Every single person in charge of law and order in Fulton, Georgia is a black woman

The population of South Fulton is 90% black....so why is this even a story?
Maybe the fact they are all women? I am sure there are plenty of justice systems where everyone is male.
If they do a good job, then more power to them.
The population of South Fulton is 90% black....so why is this even a story?
Maybe the fact they are all women? I am sure there are plenty of justice systems where everyone is male.
If they do a good job, then more power to them.

stupid CNN fake news. i wont be fooled by them again!
I saw a tidbit this morning of Michelle Obama talking about, because they are black, it was harder for them while they were in office. How they were judged and couldn't get away with mistakes.
WHat a bunch of shit. Get over yourself. Good Lord.....harder because they were black.
Yeah it is so difficult walking around in $3000 dresses, riding around in Limos everywhere..praised by everyone everywhere you went.
And then afterwards, vacationing for months at a time in some of the worlds top private resorts.
Yeah....so hard.
I saw a tidbit this morning of Michelle Obama talking about, because they are black, it was harder for them while they were in office. How they were judged and couldn't get away with mistakes.
WHat a bunch of shit. Get over yourself. Good Lord.....harder because they were black.
Yeah it is so difficult walking around in $3000 dresses, riding around in Limos everywhere..praised by everyone everywhere you went.
And then afterwards, vacationing for months at a time in some of the worlds top private resorts.
Yeah....so hard.
It’s tough being white too. Just disagreeing with the policies of the feckless lefty stooge she married was the quickest way to be labeled a racist back in the days of Barry smoking in our White House.
In South Fulton, the entire criminal justice system is run by black women - CNN

that's the kind of progress America needs, that's the kind of progress and leadership Stacey Abrams will provide as Governor of Georgia!
Yep we have a all black town in Alabama, who is in debt up to their necks and who has to hire white cops because no one in the city wants to work for them They got a Black woman from South Fla who came in and was going to make the city great, she lasted 5 month and bailed back to South Fla with her tail between her legs. How is the crime rate working for them in the are now.
Women are making great strides, black women specifically.

Hello, MarcAtl. I believe if this American female medical professional ran for POTUS and was elected, within two generations we could bring a near-end to POVERTY, as well as our Nation's current *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

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