every day it gets worse


Watch what you say, be careful who you're saying it to.

After all, this is New America.

You mean Nazi America.. This is what happens when a slick Person becomes our President, and for whom has gained so many political enemies in the in the process.
Under this administration, every day something happens which makes you wonder how bad it will get. Sheriff's coming to a home with questionaires and threatening to search because a little boy said the word gun ? Unreal. Does this remind anyone of other dictators in history?

» Excuse me? Did you just say Gun? » The Loft -- GOPUSA

Forget all about actual guns, cap guns, guns made from sticks, or even a drawing for a gun. Now, it appears that children can't even say the word "gun" or else risk getting in trouble not only with the school system but also with local law enforcement. That's exactly what happened to an 11-year-old boy who was telling a story and used the word "gun" in it.

No, what it tells me is that School Administrators are being hyper-vigilant because they don't want to be the one who missed the signs that little Billy was going to come in and shoot up his classmates the next day.

Because every time we do have a school shooting, we get all these accounts of signs that someone should have caught and missed.
I think it goes back to the failures of this nation to not properly address the problem with these school shootings and to address the mental state that these young folks are in these days... Many things had been talked about in order to solve the problems, but only guns are the target because of a broader and larger agenda in which the administration ponders in light of it all. What did Raum Emanuel say? "Don't let a good crisis go to waste".
And watch the apologists. They'll insult and divert and mock, but they agree with what's happening. Plenty of examples of this in history.


You and HI......simpatico.

Take it easy. Us liberal ideologues will protect your freedoms. It is what we do.

Yes I've heard the chorus of you guys criticising the administration for intrusive targeting by the IRS of conservative groups, abuses of power in Fast n Furious, Sibelius illegally soliciting private companies for funds to implement Obamacare, and an out of control NSA listening in on phone calls and collecting credit card data.
Oh, wait. No, I havent heard any of that. All I've heard is: BOOSH, September was a long time ago, they all do it, and At this point what difference does it make.
Maybe 40 years ago liberals stood for actual freedom. Today, not so much.

You are boring as hell.

You have heard liberals criticizing the administration for things that deserve criticism. You pretend that you have not heard it, though. Because, to admit that liberals criticize the Obama administration would not fit the narrative that you have been clinging to.

Pay attention, dummy. Liberals are very critical of our government. Such criticism is required. But it must be based on facts.

Remember this Rabbi. Guys you support......like Perry and Santorum......are closer in spirit to the dudes who run shit in Saudi Arabia than they are to the liberal founders of this great nation.

Watch what you say, be careful who you're saying it to.

After all, this is New America.

You mean Nazi America.. This is what happens when a slick Person becomes our President, and for whom has gained so many political enemies in the in the process.

It's much bigger than that. It's cultural now. The inexplicable affection people have for a stronger, more powerful, more authoritative, more influential, more intimidating, more centralized federal bureaucracy is growing. Obama came along at the perfect time for them. They wanted a very different America, and they're definitely getting it.

Frak...Now the NSA picked up the fact I was critical of some Democrats.
I'm probably on Obama's enemies list now for sure.

Remember, it's all for your own good. We can trust the government to take care of us. Just watch what you say, and everything will be just fine.

How will the nation ever get balance back in a nation that is hostile to one side of the political perspective now ?This is what happens when a fundamental transformation has been decided to take place by a new leader, especially at the disagreement of most of it's citizens that such a broad transformation was even needed .
Since we don't know what else was in this kid's story, we don't know what triggered the visit, do we?

Maybe it was the word "Gun" and "all the little bastards I'd like to shoot."

Again, when you were a kid, we didn't have 10 school shooting a year. Today we do. Because your heroes in the NRA have decided that Nancy Lanza needs to be armed for the Zombie Apocolypse.

If you read the story.. you would know it. Are you willing to let this happen to our government? I'm not, even if we had 100 school shootings a year.

Okay. I read the story. The kid said, "I wish I had a gun so I could protect everyone". Somewhere, this kid got the idea that guns make you a hero.
Depends on where the kid lives in America, as his feelings may have been spot on..

Kids are under a threat along with their families in certain areas in America, and it is by the bad guy's whom have many ways of intimidating and bullying families and children these days. Guns in the hands of bad guys is the worst, but other weapons carry the same weight if in the hands of a bad person as well. A bad person who is muscled up can be very intimidating to the average kid or adult, so why don't they ban weight benches in America, and require everyone to become vegetarians, and if someone gets bigger somehow, then put them on a Gitmo diet so they won't look as intimidating or be so capable and intimidating ? Just kidding, but see my point about going to far maybe ? Hey they took those weight benches out of many prisons in America, but did not take them from the good guys outside of Prison, because they are no threat to anyone until commit a crime and go to prison, and then what was happening with the possibility of parole for these new bad guys, is that they were becoming literally a bigger threat once they left prison muscled up even more so than they were when they went in. It was a problem, but a problem solved against the bad guys directly, and not against the good guys outside of those prison walls, and this is just as it should always be solved in this way.
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Frak...Now the NSA picked up the fact I was critical of some Democrats.
I'm probably on Obama's enemies list now for sure.

Remember, it's all for your own good. We can trust the government to take care of us. Just watch what you say, and everything will be just fine.

How will the nation ever get balance back in a nation that is hostile to one side of the political perspective now ?This is what happens when a fundamental transformation has been decided to take place by a new leader, especially at the disagreement of most of it's citizens that such a broad transformation was even needed .

Gibberish. Poorly written to boot.
Geeezsh.. you missed the point completely. Who cares what a little boy says? Does it give the government the right to threaten his parents?. This is more than an overreaction by local officials, it's a way of government, that's becoming more dangerous every day. And it's all PC based too. Since we have had multiple mass murders since 9-11.. like Fort Hood, Boston etc..committed by radical Islamists. Why don't we start interviewing those who mentions Islam, or appear to be Muslim? Makes about as much sense.

Guy, you must live in a terribly paranoid world, honestly.

Who cares what a little boy says?

Boy, 9, apologizes to shot classmate, judge orders his mom arrested - Crimesider - CBS News

Wash. - A 9-year-old Washington boy accused of bringing a gun to a Bremerton elementary school which injured a classmate when it discharged told the court "I'm sorry," at his sentencing Tuesday.

Kitsap County Superior Court Judge Karlynn Haberly found the boy guilty Tuesday of misdemeanor charges that included unlawful possession of a gun and bringing a dangerous weapon to school. The prosecutor dropped third-degree assault charges.

The boy was sentenced to 12 months of probation, and ordered to undergo 48 hours of counseling and write a letter of apology to his 8-year-old classmsate, Amina Kocer-Bowman, who remains in serious condition at a Seattle hospital.
You and HI......simpatico.

Take it easy. Us liberal ideologues will protect your freedoms. It is what we do.

Yes I've heard the chorus of you guys criticising the administration for intrusive targeting by the IRS of conservative groups, abuses of power in Fast n Furious, Sibelius illegally soliciting private companies for funds to implement Obamacare, and an out of control NSA listening in on phone calls and collecting credit card data.
Oh, wait. No, I havent heard any of that. All I've heard is: BOOSH, September was a long time ago, they all do it, and At this point what difference does it make.
Maybe 40 years ago liberals stood for actual freedom. Today, not so much.

You are boring as hell.

You have heard liberals criticizing the administration for things that deserve criticism. You pretend that you have not heard it, though. Because, to admit that liberals criticize the Obama administration would not fit the narrative that you have been clinging to.

Pay attention, dummy. Liberals are very critical of our government. Such criticism is required. But it must be based on facts.

Remember this Rabbi. Guys you support......like Perry and Santorum......are closer in spirit to the dudes who run shit in Saudi Arabia than they are to the liberal founders of this great nation.

I'vbe heard liberals criticize this administration because they didnt nationalize the banks. Because they didnt pass single payer (i.e. socialized medicine). Because they didnt spend enough on the Stimulus. Because they didnt withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan on Day 1. Because they didnt ban all guns.
But I havent heard a peep of protest from the Left over the gross violation of civil rights this administration is guilty of. I haven't heard any criticism of the administration's poor record on the economy or anything else. Everything is Bush's fault. Unless the news is good. Then it's proof that Obama is a great president.
Yes I've heard the chorus of you guys criticising the administration for intrusive targeting by the IRS of conservative groups, abuses of power in Fast n Furious, Sibelius illegally soliciting private companies for funds to implement Obamacare, and an out of control NSA listening in on phone calls and collecting credit card data.
Oh, wait. No, I havent heard any of that. All I've heard is: BOOSH, September was a long time ago, they all do it, and At this point what difference does it make.
Maybe 40 years ago liberals stood for actual freedom. Today, not so much.

You are boring as hell.

You have heard liberals criticizing the administration for things that deserve criticism. You pretend that you have not heard it, though. Because, to admit that liberals criticize the Obama administration would not fit the narrative that you have been clinging to.

Pay attention, dummy. Liberals are very critical of our government. Such criticism is required. But it must be based on facts.

Remember this Rabbi. Guys you support......like Perry and Santorum......are closer in spirit to the dudes who run shit in Saudi Arabia than they are to the liberal founders of this great nation.

I'vbe heard liberals criticize this administration because they didnt nationalize the banks. Because they didnt pass single payer (i.e. socialized medicine). Because they didnt spend enough on the Stimulus. Because they didnt withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan on Day 1. Because they didnt ban all guns.
But I havent heard a peep of protest from the Left over the gross violation of civil rights this administration is guilty of. I haven't heard any criticism of the administration's poor record on the economy or anything else. Everything is Bush's fault. Unless the news is good. Then it's proof that Obama is a great president.

As I said, you HAVE heard criticism when it is due. But you are not listening. Your brain refuses to register the information. Pay attention. Force yourself.
Geeezsh.. you missed the point completely. Who cares what a little boy says? Does it give the government the right to threaten his parents?. This is more than an overreaction by local officials, it's a way of government, that's becoming more dangerous every day. And it's all PC based too. Since we have had multiple mass murders since 9-11.. like Fort Hood, Boston etc..committed by radical Islamists. Why don't we start interviewing those who mentions Islam, or appear to be Muslim? Makes about as much sense.

Guy, you must live in a terribly paranoid world, honestly.

Who cares what a little boy says?

Boy, 9, apologizes to shot classmate, judge orders his mom arrested - Crimesider - CBS News

Wash. - A 9-year-old Washington boy accused of bringing a gun to a Bremerton elementary school which injured a classmate when it discharged told the court "I'm sorry," at his sentencing Tuesday.

Kitsap County Superior Court Judge Karlynn Haberly found the boy guilty Tuesday of misdemeanor charges that included unlawful possession of a gun and bringing a dangerous weapon to school. The prosecutor dropped third-degree assault charges.

The boy was sentenced to 12 months of probation, and ordered to undergo 48 hours of counseling and write a letter of apology to his 8-year-old classmsate, Amina Kocer-Bowman, who remains in serious condition at a Seattle hospital.
The question is why do these kids bring a gun to school in the first place? Are they being bullied while at school ? Maybe the school staff should be arrested as well, and this because they are not monitoring the bullying that is going on properly or enough at the school. If you allow things to go on because you are more interested in other things instead of doing your job or the school is allowing bad kids to remain in school whom are intimidating and bullying others, then bad stuff develops as a result of. At this point a kid cares not what the consequences are, because they have been taken over the edge by it all. You know the schools may be a prime or good example that a police state doesn't work and will never work where freedom is lost, and what I mean by this is that once you force people to remain in tight quarters together, and against their will, then something bad is going to happen always. Schools should bring back freedom of choice, where as if a young person doesn't want to learn at middle school age, then allow that kid to make that choice to exit the system once he or she has the ability to read and write, and to do a little math etc. Then once the kid turns 18 have available jobs for this kind of person in many fields again in America, as well as keeping the option open once he or she understands their mistake, to then go and get the rest of their education if so desire part time while working. The schools need to get out of the business of head counting, just like the prisons had gotten itself into doing, and all for the purpose of funding, therefore not being there for the actual rehabilitation of the prisoners or in the case of the schools being in existence to actually teach the willing, but they are there now keeping head counts for funding purposes, and that is a huge and serious problem these days.
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Geeezsh.. you missed the point completely. Who cares what a little boy says? Does it give the government the right to threaten his parents?. This is more than an overreaction by local officials, it's a way of government, that's becoming more dangerous every day. And it's all PC based too. Since we have had multiple mass murders since 9-11.. like Fort Hood, Boston etc..committed by radical Islamists. Why don't we start interviewing those who mentions Islam, or appear to be Muslim? Makes about as much sense.

Guy, you must live in a terribly paranoid world, honestly.

Who cares what a little boy says?

Boy, 9, apologizes to shot classmate, judge orders his mom arrested - Crimesider - CBS News

Wash. - A 9-year-old Washington boy accused of bringing a gun to a Bremerton elementary school which injured a classmate when it discharged told the court "I'm sorry," at his sentencing Tuesday.

Kitsap County Superior Court Judge Karlynn Haberly found the boy guilty Tuesday of misdemeanor charges that included unlawful possession of a gun and bringing a dangerous weapon to school. The prosecutor dropped third-degree assault charges.

The boy was sentenced to 12 months of probation, and ordered to undergo 48 hours of counseling and write a letter of apology to his 8-year-old classmsate, Amina Kocer-Bowman, who remains in serious condition at a Seattle hospital.
The question is why do these kids bring a gun to school in the first place? Are they being bullied while at school ? Maybe the school staff should be arrested as well, and this because they are not monitoring the bullying that is going on properly or enough at the school. If you allow things to go on because you are more interested in other things instead of doing your job or the school is allowing bad kids to remain in school whom are intimidating and bullying others, then bad stuff develops as a result of. At this point a kid cares not what the consequences are, because they have been taken over the edge by it all.

Interesting how you just convinced yourself.....without the slightest evidence or even a hint that bullying was involved.....that the school staff is guilty in this case for not ridding the place of bullies.

You should be sitting in a Petri dish. Your brain should be studied.
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You are boring as hell.

You have heard liberals criticizing the administration for things that deserve criticism. You pretend that you have not heard it, though. Because, to admit that liberals criticize the Obama administration would not fit the narrative that you have been clinging to.

Pay attention, dummy. Liberals are very critical of our government. Such criticism is required. But it must be based on facts.

Remember this Rabbi. Guys you support......like Perry and Santorum......are closer in spirit to the dudes who run shit in Saudi Arabia than they are to the liberal founders of this great nation.

I'vbe heard liberals criticize this administration because they didnt nationalize the banks. Because they didnt pass single payer (i.e. socialized medicine). Because they didnt spend enough on the Stimulus. Because they didnt withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan on Day 1. Because they didnt ban all guns.
But I havent heard a peep of protest from the Left over the gross violation of civil rights this administration is guilty of. I haven't heard any criticism of the administration's poor record on the economy or anything else. Everything is Bush's fault. Unless the news is good. Then it's proof that Obama is a great president.

As I said, you HAVE heard criticism when it is due. But you are not listening. Your brain refuses to register the information. Pay attention. Force yourself.

Im sure you are able to supply references for all these protests. Let's see Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton getting on the platform with Debbie Wasserman Shultz protesting IRS targeting of conservative groups.
Yeah, you got nothing.
Guy, you must live in a terribly paranoid world, honestly.

Who cares what a little boy says?

Boy, 9, apologizes to shot classmate, judge orders his mom arrested - Crimesider - CBS News
The question is why do these kids bring a gun to school in the first place? Are they being bullied while at school ? Maybe the school staff should be arrested as well, and this because they are not monitoring the bullying that is going on properly or enough at the school. If you allow things to go on because you are more interested in other things instead of doing your job or the school is allowing bad kids to remain in school whom are intimidating and bullying others, then bad stuff develops as a result of. At this point a kid cares not what the consequences are, because they have been taken over the edge by it all.

Interesting how you just convinced yourself.....without the slightest evidence or even a hint that bullying was involved.....that the school staff is guilty in this case for not ridding the place of bullies.

You should be sitting in a Petri dish. Your brain should be studied.
Go back and read what I said again, as I have added more to it since your quick analysis was quickly and sharply given. My opinion is based on a larger picture in America, and is not based on what your twisted little mind is trying to pump out in a countering activity in which you engage in here. You are in protect mode (not sure whom you are in protect mode for), but it shows big time in your bias here.
I'vbe heard liberals criticize this administration because they didnt nationalize the banks. Because they didnt pass single payer (i.e. socialized medicine). Because they didnt spend enough on the Stimulus. Because they didnt withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan on Day 1. Because they didnt ban all guns.
But I havent heard a peep of protest from the Left over the gross violation of civil rights this administration is guilty of. I haven't heard any criticism of the administration's poor record on the economy or anything else. Everything is Bush's fault. Unless the news is good. Then it's proof that Obama is a great president.

As I said, you HAVE heard criticism when it is due. But you are not listening. Your brain refuses to register the information. Pay attention. Force yourself.

Im sure you are able to supply references for all these protests. Let's see Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton getting on the platform with Debbie Wasserman Shultz protesting IRS targeting of conservative groups.
Yeah, you got nothing.


Obama Facing Criticism From Democrats on Capitol Hill - Reason 24/7 : Reason.com

John Fugelsang: We must hold Obama accountable on drones ? because he asked us to - Viewpoint // Current TV

Need more? Are you going to pay attention?
As I said, you HAVE heard criticism when it is due. But you are not listening. Your brain refuses to register the information. Pay attention. Force yourself.

Im sure you are able to supply references for all these protests. Let's see Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton getting on the platform with Debbie Wasserman Shultz protesting IRS targeting of conservative groups.
Yeah, you got nothing.


Obama Facing Criticism From Democrats on Capitol Hill - Reason 24/7 : Reason.com

John Fugelsang: We must hold Obama accountable on drones ? because he asked us to - Viewpoint // Current TV

Need more? Are you going to pay attention?

LOL!!! Seriously!!! That's what you've got?? Gimme a fucking break. That's pathetic. Even for you. Some non-entity criticizes Obama and I'm supposed to believe that represents liberals defending our constitutional rights??
Wow. You either think I'm really stupid and gullible or you are really stupid and gullible. I'll vote the latter.
Im sure you are able to supply references for all these protests. Let's see Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton getting on the platform with Debbie Wasserman Shultz protesting IRS targeting of conservative groups.
Yeah, you got nothing.


Obama Facing Criticism From Democrats on Capitol Hill - Reason 24/7 : Reason.com

John Fugelsang: We must hold Obama accountable on drones ? because he asked us to - Viewpoint // Current TV

Need more? Are you going to pay attention?

LOL!!! Seriously!!! That's what you've got?? Gimme a fucking break. That's pathetic. Even for you. Some non-entity criticizes Obama and I'm supposed to believe that represents liberals defending our constitutional rights??
Wow. You either think I'm really stupid and gullible or you are really stupid and gullible. I'll vote the latter.

I gave you three sources of well known liberal politicians and pundants criticizing the President for drone strikes and the NSA telephone data mining. This is exactly what you claimed did not exist.

You did exactly what you always do. You ignored the facts.

Now....you are making yourself look silly. As a Perry supporting moron is known to do.

LOL!!! Seriously!!! That's what you've got?? Gimme a fucking break. That's pathetic. Even for you. Some non-entity criticizes Obama and I'm supposed to believe that represents liberals defending our constitutional rights??
Wow. You either think I'm really stupid and gullible or you are really stupid and gullible. I'll vote the latter.

I gave you three sources of well known liberal politicians and pundants criticizing the President for drone strikes and the NSA telephone data mining. This is exactly what you claimed did not exist.

You did exactly what you always do. You ignored the facts.

Now....you are making yourself look silly. As a Perry supporting moron is known to do.
You gave nothing. It is easy to find some outlier somewhere. I could find Republican criticising Bush for almost any policy. Where is Barbara Boxer? Where is Nancy Pelosi? Why aren't they screaming about civil rights abuses the way Republicans were criticizing Nixon? To claim that one or two people represents the Left protecting civil rights in this country is absurd. It is laughable. If you really believe that you are a sap of immense proportions.
ETA: Where are Democratic calls for a special prosecutor? Why are Democrats on the Oversight Committee complaining about Darrel Issa's handling of this? Why is no one in the Dem Party complaining about stonewalling by the administration in turning over documents?
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LOL!!! Seriously!!! That's what you've got?? Gimme a fucking break. That's pathetic. Even for you. Some non-entity criticizes Obama and I'm supposed to believe that represents liberals defending our constitutional rights??
Wow. You either think I'm really stupid and gullible or you are really stupid and gullible. I'll vote the latter.

I gave you three sources of well known liberal politicians and pundants criticizing the President for drone strikes and the NSA telephone data mining. This is exactly what you claimed did not exist.

You did exactly what you always do. You ignored the facts.

Now....you are making yourself look silly. As a Perry supporting moron is known to do.
You gave nothing. It is easy to find some outlier somewhere. I could find Republican criticising Bush for almost any policy. Where is Barbara Boxer? Where is Nancy Pelosi? Why aren't they screaming about civil rights abuses the way Republicans were criticizing Nixon? To claim that one or two people represents the Left protecting civil rights in this country is absurd. It is laughable. If you really believe that you are a sap of immense proportions.
ETA: Where are Democratic calls for a special prosecutor? Why are Democrats on the Oversight Committee complaining about Darrel Issa's handling of this? Why is no one in the Dem Party complaining about stonewalling by the administration in turning over documents?

I told you that there are liberals who are criticizing the Obama administration when criticism is due. You challenged me to find reference for the claim. I provided three.

Now you are challenging me to find criticism from Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi. This is called moving the goalposts. People like you do that when people like me are about to spike the ball down your putrid fucking pie hole.

I easily kicked your ass in this thread. You have lost the point. Be a man and admit it. Do the right thing for once in your lame assed life. Concede. Go forth with the knowledge that liberals do, in fact, criticize President Obama and his administration.
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I gave you three sources of well known liberal politicians and pundants criticizing the President for drone strikes and the NSA telephone data mining. This is exactly what you claimed did not exist.

You did exactly what you always do. You ignored the facts.

Now....you are making yourself look silly. As a Perry supporting moron is known to do.
You gave nothing. It is easy to find some outlier somewhere. I could find Republican criticising Bush for almost any policy. Where is Barbara Boxer? Where is Nancy Pelosi? Why aren't they screaming about civil rights abuses the way Republicans were criticizing Nixon? To claim that one or two people represents the Left protecting civil rights in this country is absurd. It is laughable. If you really believe that you are a sap of immense proportions.
ETA: Where are Democratic calls for a special prosecutor? Why are Democrats on the Oversight Committee complaining about Darrel Issa's handling of this? Why is no one in the Dem Party complaining about stonewalling by the administration in turning over documents?

I told you that there are liberals who are criticizing the Obama administration when criticism is due. You challenged me to find reference for the claim. I provided three.

Now you are challenging me to find criticism from Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi. This is called moving the goalposts. People like you do that when people like me are about to spike the ball down your putrid fucking pie hole.

I easily kicked your ass in this thread. You have lost the point. Be a man and admit it. Do the right thing for once in your lame assed life. Concede. Go forth with the knowledge that liberals do, in fact, criticize President Obama and his administration.

You didnt do any such thing.
What you said was:
You and HI......simpatico.

Take it easy. Us liberal ideologues will protect your freedoms. It is what we do.
One or two outliers making weak protests are not going to protect anyone. Understand that, chief? You didnt kick anyone's ass except your own. You look like an idiot. You've thoroughly embarassed yourself peddling that crap. If you really believe it you are a gullible dupe. If you dont you are simply a liar. Which is it? You can't even claim you were drunk when you wrote it.

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