“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

I am taking the word of an adult male who said so on an official call. Why is your guess better than mine? Because you’re a Leftist? So what kind of doctor are you? Little liar.
You’re taking the word of Trump. Trump is a liar. I’d say that’s pretty gullible.

I’m not guessing at anything. I know he didn’t do anything for months about Barr. That’s a fact.
Taking the word of Trump on call with many others on it. There is corroboration. You believed Avenatti but I am gullible? LOL

You also believed Blasey Ford. You are getting killed here, little man.

Oh I know Trump said it. I know others were on the call. But no one told Barr. That’s a fact.

All you have is speculation. how exactly am I the one getting killed?
So you think Barr didn’t know? Barr was not told about the call? LOL
That’s what the DoJ said.


I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.

You lie incessantly. Whether you are lying about being a doctor is unknown. What sort of doctor are you? I have an Sc.D. in Supply Chain Management. I am a doctor, but you would be unwise to come to me with a broken bone.
You said you were a doctor. No it is an allegation. I allege You’re an unemployed troll. Prove me wrong. Kavanaugh was destroyed on an allegation with zero proof.

Your allegation is baseless. I have nothing to prove to you.
I told you what I did for work. You lied about what you did and I busted you. Pretty simple. You lost all credibility.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.
So you believe you’re a doctor? LOL

poor delusional Leftist.

Alright. You are acting like a childish little asshole.

I’ve tried being as polite as possible but all you do is troll. I don’t know what’s wrong with your life that you find the need to act this way but you should seriously consider the kind of person you have decided to become.

What kind of doctor are you? So you did lie. My intuition is the best.
You can keep your opinions. I’d ask you to stop lying about me.
How can an opinion be a lie? Your party is all about calling people guilty based on allegations. Kavanaugh, Trump...Your party has lost all credibility. You have lost all credibility here on this board and you lied about your job. Pretty sad. I feel very sorry for you.

You said I lied about my job. You said I’m unemployed. You’ve said far worse things than that. You are lying about me.
What do you do for work? I believe you’re unemployed and for Leftists allegations equal proof.

Incorrect. Allegation is not proof. You say I’m unemployed. That was a lie. It wasn’t an opinion. It was a lie.

I work for myself.

Drug dealer? Just curious....

He is a stay at home Leftist.
You’re taking the word of Trump. Trump is a liar. I’d say that’s pretty gullible.

I’m not guessing at anything. I know he didn’t do anything for months about Barr. That’s a fact.
Taking the word of Trump on call with many others on it. There is corroboration. You believed Avenatti but I am gullible? LOL

You also believed Blasey Ford. You are getting killed here, little man.

Oh I know Trump said it. I know others were on the call. But no one told Barr. That’s a fact.

All you have is speculation. how exactly am I the one getting killed?
So you think Barr didn’t know? Barr was not told about the call? LOL
That’s what the DoJ said.


Who? Me or the DoJ?
Your allegation is baseless. I have nothing to prove to you.
I told you what I did for work. You lied about what you did and I busted you. Pretty simple. You lost all credibility.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.
So you believe you’re a doctor? LOL

poor delusional Leftist.

Alright. You are acting like a childish little asshole.

I’ve tried being as polite as possible but all you do is troll. I don’t know what’s wrong with your life that you find the need to act this way but you should seriously consider the kind of person you have decided to become.

What kind of doctor are you? So you did lie. My intuition is the best.

You accused me of being from a different country because I used the word “mate” a few times.

You’re as arrogant as Trump and just as wrong.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.

You lie incessantly. Whether you are lying about being a doctor is unknown. What sort of doctor are you? I have an Sc.D. in Supply Chain Management. I am a doctor, but you would be unwise to come to me with a broken bone.

MD. I have two board certifications.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?

Whether prosecutors were found or not has no bearing on the FACT that the democrats were laundering taxpayer money through Burisma and embezzling it. It is irrelevant to the fact that the whole affair is about a massive scheme to steal billions from the American taxpayer, with Obama and Biden at the heart of the whole thing.

Unlike you, I don't find massive corruption to be amusing. I get that you hold party above all, but your party is a criminal enterprise, pal.
You don’t have facts that demonstrate money laundering. Stop pretending.

Joe Biden controlled the funds.
Hunter Biden paid by those Joe gave funds to.

Stop being such a fucking liar. You support corruption by your party - pure and simple.

Prove Hunter Biden was paid by those funds?

Prove water is wet?

You Stalinists are as clever as you are honest....

Hunter Biden: The Most Comprehensive Timeline | National Review

Where does this link say that Hunter was paid with US money?
I told you what I did for work. You lied about what you did and I busted you. Pretty simple. You lost all credibility.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.
So you believe you’re a doctor? LOL

poor delusional Leftist.

Alright. You are acting like a childish little asshole.

I’ve tried being as polite as possible but all you do is troll. I don’t know what’s wrong with your life that you find the need to act this way but you should seriously consider the kind of person you have decided to become.

What kind of doctor are you? So you did lie. My intuition is the best.

You accused me of being from a different country because I used the word “mate” a few times.

You’re as arrogant as Trump and just as wrong.

You lied that you were a doctor. LOL.
I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.
So you believe you’re a doctor? LOL

poor delusional Leftist.

Alright. You are acting like a childish little asshole.

I’ve tried being as polite as possible but all you do is troll. I don’t know what’s wrong with your life that you find the need to act this way but you should seriously consider the kind of person you have decided to become.

What kind of doctor are you? So you did lie. My intuition is the best.

You accused me of being from a different country because I used the word “mate” a few times.

You’re as arrogant as Trump and just as wrong.

You lied that you were a doctor. LOL.

Prove it.
So you believe you’re a doctor? LOL

poor delusional Leftist.

Alright. You are acting like a childish little asshole.

I’ve tried being as polite as possible but all you do is troll. I don’t know what’s wrong with your life that you find the need to act this way but you should seriously consider the kind of person you have decided to become.

What kind of doctor are you? So you did lie. My intuition is the best.

You accused me of being from a different country because I used the word “mate” a few times.

You’re as arrogant as Trump and just as wrong.

You lied that you were a doctor. LOL.

Prove it.
I need not prove a negative. You forget my intuition has never failed me.
Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington
September 24, 2019 13:31 GMT

"Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.

Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

Your article contains no examples of anyone requesting Shokin to be fired aside from Biden.

IMF warning sparks Ukraine pledge on corruption and reform
Lagarde threat to suspend $40bn aid package elicits swift response from Kiev
Neil Buckley in London, Roman Olearchyk in Kiev and Shawn Donnan in Washington
February 10, 2016

Christine Lagarde, the IMF’s managing director, said on Wednesday that Ukraine needed to make a “substantial new effort” to invigorate reforms, warning that without such a push “it is hard to see how [a $40bn IMF-led rescue of the economy] can continue and be successful”.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden
EU and US officials dispute Trump’s claim former vice-president acted to protect son

EU diplomats working on Ukraine at the time have, however, told the FT that they were looking for ways to persuade Kiev to remove Mr Shokin well before Mr Biden entered the picture. The push for Mr Shokin’s removal was part of an international effort to bolster Ukraine’s institutions following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the armed conflict in the eastern part of the country.

“All of us were really pushing [former Ukrainian president Petro] Poroshenko that he needs to do something, because the prosecutor was not following any of the corruption issues. He was really bad news,” said an EU diplomat involved in the discussions. “It was Biden who finally came in [and triggered it]. Biden was the most vocal, as the US usually is. But we were all literally complaining about the prosecutor.”
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

just c/p the headline & google for the actual full articles.

lol... yer welcome, you poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable, you.
After the fact.

Show us something that was said prior to the impeachment charade. It's easy to claim you did this or did that after the shit has hit the fan.

wrong. the first article was dated b4 trump was even installed.

you failed again little monkey. better luck next time. HA! who am i kidding, you'll never win.
The first article doesn't say a thing about firing Shokin.

You really are an astounding dumbass.

you idiot - THEY were a coalition to get shokin out , the US, not just biden, the EU, the IMF & also articles say nations in the G-7 as well. why?

because he wasn't doing a thing about corruption. shokin was part of the whole overhaul; & your attempt at deflective semantics is a failure too.
Alright. You are acting like a childish little asshole.

I’ve tried being as polite as possible but all you do is troll. I don’t know what’s wrong with your life that you find the need to act this way but you should seriously consider the kind of person you have decided to become.

What kind of doctor are you? So you did lie. My intuition is the best.

You accused me of being from a different country because I used the word “mate” a few times.

You’re as arrogant as Trump and just as wrong.

You lied that you were a doctor. LOL.

Prove it.
I need not prove a negative. You forget my intuition has never failed me.

You talk a lot of shit you can’t back up.
What kind of doctor are you? So you did lie. My intuition is the best.

You accused me of being from a different country because I used the word “mate” a few times.

You’re as arrogant as Trump and just as wrong.

You lied that you were a doctor. LOL.

Prove it.
I need not prove a negative. You forget my intuition has never failed me.

You talk a lot of shit you can’t back up.
I speak the truth. You don’t like it and whine. Typical Leftist.
learn to comprehend. the ANTI CORRUPTION BENCHMARKS had to be net. those were the strings attached.
Learn not to be a Moron and Realize The President Sets Foreign Policy and has The Power to Delay Foreign Aid.

He did it in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatamala, and threatened to do it to Mexico.

All Perfectly Legal. But since you already know you are destined to burn in Hell for being a Liar, it's nothing to you to continue to lie and try to deceive people with disinformation, and more lies.


Speaking for me only. I would Consider myself an utter failure if my kids decided to live with me when they are in their 30s. That’s just me.

an utter failure is trolling a message board instead of spending time earning enough cash to provide for your family debt free.
When you and your husband were 39 you were debt free? LOL Debt is so cheap now it’s actually not bad to have a mortgage. You’re so uneducated

yes because paying interest is so much better than keeping it in yer pocket. it really doesn't matter if we were debt free at 39 or not... we are now & you're still obsessively jealous & it shows. :71:
I am at my oldests basketball game. I have a life. LOL
You ran a long time ago and admitted as such. I tried to steer you back but you had no intention.

“the topic is lost” because you didn’t want to discuss it.
I already Won the debate. You admitted Trump would win in 2020. Case closed. You also admitted you lied about your profession
You’re behaving like a child. I told a joke. Don’t be such asshole.

wait until he insists you are a drinker, because well.... he just 'knows'. sounds an awful like trumpese.
My intuition is rarely off. You’re not a drinker. You’re a drunk.

you are as off as off can be on this one but please, by all means - do rock on- cause it really gives me the giggles.
You accused me of being from a different country because I used the word “mate” a few times.

You’re as arrogant as Trump and just as wrong.

You lied that you were a doctor. LOL.

Prove it.
I need not prove a negative. You forget my intuition has never failed me.

You talk a lot of shit you can’t back up.
I speak the truth. You don’t like it and whine. Typical Leftist.

You can’t back up anything you say. Is it because you are too stupid or too cowardly?
wait until he insists you are a drinker, because well.... he just 'knows'. sounds an awful like trumpese.
My intuition is rarely off. You’re not a drinker. You’re a drunk.
Except when you accused me of being from a foreign nation.

Oh, and you believe Shokin without question.

Oh, and you still can’t explain why the US embassy staff and the head of the IMF wanted Shokin fired.
I asked You to show a link. You didn’t. I said Shokin was on the investigation, you conceded you were mistaken. You’re a Leftist. I have Said this 100x (hyperbole). Leftists are like the Alt Right to me. Awful people. You’re also a liar.

Here’s a link. Contemporary to the event too. It was covered by the media at length.

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

Bonus, a letter from Republicans talking about the corruption in the Prosecutor General office.

This 2016 letter proves that GOP attacks on Biden over Ukraine are nonsense

Shokin wasn’t on the investigation. There was no investigation. I expect ad hominems for the sources above but they have quotes and primary documents so it’s going to be a waste of time.
NYT and Vox are Leftist sources and are not credible. Sorry. Neither is CNN. Biden stated publicly he would hold $1bn is aid. Quid pro Quo. You also never explained how Hunter got that job as he had zero experience in the field. Do you believe he would have garnered that job if not for Joes role as VP? Even Maria Yavanavoch said Obama and his cabinet told her to tread lightly around Hunter and Burisma. She said that herself at the hearing or confirmed it. Lastly you admitted Trump would
Win in 2020 so why do we keep going back and forth? You lost the debate.

there is no difference between the NYT & rupert murdoch's WSJ when it comes to actual factual reporting; it's only the editorial pages that are left & right leaning.
Except when you accused me of being from a foreign nation.

Oh, and you believe Shokin without question.

Oh, and you still can’t explain why the US embassy staff and the head of the IMF wanted Shokin fired.
I asked You to show a link. You didn’t. I said Shokin was on the investigation, you conceded you were mistaken. You’re a Leftist. I have Said this 100x (hyperbole). Leftists are like the Alt Right to me. Awful people. You’re also a liar.

Here’s a link. Contemporary to the event too. It was covered by the media at length.

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

Bonus, a letter from Republicans talking about the corruption in the Prosecutor General office.

This 2016 letter proves that GOP attacks on Biden over Ukraine are nonsense

Shokin wasn’t on the investigation. There was no investigation. I expect ad hominems for the sources above but they have quotes and primary documents so it’s going to be a waste of time.
NYT and Vox are Leftist sources and are not credible. Sorry. Neither is CNN. Biden stated publicly he would hold $1bn is aid. Quid pro Quo. You also never explained how Hunter got that job as he had zero experience in the field. Do you believe he would have garnered that job if not for Joes role as VP? Even Maria Yavanavoch said Obama and his cabinet told her to tread lightly around Hunter and Burisma. She said that herself at the hearing or confirmed it. Lastly you admitted Trump would
Win in 2020 so why do we keep going back and forth? You lost the debate.
Yeah; that’s what I thought you’d say. Ad hominems are another dishonest debate tactic. You ask for a link and refuse to acknowledge the content.

Here’s a direct link to their letter:
Portman, Durbin, Shaheen, and Senate Ukraine Caucus Reaffirm Commitment to Help Ukraine Take on Corruption | Senator Rob Portman

I’ve explained why I think Hunter got his job to other people. He got it because of his name. After Euromaiden, Ukrainian countries were trying to reestablish their reputation as the alignment of their country shifted to the western nations. Burisma restricted their board with people that they thought would make them look legitimate. Hunter Biden was one such person.

The debate is whether the allegations against Biden make any sense. You’re losing this debate badly.

I don’t know why we’re still talking because all you do is troll.
“He got it because of his name”

Case closed. Poor Little Leftist. Want me to source biased right leaning sources? No. STFU. You lost. Game over. Lie to someone else. You don’t even know what AGI is.

why is ivanka an advisor to her daddy? why is panty waist jared in charge of the whole ME? why is that acceptable?

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