every day it gets worse

You gave nothing. It is easy to find some outlier somewhere. I could find Republican criticising Bush for almost any policy. Where is Barbara Boxer? Where is Nancy Pelosi? Why aren't they screaming about civil rights abuses the way Republicans were criticizing Nixon? To claim that one or two people represents the Left protecting civil rights in this country is absurd. It is laughable. If you really believe that you are a sap of immense proportions.
ETA: Where are Democratic calls for a special prosecutor? Why are Democrats on the Oversight Committee complaining about Darrel Issa's handling of this? Why is no one in the Dem Party complaining about stonewalling by the administration in turning over documents?

I told you that there are liberals who are criticizing the Obama administration when criticism is due. You challenged me to find reference for the claim. I provided three.

Now you are challenging me to find criticism from Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi. This is called moving the goalposts. People like you do that when people like me are about to spike the ball down your putrid fucking pie hole.

I easily kicked your ass in this thread. You have lost the point. Be a man and admit it. Do the right thing for once in your lame assed life. Concede. Go forth with the knowledge that liberals do, in fact, criticize President Obama and his administration.

You didnt do any such thing.
What you said was:
You and HI......simpatico.

Take it easy. Us liberal ideologues will protect your freedoms. It is what we do.
One or two outliers making weak protests are not going to protect anyone. Understand that, chief? You didnt kick anyone's ass except your own. You look like an idiot. You've thoroughly embarassed yourself peddling that crap. If you really believe it you are a gullible dupe. If you dont you are simply a liar. Which is it? You can't even claim you were drunk when you wrote it.

Why are you bringing up my comment to Mac at this time? What was your challenge to me?

You seem upset, by the way. You are a sore loser.
I told you that there are liberals who are criticizing the Obama administration when criticism is due. You challenged me to find reference for the claim. I provided three.

Now you are challenging me to find criticism from Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi. This is called moving the goalposts. People like you do that when people like me are about to spike the ball down your putrid fucking pie hole.

I easily kicked your ass in this thread. You have lost the point. Be a man and admit it. Do the right thing for once in your lame assed life. Concede. Go forth with the knowledge that liberals do, in fact, criticize President Obama and his administration.

You didnt do any such thing.
What you said was:
You and HI......simpatico.

Take it easy. Us liberal ideologues will protect your freedoms. It is what we do.
One or two outliers making weak protests are not going to protect anyone. Understand that, chief? You didnt kick anyone's ass except your own. You look like an idiot. You've thoroughly embarassed yourself peddling that crap. If you really believe it you are a gullible dupe. If you dont you are simply a liar. Which is it? You can't even claim you were drunk when you wrote it.

Why are you bringing up my comment to Mac at this time? What was your challenge to me?

You seem upset, by the way. You are a sore loser.

Your ability to read is on a par with your ability to argue. I'm not sore. I'm not a loser. You are merely projecting because I exposed your absurd stupidity for all to see.
Frankly I feel sorry for you.
You didnt do any such thing.
What you said was:

One or two outliers making weak protests are not going to protect anyone. Understand that, chief? You didnt kick anyone's ass except your own. You look like an idiot. You've thoroughly embarassed yourself peddling that crap. If you really believe it you are a gullible dupe. If you dont you are simply a liar. Which is it? You can't even claim you were drunk when you wrote it.

Why are you bringing up my comment to Mac at this time? What was your challenge to me?

You seem upset, by the way. You are a sore loser.

Your ability to read is on a par with your ability to argue. I'm not sore. I'm not a loser. You are merely projecting because I exposed your absurd stupidity for all to see.
Frankly I feel sorry for you.

You are in denial. Your ass has been kicked.
Why are you bringing up my comment to Mac at this time? What was your challenge to me?

You seem upset, by the way. You are a sore loser.

Your ability to read is on a par with your ability to argue. I'm not sore. I'm not a loser. You are merely projecting because I exposed your absurd stupidity for all to see.
Frankly I feel sorry for you.

You are in denial. Your ass has been kicked.

Dude, you sound like a little girl trying to convince everyone. Give it up.
Your ability to read is on a par with your ability to argue. I'm not sore. I'm not a loser. You are merely projecting because I exposed your absurd stupidity for all to see.
Frankly I feel sorry for you.

You are in denial. Your ass has been kicked.

Dude, you sound like a little girl trying to convince everyone. Give it up.

You would like to have the last word. I get it. It is possible. All you have to do is concede the point like an adult. Go ahead........man up. Admit that there are prominent liberals who have criticized the President and his administration for questionable policies which are viewed by some as infringements on our civil liberties.

I proved as much to your lying, sorry ass in this thread. You then went full on girlie-man and threw a tantrum. It is a very common thing for idiots like you to do. I understand.
Please post these "prominent liberals" who have criticized Obama's targeting of civil rights. Pelosi? Nope. Boxer? Nope. Bernie Sanders? Nope. Michael Moore? No. I see Ron Wyden mouthing generalities but nothing more than that.
You lose. Again.
Wow. You really do struggle with the language, don't you?

Didn't get the point with the mispelled word? Typos are one thing, being dense is another.

In defense of all misspellers everywhere I offer the following:

Ode to Misspelling

I don't care if it's hear or here.
Or even fair or fare;
Or or, or o're, or ore or oar;
Or there or their or they're!

So let your hand write everything
Your earnest mind doth tell it,
And I will understand each word
No matter how you spell it.

So if you say “they took there stuff
And their not coming back again,”
I know you mean they took their stuff
And they're gone for good, amen.

There's so much strife in this short life
Sometimes it's overwhelming.
So I don't really care about
Such trite things as misspelling.

To those who wish to criticize
I can't, I shan't eschew it.
I know you cannot help yourself
So, just do it, dew it, due it.

- The Professor
Geeezsh.. you missed the point completely. Who cares what a little boy says? Does it give the government the right to threaten his parents?. This is more than an overreaction by local officials, it's a way of government, that's becoming more dangerous every day. And it's all PC based too. Since we have had multiple mass murders since 9-11.. like Fort Hood, Boston etc..committed by radical Islamists. Why don't we start interviewing those who mentions Islam, or appear to be Muslim? Makes about as much sense.

Guy, you must live in a terribly paranoid world, honestly.

Who cares what a little boy says?

Boy, 9, apologizes to shot classmate, judge orders his mom arrested - Crimesider - CBS News

Wash. - A 9-year-old Washington boy accused of bringing a gun to a Bremerton elementary school which injured a classmate when it discharged told the court "I'm sorry," at his sentencing Tuesday.

Kitsap County Superior Court Judge Karlynn Haberly found the boy guilty Tuesday of misdemeanor charges that included unlawful possession of a gun and bringing a dangerous weapon to school. The prosecutor dropped third-degree assault charges.

The boy was sentenced to 12 months of probation, and ordered to undergo 48 hours of counseling and write a letter of apology to his 8-year-old classmsate, Amina Kocer-Bowman, who remains in serious condition at a Seattle hospital.

I am not paranoid. I'm just not naive and complacent. Little boys say things all the time. For the police to visit the house of a father each time a child says sometihg "scary"... well they better hire more police. Sounds like people who think this is OK are the paranoid ones, which would include you.

I am not paranoid. I'm just not naive and complacent. Little boys say things all the time. For the police to visit the house of a father each time a child says sometihg "scary"... well they better hire more police. Sounds like people who think this is OK are the paranoid ones, which would include you.

Again, I'm sure there are a lot of teachers who wished they had listened closer to what Kleibold and Harris were saying.

It sounds to me that whatever this kid had said, the teachers were concerned enough to call the cops, and the cops were concerned enough to talk to the dad.

So there's obviously more to the story here.

I am not paranoid. I'm just not naive and complacent. Little boys say things all the time. For the police to visit the house of a father each time a child says sometihg "scary"... well they better hire more police. Sounds like people who think this is OK are the paranoid ones, which would include you.

Again, I'm sure there are a lot of teachers who wished they had listened closer to what Kleibold and Harris were saying.

It sounds to me that whatever this kid had said, the teachers were concerned enough to call the cops, and the cops were concerned enough to talk to the dad.

So there's obviously more to the story here.

You're comparing two 17yr old murders to an 11yr old boy? Rly?

I am not paranoid. I'm just not naive and complacent. Little boys say things all the time. For the police to visit the house of a father each time a child says sometihg "scary"... well they better hire more police. Sounds like people who think this is OK are the paranoid ones, which would include you.

Again, I'm sure there are a lot of teachers who wished they had listened closer to what Kleibold and Harris were saying.

It sounds to me that whatever this kid had said, the teachers were concerned enough to call the cops, and the cops were concerned enough to talk to the dad.

So there's obviously more to the story here.

You're comparing two 17yr old murders to an 11yr old boy? Rly?

An 11 year old is perfectly capable of handling a gun and less able to appreciate the consequences.
Man! That Obama is everywhere!

Seems that way.. one of his pawns is hear running Maryland

Of course Obama isn't everywhere, much like a football coach isn't everywhere but his direction runs the team. The President of the US is nothing more then the head coach who is to supply inspiration and direction. Yet with the liberal left they seem to think his only job is to pass out money from his Obama stash.
Wow. You really do struggle with the language, don't you?

Didn't get the point with the mispelled word? Typos are one thing, being dense is another.

In defense of all misspellers everywhere I offer the following:

Ode to Misspelling

I don't care if it's hear or here.
Or even fair or fare;
Or or, or o're, or ore or oar;
Or there or their or they're!

So let your hand write everything
Your earnest mind doth tell it,
And I will understand each word
No matter how you spell it.

So if you say “they took there stuff
And their not coming back again,”
I know you mean they took their stuff
And they're gone for good, amen.

There's so much strife in this short life
Sometimes it's overwhelming.
So I don't really care about
Such trite things as misspelling.

To those who wish to criticize
I can't, I shan't eschew it.
I know you cannot help yourself
So, just do it, dew it, due it.

- The Professor

technically are they not grammatical mistakes and not spelling mistakes?
Please post these "prominent liberals" who have criticized Obama's targeting of civil rights. Pelosi? Nope. Boxer? Nope. Bernie Sanders? Nope. Michael Moore? No. I see Ron Wyden mouthing generalities but nothing more than that.
You lose. Again.

I think if you looked hard enough you would see that those on the liberal left have said things contrary to Obama love. Just enough to try and gain some credibility but not enough to actually make a difference. No one can be happy, or should I say should be happy, with what is going on but the liberal left just keeps on pushing the left wing drugs.

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