Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie

YET Dubya's UNPRECEDENTED 5 year investigation prosecuted exactly zero cases that someone impersonated another at a voting booth, the only fraud stopped with the GOP voter suppression laws, out of 300+ million votes. Go figure!

Hint, voter REGISTRATION fraud happens BECAUSE they get money for each signature, valid or not!

Republican officials, who have used hysteria about alleged voter fraud as an excuse to support measures that disproportionately block Democratic voters, are furiously trying to distance themselves from a growing number of GOP voter registration drives that either submitted false applications or threw away authentic ones.

GOP Voter Fraud Accusations Suddenly Blowing Up In Their Faces

Hang on a second -- 'Dubya'??

Since when did voting become a Federal Issue? Since when did the Federal Government take it out of the hands of the States?

See what I mean people..... dimocraps are lying scum.

They can't even get the most basic of facts right.

Voter Fraud is almost impossible to prosecute. Fraud itself is very difficult and Voter Fraud is impossible.

Without the requirement to see an ID....

All a phony voter has to say is, "My daddy axed me to vote for him while he was incarcereracareated and I thought it was okay." And there goes the prosecution. No chance of a conviction.

Or, My mama axed me to vote for her after she moved to another State and I thought it was okay." No fraud conviction possible.

But if we demand an ID and a fraudulent voter claims to be the person on the ID Card -- THAT is Fraud. Do not pass go, do not even try to make an excuse, you're going down.


dimocrap scum know very well what's going on. They know very well that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of fraudulent votes are cast every election cycle IN THEIR FAVOR and they don't want it to stop.

It's just that simple.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Not just on a few policies -- ON EVERYTHING.

dimocraps are the lowest form of life on earth

More ignorant shit. Republicans practice voter suppression

(The Reader should recognize that the above cited contributor is regurgitating the irrational prattle wherein the Left needs to allow people to vote, without establishing their actual identity. This allows for people to vote as other people. People like those who are dead, but still registered to vote, people who no longer live in their distrct, but who still registered to vote, people who do not exist, but who were 'enrolled' during the "Get out the Vote" drives who are NOTORIOUS for signing up Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mantel, Charlie Brown, Abraham Licoln and other notable figures of fiction and from history but long sense deceased.)

... want to legislate women's bodies.

(Reader, in that piddle, she's hoping to advise you that the innocent baby in her womb, is not a distinct, human life developing in her womb, as a consequence of her own willful and wanton behavior. It's another LIE. But in her defense, that is what EVIL DOES!)

WHY would someone risk voting IF they weren't eligible since it's a FELONY???

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

In an exhaustive public records search, reporters from the investigative reporting projecdt News21 sent thousands of requests to elections officers in all 50 states, asking for every case of fraudulent activity including registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, vote buying, false election counts, campaign fraud, casting an ineligible vote, voting twice, voter impersonation fraud and intimidation

  • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.

  • There is more fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than any other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud and 400 cases of registration fraud. A required photo ID at the polls would not have prevented these cases.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Seriously? Did you SERIOUSLY just say that people don't bother committing felonies because they're illegal?

Just how big IS your lobotomy scar?

Another thoughtless conservative meme. Are all contemporary conservatives really this stupid?
My middle name is Joseph.

My S.A.T. score taken in 1972 (before it was changed to make it easier) was 1460, and I was accepted to Stanford University, so I would say no, I am not stupid.

In fact, of the two of us, I am apparently the only one who realizes ideology and political affiliation are not the same thing.

My Cousin graduated from Cornell.... With honors.

He is one of the dumbest fucks I've ever known. Can't keep a wife, can't hold down a job, refuses to take care of anything, has no self-respect, gets fired from one teaching job (the only thing he can do, too stupid to do anything useful) after another for not showing up......

Is that you, Richard? Call your mom, she's worried about you

I used to be an administrative assistant for the University of Arizona. I realized early on that the reason universities employ admin assistants, secretaries and such is to have them babysit the PhDs, none of whom can wipe their own asses without a detailed schematic and instructions from Houston Control once they get outside their narrow field of endeavor.

I can kind of understand that. I'm a technical professional, and I'm good at what I do, but I don't know how to work half the crap on my cell phone. Sometimes I need to have my stepson configure it for me. I just don't have the patience to read the fucking manual.

I've always believed that the level of university degree exists in inverse proportion to the ability to function in everyday life. From my observations, I assume it's because the effort needed to acquire those degrees requires intense focus that subsumes everything else.
You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

So now science is based on disproving a negative? Really?


You can say it isn't proven, you can't call it a lie.

The lie is saying the science is settled, you know the libs favorite thing to say when they want it to appear that their right and no further discussion is needed and their draconian measures are the ONLY ANSWER.

To be a conservative you need the ability to forget what you said a few short years ago, like there is no such thing as climate change, lol

To be a liberal, you need the ability to plug your ears and be completely oblivious to any awareness of reality that might interfere with your echo chamber and talking points. Under no circumstances are you to EVER evidence any curiosity about what your opponents actually believe.

Another iteration of a BIG LIE, accusing liberals, progressives and Democrats of doing what they have done and continue doing.

How's that BIG TENT?

What are the ethos of the Compassionate Conservative (has anyone found one)?

"Country First", LOL, party first is obvious to those in touch with reality.

Death Panels? Really Sarah? Only insurance companies have those.

Obama caused the Great Recession of 2007 - 2009 (he took office in 2009)
There are about as many Republican Liars as there are in the General Population at large.

But ALL dimocraps are lying scum.

They can't help it. The entire party is based on criminality and lies. It's been that way since the criminal scumbag Andrew Jackson founded the party.

Cracks me up that Chief Shits His Pants is a dyed in the wool dimocrap. If only he were intelligent enough to know what Jackson did to Native Americans.... But he has to lie to himself in order to be a dimocrap so he can't afford to know too much.

Same with Black people. They know that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. They know that dimocrap scum were the slavers, they know that the KKK was formed to combat Republicans and Republican Blacks.... They used race as an intimidation factor but other than that, it was the terrorist arm of the dimocrap scum party -- Which has ALWAYS had a terrorist arm with which to fight Republicans -- Even to this very day.

So Black People have to lie to themselves in order to vote dimocrap.

And when you lie to yourself, which ALL dimocraps do, then you are the worst kind of liar.

Republicans aren't perfect. Nobody has ever claimed they were/are.

But dimocraps?

scum of the earth

Ironic then that the republican party split off from the democratic-republican party.

Not really. What else can you do with liars and dupes but split off from them?
Its interesting how all the threads exposing liberals getting pushed to the third page within hours.

All lies they've told are just old news. Nothing to see there. Let's talk about something else.
This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in “a steady stream of manufactured events.”

This particular ‘manufactured event’ has liberals claiming that “a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.”

It’s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunham’s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

“Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop’s career later,” Coulter writes, “Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story was bunk.”

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

… why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they’re children, too? Believing there’s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didn’t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of “liberal” is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!

Were you trying to sound like a three-year-old who needs a timeout, or is this just your natural way of speaking? Inquiring minds want to know.

FYI, I found your posting so annoying that I didn't even bother to try to understand the content. Impressive communication there.

So NO, you can't think of ONE policy conservatives have been on the correct side of US history either. Shocking
Its interesting how all the threads exposing liberals getting pushed to the third page within hours.

All lies they've told are just old news. Nothing to see there. Let's talk about something else.
Threads about queer issues are always at the top of page one, though!
You have no proof it isn't caused by humans, so it's literally impossible to call it a "lie" if no one knows.

So now science is based on disproving a negative? Really?


You can say it isn't proven, you can't call it a lie.

The lie is saying the science is settled, you know the libs favorite thing to say when they want it to appear that their right and no further discussion is needed and their draconian measures are the ONLY ANSWER.

To be a conservative you need the ability to forget what you said a few short years ago, like there is no such thing as climate change, lol

To be a liberal, you need the ability to plug your ears and be completely oblivious to any awareness of reality that might interfere with your echo chamber and talking points. Under no circumstances are you to EVER evidence any curiosity about what your opponents actually believe.

Good job of projecting there Bubba, bet you don't even see the irony, lol
This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in “a steady stream of manufactured events.”

This particular ‘manufactured event’ has liberals claiming that “a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.”

It’s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunham’s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

“Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop’s career later,” Coulter writes, “Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story was bunk.”

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

… why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they’re children, too? Believing there’s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didn’t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of “liberal” is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!

Were you trying to sound like a three-year-old who needs a timeout, or is this just your natural way of speaking? Inquiring minds want to know.

FYI, I found your posting so annoying that I didn't even bother to try to understand the content. Impressive communication there.

I'll dumb it down for you: What conservative policy has been for the greater good in the history of the United States?


Policy? lol
More ignorant shit. Republicans practice voter suppression

(The Reader should recognize that the above cited contributor is regurgitating the irrational prattle wherein the Left needs to allow people to vote, without establishing their actual identity. This allows for people to vote as other people. People like those who are dead, but still registered to vote, people who no longer live in their distrct, but who still registered to vote, people who do not exist, but who were 'enrolled' during the "Get out the Vote" drives who are NOTORIOUS for signing up Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mantel, Charlie Brown, Abraham Licoln and other notable figures of fiction and from history but long sense deceased.)

... want to legislate women's bodies.

(Reader, in that piddle, she's hoping to advise you that the innocent baby in her womb, is not a distinct, human life developing in her womb, as a consequence of her own willful and wanton behavior. It's another LIE. But in her defense, that is what EVIL DOES!)

WHY would someone risk voting IF they weren't eligible since it's a FELONY???

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

In an exhaustive public records search, reporters from the investigative reporting projecdt News21 sent thousands of requests to elections officers in all 50 states, asking for every case of fraudulent activity including registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, vote buying, false election counts, campaign fraud, casting an ineligible vote, voting twice, voter impersonation fraud and intimidation

  • In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,” said Lorraine Minnite, professor of public policy and administration at Rutgers University.

  • There is more fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than any other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud and 400 cases of registration fraud. A required photo ID at the polls would not have prevented these cases.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

Seriously? Did you SERIOUSLY just say that people don't bother committing felonies because they're illegal?

Just how big IS your lobotomy scar?

WHY would someone risk voting IF they weren't eligible since it's a FELONY???

"Every Liberal Cause Is Based On A Lie"

Well, Liberalism is based on a lie... So, yeah, of course.
YET Dubya's UNPRECEDENTED 5 year investigation prosecuted exactly zero cases that someone impersonated another at a voting booth, the only fraud stopped with the GOP voter suppression laws, out of 300+ million votes. Go figure!

Hint, voter REGISTRATION fraud happens BECAUSE they get money for each signature, valid or not!

Republican officials, who have used hysteria about alleged voter fraud as an excuse to support measures that disproportionately block Democratic voters, are furiously trying to distance themselves from a growing number of GOP voter registration drives that either submitted false applications or threw away authentic ones.

GOP Voter Fraud Accusations Suddenly Blowing Up In Their Faces

Hang on a second -- 'Dubya'??

Since when did voting become a Federal Issue? Since when did the Federal Government take it out of the hands of the States?

See what I mean people..... dimocraps are lying scum.

They can't even get the most basic of facts right.

Voter Fraud is almost impossible to prosecute. Fraud itself is very difficult and Voter Fraud is impossible.

Without the requirement to see an ID....

All a phony voter has to say is, "My daddy axed me to vote for him while he was incarcereracareated and I thought it was okay." And there goes the prosecution. No chance of a conviction.

Or, My mama axed me to vote for her after she moved to another State and I thought it was okay." No fraud conviction possible.

But if we demand an ID and a fraudulent voter claims to be the person on the ID Card -- THAT is Fraud. Do not pass go, do not even try to make an excuse, you're going down.


dimocrap scum know very well what's going on. They know very well that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of fraudulent votes are cast every election cycle IN THEIR FAVOR and they don't want it to stop.

It's just that simple.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Not just on a few policies -- ON EVERYTHING.

dimocraps are the lowest form of life on earth


LOL, Too funny Bubba

A 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a leading advocate for voting rights at the New York University School of Law, quantified the problem in stark terms.

"It is more likely that an individual will be struck by lightning," the report calculated, "than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls."

Indeed, between 2000 and 2007, there were 32,299 UFO sightings in the United States, 352 deaths caused by lightning, but only nine cases of voter impersonation

Yet conservatives continue to hype the extremely rare occurrence of election fraud as if it were something that happens every day and is somehow responsible for the election of Obama and Democratic candidates across the map.

The Voter Fraud Fraud The Nation
This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in “a steady stream of manufactured events.”

This particular ‘manufactured event’ has liberals claiming that “a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.”

It’s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunham’s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

“Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop’s career later,” Coulter writes, “Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story was bunk.”

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

… why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they’re children, too? Believing there’s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didn’t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of “liberal” is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!

Were you trying to sound like a three-year-old who needs a timeout, or is this just your natural way of speaking? Inquiring minds want to know.

FYI, I found your posting so annoying that I didn't even bother to try to understand the content. Impressive communication there.

I'll dumb it down for you: What conservative policy has been for the greater good in the history of the United States?


Policy? lol

Freedom is a policy.
This is a copy of an article about an article in the Daily Caller written by Ann Coulter, Conservative flame thrower and a woman I would trust as a fellow fighter in a foxhole over ANY dimocrap. Any.


Basically, what she's done is expand on my view that dimocraps are liars. That their entire system, their entire party, their existence and their causes are nothing more than lies backed by other lies. One untruth backed dozens of other untruths

But this reviewer, and Coulter, are more able to put it into words.

Read it. Those few of you in here that are still fair and logical and want to use truth and wisdom as a guiding force on which side to join. Read it.

Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter wrote an op-ed at the Daily Caller which absolutely skewers the left for their latest cause, hatred of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

From the onset, as only Coulter can, the sarcastic barbs are hurled at far-left lunatics who have been distorting the religious freedom law.

She refers to the new controversy in liberal circles as another in “a steady stream of manufactured events.”

This particular ‘manufactured event’ has liberals claiming that “a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.”

It’s not the first time of course, that liberals have gotten all worked up over something completely non-existent. The recent gang-rape hoax at the University of Virginia, Lena Dunham’s rape claims, and police brutality are all spotlighted by Coulter.

The latter gains extra scrutiny, as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story coming from Ferguson was completely debunked.

“Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop’s career later,” Coulter writes, “Even Eric Holder’s Justice Department finally admitted that the whole ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ story was bunk.”

Coulter then goes on to skewer every major liberal cause today as based on a lie:

… why do we have to treat liberal fantasists in the media as if they’re children, too? Believing there’s a monster under the bed is cute. Falsely accusing cops of murder, men of rape and an entire state of homophobia is not.

Every single cause championed by liberals is based on a fake story. They make up events that didn’t happen and get apoplectic over things that never will happen. The definition of “liberal” is quickly becoming: people who believe their fantasies should be facts.

Another good point addressed is that after each of these lies is revealed, the liberal media, after spending weeks and months whipping up their base into a frenzy over those lies, barely reports on the truth afterward.

Coulter has struck a nerve and revealed the reality behind the liberal mindset. The left lies, swears to it, then quietly moves on to the next false crisis.

Read more: Ann Coulter Every Liberal Cause Is Based on a Lie - The Political Insider

Ann Coulter is to truth what faith healing is to medicine.
PLEASE, pretty please will one of you smart conservatives PLEASE tell me ONE policy you've EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US? Just one?? For the life of me I can't think of one!

Were you trying to sound like a three-year-old who needs a timeout, or is this just your natural way of speaking? Inquiring minds want to know.

FYI, I found your posting so annoying that I didn't even bother to try to understand the content. Impressive communication there.

I'll dumb it down for you: What conservative policy has been for the greater good in the history of the United States?


Policy? lol

Freedom is a policy.

Sure it is Buba, sure

And you "believe in" the BS Ayn Rand wrote too!

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