“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Speaking for me only. I would Consider myself an utter failure if my kids decided to live with me when they are in their 30s. That’s just me.

an utter failure is trolling a message board instead of spending time earning enough cash to provide for your family debt free.
When you and your husband were 39 you were debt free? LOL Debt is so cheap now it’s actually not bad to have a mortgage. You’re so uneducated

yes because paying interest is so much better than keeping it in yer pocket. it really doesn't matter if we were debt free at 39 or not... we are now & you're still obsessively jealous & it shows. :71:

that question should be di-rected straight to donny. i bet if someone ripped that tribble off his head, you would see 666 for sure.
You talk a lot of shit you can’t back up.
I speak the truth. You don’t like it and whine. Typical Leftist.

You can’t back up anything you say. Is it because you are too stupid or too cowardly?
Cowardly? LOL Prove I am cowardly. You have plenty of time since you’re unemployed
You don’t want to talk about the topic of the thread. You’re too afraid to. Worried that your fragile story is going to fall apart.

So instead you’ll make personal attacks. Because that’s the kind of person you are. Hide your insecurity behind aggression.

You’re a waste of time.

Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.
I speak the truth. You don’t like it and whine. Typical Leftist.

You can’t back up anything you say. Is it because you are too stupid or too cowardly?
Cowardly? LOL Prove I am cowardly. You have plenty of time since you’re unemployed
You don’t want to talk about the topic of the thread. You’re too afraid to. Worried that your fragile story is going to fall apart.

So instead you’ll make personal attacks. Because that’s the kind of person you are. Hide your insecurity behind aggression.

You’re a waste of time.

Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He will be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
Trump claims Biden threatened Ukraine to aid his son’s business interests. The facts suggest otherwise.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
I hesitate to bring the matter of Shokin's firing up again for a couple of reasons. One being, no matter what the facts are, and the article I linked to provides a comprehensive examination of the facts, Trumper's are going to believe what they want to believe. The same could be said for every other nutbag conspiracy theory and lie Don and right wing media has ever spewed. So there's that.
Secondly, because it keeps this particular lie about Biden getting discussed even though it is without merit.

But.............there is an important takeaway here for anyone with an open mind, a lesson to be learned about how Trump operates. A lesson that should have been learned by Trumpette's back when Don was peddling the nonsense about Obama's citizenship. It's about his use of baseless innuendo to achieve his goal........at the time, to use smearing Obama as a means to attract attention to himself and his burgeoning campaign. He would often say, "I hear people say Obama was born in Kenya" or "I hear people say his birth certificate isn't real." All of which is meant to create suspicion, to suggest something is wrong by implying there is doubt and that it is a matter that should be looked in to.

If that has a familiar ring it's because he has done the same thing with Biden. Naturally, The Following has come along for the ride. They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts. That which they believe is true is completely debunked by the information in the article I provided a link for. An article Trumpette's will not read. Because the truth is boring and conspiracy theories are fun. Besides, once you begin to realize just how much of the entire construct of Trumpery is founded on a steaming pile of shit (fictions like the "Deep State" "fake news" "I am a stable genius" "I will never leave the WH to play golf") you are left with the unavoidable conclusion Trump is an orange fraud and a conman. Obviously, no Trumpette wants to go there. I mean, that would require Trumpette's admit to themselves they have been duped. Manipulated. Yanked around like puppets on a string. They might even have to admit the call wasn't so perfect. They may never admit aspects of it were illegal, but we can all agree it was certainly not the kind of thing (abusing the power of the presidency) the prez should be engaging in, right?

I realize it's heresy to say these things about Dear Leader. But what really hurts a Trumpette is to hear these things about themselves.
Holy Cow the Satraps under the thumb of the US government parroted their master’s diktats. Who’d a thunk it?
You can’t back up anything you say. Is it because you are too stupid or too cowardly?
Cowardly? LOL Prove I am cowardly. You have plenty of time since you’re unemployed
You don’t want to talk about the topic of the thread. You’re too afraid to. Worried that your fragile story is going to fall apart.

So instead you’ll make personal attacks. Because that’s the kind of person you are. Hide your insecurity behind aggression.

You’re a waste of time.

Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.
Cowardly? LOL Prove I am cowardly. You have plenty of time since you’re unemployed
You don’t want to talk about the topic of the thread. You’re too afraid to. Worried that your fragile story is going to fall apart.

So instead you’ll make personal attacks. Because that’s the kind of person you are. Hide your insecurity behind aggression.

You’re a waste of time.

Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

Besides the last sentence, which was my opinion the rest of my statement is true and not disputable. How am I a coward again? LOL

You're triggered. Need a safe space, snowflake?
Cowardly? LOL Prove I am cowardly. You have plenty of time since you’re unemployed
You don’t want to talk about the topic of the thread. You’re too afraid to. Worried that your fragile story is going to fall apart.

So instead you’ll make personal attacks. Because that’s the kind of person you are. Hide your insecurity behind aggression.

You’re a waste of time.

Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

the last 2 times i have proven what i said regarding ukraine's aid & showed credible links to them went unchallenged because he simply had nothing.
Last edited:
You don’t want to talk about the topic of the thread. You’re too afraid to. Worried that your fragile story is going to fall apart.

So instead you’ll make personal attacks. Because that’s the kind of person you are. Hide your insecurity behind aggression.

You’re a waste of time.

Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

the last 2 times i have proven what i said regarding ukraine's aid & showed credible links to them when unchallenged because he simply had nothing.
He’s the kind of guy that likes to brag how much smarter they are than everyone else but just has an over inflated ego.

Can’t have a rational discussion with people that choose to ignore reality. It’s just one logical fallacy after another. Ad hominems. Appeal to authority. Moat and bailey defense.

He’s a waste of time other than to gain some insight into how the cult thinks.
You don’t want to talk about the topic of the thread. You’re too afraid to. Worried that your fragile story is going to fall apart.

So instead you’ll make personal attacks. Because that’s the kind of person you are. Hide your insecurity behind aggression.

You’re a waste of time.

Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

Besides the last sentence, which was my opinion the rest of my statement is true and not disputable. How am I a coward again? LOL

You're triggered. Need a safe space, snowflake?
You’re afraid to think for yourself. You refuse to consider information that challenges your world view.
You don’t want to talk about the topic of the thread. You’re too afraid to. Worried that your fragile story is going to fall apart.

So instead you’ll make personal attacks. Because that’s the kind of person you are. Hide your insecurity behind aggression.

You’re a waste of time.

Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

the last 2 times i have proven what i said regarding ukraine's aid & showed credible links to them when unchallenged because he simply had nothing.

You didn't post links. Probably thought you did but you aren't sober. Ukraine is with a capital U.
Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

Besides the last sentence, which was my opinion the rest of my statement is true and not disputable. How am I a coward again? LOL

You're triggered. Need a safe space, snowflake?
You’re afraid to think for yourself. You refuse to consider information that challenges your world view.

Actually I only think for myself. I do not even belong to a political party. You do. Lemming.
You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

Besides the last sentence, which was my opinion the rest of my statement is true and not disputable. How am I a coward again? LOL

You're triggered. Need a safe space, snowflake?
You’re afraid to think for yourself. You refuse to consider information that challenges your world view.

Actually I only think for myself. I do not even belong to a political party. You do. Lemming.

You belong to the cult and you have done nothing but repeat their mantra. Everything you’ve said about this topic comes straight from the right wing media. You repeat it without thinking for yourself.
Cry me a river, Leftist. You conceded defeat several times and lied about your occupation.

You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

the last 2 times i have proven what i said regarding ukraine's aid & showed credible links to them when unchallenged because he simply had nothing.

You didn't post links. Probably thought you did but you aren't sober. Ukraine is with a capital U.


“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

show me your responses to them other than childish comebacks...

i gave 2 links to back up 2 statements. you are such a weak opponent, so easily threatened & so easily beaten.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
Trump claims Biden threatened Ukraine to aid his son’s business interests. The facts suggest otherwise.
The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
I hesitate to bring the matter of Shokin's firing up again for a couple of reasons. One being, no matter what the facts are, and the article I linked to provides a comprehensive examination of the facts, Trumper's are going to believe what they want to believe. The same could be said for every other nutbag conspiracy theory and lie Don and right wing media has ever spewed. So there's that.
Secondly, because it keeps this particular lie about Biden getting discussed even though it is without merit.

But.............there is an important takeaway here for anyone with an open mind, a lesson to be learned about how Trump operates. A lesson that should have been learned by Trumpette's back when Don was peddling the nonsense about Obama's citizenship. It's about his use of baseless innuendo to achieve his goal........at the time, to use smearing Obama as a means to attract attention to himself and his burgeoning campaign. He would often say, "I hear people say Obama was born in Kenya" or "I hear people say his birth certificate isn't real." All of which is meant to create suspicion, to suggest something is wrong by implying there is doubt and that it is a matter that should be looked in to.

If that has a familiar ring it's because he has done the same thing with Biden. Naturally, The Following has come along for the ride. They mindlessly repeat the notion Biden needs to be investigated but can't explain exactly why based on any specific, credible facts. That which they believe is true is completely debunked by the information in the article I provided a link for. An article Trumpette's will not read. Because the truth is boring and conspiracy theories are fun. Besides, once you begin to realize just how much of the entire construct of Trumpery is founded on a steaming pile of shit (fictions like the "Deep State" "fake news" "I am a stable genius" "I will never leave the WH to play golf") you are left with the unavoidable conclusion Trump is an orange fraud and a conman. Obviously, no Trumpette wants to go there. I mean, that would require Trumpette's admit to themselves they have been duped. Manipulated. Yanked around like puppets on a string. They might even have to admit the call wasn't so perfect. They may never admit aspects of it were illegal, but we can all agree it was certainly not the kind of thing (abusing the power of the presidency) the prez should be engaging in, right?

I realize it's heresy to say these things about Dear Leader. But what really hurts a Trumpette is to hear these things about themselves.
Holy Cow the Satraps under the thumb of the US government parroted their master’s diktats. Who’d a thunk it?
One problem. The push to fire Shokin came from the lower level of government. Not the other way around as you allege.
Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

Besides the last sentence, which was my opinion the rest of my statement is true and not disputable. How am I a coward again? LOL

You're triggered. Need a safe space, snowflake?
You’re afraid to think for yourself. You refuse to consider information that challenges your world view.

Actually I only think for myself. I do not even belong to a political party. You do. Lemming.

You belong to the cult and you have done nothing but repeat their mantra. Everything you’ve said about this topic comes straight from the right wing media. You repeat it without thinking for yourself.

I am just giving you my opinion. The Left's mantra is that an opinion may be wrong. LOL.
You’re delusional. All you do is repeat the bullshit they’re feeding you and you’re happy to do it. You hate anyone that challenges your world view and use your hate to justify ignoring facts that you don’t want to believe.

Let me know when you find the capacity to think for yourself but I imagine that you’ve had your head bashed enough times that you’ll hardly remember your kid’s names.

Again. You're a Leftist and the epitome of what is wrong with America today. I am not sure how much more clear I could be. The impeachment was a farce, where not one Republican agreed and two Democrats disagreed and one changed parties. He ill be acquitted and he will win reelection. There is not anything else left to discuss. You also lied about being a doctor. You are beneath me.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

the last 2 times i have proven what i said regarding ukraine's aid & showed credible links to them when unchallenged because he simply had nothing.

You didn't post links. Probably thought you did but you aren't sober. Ukraine is with a capital U.


“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

show me your responses to them other than childish comebacks...

i gave 2 links to back up 2 statements. you are such a weak opponent, so easily threatened & so easily beaten.

Poke successful. Now fetch me a beer.
You’re delusional. There’s nothing to discuss because you mindlessly cling to the stories you’re told because you’re too afraid to think for yourself. That’s what’s wrong with this country.

I’m not beneath you. You’re a coward.

Besides the last sentence, which was my opinion the rest of my statement is true and not disputable. How am I a coward again? LOL

You're triggered. Need a safe space, snowflake?
You’re afraid to think for yourself. You refuse to consider information that challenges your world view.

Actually I only think for myself. I do not even belong to a political party. You do. Lemming.

You belong to the cult and you have done nothing but repeat their mantra. Everything you’ve said about this topic comes straight from the right wing media. You repeat it without thinking for yourself.

I am just giving you my opinion. The Left's mantra is that an opinion may be wrong. LOL.

You were given an opinion and told to believe it.

Which you did because you’re a good little cultist. Now run along, wear your red hat and worship your emperor god.
Besides the last sentence, which was my opinion the rest of my statement is true and not disputable. How am I a coward again? LOL

You're triggered. Need a safe space, snowflake?
You’re afraid to think for yourself. You refuse to consider information that challenges your world view.

Actually I only think for myself. I do not even belong to a political party. You do. Lemming.

You belong to the cult and you have done nothing but repeat their mantra. Everything you’ve said about this topic comes straight from the right wing media. You repeat it without thinking for yourself.

I am just giving you my opinion. The Left's mantra is that an opinion may be wrong. LOL.

You were given an opinion and told to believe it.

Which you did because you’re a good little cultist. Now run along, wear your red hat and worship your emperor god.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. I definitely triggered you and again you’re case in point. Someone disagrees with them and you insult them. Love it. I just showed this to my kids. They laughed at your expense. Thank you for that.
You’re afraid to think for yourself. You refuse to consider information that challenges your world view.

Actually I only think for myself. I do not even belong to a political party. You do. Lemming.

You belong to the cult and you have done nothing but repeat their mantra. Everything you’ve said about this topic comes straight from the right wing media. You repeat it without thinking for yourself.

I am just giving you my opinion. The Left's mantra is that an opinion may be wrong. LOL.

You were given an opinion and told to believe it.

Which you did because you’re a good little cultist. Now run along, wear your red hat and worship your emperor god.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. I definitely triggered you and again you’re case in point. Someone disagrees with them and you insult them. Love it. I just showed this to my kids. They laughed at your expense. Thank you for that.

I see. So are you pretending to have never insulted me? I remained calm and collected for page after page of your insults till you pissed me off sufficiently.

You couldn’t handle talking about the topic so you made me the topic.

Want to try again? Why were so many people who had nothing to do with Biden wanting Shokin removed? You never answered. You don’t have an answer. You weren’t told how to reply.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. I definitely triggered you and again you’re case in point. Someone disagrees with them and you insult them. Love it. I just showed this to my kids. They laughed at your expense. Thank you for that.

Berg is such a little childish dolt.

You're such a little wimp. How do you live with yourself?

How does that fit your leftist, sissy narrative?

You really are a little hypocrite.

You stupid troll.

A few other gems to show your kids. Have a nice life.

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