York Times as an Op-Ed columnist in April 2017. His column appears Thursday and Saturday.

Mr. Stephens came to The Times after a long career with The Wall Street Journal, where he was most recently deputy editorial page editor and, for 11 years, a foreign affairs columnist.

Before that, he was editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post. At The Post he oversaw the paper's news, editorial and digital operations and its international editions, and also wrote a weekly column. He has reported from around the world and interviewed scores of world leaders.

Mr. Stephens is the author of "America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder," released in November 2014. He is is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions, including two honorary doctorates and the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. He was raised in Mexico City and holds a B.A. from the University of Chicago and an MSc. from the London School of Economics. He and his wife, Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, a music critic for The Times, live with their three children in New York and Hamburg, Germany.


When Mr.Trump slammed the media as ‘the true Enemy of the People’, I took this statement as political hyperbole. However, as it turned out, I was wrong.

American mainstream media, controlled by the special interest groups, is, as it turned out, a haven of under-educated mediocre people that compensate lack of academic knowledge with the frank сhutspah.

I made this conclusion after visiting the "Cocktails and Conversations: Evening with Bret Stephens", organized by the Metropolitan Republican Club of New York

Bret Stephens's pose spoke for itself: he leaned back in the arm-chair, with his leg up and answered questions, prepared by the mediator, with all his appearance emphasizing his own significance and exclusivity.

The journalist made a statement that the “Capital” of Marx, which shows the underside of a capitalist society based on the exploitation of man by man, “is outdated because“ life goes forward. ”

The journalist did not bother to substantiate his claim with examples.

This was his first logical and conceptual mistake.

Then he appealed to the audience saying that there must be something “eternal” and that is the American Constitution.

This was his second logical mistake

Everything else was a mixture of BS and cliche sets from the arsenal of ideological and psychological warfare against the American people, which we constantly come across in newspapers and hear on television.

I managed to address the Pulitzer Prize winner with a remark that, as I suspected, some people not only did not read Marx's Capital but do not know how many volumes this work consists of. I asked the prominent journalist WHY Marx's Capital is OUT OF DATE.

He REFUSED to answer the question.

Actually, this was a violation of academic ethics, because my academic title is above BA and MSc ... and it was a matter of the elementary ETHICS of the behavior of a lower-ranking person.

When all this profanity ended, I tried to invite the journalist to take part in the discussion at my Socrates International Discussion Club.

A lady with a mass of Stryker blocked my access to the journalist ...

And this despite the fact the journalist repeatedly mentioned "freedom of speech" and other "eternal" American freedoms.

I left the club premises and walked through the evening New York. There was a feeling of touching something nasty and dirty/ It was drizzling, streams of water flowed down the sides of the umbrella, washing away the accumulated dust. But in the soul a sense of abomination remained.

It was my first-lifetime experience seeing "alive" a poorly educated, extremely arrogant, and venal American journalist, one of those who cheat and "brainwash" the American people ...

Yes, the American mainstream media is comprised of fools and compromised propagandists. They are in many respects extensions of the State. They are also mouthpieces for the 1% since after all, six billionaires own much of the MSM.

While more and more Americans are realizing this fraud being perpetrated on them, many still haven’t. Millions are easily controlled by the MSM.

Americans as old as me, remember the Soviet press. We use to laugh at it, but now the my country has something very similar.

Thanks. Yes, I also remember well the Soviet press, radio, and television. All the same fooling. Plus - the threat of political or just criminal prosecution. Even here, analogies can be traced if we analyze the attempt of impeachment (I am not a Republican). I also "recollect" the Soviet political prison and camps...

BUT there were some things that America even not going or is unable to have.

You see, I didn’t come to THIS America 30 years ago. We, too, fell victim to American propaganda, seeking political asylum from the American government. We had to stay in "not great" but inexpensive and culturally developed, socially more homogeneous "Germany and not "stick out".

Wild prices. Wild dependence on credit. Wild illiteracy of post-literacy youth. Disgusting manners. Inability to express one’s thoughts without “parasitic words” like", "you know what I mean" ... Wild inequality and poverty of the population - people are underpaid to be dragged into loans.

Now I’m reading McNamara's memoirs - SHOCK from the fact to WHAT extent the US government was ignorant of the GENUINE aspirations of the Vietnamese. And our nation has made such sacrifices because of this ignorance.

Now - Afghanistan. Iraq. Syria, soon - Iran and China ...

And we still remain a "great power." This is a kind of paranoia - the thesis of "greatness" and "exclusivity".
Marx.....unfairly getting bad press.

Off to the gulag, eh comrade?

You know, there is a rule: you open a book, read it from the first to the last page, and then draw your conclusions. Otherwise, you become a parrot repeating the stupidities of others.

I was struck by his arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah - a product of the University of Chicago?

Oh no, a journalist with arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah.
Stop the presses......hold the front page.

So, what is the best example of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

The first practical confirmation of the SUCCESS of communist theory was the Stone Age. In the conditions of the Stone Age, there were no private property and parasitic banks. Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

In the so-called "quasi-"socialism" of the past, NOT EVERYTHING was SO bad, as special interest groups try to show:
- low child mortality,
- universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),
- a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars" - but many ordinary American citizens ALSO do not POSSESS them - all on loans;
- fantastically small rent.
- the advanced system of state kindergartens and schools.
- excellent higher education (in the Soviet Union, there were NO "party universities and colleges").
- there were REAL values. There was LOVE. There was an expectation of the wedding night. In America, by the way, are there still virgins at the age of 12 in the environment of the "American values" ???

The rest - look at the kibbutz in Israel - they are the offspring of the Communists sent by Stalin and his successors to Palestine.

One should not sell the viciousness of human thinking and psychology as a failure of the communist idea and socialist practice. It's about people who DO NOT WANT to live like the rest.

Look at defeated Germany - HOW people live in the country, in which the model of "capitalism with a human face" is implemented! Neither poor, nor hungry, nor homeless. They also accept foreigners in scores.

By the way, WHY are we, the nation of WINNERS IN THE WAR, LIVING WORSE THAN ALL THE LOSERS????

In general, any attack on socialism is an attack on Christianity and personally on Jesus Christ - the first prominent communist.

Capitalism, private property is a product of the perversity of human morality, not a product of its purity.

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.
And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not the product of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentrated expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life, developed in the womb of History.
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Bret Stephens
Bret L. Stephens joined The New York Times as an Op-Ed columnist in April 2017. His column appears Thursday and Saturday.

Mr. Stephens came to The Times after a long career with The Wall Street Journal, where he was most recently deputy editorial page editor and, for 11 years, a foreign affairs columnist.

Before that, he was editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post. At The Post he oversaw the paper's news, editorial and digital operations and its international editions, and also wrote a weekly column. He has reported from around the world and interviewed scores of world leaders.

Mr. Stephens is the author of "America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder," released in November 2014. He is is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions, including two honorary doctorates and the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. He was raised in Mexico City and holds a B.A. from the University of Chicago and an MSc. from the London School of Economics. He and his wife, Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, a music critic for The Times, live with their three children in New York and Hamburg, Germany.


When Mr.Trump slammed the media as ‘the true Enemy of the People’, I took this statement as political hyperbole. However, as it turned out, I was wrong.

American mainstream media, controlled by the special interest groups, is, as it turned out, a haven of under-educated mediocre people that compensate lack of academic knowledge with the frank сhutspah.

I made this conclusion after visiting the "Cocktails and Conversations: Evening with Bret Stephens", organized by the Metropolitan Republican Club of New York

Bret Stephens's pose spoke for itself: he leaned back in the arm-chair, with his leg up and answered questions, prepared by the mediator, with all his appearance emphasizing his own significance and exclusivity.

The journalist made a statement that the “Capital” of Marx, which shows the underside of a capitalist society based on the exploitation of man by man, “is outdated because“ life goes forward. ”

The journalist did not bother to substantiate his claim with examples.

This was his first logical and conceptual mistake.

Then he appealed to the audience saying that there must be something “eternal” and that is the American Constitution.

This was his second logical mistake

Everything else was a mixture of BS and cliche sets from the arsenal of ideological and psychological warfare against the American people, which we constantly come across in newspapers and hear on television.

I managed to address the Pulitzer Prize winner with a remark that, as I suspected, some people not only did not read Marx's Capital but do not know how many volumes this work consists of. I asked the prominent journalist WHY Marx's Capital is OUT OF DATE.

He REFUSED to answer the question.

Actually, this was a violation of academic ethics, because my academic title is above BA and MSc ... and it was a matter of the elementary ETHICS of the behavior of a lower-ranking person.

When all this profanity ended, I tried to invite the journalist to take part in the discussion at my Socrates International Discussion Club.

A lady with a mass of Stryker blocked my access to the journalist ...

And this despite the fact the journalist repeatedly mentioned "freedom of speech" and other "eternal" American freedoms.

I left the club premises and walked through the evening New York. There was a feeling of touching something nasty and dirty/ It was drizzling, streams of water flowed down the sides of the umbrella, washing away the accumulated dust. But in the soul a sense of abomination remained.

It was my first-lifetime experience seeing "alive" a poorly educated, extremely arrogant, and venal American journalist, one of those who cheat and "brainwash" the American people ...

Yes, the American mainstream media is comprised of fools and compromised propagandists. They are in many respects extensions of the State. They are also mouthpieces for the 1% since after all, six billionaires own much of the MSM.

While more and more Americans are realizing this fraud being perpetrated on them, many still haven’t. Millions are easily controlled by the MSM.

Americans as old as me, remember the Soviet press. We use to laugh at it, but now the my country has something very similar.

Thanks. Yes, I also remember well the Soviet press, radio, and television. All the same fooling. Plus - the threat of political or just criminal prosecution. Even here, analogies can be traced if we analyze the attempt of impeachment (I am not a Republican). I also "recollect" the Soviet political prison and camps...

BUT there were some things that America even not going or is unable to have.

You see, I didn’t come to THIS America 30 years ago. We, too, fell victim to American propaganda, seeking political asylum from the American government. We had to stay in "not great" but inexpensive and culturally developed, socially more homogeneous "Germany and not "stick out".

Wild prices. Wild dependence on credit. Wild illiteracy of post-literacy youth. Disgusting manners. Inability to express one’s thoughts without “parasitic words” like", "you know what I mean" ... Wild inequality and poverty of the population - people are underpaid to be dragged into loans.

Now I’m reading McNamara's memoirs - SHOCK from the fact to WHAT extent the US government was ignorant of the GENUINE aspirations of the Vietnamese. And our nation has made such sacrifices because of this ignorance.

Now - Afghanistan. Iraq. Syria, soon - Iran and China ...

And we still remain a "great power." This is a kind of paranoia - the thesis of "greatness" and "exclusivity".
If history foretells the future, the US is headed down the road to ruin. Every warmongering nation in history, ultimately destroys itself.
Marx.....unfairly getting bad press.

Off to the gulag, eh comrade?

You know, there is a rule: you open a book, read it from the first to the last page, and then draw your conclusions. Otherwise, you become a parrot repeating the stupidities of others.

I was struck by his arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah - a product of the University of Chicago?

Oh no, a journalist with arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah.
Stop the presses......hold the front page.

So, what is the best example of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

The first practical confirmation of the SUCCESS of communist theory was the Stone Age. In the conditions of the Stone Age, there were no private property and parasitic banks. Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

In the so-called "quasi-"socialism" of the past, NOT EVERYTHING was SO bad, as special interest groups try to show:
- low child mortality,
- universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),
- a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars" - but many ordinary American citizens ALSO do not POSSESS them - all on loans;
- fantastically small rent.
- the advanced system of state kindergartens and schools.
- excellent higher education (in the Soviet Union, there were NO "party universities and colleges").
- there were REAL values. There was LOVE. There was an expectation of the wedding night. In America, by the way, are there still virgins at the age of 12 in the environment of the "American values" ???

The rest - look at the kibbutz in Israel - they are the offspring of the Communists sent by Stalin and his successors to Palestine.

One should not sell the viciousness of human thinking and psychology as a failure of the communist idea and socialist practice. It's about people who DO NOT WANT to live like the rest.

Look at defeated Germany - HOW people live in the country, in which the model of "capitalism with a human face" is implemented! Neither poor, nor hungry, nor homeless. They also accept foreigners in scores.

By the way, WHY are we, the nation of WINNERS IN THE WAR, LIVING WORSE THAN ALL THE LOSERS????

In general, any attack on socialism is an attack on Christianity and personally on Jesus Christ - the first prominent communist.

Capitalism, private property is a product of the perversity of human morality, not a product of its purity.

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.
And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not the product of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentrated expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life, developed in the womb of History.

So no examples of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

We survive better without Communism.

universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),

Does Cuba still jail AIDS patients? How many MRI machines do the Cubans have?
Marx.....unfairly getting bad press.

Off to the gulag, eh comrade?

You know, there is a rule: you open a book, read it from the first to the last page, and then draw your conclusions. Otherwise, you become a parrot repeating the stupidities of others.

I was struck by his arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah - a product of the University of Chicago?

Oh no, a journalist with arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah.
Stop the presses......hold the front page.

So, what is the best example of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

The first practical confirmation of the SUCCESS of communist theory was the Stone Age. In the conditions of the Stone Age, there were no private property and parasitic banks. Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

In the so-called "quasi-"socialism" of the past, NOT EVERYTHING was SO bad, as special interest groups try to show:
- low child mortality,
- universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),
- a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars" - but many ordinary American citizens ALSO do not POSSESS them - all on loans;
- fantastically small rent.
- the advanced system of state kindergartens and schools.
- excellent higher education (in the Soviet Union, there were NO "party universities and colleges").
- there were REAL values. There was LOVE. There was an expectation of the wedding night. In America, by the way, are there still virgins at the age of 12 in the environment of the "American values" ???

The rest - look at the kibbutz in Israel - they are the offspring of the Communists sent by Stalin and his successors to Palestine.

One should not sell the viciousness of human thinking and psychology as a failure of the communist idea and socialist practice. It's about people who DO NOT WANT to live like the rest.

Look at defeated Germany - HOW people live in the country, in which the model of "capitalism with a human face" is implemented! Neither poor, nor hungry, nor homeless. They also accept foreigners in scores.

By the way, WHY are we, the nation of WINNERS IN THE WAR, LIVING WORSE THAN ALL THE LOSERS????

In general, any attack on socialism is an attack on Christianity and personally on Jesus Christ - the first prominent communist.

Capitalism, private property is a product of the perversity of human morality, not a product of its purity.

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.
And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not the product of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentrated expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life, developed in the womb of History.

a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars"

Of course, the best proof of the success of Communism...….


And the failure of capitalism.........

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx. that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.

And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not a result of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentration developed in the womb of History an expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life.

Do not pass "sell" a perversion of human consciousness as a “collapse of the idea of communism”.

Communism was in the Stone Age. There was no private property. There was no social inequality. There were no rich and poor. There were no homeless people. Fortunately, there were no banks and loans.

There were no depressions and suicides as the result of the inability to pay debts or support a family. There was no lie.

Humanity has survived, which means that this model worked successfully.

By the way, take a look at Israeli kibbutzim - the result of the practical embodiment of the socialist idea
There was no socialism in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. There was quasi-socialism with the class of communist parties of the elite, which "fat" on the rest of the people.

So they compromised the practice of building socialism.

But "social-democratic" capitalism exists, and the standard of living of the peoples of the defeated nations (Germany and Japan) live many times better than the Americans

Karl Marx - Existential Comics

Bret Stephens
Bret L. Stephens joined The New York Times as an Op-Ed columnist in April 2017. His column appears Thursday and Saturday.

Mr. Stephens came to The Times after a long career with The Wall Street Journal, where he was most recently deputy editorial page editor and, for 11 years, a foreign affairs columnist.

Before that, he was editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post. At The Post he oversaw the paper's news, editorial and digital operations and its international editions, and also wrote a weekly column. He has reported from around the world and interviewed scores of world leaders.

Mr. Stephens is the author of "America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder," released in November 2014. He is is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions, including two honorary doctorates and the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. He was raised in Mexico City and holds a B.A. from the University of Chicago and an MSc. from the London School of Economics. He and his wife, Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, a music critic for The Times, live with their three children in New York and Hamburg, Germany.


When Mr.Trump slammed the media as ‘the true Enemy of the People’, I took this statement as political hyperbole. However, as it turned out, I was wrong.

American mainstream media, controlled by the special interest groups, is, as it turned out, a haven of under-educated mediocre people that compensate lack of academic knowledge with the frank сhutspah.

I made this conclusion after visiting the "Cocktails and Conversations: Evening with Bret Stephens", organized by the Metropolitan Republican Club of New York

Bret Stephens's pose spoke for itself: he leaned back in the arm-chair, with his leg up and answered questions, prepared by the mediator, with all his appearance emphasizing his own significance and exclusivity.

The journalist made a statement that the “Capital” of Marx, which shows the underside of a capitalist society based on the exploitation of man by man, “is outdated because“ life goes forward. ”

The journalist did not bother to substantiate his claim with examples.

This was his first logical and conceptual mistake.

Then he appealed to the audience saying that there must be something “eternal” and that is the American Constitution.

This was his second logical mistake

Everything else was a mixture of BS and cliche sets from the arsenal of ideological and psychological warfare against the American people, which we constantly come across in newspapers and hear on television.

I managed to address the Pulitzer Prize winner with a remark that, as I suspected, some people not only did not read Marx's Capital but do not know how many volumes this work consists of. I asked the prominent journalist WHY Marx's Capital is OUT OF DATE.

He REFUSED to answer the question.

Actually, this was a violation of academic ethics, because my academic title is above BA and MSc ... and it was a matter of the elementary ETHICS of the behavior of a lower-ranking person.

When all this profanity ended, I tried to invite the journalist to take part in the discussion at my Socrates International Discussion Club.

A lady with a mass of Stryker blocked my access to the journalist ...

And this despite the fact the journalist repeatedly mentioned "freedom of speech" and other "eternal" American freedoms.

I left the club premises and walked through the evening New York. There was a feeling of touching something nasty and dirty/ It was drizzling, streams of water flowed down the sides of the umbrella, washing away the accumulated dust. But in the soul a sense of abomination remained.

It was my first-lifetime experience seeing "alive" a poorly educated, extremely arrogant, and venal American journalist, one of those who cheat and "brainwash" the American people ...

Yes, the American mainstream media is comprised of fools and compromised propagandists. They are in many respects extensions of the State. They are also mouthpieces for the 1% since after all, six billionaires own much of the MSM.

While more and more Americans are realizing this fraud being perpetrated on them, many still haven’t. Millions are easily controlled by the MSM.

Americans as old as me, remember the Soviet press. We use to laugh at it, but now the my country has something very similar.

Thanks. Yes, I also remember well the Soviet press, radio, and television. All the same fooling. Plus - the threat of political or just criminal prosecution. Even here, analogies can be traced if we analyze the attempt of impeachment (I am not a Republican). I also "recollect" the Soviet political prison and camps...

BUT there were some things that America even not going or is unable to have.

You see, I didn’t come to THIS America 30 years ago. We, too, fell victim to American propaganda, seeking political asylum from the American government. We had to stay in "not great" but inexpensive and culturally developed, socially more homogeneous "Germany and not "stick out".

Wild prices. Wild dependence on credit. Wild illiteracy of post-literacy youth. Disgusting manners. Inability to express one’s thoughts without “parasitic words” like", "you know what I mean" ... Wild inequality and poverty of the population - people are underpaid to be dragged into loans.

Now I’m reading McNamara's memoirs - SHOCK from the fact to WHAT extent the US government was ignorant of the GENUINE aspirations of the Vietnamese. And our nation has made such sacrifices because of this ignorance.

Now - Afghanistan. Iraq. Syria, soon - Iran and China ...

And we still remain a "great power." This is a kind of paranoia - the thesis of "greatness" and "exclusivity".
If history foretells the future, the US is headed down the road to ruin. Every warmongering nation in history, ultimately destroys itself.

Fall of socio-economic formations is the NORMAL historical process. Neither lies, nor propaganda, nor the threat of violence by the security services will stop this process.

The remains of decay are a fertilizer of History.

It’s like the human body that dies, fulfilling its mission. Stopping the aging process and dying is possible only through genetic reprogramming of the system - be it biological or social
Marx.....unfairly getting bad press.

Off to the gulag, eh comrade?

You know, there is a rule: you open a book, read it from the first to the last page, and then draw your conclusions. Otherwise, you become a parrot repeating the stupidities of others.

I was struck by his arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah - a product of the University of Chicago?

Oh no, a journalist with arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah.
Stop the presses......hold the front page.

So, what is the best example of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

The first practical confirmation of the SUCCESS of communist theory was the Stone Age. In the conditions of the Stone Age, there were no private property and parasitic banks. Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

In the so-called "quasi-"socialism" of the past, NOT EVERYTHING was SO bad, as special interest groups try to show:
- low child mortality,
- universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),
- a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars" - but many ordinary American citizens ALSO do not POSSESS them - all on loans;
- fantastically small rent.
- the advanced system of state kindergartens and schools.
- excellent higher education (in the Soviet Union, there were NO "party universities and colleges").
- there were REAL values. There was LOVE. There was an expectation of the wedding night. In America, by the way, are there still virgins at the age of 12 in the environment of the "American values" ???

The rest - look at the kibbutz in Israel - they are the offspring of the Communists sent by Stalin and his successors to Palestine.

One should not sell the viciousness of human thinking and psychology as a failure of the communist idea and socialist practice. It's about people who DO NOT WANT to live like the rest.

Look at defeated Germany - HOW people live in the country, in which the model of "capitalism with a human face" is implemented! Neither poor, nor hungry, nor homeless. They also accept foreigners in scores.

By the way, WHY are we, the nation of WINNERS IN THE WAR, LIVING WORSE THAN ALL THE LOSERS????

In general, any attack on socialism is an attack on Christianity and personally on Jesus Christ - the first prominent communist.

Capitalism, private property is a product of the perversity of human morality, not a product of its purity.

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.
And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not the product of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentrated expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life, developed in the womb of History.

a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars"

Of course, the best proof of the success of Communism...….

View attachment 306713

And the failure of capitalism.........

View attachment 306715










Marx.....unfairly getting bad press.

Off to the gulag, eh comrade?

You know, there is a rule: you open a book, read it from the first to the last page, and then draw your conclusions. Otherwise, you become a parrot repeating the stupidities of others.

I was struck by his arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah - a product of the University of Chicago?

Oh no, a journalist with arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah.
Stop the presses......hold the front page.

So, what is the best example of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

The first practical confirmation of the SUCCESS of communist theory was the Stone Age. In the conditions of the Stone Age, there were no private property and parasitic banks. Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

In the so-called "quasi-"socialism" of the past, NOT EVERYTHING was SO bad, as special interest groups try to show:
- low child mortality,
- universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),
- a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars" - but many ordinary American citizens ALSO do not POSSESS them - all on loans;
- fantastically small rent.
- the advanced system of state kindergartens and schools.
- excellent higher education (in the Soviet Union, there were NO "party universities and colleges").
- there were REAL values. There was LOVE. There was an expectation of the wedding night. In America, by the way, are there still virgins at the age of 12 in the environment of the "American values" ???

The rest - look at the kibbutz in Israel - they are the offspring of the Communists sent by Stalin and his successors to Palestine.

One should not sell the viciousness of human thinking and psychology as a failure of the communist idea and socialist practice. It's about people who DO NOT WANT to live like the rest.

Look at defeated Germany - HOW people live in the country, in which the model of "capitalism with a human face" is implemented! Neither poor, nor hungry, nor homeless. They also accept foreigners in scores.

By the way, WHY are we, the nation of WINNERS IN THE WAR, LIVING WORSE THAN ALL THE LOSERS????

In general, any attack on socialism is an attack on Christianity and personally on Jesus Christ - the first prominent communist.

Capitalism, private property is a product of the perversity of human morality, not a product of its purity.

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.
And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not the product of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentrated expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life, developed in the womb of History.

a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars"

Of course, the best proof of the success of Communism...….

View attachment 306713

And the failure of capitalism.........

View attachment 306715









View attachment 306732



You know, there is a rule: you open a book, read it from the first to the last page, and then draw your conclusions. Otherwise, you become a parrot repeating the stupidities of others.

I was struck by his arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah - a product of the University of Chicago?

Oh no, a journalist with arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah.
Stop the presses......hold the front page.

So, what is the best example of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

The first practical confirmation of the SUCCESS of communist theory was the Stone Age. In the conditions of the Stone Age, there were no private property and parasitic banks. Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

In the so-called "quasi-"socialism" of the past, NOT EVERYTHING was SO bad, as special interest groups try to show:
- low child mortality,
- universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),
- a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars" - but many ordinary American citizens ALSO do not POSSESS them - all on loans;
- fantastically small rent.
- the advanced system of state kindergartens and schools.
- excellent higher education (in the Soviet Union, there were NO "party universities and colleges").
- there were REAL values. There was LOVE. There was an expectation of the wedding night. In America, by the way, are there still virgins at the age of 12 in the environment of the "American values" ???

The rest - look at the kibbutz in Israel - they are the offspring of the Communists sent by Stalin and his successors to Palestine.

One should not sell the viciousness of human thinking and psychology as a failure of the communist idea and socialist practice. It's about people who DO NOT WANT to live like the rest.

Look at defeated Germany - HOW people live in the country, in which the model of "capitalism with a human face" is implemented! Neither poor, nor hungry, nor homeless. They also accept foreigners in scores.

By the way, WHY are we, the nation of WINNERS IN THE WAR, LIVING WORSE THAN ALL THE LOSERS????

In general, any attack on socialism is an attack on Christianity and personally on Jesus Christ - the first prominent communist.

Capitalism, private property is a product of the perversity of human morality, not a product of its purity.

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.
And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not the product of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentrated expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life, developed in the womb of History.

a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars"

Of course, the best proof of the success of Communism...….

View attachment 306713

And the failure of capitalism.........

View attachment 306715









View attachment 306732



Listen, lead the discussion DECENTLY:

it was the cryptoneozionists who DESTROYED the USSR with OUR hands - I was one of the 7 leaders of the anti-communist movement in Moscow. I, us, Soviet people, DECEIVED because I BELIEVED that the Americans REALLY wanted ordinary people to live BETTER. And I convinced tens and hundreds of thousands of it ... You LIED to me, I lied to common people...

What you show is the result of the bloody coup d'etat of 1993, organized and financed by international and, above all, American cryptoneozionism in the person of the Bill Clinton government. You sent BOXES with millions of dollars to Moscow, one of which the security of the Russian White House was intercepted from the personal assistant of Yeltsin.

Your mercenaries shot Russian patriots in Moscow stadiums for three days and three nights. So many people were killed that the Earth began to “cry” with blood - it could no longer absorb blood ...

If you are the MOST journalist - I am not surprised at your tricks...





"Elzin, WHERE did you take the dead bodies???"


"Sorry, Mama... I was killed because I loved my Motherland"



I was an associate of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Russia Ruslan Khazbulatov, I know everything from the first person. I maintain a relationship with him to this day. An indicative estimate of the number of coup victims - from four and a half to eight thousand people only in Moscow


Demonstration of relatives of the executed whose bodies "disappeared" after the executions
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Oh no, a journalist with arrogance, elementary illiteracy and chutzpah.
Stop the presses......hold the front page.

So, what is the best example of the successful implementation of Marxist economics?

The first practical confirmation of the SUCCESS of communist theory was the Stone Age. In the conditions of the Stone Age, there were no private property and parasitic banks. Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

In the so-called "quasi-"socialism" of the past, NOT EVERYTHING was SO bad, as special interest groups try to show:
- low child mortality,
- universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),
- a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars" - but many ordinary American citizens ALSO do not POSSESS them - all on loans;
- fantastically small rent.
- the advanced system of state kindergartens and schools.
- excellent higher education (in the Soviet Union, there were NO "party universities and colleges").
- there were REAL values. There was LOVE. There was an expectation of the wedding night. In America, by the way, are there still virgins at the age of 12 in the environment of the "American values" ???

The rest - look at the kibbutz in Israel - they are the offspring of the Communists sent by Stalin and his successors to Palestine.

One should not sell the viciousness of human thinking and psychology as a failure of the communist idea and socialist practice. It's about people who DO NOT WANT to live like the rest.

Look at defeated Germany - HOW people live in the country, in which the model of "capitalism with a human face" is implemented! Neither poor, nor hungry, nor homeless. They also accept foreigners in scores.

By the way, WHY are we, the nation of WINNERS IN THE WAR, LIVING WORSE THAN ALL THE LOSERS????

In general, any attack on socialism is an attack on Christianity and personally on Jesus Christ - the first prominent communist.

Capitalism, private property is a product of the perversity of human morality, not a product of its purity.

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.
And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not the product of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentrated expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life, developed in the womb of History.

a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars"

Of course, the best proof of the success of Communism...….

View attachment 306713

And the failure of capitalism.........

View attachment 306715









View attachment 306732



Listen, lead the discussion DECENTLY:

it was the cryptoneozionists who DESTROYED the USSR with OUR hands - I was one of the 7 leaders of the anti-communist movement in Moscow. I, us, Soviet people, DECEIVED because I BELIEVED that the Americans REALLY wanted ordinary people to live BETTER. And I convinced tens and hundreds of thousands of it ... You LIED to me, I lied to common people...

What you show is the result of the bloody coup d'etat of 1993, organized and financed by international and, above all, American cryptoneozionism in the person of the Bill Clinton government. You sent BOXES with millions of dollars to Moscow, one of which the security of the Russian White House was intercepted from the personal assistant of Yeltsin.

Your mercenaries shot Russian patriots in Moscow stadiums for three days and three nights. So many people were killed that the Earth began to “cry” with blood - it could no longer absorb blood ...

If you are the MOST journalist - I am not surprised at your tricks...





"Elzin, WHERE did you take the dead bodies???"

it was the cryptoneozionists who DESTROYED the USSR with OUR hands

Good, the USSR sucked ass.

Like all communist nations.

You LIED to me, I lied to common people...

The first practical confirmation of the SUCCESS of communist theory was the Stone Age. In the conditions of the Stone Age, there were no private property and parasitic banks. Mankind has SURVIVED - that means communism has been SUCCESSFUL.

In the so-called "quasi-"socialism" of the past, NOT EVERYTHING was SO bad, as special interest groups try to show:
- low child mortality,
- universal medicine with highly professional doctors (by the way, look at the CUBA, Venezuela, Liechtenstein with there FREE OF CHARGE transportation !!!),
- a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars" - but many ordinary American citizens ALSO do not POSSESS them - all on loans;
- fantastically small rent.
- the advanced system of state kindergartens and schools.
- excellent higher education (in the Soviet Union, there were NO "party universities and colleges").
- there were REAL values. There was LOVE. There was an expectation of the wedding night. In America, by the way, are there still virgins at the age of 12 in the environment of the "American values" ???

The rest - look at the kibbutz in Israel - they are the offspring of the Communists sent by Stalin and his successors to Palestine.

One should not sell the viciousness of human thinking and psychology as a failure of the communist idea and socialist practice. It's about people who DO NOT WANT to live like the rest.

Look at defeated Germany - HOW people live in the country, in which the model of "capitalism with a human face" is implemented! Neither poor, nor hungry, nor homeless. They also accept foreigners in scores.

By the way, WHY are we, the nation of WINNERS IN THE WAR, LIVING WORSE THAN ALL THE LOSERS????

In general, any attack on socialism is an attack on Christianity and personally on Jesus Christ - the first prominent communist.

Capitalism, private property is a product of the perversity of human morality, not a product of its purity.

A small group of those who own our national wealth and mercilessly exploit us cannot forgive the decent Jew Karl Marx that he revealed the anatomy of wealth and poverty, the immorality of those who seek to be even richer. By the way, there was also a Jew Engels.
And there was a Jew Lenin ...

The theory of socialism is not the product of the sick imagination of one theorist. It is a concentrated expression of the eternal dream of the oppressed, hungry and poor for a decent life, developed in the womb of History.

a universal SUFFICIENT living wage (yes, there were no "Lincolns" or "Towncars"

Of course, the best proof of the success of Communism...….

View attachment 306713

And the failure of capitalism.........

View attachment 306715









View attachment 306732



Listen, lead the discussion DECENTLY:

it was the cryptoneozionists who DESTROYED the USSR with OUR hands - I was one of the 7 leaders of the anti-communist movement in Moscow. I, us, Soviet people, DECEIVED because I BELIEVED that the Americans REALLY wanted ordinary people to live BETTER. And I convinced tens and hundreds of thousands of it ... You LIED to me, I lied to common people...

What you show is the result of the bloody coup d'etat of 1993, organized and financed by international and, above all, American cryptoneozionism in the person of the Bill Clinton government. You sent BOXES with millions of dollars to Moscow, one of which the security of the Russian White House was intercepted from the personal assistant of Yeltsin.

Your mercenaries shot Russian patriots in Moscow stadiums for three days and three nights. So many people were killed that the Earth began to “cry” with blood - it could no longer absorb blood ...

If you are the MOST journalist - I am not surprised at your tricks...





"Elzin, WHERE did you take the dead bodies???"

it was the cryptoneozionists who DESTROYED the USSR with OUR hands

Good, the USSR sucked ass.

Like all communist nations.

You LIED to me, I lied to common people...

View attachment 306887

Do you think this is a DISCUSSION ???!

I already wrote that the national catastrophe of Americans is the LOSS of the ability to express their thoughts, replacing them (if THERE ARE A N Y !!!) with parasitic words like "you know", "like". Now the word "sack" has appeared ...

Are you, REALLY, unable to answer with the provision of ARGUMENTS ????



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