Everyone should be in favor of reducing taxes on the "rich"

I will because I don't see much real evidence that Republican's or even government caused this problem. Economies cycle. That's the way it is and it doesn't care who is in office.

You are under informed. Start listening to Air America Radio & NPR. All your information is watered down.

I told people 5 years ago that I heard the GOP were giving bullshit tax breaks to corporatioins going overseas. And then I see this the other day:

Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers and other Wall Street giants helped foreign investors dodge billions of dollars in U.S. taxes on stock dividends while the IRS looked the other way, a Senate investigation found.

The firms worked with shell hedge funds that had little more than offshore mailing addresses in the Cayman Islands and elsewhere. The funds arranged complex equity swaps and stock loans aimed at circumventing U.S. tax laws, a staff report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said.

The IRS has neither enforced existing rules prohibiting the transactions nor tried to draft new standards, the 77-page report said.

“These are gimmicks peddled by American financial institutions to deny Uncle Sam taxes owed under our law,” Senator Carl Levin, who heads the panel, told reporters. “The IRS has pussyfooted on this.”

Morgan Stanley enabled foreign clients to avoid payment of more than $300 million in U.S. dividend taxes from 2000 to 2007. (THE SAME TIME THE REPUBLICANS RAN ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT)

Lehman estimated its customer’s eluded payment of as much $115 million in 2004 alone.

UBS helped clients escape payment of $62 million from 2004 to 2007.

The GOP have deregulated the banking and mortgage industries and actually allowed predatory lending.

Almost every state Attorney General tried to block this predatory lending from coming into their states but to no avail. The deal was made, and people were prayed on. People made fortunes over the last 8 years. And today, the tax payers are bailing out those industries.

It's too much to explain it all. Basically, you need to pay closer attention if you think this is one of those normal recessions. If ever a recession was caused by a party, it's this one. Record spending, sending jobs overseas, tax breaks while fighting a war.

Don't wait until you lose your job to wake up.
If you want to keep using absolutes and extremes and play that game be my guest. Plenty of people can afford homes right now. All I'm saying is if you can find a way to do so right now you can?

The point is to get yourself in position where market fluctuation doesn't have this dire impact on you. Your solution to that is to piss and moan and wait for government to bail you out. How's that workin' for ya so far?

Do you need MORE evidence of the GIANT FUCKING GAPING WOUND that is the housing market for the average homeowner, Bern? Sure, Paris Hilton can afford her fucking house. WOW BERN! YOU GOT ME THERE!


No, my solution is to stabilize OUR market so that OUR citizens are not the fucking cast offs of your shrugged shoulders when your economic strategy works better for your deepthroated 2% than the rest of us.
I'm going to stop you right here. Can't afford, as in, don't have any money, as in, just lost their home, and job, and 401K, at age 30, or 40, or lost their pension.........

Let's get real for a second. How many people is that right now. Like Shogun, if you're looking for this cure all economic system where the above never happens to people, you will be looking for a while.

Yes times are still hard on people, not to that extent for most, but they can do so much more to improve their situation by taking some action on their own, then they can complaining or waiting for a government bail out. To think this is all one thing or the other is ridiculous. The government or our system didn't cause this. PEOPLE caused this. Look no further than the mortgage crisis. People took at risk ARM mortgages on overpriced homes and lenders gave it to them. Those were dumb decisions by PEOPLE, not the free market capitlist god throwing a wet blanket on our collective society. I hate to repeat myself but there is really big cultural and socilogical behavior component to this that isn't being addressed.

You are one of those people who until it happens to you, you just won't get it. Heck, you are feeling the affects of this economy and you STILL don't get it.

Don't worry, we'll take care of you. We got it from here dude. You've done enough, no, really.

That'S the fucking point. I don't WANT or need you taking care of it for me. It isn't your job or government or anyone elses job to take care of it for me. It's my job. I was unemployed all of last summer, so yes it has happened to me, I did what i could for myself, but taking unemployment to sock some money away and worked as a nanny for the summer. THAT is how people cope, never during that time did i expect or blame someone else for that situation or believe it was someone elses job to get me out of it.

Having the mentality that you have can only have one result and that is making society weaker. There is no way around that. Your beliefs require a level of dependence. They require that people place responsibility on someone or something other than themselves. How exactley does such a mentality benefit people? How does that help a society grow?
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And I'm going to stop you right there for obvious reasons......

No, listen because they say it better than any of us can say it. Like for example you and Rush Limbaugh. If I want to hear the right wings talking points of view, and not hear it second hand from a hack like you, I tune into Rush, O'Reilly or Hannity.

Then I can correct you when you get the facts wrong.

Or, I already know you are full of shit before you even say it.
No, listen because they say it better than any of us can say it. Like for example you and Rush Limbaugh. If I want to hear the right wings talking points of view, and not hear it second hand from a hack like you, I tune into Rush, O'Reilly or Hannity.

Then I can correct you when you get the facts wrong.

Or, I already know you are full of shit before you even say it.

And NPR and Air America are left wing, that isn't a secret. And the fact that they would be dead in the water if they had to compete in a free market doesn't make them the most credible sources on the economy. Different side of the same coin of bias is all I'm saying.
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thats like saying there are more people with 100K more than ever in 1972. Are you going to tell me that the VALUE of 1 million dollars indicates a growing amount of WEALTH or a REDUCED VALUE OF 1 MILLION DOLLARS. Fuck, have you WATCHED a gameshow lately? gimme a fucking break.

Fuck no man, i don't watch no fucking game shows cuz like I'm too fucking busy working man what the fuck?

Here's a little math for you. before you can make your second million, you have to make your first. since your first million is the hardest to make, it is a milestone that should not be trivialized. the problem with you thumb sucking libbies is that you think you should be able to skip the first and all the work involved and get right to the second via income redistribution.
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Listen.. bern.. either learn to use the quote feature or just bold my quotes. for real.

and, I don't care if you dont want to own the product of your pet economic system. The FACTS demand that we do more than duck and cover until your pet theories may or may not come to fruition for ALL of us rather than the top 2%. Even Mccain is spouting off about the unregulated market and failure of greedy capitalists. And he's YOUR party's choice. so.. Again.. Sit down. Strap in. Shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride.
Fuck no man, i don't watch no fucking game shows cuz like I'm too fucking busy working man what the fuck?

Here's a little math for you. before you can make your second million, you have to make your first. since your first million is the hardest to make, it is a milestone that should not be trivialized. the problem with you thumb sucking libbies is that you think you should be able to skip the first and all the work involved and get right to the second via income redistribution.


Here's a little math for you. The value of a million is not what it once was in 1965. MORE people making MORE millions in 08 is about as impressive as MORE people making MORE thousands in 1979 despite the value of a THOUSAND DOLLARS in 1935. The problem with you cock hungry capitalist piggies is that your scope of vision extends to the end of your fucking nose and you simply don't give a fuck about anyone else as long as YOU can squeeze a dollar from a human being. You are not a fucking island. Your situation is NOT the product of you alone. You are not some mighty fucking Zeus who wiggled his nose and then created wealth.

Now, please.. let's talk some more shit. In case you haven't notices i'm the kind of liberal that will hand you your ass on THAT subject too.
Listen.. bern.. either learn to use the quote feature or just bold my quotes. for real.

and, I don't care if you dont want to own the product of your pet economic system. The FACTS demand that we do more than duck and cover until your pet theories may or may not come to fruition for ALL of us rather than the top 2%. Even Mccain is spouting off about the unregulated market and failure of greedy capitalists. And he's YOUR party's choice. so.. Again.. Sit down. Strap in. Shut the fuck up and enjoy the ride.

As a general rule politicians 'spout' whatever is popular to 'spout' at the time. Your assertion is a mixed bag of half truths. No one is denying that jobs are leaving, no is denying that times are economically tough right now. There's the truth of your argument and I think we're pretty much all in agreement on that.

What is not so true is your assertions as to why. You say it is because free market capitalsim has failed along with your rhetoric about the rich which you know close to nothing about. And again there all kinds of problems with that. First, it assumes that the U.S. operates in PURE free market capitalism, which it undeniablly does not. In pure free market laze faire economics there would be no government regulation of any type, no tariffs, no tax breaks.

Then evidence provided about how the wealthy got that way contradicts your point of view about the system being at fault. If the system is at fault clearly these people couldn't have become wealthy. this is where things got really ludicrous. You couldn't argue the numbers so you tried to argue a million dollars isn't really a million dollars. Fine, whatever. $700,000 isn't exactly chump change. You tried to rationalize your position by actually trying to convince the wealthy that they are poor.

And again at the end of the day you have provided ZERO evidence that the downturn is a result of free market capitalism. Jobs going overseas doesn't prove that, and inflation doesn't prove that. You believe some model of isolationism will be a cure all. Can you promise (in face of what the experts say will happen) that such a system will maintain or improve EVERYONE'S standard of living and never have any down turns?
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Here's a little math for you. The value of a million is not what it once was in 1965. MORE people making MORE millions in 08 is about as impressive as MORE people making MORE thousands in 1979 despite the value of a THOUSAND DOLLARS in 1935. The problem with you cock hungry capitalist piggies is that your scope of vision extends to the end of your fucking nose and you simply don't give a fuck about anyone else as long as YOU can squeeze a dollar from a human being. You are not a fucking island. Your situation is NOT the product of you alone. You are not some mighty fucking Zeus who wiggled his nose and then created wealth.

Now, please.. let's talk some more shit. In case you haven't notices i'm the kind of liberal that will hand you your ass on THAT subject too.

And yet you propose turning us into a very isolated island.....interesting. Listen to yourself. Do you honestly believe that if you went up to someone who had a million dollars on hand that you could convince them that they are poor?

Actually ABC's rules for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire states that only 250K is paid out immediately. The remaining 750K is paid out over 20years. It actually costs the network less than one million to pay out the one million.

'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire', hosted by Meredith Vieira, Five Nights a Week!. Check your local listings!

If a million bucks is so worthless, why do networks take so long to pay???

Here's a little math for you. The value of a million is not what it once was in 1965. MORE people making MORE millions in 08 is about as impressive as MORE people making MORE thousands in 1979 despite the value of a THOUSAND DOLLARS in 1935.

No shit a million is not what it once was but would you turn it down? A million bucks will pay you almost 60K per year assuming a 5% after tax return and a 3% inflation rate for 20 years. that sounds pretty significant to me

The problem with you cock hungry capitalist piggies is that your scope of vision extends to the end of your fucking nose and you simply don't give a fuck about anyone else as long as YOU can squeeze a dollar from a human being. You are not a fucking island. Your situation is NOT the product of you alone. You are not some mighty fucking Zeus who wiggled his nose and then created wealth.

no I have been saving at least 10% of my income since I was 19. I owned businesses that provided a service for which I was paid. I worked longer and harder than anyone I know and I never scammed or cheated anyone.

It's you libbies that want to squeeze everyone who works harder than you for another buck or ten so you can all say that life is "fair" and people who work hard and save are all evil so they don't deserve to keep their money

So instead of manning up and making it on your own you stomp your feet and suck your thumb and say "it's not fair"

Now, please.. let's talk some more shit. In case you haven't notices i'm the kind of liberal that will hand you your ass on THAT subject too.

I won't argue with you there. You certainly ARE an expert on shit.
And yet you propose turning us into a very isolated island.....interesting. Listen to yourself. Do you honestly believe that if you went up to someone who had a million dollars on hand that you could convince them that they are poor?

I guess that depends on who else is in the room with us.. beggars from Calcutta or the average silver spoon progeny... Now, do you think I could make them agree that a MILLION DOLLARS IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO AS VALUABLE AS IT WAS A MERE 15 years ago?

and you, sir, are trying to turn the US into a nation of beggars whose sole option is to beg for the scraps of global tycoons. so, thanks, but we'll go ahead and take an island where we can survive rather than a dustbowl wastland.
Actually ABC's rules for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire states that only 250K is paid out immediately. The remaining 750K is paid out over 20years. It actually costs the network less than one million to pay out the one million.

'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire', hosted by Meredith Vieira, Five Nights a Week!. Check your local listings!

If a million bucks is so worthless, why do networks take so long to pay???

Uh, for the same reason the Lottery chooses to do so? Because it is financially convenient for them to do so rather than throw down a lump sum? Do you REALLY think that the payment options mean a DAMN thing when game show payoffs have reached a plateau they never saw 20 years ago?

WOW. You sure are one smart fella.

No shit a million is not what it once was but would you turn it down? A million bucks will pay you almost 60K per year assuming a 5% after tax return and a 3% inflation rate for 20 years. that sounds pretty significant to me

WHO THE FUCK would turn down 50 bucks, stupid? So, does that make 50 bucks a goddamn windfall? Hey, assume some more, dude! Don't break the mold! :lol:

no I have been saving at least 10% of my income since I was 19. I owned businesses that provided a service for which I was paid. I worked longer and harder than anyone I know and I never scammed or cheated anyone.

I wonder if your competitor would say the same thing. Oh, but that's not your problem, is it? FUCK them, right? Again, you pig necked fucking capitalists are predictable as hell. You poor baby.. Indeed, you are like the fucking CHRIST of labor, lemme tellya.

It's you libbies that want to squeeze everyone who works harder than you for another buck or ten so you can all say that life is "fair" and people who work hard and save are all evil so they don't deserve to keep their money


Yea, stupid! Paris fucking Hilton SURE IS a hard worker! YOU SURE ARE the product of your OWN efforts because, of course, you live in a fucking vacuum where no one else is as influential as solely your own effort!



So instead of manning up and making it on your own you stomp your feet and suck your thumb and say "it's not fair"

Hey, feel free to take your fucking ass to Dubai. You won't be missed. Enjoy your flight.

I won't argue with you there. You certainly ARE an expert on shit.

Shit that, apparently, trumps your efforts all day long. Now go pray at the alter of your own effort, messiah of labor. I really do give a fuck that you will kick and scream while MY kind takes the reigns from your weak little fingers.
Actually ABC's rules for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire states that only 250K is paid out immediately. The remaining 750K is paid out over 20years. It actually costs the network less than one million to pay out the one million.

'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire', hosted by Meredith Vieira, Five Nights a Week!. Check your local listings!

If a million bucks is so worthless, why do networks take so long to pay???

No shit a million is not what it once was but would you turn it down? A million bucks will pay you almost 60K per year assuming a 5% after tax return and a 3% inflation rate for 20 years. that sounds pretty significant to me

no I have been saving at least 10% of my income since I was 19. I owned businesses that provided a service for which I was paid. I worked longer and harder than anyone I know and I never scammed or cheated anyone.

It's you libbies that want to squeeze everyone who works harder than you for another buck or ten so you can all say that life is "fair" and people who work hard and save are all evil so they don't deserve to keep their money

So instead of manning up and making it on your own you stomp your feet and suck your thumb and say "it's not fair"

I won't argue with you there. You certainly ARE an expert on shit.

I skimmed thru your post. You are like my gop friends. They are good men. They work hard, save, do what they are supposed to do and they are successful.

What they lack is a bit of compassion. They are unable to see things from another perspective. Because you overcame the obstacles that were in front of you, you assume every obstacle can be overcome. And you forget about some breaks you got along the way. Without them and a little luck, you too may have failed.

Or you forget that while it is true anyone can make it, not EVERYONE can make it. That'd be communism.

So because the world needs ditch diggers, have some compassion for them.

And we all work hard and deserve what we got. You think you are rare? How insulting to the rest of us.

The issu is more about the gop hurting the middle class. These are the Hoover days all over again. Now you will even here mcain start talking about regulations. what a joke. he is famous for being a deregulator. he was even involved in the keating 5. did he learn? Until yesterday mccain said the economy was sound.

Sir, you are a hard worker, but are you smart? Because clinton was more fiscally responsible than either bush. So why do you vote gop when reagan, bush and bush 2 all had record deficits and clinton had a surplus?

I know, you've been brainwashed for years. Plus it sucks to admit you are wrong. Time to wake up. And have some compassion for god sakes.
and you, sir, are trying to turn the US into a nation of beggars whose sole option is to beg for the scraps of global tycoons. so, thanks, but we'll go ahead and take an island where we can survive rather than a dustbowl wastland.

And you are trying to eliminate choice. I had a very simple request. Show me this isolationist system that will improve or at the very least maintain everyone's living standatd and will never see a downturn.
I skimmed thru your post. You are like my gop friends. They are good men. They work hard, save, do what they are supposed to do and they are successful.

What they lack is a bit of compassion. They are unable to see things from another perspective. Because you overcame the obstacles that were in front of you, you assume every obstacle can be overcome. And you forget about some breaks you got along the way. Without them and a little luck, you too may have failed.

That's nothing isn't unique to the GOP. It is human nature to attribute success to oneself (rightly or wrongly) and it is human nature to blame failure on something other than yourself (rightly or wrongly). We want credit for the good, but none for the bad.

Or you forget that while it is true anyone can make it, not EVERYONE can make it. That'd be communism.

So because the world needs ditch diggers, have some compassion for them.

This is a faulty assumption that the right don't have compassion. The only people I don't have compassion for are those that are fully able, but don't and those that refuse to use and or acknowledge their potential. If you truly aren't accountable or have no responsibility for the situation you're in that's one thing, but I have no compassion for people who chose behaviors for themselves and blame others for why they are where they are. It is something I just don't get. Even if you are truly just a victim I still don't see how it helps you to sit on your ass and hope someone else drags you out of it.

And we all work hard and deserve what we got. You think you are rare? How insulting to the rest of us.

It depends on what you define as work hard. Do most people work hard at their actual jobs, sure. How many people work hard to expand their skill sets to make themselves more valuable and warrant more pay?

Sir, you are a hard worker, but are you smart? Because clinton was more fiscally responsible than either bush. So why do you vote gop when reagan, bush and bush 2 all had record deficits and clinton had a surplus?

If you were smart you would know defecits dont' have a lot to do with the which party is in office.
Actually ABC's rules for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire states that only 250K is paid out immediately. The remaining 750K is paid out over 20years. It actually costs the network less than one million to pay out the one million.

'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire', hosted by Meredith Vieira, Five Nights a Week!. Check your local listings!

If a million bucks is so worthless, why do networks take so long to pay???

Uh, for the same reason the Lottery chooses to do so? Because it is financially convenient for them to do so rather than throw down a lump sum? Do you REALLY think that the payment options mean a DAMN thing when game show payoffs have reached a plateau they never saw 20 years ago?

Actually lotteries like the Power ball and Mega millions offer a lump sum pay out because the money paid out comes directly from ticket sales. And yes Payment options do mean something. if you were as smart with money as you think then you would know that.

here I'll help you out with a little formula:

150 K invested at 5% will pay you 1000 a month for 20 years. So that 150K will pay you 240K. so in reality the networks are NOT giving a million dollars away are they? it is actually the initial 250K plus 468,750 (calculated using the above formula) so that million only cost the network 718,750.

And to think that the network convinced you that 718,750 is the same as one million dollars.


No shit a million is not what it once was but would you turn it down? A million bucks will pay you almost 60K per year assuming a 5% after tax return and a 3% inflation rate for 20 years. that sounds pretty significant to me

WHO THE FUCK would turn down 50 bucks, stupid? So, does that make 50 bucks a goddamn windfall? Hey, assume some more, dude! Don't break the mold! :lol:

You're the one who said a million dollars is no big deal and anyone who has a million dollar net worth is nobody special.

no I have been saving at least 10% of my income since I was 19. I owned businesses that provided a service for which I was paid. I worked longer and harder than anyone I know and I never scammed or cheated anyone.

I wonder if your competitor would say the same thing. Oh, but that's not your problem, is it? FUCK them, right? Again, you pig necked fucking capitalists are predictable as hell. You poor baby.. Indeed, you are like the fucking CHRIST of labor, lemme tellya.

What my competitors do is none of my business. All I can do is run an honest business and gee look at that i just won over some of my competitors clients. CAPITALISM how nice!

It's you libbies that want to squeeze everyone who works harder than you for another buck or ten so you can all say that life is "fair" and people who work hard and save are all evil so they don't deserve to keep their money[/B]


that's not a denial

Yea, stupid! Paris fucking Hilton SURE IS a hard worker! YOU SURE ARE the product of your OWN efforts because, of course, you live in a fucking vacuum where no one else is as influential as solely your own effort!

Well moron there are a lot more people like me than there are like Paris. Using an extreme is never a good argument

So instead of manning up and making it on your own you stomp your feet and suck your thumb and say "it's not fair"
Hey, feel free to take your fucking ass to Dubai. You won't be missed. Enjoy your flight.

Take a hike to Norway asshole they'd love to support you.

I won't argue with you there. You certainly ARE an expert on shit.
Shit that, apparently, trumps your efforts all day long. Now go pray at the alter of your own effort, messiah of labor. I really do give a fuck that you will kick and scream while MY kind takes the reigns from your weak little fingers.

You have done nothing to prove your point other than to use profanity and name calling if you think that is an achievement, good for you.
I skimmed thru your post. You are like my gop friends. They are good men. They work hard, save, do what they are supposed to do and they are successful.

What they lack is a bit of compassion. They are unable to see things from another perspective. Because you overcame the obstacles that were in front of you, you assume every obstacle can be overcome. And you forget about some breaks you got along the way. Without them and a little luck, you too may have failed.

one never fails until one stops trying. I have had business ventures fail anyone who tries to start a business knows failure. I unlike many never quit trying.

Or you forget that while it is true anyone can make it, not EVERYONE can make it. That'd be communism.

There are countless examples of poor undereducated people that have become wildly successful they will tell you that they are no smarter and no better then anyone else. They just had a desire to be something more and would let nothing stand in their way. So yes anyone not mentally or physically handicapped can make more of themselves if they choose.

So because the world needs ditch diggers, have some compassion for them.

And we all work hard and deserve what we got. You think you are rare? How insulting to the rest of us.

that's just the point. I am not somebody special. i am just an average guy who sacrificed and risked a little more than most and I refused to accept defeat.

The issu is more about the gop hurting the middle class. These are the Hoover days all over again. Now you will even here mcain start talking about regulations. what a joke. he is famous for being a deregulator. he was even involved in the keating 5. did he learn? Until yesterday mccain said the economy was sound.

JM never has been a conservative and he never will be. right now he is torn between being who he is and who he thinks he needs to be to win.

And I have paid lower taxes under GW i am not at the 250k annual income that BHO wants to punish but i still will not vote for him just because he promises me money.

Sir, you are a hard worker, but are you smart? Because clinton was more fiscally responsible than either bush. So why do you vote gop when reagan, bush and bush 2 all had record deficits and clinton had a surplus?

If there is a deficit, there is no surplus.

The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
Verifying this is as simple as accessing the U.S. Treasury website where the national debt is updated daily and a history of the debt since January 1993 can be obtained. Considering the government's fiscal year ends on the last day of September each year, and considering Clinton's budget proposal in 1993 took effect in October 1993 and concluded September 1994 (FY1994), here's the national debt at the end of each year of Clinton Budgets:

Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

As can clearly be seen, in no year did the national debt go down, nor did Clinton leave President Bush with a budget surplus that Bush subsequently turned into a deficit. Yes, the budget was almost balanced in FY2000 (ending in September 2000 with a deficit of "only" $17.9 billion), but it never reached zero--let alone a positive number. And Clinton's last budget proposal for FY2001, which ended in September 2001, generated a $133.29 billion deficit. The growing deficits started in the year of the last Clinton budget, not in the first year of the Bush administration.

I know, you've been brainwashed for years. Plus it sucks to admit you are wrong. Time to wake up. And have some compassion for god sakes.

is it brainwashing to believe there was a surplus and a deficit at the same time?

And you have no idea what I give to charity or animal rescue organizations or the deals i cut clients who are struggling so don't' assume i have no compassion. I just don't want my compassion mandated by the government.
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