“Everyone in the Western community wanted Shokin sacked.”

Actually I only think for myself. I do not even belong to a political party. You do. Lemming.

You belong to the cult and you have done nothing but repeat their mantra. Everything you’ve said about this topic comes straight from the right wing media. You repeat it without thinking for yourself.

I am just giving you my opinion. The Left's mantra is that an opinion may be wrong. LOL.

You were given an opinion and told to believe it.

Which you did because you’re a good little cultist. Now run along, wear your red hat and worship your emperor god.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. I definitely triggered you and again you’re case in point. Someone disagrees with them and you insult them. Love it. I just showed this to my kids. They laughed at your expense. Thank you for that.

I see. So are you pretending to have never insulted me? I remained calm and collected for page after page of your insults till you pissed me off sufficiently.

You couldn’t handle talking about the topic so you made me the topic.

Want to try again? Why were so many people who had nothing to do with Biden wanting Shokin removed? You never answered. You don’t have an answer. You weren’t told how to reply.
Why does Europe always vilify Israel? I do not care what other countries want. We know why Biden wanted it, his son. Again why do you care? You admitted Trump would be acquitted and will win re-election. You also admitted that it is impossible to prove intent in this case. I insult You because you’re a danger to this country. You vilify those who choose to wear MAGA hats. I do not. Whether you wear a MAGA hat or a feel the Bern shirt or an I am with her shirt that is your right and you should not be harassed. Leftists like you don’t understand that. Thank you for proving your insanity to my kids. They are young and again laughed at your expense. I never insulted you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. I definitely triggered you and again you’re case in point. Someone disagrees with them and you insult them. Love it. I just showed this to my kids. They laughed at your expense. Thank you for that.

Berg is such a little childish dolt.

You're such a little wimp. How do you live with yourself?

How does that fit your leftist, sissy narrative?

You really are a little hypocrite.

You stupid troll.

A few other gems to show your kids. Have a nice life.
Gladly. You see any swears there? All truth. You are a stupid troll. You’re a Leftist. I have a great life. You’re a liar.
If ever The AntiChrist does come, and he may come soon, many people will vote for him. The majority of The World will be for him.

Pray that you are not here for that.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Speaking for me only. I would Consider myself an utter failure if my kids decided to live with me when they are in their 30s. That’s just me.

an utter failure is trolling a message board instead of spending time earning enough cash to provide for your family debt free.
When you and your husband were 39 you were debt free? LOL Debt is so cheap now it’s actually not bad to have a mortgage. You’re so uneducated

yes because paying interest is so much better than keeping it in yer pocket. it really doesn't matter if we were debt free at 39 or not... we are now & you're still obsessively jealous & it shows. :71:

that question should be di-rected straight to donny. i bet if someone ripped that tribble off his head, you would see 666 for sure.
We see only the physical manifestations of a much deeper type of warfare that exists beyond our range of vision.

People want to destroy Israel because to do so, makes God a Liar. If God is a Liar, there is no God and No Judgment Day for The Wicked.

But God cannot lie. He said He would disperse Israel to chastise them and then bring them back in The Latter Days to fulfill His Word and Prophecy.

You belong to the cult and you have done nothing but repeat their mantra. Everything you’ve said about this topic comes straight from the right wing media. You repeat it without thinking for yourself.

I am just giving you my opinion. The Left's mantra is that an opinion may be wrong. LOL.

You were given an opinion and told to believe it.

Which you did because you’re a good little cultist. Now run along, wear your red hat and worship your emperor god.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. I definitely triggered you and again you’re case in point. Someone disagrees with them and you insult them. Love it. I just showed this to my kids. They laughed at your expense. Thank you for that.

I see. So are you pretending to have never insulted me? I remained calm and collected for page after page of your insults till you pissed me off sufficiently.

You couldn’t handle talking about the topic so you made me the topic.

Want to try again? Why were so many people who had nothing to do with Biden wanting Shokin removed? You never answered. You don’t have an answer. You weren’t told how to reply.
Why does Europe always vilify Israel? I do not care what other countries want. We know why Biden wanted it, his son. Again why do you care? You admitted Trump would be acquitted and will win re-election. You also admitted that it is impossible to prove intent in this case. I insult You because you’re a danger to this country. You vilify those who choose to wear MAGA hats. I do not. Whether you wear a MAGA hat or a feel the Bern shirt or an I am with her shirt that is your right and you should not be harassed. Leftists like you don’t understand that. Thank you for proving your insanity to my kids. They are young and again laughed at your expense. I never insulted you.
You belong to the cult and you have done nothing but repeat their mantra. Everything you’ve said about this topic comes straight from the right wing media. You repeat it without thinking for yourself.

I am just giving you my opinion. The Left's mantra is that an opinion may be wrong. LOL.

You were given an opinion and told to believe it.

Which you did because you’re a good little cultist. Now run along, wear your red hat and worship your emperor god.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. I definitely triggered you and again you’re case in point. Someone disagrees with them and you insult them. Love it. I just showed this to my kids. They laughed at your expense. Thank you for that.

I see. So are you pretending to have never insulted me? I remained calm and collected for page after page of your insults till you pissed me off sufficiently.

You couldn’t handle talking about the topic so you made me the topic.

Want to try again? Why were so many people who had nothing to do with Biden wanting Shokin removed? You never answered. You don’t have an answer. You weren’t told how to reply.
Why does Europe always vilify Israel? I do not care what other countries want. We know why Biden wanted it, his son. Again why do you care? You admitted Trump would be acquitted and will win re-election. You also admitted that it is impossible to prove intent in this case. I insult You because you’re a danger to this country. You vilify those who choose to wear MAGA hats. I do not. Whether you wear a MAGA hat or a feel the Bern shirt or an I am with her shirt that is your right and you should not be harassed. Leftists like you don’t understand that. Thank you for proving your insanity to my kids. They are young and again laughed at your expense. I never insulted you.
You’re delusional.

I mean that. Totally disconnected from reality.
I am just giving you my opinion. The Left's mantra is that an opinion may be wrong. LOL.

You were given an opinion and told to believe it.

Which you did because you’re a good little cultist. Now run along, wear your red hat and worship your emperor god.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. I definitely triggered you and again you’re case in point. Someone disagrees with them and you insult them. Love it. I just showed this to my kids. They laughed at your expense. Thank you for that.

I see. So are you pretending to have never insulted me? I remained calm and collected for page after page of your insults till you pissed me off sufficiently.

You couldn’t handle talking about the topic so you made me the topic.

Want to try again? Why were so many people who had nothing to do with Biden wanting Shokin removed? You never answered. You don’t have an answer. You weren’t told how to reply.
Why does Europe always vilify Israel? I do not care what other countries want. We know why Biden wanted it, his son. Again why do you care? You admitted Trump would be acquitted and will win re-election. You also admitted that it is impossible to prove intent in this case. I insult You because you’re a danger to this country. You vilify those who choose to wear MAGA hats. I do not. Whether you wear a MAGA hat or a feel the Bern shirt or an I am with her shirt that is your right and you should not be harassed. Leftists like you don’t understand that. Thank you for proving your insanity to my kids. They are young and again laughed at your expense. I never insulted you.
You’re delusional.

I mean that. Totally disconnected from reality.
Stop talking about yourself like that, Dr. LOL

What part of my post was not factual? Do tell.

I will have to share this with my kids too but they are asleep now.
This thread well encapsulates the real threat to America. The lack of critical thinking. Trump and his allies are interested most in destroying the very concept of truth and fact. Now everything is opinion. Everything is subject to interpretation. This gives license to allow people to believe whatever they want, which given the nature of people, is to stick to their tribe, the group of people that make them feel good about themselves, and believe whatever they need to maintain that sense, preserve ego integrity.

Contradictory information cannot be considered. It has to be minimized. It comes from the other tribe. It is not to be trusted. It is irrelevant. Stick to your own narratives. Keep in the bubble.

This isn't the first time this has ever happened and it's not a phenomenon strictly on the right, but Trump capitalizes on it in a way not seen in this country, perhaps ever. It is the only reason he is in power. Without it, he would be the laughing stock that he truly deserves to be.

More than anything else, this is what is destroying this country.

If nothing is true, everything is possible.
If someone says something you don't want to hear, just say they have TDS and ignore them. If someone puts forth an argument you don't like, attack them personally and ignore it.

So if we have a number people giving the same story, that Shokin was corrupt and needed to be removed, that's a problem. Ignore their opinions. Call them leftists. Call them corrupt. Ignore them completely. Whatever it takes. It's irrelevant if they have good reputations. Don't worry about that. Just ignore them.

But when Shokin walks in and years after the fact says he was fired in a way that perfectly lines up with what you want to believe, well that's perfect. Ignore his history. Don't consider his credibility. Just believe it. It's easier that way.

This is dangerous to our country.
Is it shokins fault the bidens are corrupt?
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened to democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?

he probably was....However, notice how you set that up...You're just mad that he started snooping in the direction of Hunter Biden, and daddy made sure that didn't happen...So, in the end you want Shokin's alleged corruption to absolve Biden's....And it doesn't matter to the discussion what prosecutors under Shokin got, or didn't get....That is deflection.
It’s Biden’s fault that Shokin is corrupt?

Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened to democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?

he probably was....However, notice how you set that up...You're just mad that he started snooping in the direction of Hunter Biden, and daddy made sure that didn't happen...So, in the end you want Shokin's alleged corruption to absolve Biden's....And it doesn't matter to the discussion what prosecutors under Shokin got, or didn't get....That is deflection.

He probably was, what, corrupt? That's a good starting point. Given Shokin was corrupt, it's highly unlikely that he was snooping around Biden. In fact, since the only allegation that he was comes from Shokin, and since we both agree he's corrupt, then that allegation bears little merit. You see, there's lots of people that back up Biden's account of what happened and no one that backs up Shokin's account. It's not a deflection, it goes to the very heart of the issue of who to believe.
If someone says something you don't want to hear, just say they have TDS and ignore them. If someone puts forth an argument you don't like, attack them personally and ignore it.

What's that? A glimpse into the liberal debate tactics in USMB?

So if we have a number people giving the same story, that Shokin was corrupt and needed to be removed, that's a problem. Ignore their opinions. Call them leftists. Call them corrupt. Ignore them completely. Whatever it takes. It's irrelevant if they have good reputations. Don't worry about that. Just ignore them.

You sound more than a little frustrated that your argument is falling flat....Get better arguments...

But when Shokin walks in and years after the fact says he was fired in a way that perfectly lines up with what you want to believe, well that's perfect. Ignore his history. Don't consider his credibility. Just believe it. It's easier that way.

Don't you get that Biden was on tape bragging about using US aid to get this guy fired? Look at it this way, Let's say it was Don Jr. that had this multi million dollar deal with Ukraine, and Trump got on a phone call and told Z, that if he didn't fire a prosecutor connected to looking into the source where Don Jr. was making these millions, and then was bragging about getting the guy fired, quashing the investigation, You'd be losing your damned mind....But here you defend it...Sad really.

This is dangerous to our country.

I couldn't agree more. Democrat double standards, and corruption ARE dangerous to our country...
Not much evidence that Shokin is corrupt, Quid Pro Joe on the other hand is openly corrupt.

How much did he embezzle with the Burisma deal? He had Hunder mule $3.2 million in direct kickbacks, but I'd bet he skimmed a whole lot more than that... How much did Nazi Pelosi pocket? How about traitor John, the Iranian spy?
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened to democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?

he probably was....However, notice how you set that up...You're just mad that he started snooping in the direction of Hunter Biden, and daddy made sure that didn't happen...So, in the end you want Shokin's alleged corruption to absolve Biden's....And it doesn't matter to the discussion what prosecutors under Shokin got, or didn't get....That is deflection.

He probably was, what, corrupt? That's a good starting point. Given Shokin was corrupt, it's highly unlikely that he was snooping around Biden. In fact, since the only allegation that he was comes from Shokin, and since we both agree he's corrupt, then that allegation bears little merit. You see, there's lots of people that back up Biden's account of what happened and no one that backs up Shokin's account. It's not a deflection, it goes to the very heart of the issue of who to believe.

Look, colfax, aids surrounding Biden sounded the alarm bells that Hunter was involved with Burisma...He ignored those warnings...Then, when Shokin started looking into the company where Hunter was collecting from the golden goose, Biden used his office to quash that invetigation...

You know it's a real hoot to see people like yourself in these boards scream over and over how it is so wrong for the US to meddle in others affairs around the world, then when presented with a corrupt puke in the VP position carries out a corrupt scheme using aid money to protect graft to his son, you will turn a blind eye because of party....It is so pathetic.
Not much evidence? Why was his long time ally whom he hired as a prosecutor found with millions of dollars of diamonds and Shokin’s passport? And why was anyone who investigated this prosecutor fired?

You have all sorts of slander, but nothing to back it up.

Look, Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption, that's why Obama and Clinton chose it for the embezzlement scheme, run American taxpayer funds through and buy a mansion on the coast of Martha's Vineyard (guess he isn't that worried about glowbull warming). I mean, you're not going to embezzle $3 billion through Canada, now are you?


  • Joe Biden was in charge of disbursing $3 billion in taxpayer money to Ukraine
  • Quid Pro Joe gave $1.8 billion to the shell company Burisma.
  • Burisma put Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. and Chris Heinz on their BOD
  • Burisma gave the three mules a combined total of over $10 million
  • The $1.8 billion vanished without a trace
Corruption is the heart of the democrats, this whole situation was simply a Clinton designed scheme to embezzle taxpayer money. Shokin sticking his nose in threatened to democrats scheme. Trump sticking his nose in threatened the entire system in DC, which survives on corruption.

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why would you assume this prosecutor was not corrupt?

If Ukraine was such a hotbed of corruption, why couldn’t he find any cases to prosecute?

Are you claiming prosecutors under Shokin weren’t found with bags of diamonds?

he probably was....However, notice how you set that up...You're just mad that he started snooping in the direction of Hunter Biden, and daddy made sure that didn't happen...So, in the end you want Shokin's alleged corruption to absolve Biden's....And it doesn't matter to the discussion what prosecutors under Shokin got, or didn't get....That is deflection.

He probably was, what, corrupt? That's a good starting point. Given Shokin was corrupt, it's highly unlikely that he was snooping around Biden. In fact, since the only allegation that he was comes from Shokin, and since we both agree he's corrupt, then that allegation bears little merit. You see, there's lots of people that back up Biden's account of what happened and no one that backs up Shokin's account. It's not a deflection, it goes to the very heart of the issue of who to believe.

Look, colfax, aids surrounding Biden sounded the alarm bells that Hunter was involved with Burisma...He ignored those warnings...Then, when Shokin started looking into the company where Hunter was collecting from the golden goose, Biden used his office to quash that invetigation...

You know it's a real hoot to see people like yourself in these boards scream over and over how it is so wrong for the US to meddle in others affairs around the world, then when presented with a corrupt puke in the VP position carries out a corrupt scheme using aid money to protect graft to his son, you will turn a blind eye because of party....It is so pathetic.

There’s some factual problems with your narrative.

Yes, people sounded the alarm over Hunter‘s involvement with Burisma. Biden ignored those warnings. Those warnings weren’t warnings about corruption. They were warnings about the appearance of corruption. There is a difference.

The problem in your narrative is that those same people were responsible for developing the push to have Shokin forced out. They are the same people who say Shokin was corrupt. They are the same people who say Shokin wasn’t looking into anything.

I’ve never said that we shouldn’t poke around in other people’s affairs. If you got a problem with someone saying that, bring it up with them. Don’t generalize your opinions to me. The use of American power around the world has been at times problematic and at times beneficial. That’s why it’s important to have people know what they’re doing making these decisions.
What's that? A glimpse into the liberal debate tactics in USMB?

Some do it on both sides to be sure. But this is the essence of every Trump supporting comment in this thread.

You sound more than a little frustrated that your argument is falling flat....Get better arguments...

The argument isn’t even acknowledge. It’s ignored. It’s the strength of the argument that is the reason it’s being ignored.

Don't you get that Biden was on tape bragging about using US aid to get this guy fired? Look at it this way, Let's say it was Don Jr. that had this multi million dollar deal with Ukraine, and Trump got on a phone call and told Z, that if he didn't fire a prosecutor connected to looking into the source where Don Jr. was making these millions, and then was bragging about getting the guy fired, quashing the investigation, You'd be losing your damned mind....But here you defend it...Sad really.

Biden bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. He did so because getting a corrupt prosecutor fired is typically seen as a good thing. It wasn’t until Giuliani and a host of corrupt individuals (such as Igor and Lev) came along that we even heard of any investigation into Burisma.

Now, if Trump pusher for the firing of a prosecutor, I’d ask a few important questions. Who’s idea was it to have the prosecutor fired? Who was the prosecutor and what were they actually up to? Was there actually an investigation into Don Jr? That’s how you think critically.
This thread well encapsulates the real threat to America. The lack of critical thinking. Trump and his allies are interested most in destroying the very concept of truth and fact. Now everything is opinion. Everything is subject to interpretation. This gives license to allow people to believe whatever they want, which given the nature of people, is to stick to their tribe, the group of people that make them feel good about themselves, and believe whatever they need to maintain that sense, preserve ego integrity.

Contradictory information cannot be considered. It has to be minimized. It comes from the other tribe. It is not to be trusted. It is irrelevant. Stick to your own narratives. Keep in the bubble.

This isn't the first time this has ever happened and it's not a phenomenon strictly on the right, but Trump capitalizes on it in a way not seen in this country, perhaps ever. It is the only reason he is in power. Without it, he would be the laughing stock that he truly deserves to be.

More than anything else, this is what is destroying this country.

If nothing is true, everything is possible.
Another TDS moron whining that Trump exposed the fake news for what it is: propaganda organs for the Democrat party. How alarming that people are allowed to believe whatever they want. Stalin would be so proud of you!

Then, immediately after whining about people consuming information that contradicts the official propaganda organs, he whines that people don't do it.

If you looked up "gullible moron" in the Dictionary, you would find your picture there.
What do you do for work? I believe you’re unemployed and for Leftists allegations equal proof.

Incorrect. Allegation is not proof. You say I’m unemployed. That was a lie. It wasn’t an opinion. It was a lie.

I work for myself.
You said you were a doctor. No it is an allegation. I allege You’re an unemployed troll. Prove me wrong. Kavanaugh was destroyed on an allegation with zero proof.

Your allegation is baseless. I have nothing to prove to you.
I told you what I did for work. You lied about what you did and I busted you. Pretty simple. You lost all credibility.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.

colfax_m , you never disclosed what your doctorate is in? Gender fluidity studies? Ethnic disparity in Western civilization? Or perhaps the same as my good friend Bil Stunbmun, the migration patterns of Peruvian sea cucumbers?
Incorrect. Allegation is not proof. You say I’m unemployed. That was a lie. It wasn’t an opinion. It was a lie.

I work for myself.
You said you were a doctor. No it is an allegation. I allege You’re an unemployed troll. Prove me wrong. Kavanaugh was destroyed on an allegation with zero proof.

Your allegation is baseless. I have nothing to prove to you.
I told you what I did for work. You lied about what you did and I busted you. Pretty simple. You lost all credibility.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.

colfax_m , you never disclosed what your doctorate is in? Gender fluidity studies? Ethnic disparity in Western civilization? Or perhaps the same as my good friend Bil Stunbmun, the migration patterns of Peruvian sea cucumbers?
Sorry cousin. I’m done giving away personal details. Y’all should be better human beings if you want to be buddies.
You said you were a doctor. No it is an allegation. I allege You’re an unemployed troll. Prove me wrong. Kavanaugh was destroyed on an allegation with zero proof.

Your allegation is baseless. I have nothing to prove to you.
I told you what I did for work. You lied about what you did and I busted you. Pretty simple. You lost all credibility.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.

colfax_m , you never disclosed what your doctorate is in? Gender fluidity studies? Ethnic disparity in Western civilization? Or perhaps the same as my good friend Bil Stunbmun, the migration patterns of Peruvian sea cucumbers?
Sorry cousin. I’m done giving away personal details. Y’all should be better human beings if you want to be buddies.

It IS Gender Fluidity Studies... :thup:

A Stalinist admonishing he betters to "be better people" is beyond the pale. Seriously dude, you know you're a scumbag.
Your allegation is baseless. I have nothing to prove to you.
I told you what I did for work. You lied about what you did and I busted you. Pretty simple. You lost all credibility.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.

colfax_m , you never disclosed what your doctorate is in? Gender fluidity studies? Ethnic disparity in Western civilization? Or perhaps the same as my good friend Bil Stunbmun, the migration patterns of Peruvian sea cucumbers?
Sorry cousin. I’m done giving away personal details. Y’all should be better human beings if you want to be buddies.

It IS Gender Fluidity Studies... :thup:

A Stalinist admonishing he betters to "be better people" is beyond the pale. Seriously dude, you know you're a scumbag.

I told you what I did for work. You lied about what you did and I busted you. Pretty simple. You lost all credibility.

I never lied. You didn’t bust anything. You are a bad person to judge credibility given the people you seem to believe.

colfax_m , you never disclosed what your doctorate is in? Gender fluidity studies? Ethnic disparity in Western civilization? Or perhaps the same as my good friend Bil Stunbmun, the migration patterns of Peruvian sea cucumbers?
Sorry cousin. I’m done giving away personal details. Y’all should be better human beings if you want to be buddies.

It IS Gender Fluidity Studies... :thup:

A Stalinist admonishing he betters to "be better people" is beyond the pale. Seriously dude, you know you're a scumbag.


Yes you are, a leftist hack who spews all kinds of shit from the hate sites but lacks the mental acumen to support any of it. You're an intellectual lightweight who is under the delusion that chanting party propaganda is a winning strategy.

You do grasp that any one of us could log in to DailyKOS and read your "thoughts" directly from their source, don't you?
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