Everyone Repeat After Me...This Is A Manufactured Crisis...Manufactured Crisis....Manufactured Cr...

Sorry, dingbat, but taking hostages is exactly how you negotiate
maybe in a criminal mob boss's or terrorist's world.... :rolleyes: but for the president of the United States? Come on!!!! sheesh....
That's how you negotiate with terrorists, and that's what the Democrats are.
no... it is what the president is using and doing and he took pride in it....
he's doing if for the 300 million americans in the US. are you saying he shouldn't be negotiating for the 300 million? Isn't that his job?
he shouldn't be playing with worker's jobs and survival incomes for his game.... period.

Sell Congress and we the people on his desires and give us a plan, with where the new walls are to be put, and any of his other plans for border security, with numbers reflecting the cost and return on investment, like all other presidents have had to do.... he and his admin appear to be lazy bastards and are not willing to do the work....

What he is doing is simply for political posturing with his base... at the expense of other people's livelihood
that's what presidents and politicians do.

pretending otherwise is just convenient for you right now.
Sorry, dingbat, but taking hostages is exactly how you negotiate
maybe in a criminal mob boss's or terrorist's world.... :rolleyes: but for the president of the United States? Come on!!!! sheesh....
That's how you negotiate with terrorists, and that's what the Democrats are.
no... it is what the president is using and doing and he took pride in it....
Correct: Trump is negotiating with terrorists.
Dem's claimed student loan debt was a crisis, and nobody was dying.
Hey dummy. Debt doesnt kill you.

^^^ this moron proves my previous point while confirming my new point, ^^^ moron. :auiqs.jpg:
Exhibit A of financial illiteracy. ^^^ :rolleyes:

5 Ways Debt Can Make You Money

"It may go against conventional wisdom but if properly used, debt can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. If you have any doubts about it, just ask George Soros."
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

Both Democrats and most news media are yelling as often as they can that there is no border "crisis," even though they spent the last year telling everyone there was and even though they had no problem explicitly calling it a "crisis" in 2014, when the situation was the exact same as it is now.

"We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the borer that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all," then-President Barack Obama said in the Rose Garden in 2014. "In recent weeks we've seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers."

This is no different than what President Trump said from the Oval Office on Tuesday.

"Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States -- a dramatic increase," he said. "These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs."

The only difference is how the media are covering it.

Sorry, dingbat, but taking hostages is exactly how you negotiate
maybe in a criminal mob boss's or terrorist's world.... :rolleyes: but for the president of the United States? Come on!!!! sheesh....
That's how you negotiate with terrorists, and that's what the Democrats are.
no... it is what the president is using and doing and he took pride in it....
he's doing if for the 300 million americans in the US. are you saying he shouldn't be negotiating for the 300 million? Isn't that his job?
he shouldn't be playing with worker's jobs and survival incomes for his game.... period.

Sell Congress and we the people on his desires and give us a plan, with where the new walls are to be put, and any of his other plans for border security, with numbers reflecting the cost and return on investment, like all other presidents have had to do.... he and his admin appear to be lazy bastards and are not willing to do the work....

What he is doing is simply for political posturing with his base... at the expense of other people's livelihood
Piglosi and crying Chuck are the ones playing games with worker's jobs. All they have to do is approve $5 billion for the wall, and everyone can go back to work.
Just for starters...blaming all opiod deaths on immigrants and claiming a wall across a desert will prevent ONE of those is beyond stupid
maybe in a criminal mob boss's or terrorist's world.... :rolleyes: but for the president of the United States? Come on!!!! sheesh....
That's how you negotiate with terrorists, and that's what the Democrats are.
no... it is what the president is using and doing and he took pride in it....
he's doing if for the 300 million americans in the US. are you saying he shouldn't be negotiating for the 300 million? Isn't that his job?
he shouldn't be playing with worker's jobs and survival incomes for his game.... period.

Sell Congress and we the people on his desires and give us a plan, with where the new walls are to be put, and any of his other plans for border security, with numbers reflecting the cost and return on investment, like all other presidents have had to do.... he and his admin appear to be lazy bastards and are not willing to do the work....

What he is doing is simply for political posturing with his base... at the expense of other people's livelihood
Piglosi and crying Chuck are the ones playing games with worker's jobs. All they have to do is approve $5 billion for the wall, and everyone can go back to work.
not sure why five bucks is so important to them. that must be some really impotent Five.
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

Both Democrats and most news media are yelling as often as they can that there is no border "crisis," even though they spent the last year telling everyone there was and even though they had no problem explicitly calling it a "crisis" in 2014, when the situation was the exact same as it is now.

"We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the borer that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all," then-President Barack Obama said in the Rose Garden in 2014. "In recent weeks we've seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers."

This is no different than what President Trump said from the Oval Office on Tuesday.

"Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States -- a dramatic increase," he said. "These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs."

The only difference is how the media are covering it.

i thought it was manufactured. fk, I heard that on every news outlet last night. The product notification went out to all the leftists outlets, now obammy had the border as a crisis? did he manufacture it then? ahhhhhh
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”
And CATO shoots down your "murderer" lie

The White House's Misleading & Error Ridden Narrative on Immigrants and Crime
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

Both Democrats and most news media are yelling as often as they can that there is no border "crisis," even though they spent the last year telling everyone there was and even though they had no problem explicitly calling it a "crisis" in 2014, when the situation was the exact same as it is now.

"We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the borer that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all," then-President Barack Obama said in the Rose Garden in 2014. "In recent weeks we've seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers."

This is no different than what President Trump said from the Oval Office on Tuesday.

"Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States -- a dramatic increase," he said. "These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs."

The only difference is how the media are covering it.

i thought it was manufactured. fk, I heard that on every news outlet last night. The product notification went out to all the leftists outlets, now obammy had the border as a crisis? did he manufacture it then? ahhhhhh
like i've said time and time again -

right or wrong these days is who you are and whether or not people like you.

i'm not a fan of the wall and think there are better ways to do this. but if that's what people want, then lets see where it would do the most good and work our way out from there if we must.

i'm much less of a fan of people changing the story around now as they're doing for no other reason than TRUMP!
Just for starters...blaming all opiod deaths on immigrants and claiming a wall across a desert will prevent ONE of those is beyond stupid

Who blames "all opioid deaths" on "immigrants"? No one I know. But the Trump Wall will prevent some deaths as Illegal Aliens (not "immigrants") won't be able to as easily haul them across the border

If someone wants to immigrate to America, fine. But they should go back to their own countries and WAIT IN LINE, instead of jumping the queue and just showing up. Some people have been waiting in line for many years, why should a gate crasher be given priority.

As far as "dreamers", I can sympathize with their fate and the fact that they didn't ask to come here. But they shouldn't be given priority either. And their parents should be banned from America permanently for taking an innocent child on their illegal entry.
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”
And CATO shoots down your "murderer" lie

The White House's Misleading & Error Ridden Narrative on Immigrants and Crime
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

and we can now say the left called it a crisis / emergency several times. wheee this is fun!
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

Both Democrats and most news media are yelling as often as they can that there is no border "crisis," even though they spent the last year telling everyone there was and even though they had no problem explicitly calling it a "crisis" in 2014, when the situation was the exact same as it is now.

"We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the borer that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all," then-President Barack Obama said in the Rose Garden in 2014. "In recent weeks we've seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers."

This is no different than what President Trump said from the Oval Office on Tuesday.

"Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States -- a dramatic increase," he said. "These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs."

The only difference is how the media are covering it.

i thought it was manufactured. fk, I heard that on every news outlet last night. The product notification went out to all the leftists outlets, now obammy had the border as a crisis? did he manufacture it then? ahhhhhh
like i've said time and time again -

right or wrong these days is who you are and whether or not people like you.

i'm not a fan of the wall and think there are better ways to do this. but if that's what people want, then lets see where it would do the most good and work our way out from there if we must.

i'm much less of a fan of people changing the story around now as they're doing for no other reason than TRUMP!
Well technically, I would prefer they change legislation to let the border patrol catch and send back without a court date. That would be my preference. i think that would save a few denaros, and not cost 5 billion.
But Drumpf said pretty clearly it wasnt a crisis just this last May.

"We got $6 billion for opioid and getting rid of the scourge that’s taking over our country, And the numbers are way down."
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

the media and obama said it was, just a short year ago.

now what, spanky?
Humanitarian crisis is not the same as a opioid crisis spanky. :rolleyes:

The point still remains that if Drumpf said there was no opioid crisis just last may why is there suddenly one now?
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”
And CATO shoots down your "murderer" lie

The White House's Misleading & Error Ridden Narrative on Immigrants and Crime

Even 1 murder by an illegal is too many. Officer Singh would still be alive if the gang of illegals that whacked him were deported immediately after getting pinched for DUI. That has to to with the "sanctuary laws" which give Illegals the right to drive while drunk and other things that Americans wouldn't be allowed to do.
Media had no problem calling it a border 'crisis' in 2014 under Obama

Both Democrats and most news media are yelling as often as they can that there is no border "crisis," even though they spent the last year telling everyone there was and even though they had no problem explicitly calling it a "crisis" in 2014, when the situation was the exact same as it is now.

"We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the borer that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all," then-President Barack Obama said in the Rose Garden in 2014. "In recent weeks we've seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers."

This is no different than what President Trump said from the Oval Office on Tuesday.

"Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States -- a dramatic increase," he said. "These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs."

The only difference is how the media are covering it.

i thought it was manufactured. fk, I heard that on every news outlet last night. The product notification went out to all the leftists outlets, now obammy had the border as a crisis? did he manufacture it then? ahhhhhh
like i've said time and time again -

right or wrong these days is who you are and whether or not people like you.

i'm not a fan of the wall and think there are better ways to do this. but if that's what people want, then lets see where it would do the most good and work our way out from there if we must.

i'm much less of a fan of people changing the story around now as they're doing for no other reason than TRUMP!
Well technically, I would prefer they change legislation to let the border patrol catch and send back without a court date. That would be my preference.
my preference would be to get representatives from the border patrols with the most experience in handling this and have them help build a plan to stop it.

if they say wall, wall up.
if they say drones and technology - do it.
if they say a blended approach, do it.

listen to the people who deal with this daily and let them help. i've not heard this happening so no idea if it is, but we need their input.
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”
And CATO shoots down your "murderer" lie

The White House's Misleading & Error Ridden Narrative on Immigrants and Crime

Even 1 murder by an illegal is too many. Officer Singh would still be alive if the gang of illegals that whacked him were deported immediately after getting pinched for DUI. That has to to with the "sanctuary laws" which give Illegals the right to drive while drunk and other things that Americans wouldn't be allowed to do.
""sanctuary laws" which give Illegals the right to drive while drunk and other things that Americans wouldn't be allowed to do."

Do you really believe this crap you post or are you just trolling?

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