Everyone who commits murder and does not repent goes to hell...

Not proof, not even close.

Did you look it up?

I did and also the Miracle of the Sun. There is no proof of hell, you're going to simply believe what you want to believe.

Does a baby's life equal that of an embryo? (trying to stay on topic)

Human life begins at conception.

So, according to you a 6 week old embryo is equal to a 6 month old baby, right?

According to everyone who is honest, yes, human life begins at conception.

No one doubted until the pro-aborts started lying about it.

Can I ask you a hypothetical question to put that to a test?
Fatima is proof.
Mass delusion is proof? Try again. You could say the same thing about a Trump rally.
70,000 people had the same delusion?
400,000+ thought the Age of Aquarius had arrived.

You liberals used to suck the Russians' cocks....

Fuck the baby killers. Fuck them all....

or shut the fuck up...

My ex-wife...

Game of Thrones...

If God made made men and women the same,
we wouldn't have all the fun from the differences....

You're prideful in your hatred of Him.
I would ask to repent and save yourself, but you probably won't....

You're so sure there's no God,
for your sake, you better not be wrong.....

You’re prideful in your standing with God
and in your own salvation

You best worry about what you need to do
to get right with God and repent of

Furthermore, God is a lifestyle....
What we say, do, watch, write, listen to
If either of us were truly walking with God,
we wouldn’t be on these boards
This has got to be one of the most hypocritical statements I’ve read in a while. Do you kiss your Jesus with that mouth of yours?!
I began my post with various statements Blackrook has posted
because he seems to know who is going to hell
Got it... yeah there’s something malfunctioning in that brain of his
...including anyone who performs an abortion, women who procure an abortion, anyone who pays for an abortion, and people who advocate that abortion should be legal.
Wait, so if I switch you off all I gotta do is tell goD I'm sorry and I'm off the hook?
It's called forgiveness.

Try it sometime.

I would forgive you if you said you were sorry for murdering babies.

Go ahead, try me.
I've never murdered a baby.

No forgiveness needed.

Thanks anyway though.
...including anyone who performs an abortion, women who procure an abortion, anyone who pays for an abortion, and people who advocate that abortion should be legal.
Hell is a ridiculous scare tactic put forth by power hungry people to control an uneducated population.

Sorry but those are the hard facts.

I despise abortion and I respect those who choose to live life by the beliefs of their choice but you can take that bible thumping fairy tale bullshit and put it where the sun don't shine.
Grandpa, I am sorry that you don't believe in hell, because I like you and want you to go to heaven.

But the "hard facts" are that a person who doesn't believe in hell probably won't do what it takes to not end up there.

So, I will pray to God to give you faith, so that you may be saved by the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Because, if you read the Bible, Jesus told us about hell, it was all his idea, nothing in the Old Testament mentions hell.

If you say there is no hell, you are saying Jesus is a liar.
What if the info about Jesus is wrong?
I have faith that the Bible is correct in identifying Jesus as the Son of God, who came to the world to save us from our sins.
You realize the Bible was written by men who thought the world was flat? And final edit was done by a diverse group who were overseen by a Roman Emperor? 300 plus years after the events? People here can't agree on what Mueller said yesterday.
...including anyone who performs an abortion, women who procure an abortion, anyone who pays for an abortion, and people who advocate that abortion should be legal.

I don't get it. My body, my wallet... what do they not understand about it?

If they want to kill their babies, better use their own bodies for it, not mine.
Everyone who commits murder and does not repent goes to hell..

Murder does not send one to Hel, goddess of the underworld (from which Christians borrowed and made up the non-existent place called "hell").

In fact, murder will likely send one to Valhalla.

Sorry bout that,
  1. People won't listen I say go on down there and drink in your doom.
  2. "Can't say you weren't warned." ~ CWN
  3. Jesus came, he warned you, the apostles came, they warned you, the millions of preachers came, they warned you.
  4. Countless time you have been warned.
  5. For me, that's all you get.
  6. For God, he may warn you a little more, i can't say, but you will know if he has more warnings later, he speaks for himself.
...including anyone who performs an abortion, women who procure an abortion, anyone who pays for an abortion, and people who advocate that abortion should be legal.
Hell is a ridiculous scare tactic put forth by power hungry people to control an uneducated population.

Sorry but those are the hard facts.

I despise abortion and I respect those who choose to live life by the beliefs of their choice but you can take that bible thumping fairy tale bullshit and put it where the sun don't shine.
Grandpa, I am sorry that you don't believe in hell, because I like you and want you to go to heaven.

But the "hard facts" are that a person who doesn't believe in hell probably won't do what it takes to not end up there.

So, I will pray to God to give you faith, so that you may be saved by the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Because, if you read the Bible, Jesus told us about hell, it was all his idea, nothing in the Old Testament mentions hell.

If you say there is no hell, you are saying Jesus is a liar.
What if the info about Jesus is wrong?
I have faith that the Bible is correct in identifying Jesus as the Son of God, who came to the world to save us from our sins.

I have similar faith in my Goddess Aphrodite. She is the Daughter of Zeus.

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