“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

Well yeah. Investigating someone requires you to violate their privacy.

Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.

Like the Russia Hoax and the Steele Dossier. LOL

Why did HRC's team smash blackberries and ipads? Nothing to see here....
Smashing devices when you’re done with them is how you prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands. When I recycle computers, I’ve drilled out hard drives. Are you telling me I’m part of a criminal conspiracy too?

So now you're a lawyer, doctor and tech expert. Except HRC's staff was specifically told not to do that. Timing is everything. I generally return my devices to the store and they bleach them. I have never smashed anything. LOL. You're just grasping at Leftist straws now. Nothing to see here..... How do you live with yourself?
I would question it too.

But there’s still no evidence of any crime.
Trump asked for an investigation to gauge if there was. That’s all and he was impeached. There is certainly enough smoke to gauge if there is a fire.

No. There is not enough smoke. That’s why he didn’t go through legitimate routes to get his investigation.

That's just a lie....Did you not read the part of the transcript that state that he wanted Z's government to work with Barr?

It’s not a lie at all.

He said he was going to have Barr talk with them. Trump never told Barr anything and Zelinsky’s government got no requests for assistance from the DoJ. Therefore didn’t go through legitimate routes.

You're such a little troll. Why would he mention Barr on the call then? Obviously that was the plan. He is the POTUS. "legitimate" how would you know? You a lawyer and a doctor?

How am I trolling? I’ve already proven that he didn’t talk to Barr. Unless the DoJ is lying.

Obviously that wasn’t the plan because it never happened. It was cover. Make it look legitimate. It wasn’t legitimate though because it never happened.
How in the hell would you know that? Are you working in Barr's office? Your speculation is absurd.
Barr’s spokesman told us. No one wants anything to do with this “drug deal”.

Hmmmm....I don't see a citation in this claim, so I have to conclude you made it up.

You never asked for a citation. Ask and ye shall receive.

Justice Department: Trump never asked Barr to talk to Ukraine

You assumed I was speculating. You were incorrect.

As of September...However, I will point you to your own article, pay attention to the bolded parts....

"The newly released transcript does not show any explicit quid pro quo, but it does show that Trump brought up how much assistance the United States gives Ukraine and later said he wanted Zelensky to speak with Giuliani and Barr about a possible investigation into the Bidens.

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great," he said.

Trump urged Ukraine's president to speak to Giuliani.

“I will tell Rudy and Attorney General Barr to call,” Trump said.


"The DOJ determined that the call and the surrounding circumstances described in an intelligence community whistleblower complaint did not constitute a campaign finance violation."

Now, you may not like it, but your complaint is a dead issue.

I could care less if the DoJ determined there was no violation of campaign finance law. That’s not the issue. Thats not my complaint.

Just a few posts ago you were claiming that Trump broke the law in his call with Z....Now that I have posted, from an article YOU gave me, that this isn't the case, you want to move the goalpost....Typical.
I did that because it encapsulates what DJT believed. What he asked for was for an investigation. If that investigation shows zippo then he looks bad. DJT didn’t ask for Zelensky to make up information LOL.

Doesn’t matter what he finds. Just announcing the investigation is intended to harm Biden. That’s why it was important to have a public announcement. Furthermore, involving his personal attorney gives Trump a peek into the investigation where he doesn’t belong. Those two facts alone demonstrate Trump’s corrupt intent.

If Trump were actually concerned about it, an investigation would go through the DoJ. Not through his personal attorney.

In this country, you don’t get to investigate just because you want to. Investigations have to be predicated on credible information (don’t get distracted now, I know you want to take about a different matter here, resist the urge). Trump should not be unilaterally making that decision because he has demonstrated he isn’t basing it on credible information that would constitute an adequate predicate.

Of course it matters. If he finds nothing, DJT looks very bad. What are you talking about. He said to speak with Barr on an open phone call. "Corrupt intent"? LOL

You're crazy. He had credible info. This is 100% subjective. You cannot possibly prove his intent.

Ha! DJT will look bad to who exactly? His cult members. No. If they find nothing, it’ll just be the cult complaining of a corrupt judicial process just like they did for Clinton. Facts make little difference. The damage is done.

He never spoke to Barr. There goes the cover story.

You can prove intent. Happens all the time. You can’t prove intent to the cult members, though. You can’t prove anything to them.

Who’s the credible information? Shokin? Not credible. Wouldn’t stand up a second in court. That’s why the DoJ is steering clear.

Prove his intent then:

#1) Did he want Biden investigated because of what happened in 2016.

#2) Did he want Biden investigated because he was worried about 2020.

Even the best attorneys will tell you it is nearly impossible to prove intent. You an attorney and a doctor now? There is zero chance the Senate convicts. You admitted as such. Youre just posturing now. Little Leftist Troll.

Intent is proven in court all the time. Did you not know this?

"all the time"...no most cases do not see the court room because it cannot be proven. Every attorney has stated that in a court of law this would not get past the fist round of questioning. Same with Kavanaugh. I gave you options 1 and 2. How do you know which it is? #2 means he should be impeached but #1 means he cannot be. How would you decipher?
Well yeah. Investigating someone requires you to violate their privacy.

Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.

Like the Russia Hoax and the Steele Dossier. LOL

Why did HRC's team smash blackberries and ipads? Nothing to see here....
Smashing devices when you’re done with them is how you prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands. When I recycle computers, I’ve drilled out hard drives. Are you telling me I’m part of a criminal conspiracy too?

So now you're a lawyer, doctor and tech expert. Except HRC's staff was specifically told not to do that. Timing is everything. I generally return my devices to the store and they bleach them. I have never smashed anything. LOL. You're just grasping at Leftist straws now. Nothing to see here..... How do you live with yourself?
Never claimed to be a lawyer. I’m not a tech expert. I just want to keep my data safe.

You’re deflecting. Don’t get so emotional and stay on topic.
Trump asked for an investigation to gauge if there was. That’s all and he was impeached. There is certainly enough smoke to gauge if there is a fire.

No. There is not enough smoke. That’s why he didn’t go through legitimate routes to get his investigation.

That's just a lie....Did you not read the part of the transcript that state that he wanted Z's government to work with Barr?

It’s not a lie at all.

He said he was going to have Barr talk with them. Trump never told Barr anything and Zelinsky’s government got no requests for assistance from the DoJ. Therefore didn’t go through legitimate routes.

You're such a little troll. Why would he mention Barr on the call then? Obviously that was the plan. He is the POTUS. "legitimate" how would you know? You a lawyer and a doctor?

How am I trolling? I’ve already proven that he didn’t talk to Barr. Unless the DoJ is lying.

Obviously that wasn’t the plan because it never happened. It was cover. Make it look legitimate. It wasn’t legitimate though because it never happened.

Ugh! are you dense? Look, He didn't have to have talked to Barr pre call...What he DID do is tell Z to talk to Barr....How do you not understand that?
IDGAF what other countries think. They also agreed to the Iran deal (stupid) and Europe is so bad, the UK voted for Brexit. Berg is such a little childish dolt.
Clearly, YDGAF about the facts either.
The next fact you post will be your first. Any monkey can cut and paste. Put yourself out there and give an opinion. See how that goes. Here is another fact. Trump will not get convicted. Troll.

It’s entirely possible that Trump won’t be convicted, this time, but he will be impeached again, as long as continues to violate the law and trample the Constitution.

But Trump also won’t be re-elected. He’s done too much damage. The American people are done with him.

LOL, why do you lefty's saying these stupid things? Will you have a heart attack when he is elected? Will you leave the hemisphere?

Trump is poisoning everything he touches. He always has. He’s the most toxic businessman in American history. BILLIONS in businesss losses, 3000 plus law suits. Hundreds of failed businesses.

Trump has always survived on his father’s wealth. Why didn’t conservatives vet this guy and prevent his crooked lying ass from running? The party is supposed to ensure their candidate, at the very least, isn’t a criminal.
More of you hilarious bullshit.
Trump asked for an investigation to gauge if there was. That’s all and he was impeached. There is certainly enough smoke to gauge if there is a fire.

No. There is not enough smoke. That’s why he didn’t go through legitimate routes to get his investigation.

That's just a lie....Did you not read the part of the transcript that state that he wanted Z's government to work with Barr?

It’s not a lie at all.

He said he was going to have Barr talk with them. Trump never told Barr anything and Zelinsky’s government got no requests for assistance from the DoJ. Therefore didn’t go through legitimate routes.

You're such a little troll. Why would he mention Barr on the call then? Obviously that was the plan. He is the POTUS. "legitimate" how would you know? You a lawyer and a doctor?

How am I trolling? I’ve already proven that he didn’t talk to Barr. Unless the DoJ is lying.

Obviously that wasn’t the plan because it never happened. It was cover. Make it look legitimate. It wasn’t legitimate though because it never happened.

He never gave an exact timeline. He said for him to work with Barr. Why would he say it on the call if he didn't plan on doing it? LOL. Plus before he could the whistleblower BS came out and made a mockery out of our country yet again.
Well yeah. Investigating someone requires you to violate their privacy.

Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.

Like the Russia Hoax and the Steele Dossier. LOL

Why did HRC's team smash blackberries and ipads? Nothing to see here....
Smashing devices when you’re done with them is how you prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands. When I recycle computers, I’ve drilled out hard drives. Are you telling me I’m part of a criminal conspiracy too?
Their "data" was subpoenaed evidence. That's what they didn't want to fall into the "wrong hands," that is, the House GOP.
Doesn’t matter what he finds. Just announcing the investigation is intended to harm Biden. That’s why it was important to have a public announcement. Furthermore, involving his personal attorney gives Trump a peek into the investigation where he doesn’t belong. Those two facts alone demonstrate Trump’s corrupt intent.

If Trump were actually concerned about it, an investigation would go through the DoJ. Not through his personal attorney.

In this country, you don’t get to investigate just because you want to. Investigations have to be predicated on credible information (don’t get distracted now, I know you want to take about a different matter here, resist the urge). Trump should not be unilaterally making that decision because he has demonstrated he isn’t basing it on credible information that would constitute an adequate predicate.

Of course it matters. If he finds nothing, DJT looks very bad. What are you talking about. He said to speak with Barr on an open phone call. "Corrupt intent"? LOL

You're crazy. He had credible info. This is 100% subjective. You cannot possibly prove his intent.

Ha! DJT will look bad to who exactly? His cult members. No. If they find nothing, it’ll just be the cult complaining of a corrupt judicial process just like they did for Clinton. Facts make little difference. The damage is done.

He never spoke to Barr. There goes the cover story.

You can prove intent. Happens all the time. You can’t prove intent to the cult members, though. You can’t prove anything to them.

Who’s the credible information? Shokin? Not credible. Wouldn’t stand up a second in court. That’s why the DoJ is steering clear.

Prove his intent then:

#1) Did he want Biden investigated because of what happened in 2016.

#2) Did he want Biden investigated because he was worried about 2020.

Even the best attorneys will tell you it is nearly impossible to prove intent. You an attorney and a doctor now? There is zero chance the Senate convicts. You admitted as such. Youre just posturing now. Little Leftist Troll.

Intent is proven in court all the time. Did you not know this?

"all the time"...no most cases do not see the court room because it cannot be proven. Every attorney has stated that in a court of law this would not get past the fist round of questioning. Same with Kavanaugh. I gave you options 1 and 2. How do you know which it is? #2 means he should be impeached but #1 means he cannot be. How would you decipher?
“Every attorney”. That’s false and you know it. Stop making things up.

You have to prove intent for a lot of cases. Don’t make it sound like it’s something that is “almost impossible”. If Trump wanted Biden investigated, why didn’t he want the DoJ involved?
Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.

Like the Russia Hoax and the Steele Dossier. LOL

Why did HRC's team smash blackberries and ipads? Nothing to see here....
Smashing devices when you’re done with them is how you prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands. When I recycle computers, I’ve drilled out hard drives. Are you telling me I’m part of a criminal conspiracy too?

So now you're a lawyer, doctor and tech expert. Except HRC's staff was specifically told not to do that. Timing is everything. I generally return my devices to the store and they bleach them. I have never smashed anything. LOL. You're just grasping at Leftist straws now. Nothing to see here..... How do you live with yourself?
Never claimed to be a lawyer. I’m not a tech expert. I just want to keep my data safe.

You’re deflecting. Don’t get so emotional and stay on topic.

If you wanted your data safe you would not be smashing shit. I never deflect. I have crushed you in this debate. I reiterate. You admitted there will not be a conviction and Trump will win in 2020. I also gave you my biased sources on Shokin. I have crushed you in every way possible. You need to crawl back to your hole. I also exposed you as a liar. I'll ask again. What sort of Doctor are you???????? I caught you in a lie last time and you said it was a "joke". So what is your practice?
No. There is not enough smoke. That’s why he didn’t go through legitimate routes to get his investigation.

That's just a lie....Did you not read the part of the transcript that state that he wanted Z's government to work with Barr?

It’s not a lie at all.

He said he was going to have Barr talk with them. Trump never told Barr anything and Zelinsky’s government got no requests for assistance from the DoJ. Therefore didn’t go through legitimate routes.

You're such a little troll. Why would he mention Barr on the call then? Obviously that was the plan. He is the POTUS. "legitimate" how would you know? You a lawyer and a doctor?

How am I trolling? I’ve already proven that he didn’t talk to Barr. Unless the DoJ is lying.

Obviously that wasn’t the plan because it never happened. It was cover. Make it look legitimate. It wasn’t legitimate though because it never happened.

He gave an exact timeline. He said for him to work with Barr. Why would he say it on the call if he didn't plan on doing it? LOL. Plus before he could the whistleblower BS came out and made a mockery out of our country yet again.

By WB, I am at this point assuming you mean Schiff's stooge...I think that whole thing with the supposed WB was staged to give the opening....Notice how quickly they moved beyond that.....I think if witnesses are called Schiff needs to be one of them.
Couple of problems. First and most obvious is that Shokin was not looking into Burisma.

There goes your credible reason.

Ohhh look, a fucking liar.

How clever, how unique... :eusa_whistle:

Hey fucking liar, what happened to the $1.8 billion in U.S. Taxpayer funds that Quid Pro Joe gave to Burisma? Was it ever found?

In the last days of the Obama administration, Vice President Joe Biden took a "swan song" trip to Ukraine, a notoriously corrupt country where he had been the administration's "point person." On the eve of this trip, the country announced it would end a criminal investigation into a company connected to the loss of $1.8 billion in aid funding — a company whose board of directors included Biden's son Hunter.

The Biden family's dealings with this Ukrainian company involved getting one of the country's most notorious mob bankers, Ihor Kolomoisky, off the U.S. government visa ban list. Under Biden's leadership, $3 billion in aid went to Ukraine, and his son's company was implicated in the disappearance of $1.8 billion of that money.}

Did Biden Save This Ukraine Firm Responsible for $1.8B in Missing Aid? His Son is on the Board...

Man, you wouldn't want president Trump looking into THAT, would you? You'd do ANYTHING to stop it...

I mean, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz (stepson of John Kerry, the Iranian ambassador to America) were mules in the kickbacks too..

Some DEEP shit there....
Of course it matters. If he finds nothing, DJT looks very bad. What are you talking about. He said to speak with Barr on an open phone call. "Corrupt intent"? LOL

You're crazy. He had credible info. This is 100% subjective. You cannot possibly prove his intent.

Ha! DJT will look bad to who exactly? His cult members. No. If they find nothing, it’ll just be the cult complaining of a corrupt judicial process just like they did for Clinton. Facts make little difference. The damage is done.

He never spoke to Barr. There goes the cover story.

You can prove intent. Happens all the time. You can’t prove intent to the cult members, though. You can’t prove anything to them.

Who’s the credible information? Shokin? Not credible. Wouldn’t stand up a second in court. That’s why the DoJ is steering clear.

Prove his intent then:

#1) Did he want Biden investigated because of what happened in 2016.

#2) Did he want Biden investigated because he was worried about 2020.

Even the best attorneys will tell you it is nearly impossible to prove intent. You an attorney and a doctor now? There is zero chance the Senate convicts. You admitted as such. Youre just posturing now. Little Leftist Troll.

Intent is proven in court all the time. Did you not know this?

"all the time"...no most cases do not see the court room because it cannot be proven. Every attorney has stated that in a court of law this would not get past the fist round of questioning. Same with Kavanaugh. I gave you options 1 and 2. How do you know which it is? #2 means he should be impeached but #1 means he cannot be. How would you decipher?
“Every attorney”. That’s false and you know it. Stop making things up.

You have to prove intent for a lot of cases. Don’t make it sound like it’s something that is “almost impossible”. If Trump wanted Biden investigated, why didn’t he want the DoJ involved?

He did. He never gave a specific timeline and then this fiasco happened. EVERY LAWYER, you pig faced troll.

How Can A Prosecution Prove Intent - LawInfo
Intent in criminal law is complicated. It refers to a person's state of mind.
Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.

Like the Russia Hoax and the Steele Dossier. LOL

Why did HRC's team smash blackberries and ipads? Nothing to see here....
Smashing devices when you’re done with them is how you prevent your data from falling into the wrong hands. When I recycle computers, I’ve drilled out hard drives. Are you telling me I’m part of a criminal conspiracy too?

So now you're a lawyer, doctor and tech expert. Except HRC's staff was specifically told not to do that. Timing is everything. I generally return my devices to the store and they bleach them. I have never smashed anything. LOL. You're just grasping at Leftist straws now. Nothing to see here..... How do you live with yourself?
Never claimed to be a lawyer. I’m not a tech expert. I just want to keep my data safe.

You’re deflecting. Don’t get so emotional and stay on topic.

If you wanted your data safe you would not be smashing shit. I never deflect. I have crushed you in this debate. I reiterate. You admitted there will not be a conviction and Trump will win in 2020. I also gave you my biased sources on Shokin. I have crushed you in every way possible. You need to crawl back to your hole. I also exposed you as a liar. I'll ask again. What sort of Doctor are you???????? I caught you in a lie last time and you said it was a "joke". So what is your practice?

Good gravy. We are talking about Clinton’s blackberries in this thread because you wanted to bring it up.

Are you going to stop trolling?

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