Every Voter in Nassau County, NY (Population: 1.391 Million) listed as ‘Democrat’ after Printing ‘Error’

/——/ our democRAT **** Governor wants to mandate public housing all over Nassau county over riding local zoning laws. She wants to shut down some Long Island RR stations and build high density housing in the parking lots.
You are the third highest per capita income county in the state. You guys need to hold on to chart your growth and continued sustainability. Erie county, her home county, sounds like a good place for that type of development.
You are the third highest per capita income county in the state. You guys need to hold on to chart your growth and continued sustainability. Erie county, her home county, sounds like a good place for that type of development.
/——/ She wants to flip the county to democRAT.
/——/ She wants to flip the county to democRAT.
Like I said, 56% of you have voter IDs to vote in the Democrat primary. You are the 6th largest county by population in the state. You could have sway. It is not like you asked for Dem ID a month before the primary, but maybe it is worth something, after all.
Like I said, 56% of you have voter IDs to vote in the Democrat primary. You are the 6th largest county by population in the state. You could have sway. It is not like you asked for Dem ID a month before the primary, but maybe it is worth something, after all.
/——/ I just checked into the County BOE. I’m still registered Republican.
/——/ I just checked into the County BOE. I’m still registered Republican.
When you go to the polls, do they check the card against party on the rolls?
It is amazing to me that the majority of Long Islanders are decent hard-working people that all seem to get along, unless you're driving!
Then, EVERYONE is an enemy, lol!
Road Rage aside, we don't see conflicts in everyday life at all pertaining to racial strife.
Sure, Newsday and News12 try to amplify tedious bullshit, but there is no racial or political tensions causing problems around here. Seeing cities, like the one right next to us in disarray, is like watching footage from a third world country.
NYC is in trouble, as is the whole State including Long Island, but for the most part, us Islanders get along no matter what assigned conflict between demographics the MSM try to sell.
When you go to the polls, do they check the card against party on the rolls?
/—-/ No. I was a BOE inspector for years. All you do is find your neighborhood table snd give your name. You may be asked your street address if you have a common last name.
It is amazing to me that the majority of Long Islanders are decent hard-working people that all seem to get along, unless you're driving!
Then, EVERYONE is an enemy, lol!
Road Rage aside, we don't see conflicts in everyday life at all pertaining to racial strife.
Sure, Newsday and News12 try to amplify tedious bullshit, but there is no racial or political tensions causing problems around here. Seeing cities, like the one right next to us in disarray, is like watching footage from a third world country.
NYC is in trouble, as is the whole State including Long Island, but for the most part, us Islanders get along no matter what assigned conflict between demographics the MSM try to sell.
/——-/ All except the entitled BMW drivers who own all the roads.
/——-/ All except the entitled BMW drivers who own all the roads.
Everyone that is driving "owns the road", lol.
I'm guilty too!
My point is that we've never seen any towns in flames or looting during a "mostly peaceful protest" here.
It doesn't happen.
Horseshit! She made a complete mess of the Town of Hamburg and is doing the same to the state.
I'm in TN. Can't help you. After checking, I see Hamburg is in her home county. With a pop density of only 925/Sq Mi and would benefit for low income housing construction, maybe a good place for all those migrants she is bringing into your state. Don't mind me though. I haven't got a dog in that race, but wish you guys luck.
/—-/ No. I was a BOE inspector for years. All you do is find your neighborhood table snd give your name. You may be asked your street address if you have a common last name.
Hmmmm. 56%+ now have voter ID as Dems, and they don't check. I assume the Dem and Rep primaries are on the same day, like here. Whatever. Make your primary vote count, as you best see fit.
Hmmmm. 56%+ now have voter ID as Dems, and they don't check. I assume the Dem and Rep primaries are on the same day, like here. Whatever. Make your primary vote count, as you best see fit.
The only candidates running in this off year election are judges. And they are all running in the Democratic, Republican, and Conservative primaries.


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