“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

I wonder why Billy the Bagman refused to hold a press conference saying Trump's call w/ Zelensky was not illegal?
Trump wanted Barr to say publicly that the Ukraine phone call was not illegal: report
Trump wanted Barr to say publicly that the Ukraine phone call was not illegal: report

What the DoJ did do, since Billy is in the bag for Don, was issue a statement saying the call had been reviewed but the request for election help wasn't illegal...........like a good bagman would.

CIA's top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump Ukraine call
CIA top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump call

But a timeline provided by U.S. officials familiar with the matter shows that multiple senior government officials appointed by Trump found the whistleblower's complaints credible, troubling and worthy of further inquiry starting soon after the president's July phone call.

While that timeline and the CIA general counsel's contact with the Justice Department has been previously disclosed, it has not been reported that the CIA's top lawyer intended her call to be a criminal referral about the president's conduct, acting under rules set forth in a memo governing how intelligence agencies should report allegations of federal crimes.

The fact that she and other top Trump administration political appointees saw potential misconduct in the whistleblower's early account of alleged presidential abuses puts a new spotlight on the Justice Department's later decision to decline to open a criminal investigation — a decision that the Justice Department said publicly was based purely on an analysis of whether the president committed a campaign finance law violation.

"They didn't do any of the sort of bread-and-butter type investigatory steps that would flush out what potential crimes may have been committed," said Berit Berger, a former federal prosecutor who heads the Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity at Columbia Law School. "I don't understand the rationale for that and it's just so contrary to how normal prosecutors work. We have started investigations on far less."

Elwood, the CIA's general counsel, first learned about the matter because the complainant, a CIA officer, passed his concerns about the president on to her through a colleague. On Aug. 14, she participated in a conference call with the top national security lawyer at the White House and the chief of the Justice Department's National Security Division.

On that call, Elwood and John Eisenberg, the top legal adviser to the White House National Security Council, told the top Justice Department national security lawyer, John Demers, that the allegations merited examination by the DOJ, officials said.

According to the officials, Elwood was acting under rules that a report must occur if there is a reasonable basis to the allegations, defined as "facts and circumstances…that would cause a person of reasonable caution to believe that a crime has been, is being, or will be committed."

A Justice Department official said Attorney General William Barr was made aware of the conversation with Elwood and Eisenberg, and their concerns about the president's behavior, in the days that followed.

Justice Department officials now say they didn't consider the phone conversation a formal criminal referral because it was not in written form. A separate criminal referral came later from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which was based solely on the whistleblower's official written complaint.

It is illegal for Americans to solicit foreign contributions to political campaigns. Justice Department officials said they decided there was no criminal case after determining that Trump didn't violate campaign finance law by asking the Ukrainian president to investigate his political rival, because such a request did not meet the test for a "thing of value" under the law.

Justice Department officials have said they only investigated the president's Ukraine call for violations of campaign finance law because it was the only statute mentioned in the whistleblower's complaint. Former federal prosecutors contend that the conduct could have fit other criminal statutes, including those involving extortion, bribery, conflict of interest or fraud, that might apply to the president or those close to him.

The decision not to open an investigation meant there was no FBI examination of documents or interviews of witnesses to the phone call, participants in the White House decision to withhold military funding from Ukraine, the president's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and Ukrainian officials who were the target of Trump's and Giuliani's entreaties.

Text messages turned over to Congress on Thursday night, in which diplomats appear to suggest there was a linkage between aid and Ukraine's willingness to investigate a case involving Joe Biden, were not examined as part of the Justice Department's review, officials said, adding that they conducted purely a legal analysis.

Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec told NBC News that the decision not to open an investigation was made by the head of the criminal division, Brian Benczkowski, in consultation with career lawyers at the public integrity section. She and other officials declined to say whether anyone dissented.
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?
Who cares about shokin ,, shit Obama stole money he was our president.. the question is why was joe so corrupt why did he send money to Ukraine energy to pay his son with our tax money
Great! Surely he can point to someone who would corroborate his account.

*tink, tink, tink* Hey colfax....Going to address my question to you?

If Trump didn't want the DoJ involved, then why did he tell Z to get with Barr?
See above. Don’t be so impatient.

And you failed...Don't be so slow....
Intent is proven in court all the time. Did you not know this?

"all the time"...no most cases do not see the court room because it cannot be proven. Every attorney has stated that in a court of law this would not get past the fist round of questioning. Same with Kavanaugh. I gave you options 1 and 2. How do you know which it is? #2 means he should be impeached but #1 means he cannot be. How would you decipher?
“Every attorney”. That’s false and you know it. Stop making things up.

You have to prove intent for a lot of cases. Don’t make it sound like it’s something that is “almost impossible”. If Trump wanted Biden investigated, why didn’t he want the DoJ involved?

Now you are making shit up...If he didn't want the DoJ involved then why did he tell Z to get with Barr?

He didn’t say Zelinsky should call Barr. He said he will have Barr call him. He never did.

OMG are you serious? I gave you a direct quote from the transcript, from YOUR OWN SOURCE for Christ sake....Tell me you are that dumb as to make the statement you just did?

I’m not normally this impolite but you’ve really pissed me off with your constant trolling.

Here’s the quote you illiterate dumb shit:
“I will tell Rudy and Attorney General Barr to call,” Trump said

Have someone read that to you with more than a third grade education from whatever shithole you call home and tell me who is supposed to call who.
You said the Democrats never do anything dishonestly
Good gravy. We are talking about Clinton’s blackberries in this thread because you wanted to bring it up.

Are you going to stop trolling?

You said the Democrats never do anything dishonestly. I gave you examples that they do. Now you're saying I swayed from the topic? You're so stupid it hurts.

That’s a lie.

Thats your quote

Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.
Typo. They’re investigated all the time. Those investigations come from legitimate means.

So am I still a liar? How would I know your intent with your initial post?

You’re constantly lying about me. My post doesn’t say what you alleged.
:1041: Gotta go get something done today, back later y'all....Stay frosty my friends....:smoke:
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?
Who cares about shokin ,, shit Obama stole money he was our president.. the question is why was joe so corrupt why did he send money to Ukraine energy to pay his son with our tax money
You should. We shouldn’t send our money to corrupt countries, right?
“Every attorney”. That’s false and you know it. Stop making things up.

You have to prove intent for a lot of cases. Don’t make it sound like it’s something that is “almost impossible”. If Trump wanted Biden investigated, why didn’t he want the DoJ involved?

Now you are making shit up...If he didn't want the DoJ involved then why did he tell Z to get with Barr?

He didn’t say Zelinsky should call Barr. He said he will have Barr call him. He never did.

Because this crap happened! He still may call him. LOL. Once Trump is acquitted the investigation will still happen. Dumbass
Phone call was in July. Came to light in, what, October?

What the hell was he waiting for? Giuliani was on the case though. He got half of it done. Coincidence?

Both Barr and DJT are busy. Duh. It doesn't happen immediately and there are 100 other things Barr is doing. Dummy.

Ha! That’s pathetic. Three months it doesn’t happen to come up. Trump must be too busy golfing or watching TV. He managed to get Rudy on the case though. Found time to get in touch with Rudy. I suppose that’s just a coincidence.

Wake up.
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened the democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.
Last edited:
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?
Who cares about shokin ,, shit Obama stole money he was our president.. the question is why was joe so corrupt why did he send money to Ukraine energy to pay his son with our tax money
You should. We shouldn’t send our money to corrupt countries, right?
That walkathons trump was doing! You are learning!
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened to democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened to democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?
You know joe bidens son worked for a energy board in Ukraine, and his father was in charge of getting money for energy for Ukraine?
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened to democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?
Hunter Biden is the diamonds ,, we caught joe laundering out diamonds to hunters
You said the Democrats never do anything dishonestly
You said the Democrats never do anything dishonestly. I gave you examples that they do. Now you're saying I swayed from the topic? You're so stupid it hurts.

That’s a lie.

Thats your quote

Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.
Typo. They’re investigated all the time. Those investigations come from legitimate means.

So am I still a liar? How would I know your intent with your initial post?

You’re constantly lying about me. My post doesn’t say what you alleged.
Except it does. I quoted It and Then you claimed it was a typo.
Now you are making shit up...If he didn't want the DoJ involved then why did he tell Z to get with Barr?

He didn’t say Zelinsky should call Barr. He said he will have Barr call him. He never did.

Because this crap happened! He still may call him. LOL. Once Trump is acquitted the investigation will still happen. Dumbass
Phone call was in July. Came to light in, what, October?

What the hell was he waiting for? Giuliani was on the case though. He got half of it done. Coincidence?

Both Barr and DJT are busy. Duh. It doesn't happen immediately and there are 100 other things Barr is doing. Dummy.

Ha! That’s pathetic. Three months it doesn’t happen to come up. Trump must be too busy golfing or watching TV. He managed to get Rudy on the case though. Found time to get in touch with Rudy. I suppose that’s just a coincidence.

Wake up.
Yes and Barr would have followed. LOL. Post that he gave a timeline.
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?
Who cares about shokin ,, shit Obama stole money he was our president.. the question is why was joe so corrupt why did he send money to Ukraine energy to pay his son with our tax money
You should. We shouldn’t send our money to corrupt countries, right?
That walkathons trump was doing! You are learning!

Trump was causing more corruption than he was solving.
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?
Who cares about shokin ,, shit Obama stole money he was our president.. the question is why was joe so corrupt why did he send money to Ukraine energy to pay his son with our tax money

Not just his son, Nancy Pelosi's son, John Kerry's son, et al.

Burisma was a kickback factory that the democrats used to make Barack a rich man.

Barack Obama Net Worth
That’s a lie.

Thats your quote

Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.
Typo. They’re investigated all the time. Those investigations come from legitimate means.

So am I still a liar? How would I know your intent with your initial post?

You’re constantly lying about me. My post doesn’t say what you alleged.
Except it does. I quoted It and Then you claimed it was a typo.
If you look at the original quote, it’s not proper grammar. If you didn’t know it was a typo, then you don’t know grammar.
He didn’t say Zelinsky should call Barr. He said he will have Barr call him. He never did.

Because this crap happened! He still may call him. LOL. Once Trump is acquitted the investigation will still happen. Dumbass
Phone call was in July. Came to light in, what, October?

What the hell was he waiting for? Giuliani was on the case though. He got half of it done. Coincidence?

Both Barr and DJT are busy. Duh. It doesn't happen immediately and there are 100 other things Barr is doing. Dummy.

Ha! That’s pathetic. Three months it doesn’t happen to come up. Trump must be too busy golfing or watching TV. He managed to get Rudy on the case though. Found time to get in touch with Rudy. I suppose that’s just a coincidence.

Wake up.
Yes and Barr would have followed. LOL. Post that he gave a timeline.

Cool speculation. That’s all you have. Not everyone is so gullible. Are you sure you aren’t in the Trump cult?
Thats your quote

Democrats are investigates all the time. But those investigations come from legitimate means. Not political vendettas.
Typo. They’re investigated all the time. Those investigations come from legitimate means.

So am I still a liar? How would I know your intent with your initial post?

You’re constantly lying about me. My post doesn’t say what you alleged.
Except it does. I quoted It and Then you claimed it was a typo.
If you look at the original quote, it’s not proper grammar. If you didn’t know it was a typo, then you don’t know grammar.
I am used to you and not proper grammar. Par for the course. But there I thought you just misused a word. I ll give you a mulligan there. But then again you’re a Lefitst and terrible person.
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened to democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?
Hunter Biden is the diamonds ,, we caught joe laundering out diamonds to hunters
Hunter Biden is the diamonds?

Did you have a stroke? What the hell does that even mean?

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