Everything the Left Does Is Fake

(BTW. I didn't vote for Trump, and I won't in 2020. Are you fool enough to vote for Hillary again, if she runs?)

Are you kidding??? NEVER liked Hillary nor will I ever.......However, even in Hillary WORST day, she would have been better than this scourge in the oval office. The megalomaniac is a real danger to all of us.....most people have now realized this, but a few cannot admit it to themselves how easily they were fooled by a low-IQ'ed charlatan and demagogue.

Why is it you prefer one megalomaniac, but not the other?

If the country had had ANY sense in 2016, Trump and Hillary would BOTH have gone home losers

I had NO preference in 2016...NONE......Asa former New Yorker I well knew what a complete corrupt idiot Trump was, is and will always be......With a clothespin firmly on my nose, I voted for Haillary CURING the inept DNC for giving me such aterrible choice.

Did your vote make a difference in the outcome of your state?

Mine wouldn't have, so I basically stayed home.

Considering your comments, you should have as well
Did your vote make a difference in the outcome of your state?

Mine wouldn't have, so I basically stayed home.

Considering your comments, you should have as well

You're probably correct......But being active in my state's politics, I chose to vote....and then gagged outside of the polling place.
Did your vote make a difference in the outcome of your state?

Mine wouldn't have, so I basically stayed home.

Considering your comments, you should have as well

You're probably correct......But being active in my state's politics, I chose to vote....and then gagged outside of the polling place.

in other words, you rewarded the DNC for giving you a lousy choice.

When Walker and Kasich dropped out, I knew I wasn't voting for a president.

The kid in the cage, staring forlornly out from his literally padded cell in the company of children wearing $69.95 Vans Sk8-Hi shoes? FAKE.

Fact-checked: Viral photo of boy in cage a FAKE

The picture of TRUMP CHILD CONCENTRATION CAMPS? It was from Obama's administration.
Well here's one, provided by US Customs, of kids in cages, on June 17, 2018.

If "kids in cages" is fake news, then why won't immigration officials allow independent 3rd parties, like the Red Cross, inside these facilities to see for themselves?

That Picture Of Immigrant Kids In Cages? It Has a Surprising Backstory

The refugee child crying on the cover of TIME while Trump looks on with disdain? Not a refugee, and never separated from her family.

Time Magazine: Ok, The Story is Fake...But It's Real in Our Hearts
The story is not fake. The original picture showed the little girl crying while her mother was being handcuffed by a border agent. The only thing fake here, is you inferring Trump has a conscience.

So why does the Left always need to lie?

Their agenda is so out of touch with the American people the are REQUIRED to lie.
Out of touch? You don't have a clue what it means to be an American. Americans don't believe in locking someone up indefinitely for a misdemeanor.

...the United States has been criticized for the reported treatment of detainees in American facilities:

The U.S. government has the largest immigration detention system in the world, and that is nothing to be proud of. The underlying problem with immigration detention is that most detainees are only guilty of being in the U.S. without authorization, which is a civil offense, not a crime.

Yet detainees are treated like criminals, held behind bars and barbed wire, often in remote locations. In fact, in at least one respect, immigration detainees are treated worse than criminals: Criminal defendants have the right to a speedy adjudication and to court-appointed legal counsel. Immigration detainees do not.

Detention punishes people in disproportionate relation to their alleged infractions, and contributes to the misconception that undocumented immigrants are criminals.
The lie is sick pricks like you trying to act like your actions are humane.
Just for fun regarding lying and corruption

“When comparing criminal indictments of those serving in the executive branch of presidential administrations it's so lopsided as to be ridiculous. Yet all I ever hear is how corrupt the Democrats are. So why don't we break it down by president and the numbers.

Obama (D) - 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. so the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as "scandal free" they aren't speaking wishfully, they're simply telling the truth.

Bush, George W. (R) - 8yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. that's right nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Bush, George H. W. (R) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. one conviction. one prison sentence.

Reagan (R) - 8yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) - 4yrs in office. one indictment. zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) - 2 1/2 yrs in office. one indictment and one conviction. one prison sentence. Pardoned Richard Nixon.

Nixon (R) - 6yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) - 5yrs in office. zero indictments. zero convictions. zero prison sentences.

So, let’s see where that leaves us. in the last 53 years Democrats have been in office for 25 of those years while Republicans held it for 28. in their 25yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence. that's one whole executive branch official convicted of a crime in two and a half decades of Democrat leadership.

In the 28yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53yrs they have had a total of(a drum roll would be more than appropriate), 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down. That's more prison sentences than years in office since 1968 for Republicans. If you want to count articles of impeachment as indictments (they aren't really but we can count them as an action), both sides get one more. However, Clinton wasn't found guilty while Nixon resigned and was pardoned by Ford. so those only serve to make Republicans look even worse.

With everything going on with Trump and his people right now, it's a safe bet Republicans are going to be padding their numbers a bit real soon. So let's just go over the numbers one more time shall we. 120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions and 34 prison sentences. Those aren't "feelings" or "alternate facts" those are simply the stats by the numbers. Republicans are, and have been the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.”

Let's just go over the numbers of Ds vs. Rs criminal activities.

120 indictments for Republicans. 89 convictions and 34 prison sentences. Those aren't "feelings" or "alternate facts" those are simply the stats by the numbers.

Republicans are, and have been the most criminally corrupt party to hold the office of the presidency.”

still cherry picking, I see.

how many of the Clintons business partners/friends ended up in prison, had convictions, etc.

Last count I saw was 30+

already posted

(not that you care)

seek and ye shall find.

I posted 2 links, in the same post
And one of your links was about convictions in the Clinton Administration when there were none.
But comparatively speaking the demcrats can't hold a candle to the republicans even if you know count dOnald tRump's lies instead of totalling them all up.

Here's the latest one from the orange buffoon

Trump falsely claims Obama gave citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal talks
Trump tweeted a wild and unverified accusation that appears to have originated with an Iranian politician.
It’s funny because I recall some on the right complaining about Obama talking about Bush and how disrespectful it is for a president to say anything less than flattering about a past president. Now they cheer such boorish behavior.
The favorite tool of the prog/socialist/commie/dem/liberal is emotional blackmail. They do not care if they have to lie, because for them, the ends justify the means.
But comparatively speaking the demcrats can't hold a candle to the republicans even if you know count dOnald tRump's lies instead of totalling them all up.

Here's the latest one from the orange buffoon

Trump falsely claims Obama gave citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal talks
Trump tweeted a wild and unverified accusation that appears to have originated with an Iranian politician.
It’s funny because I recall some on the right complaining about Obama talking about Bush and how disrespectful it is for a president to say anything less than flattering about a past president. Now they cheer such boorish behavior.

That's partly because Obama, and Hillary for that matter, can't seem to STFU.
But comparatively speaking the demcrats can't hold a candle to the republicans even if you know count dOnald tRump's lies instead of totalling them all up.

Here's the latest one from the orange buffoon

Trump falsely claims Obama gave citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal talks
Trump tweeted a wild and unverified accusation that appears to have originated with an Iranian politician.
It’s funny because I recall some on the right complaining about Obama talking about Bush and how disrespectful it is for a president to say anything less than flattering about a past president. Now they cheer such boorish behavior.

That's partly because Obama, and Hillary for that matter, can't seem to STFU.

Now that’s funny coming from a member of the trump herd.
But comparatively speaking the demcrats can't hold a candle to the republicans even if you know count dOnald tRump's lies instead of totalling them all up.

Here's the latest one from the orange buffoon

Trump falsely claims Obama gave citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal talks
Trump tweeted a wild and unverified accusation that appears to have originated with an Iranian politician.
It’s funny because I recall some on the right complaining about Obama talking about Bush and how disrespectful it is for a president to say anything less than flattering about a past president. Now they cheer such boorish behavior.

That's partly because Obama, and Hillary for that matter, can't seem to STFU.

Now that’s funny coming from a member of the trump herd.

Yeah, I said partly, the other part is it's just so much fun watching you loons get unhinged.
But comparatively speaking the demcrats can't hold a candle to the republicans even if you know count dOnald tRump's lies instead of totalling them all up.

Here's the latest one from the orange buffoon

Trump falsely claims Obama gave citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal talks
Trump tweeted a wild and unverified accusation that appears to have originated with an Iranian politician.
It’s funny because I recall some on the right complaining about Obama talking about Bush and how disrespectful it is for a president to say anything less than flattering about a past president. Now they cheer such boorish behavior.

That's partly because Obama, and Hillary for that matter, can't seem to STFU.

Now that’s funny coming from a member of the trump herd.

Yeah, I said partly, the other part is it's just so much fun watching you loons get unhinged.
And by "unhinged," you mean laughing at you.

The kid in the cage, staring forlornly out from his literally padded cell in the company of children wearing $69.95 Vans Sk8-Hi shoes? FAKE.

Fact-checked: Viral photo of boy in cage a FAKE

The picture of TRUMP CHILD CONCENTRATION CAMPS? It was from Obama's administration.

That Picture Of Immigrant Kids In Cages? It Has a Surprising Backstory

The refugee child crying on the cover of TIME while Trump looks on with disdain? Not a refugee, and never separated from her family.

Time Magazine: Ok, The Story is Fake...But It's Real in Our Hearts

So why does the Left always need to lie?

Their agenda is so out of touch with the American people the are REQUIRED to lie.

It is almost as if they have an agenda or something.

View attachment 202883

Amazing...when you act like a responsible politician, you're portrayed as a responsible politician.
When you act like Trump...you're portrayed as a miserable piece of shit.

Obama--responsible politician; father, husband, scholar
Trump--irresponsible blob, thrice divorced whoremonger, intellectually lazy and disinterested.

Both portrayals are true.

The kid in the cage, staring forlornly out from his literally padded cell in the company of children wearing $69.95 Vans Sk8-Hi shoes? FAKE.

Fact-checked: Viral photo of boy in cage a FAKE

The picture of TRUMP CHILD CONCENTRATION CAMPS? It was from Obama's administration.
Well here's one, provided by US Customs, of kids in cages, on June 17, 2018.

If "kids in cages" is fake news, then why won't immigration officials allow independent 3rd parties, like the Red Cross, inside these facilities to see for themselves?

That Picture Of Immigrant Kids In Cages? It Has a Surprising Backstory

The refugee child crying on the cover of TIME while Trump looks on with disdain? Not a refugee, and never separated from her family.

Time Magazine: Ok, The Story is Fake...But It's Real in Our Hearts
The story is not fake. The original picture showed the little girl crying while her mother was being handcuffed by a border agent. The only thing fake here, is you inferring Trump has a conscience.

So why does the Left always need to lie?

Their agenda is so out of touch with the American people the are REQUIRED to lie.
Out of touch? You don't have a clue what it means to be an American. Americans don't believe in locking someone up indefinitely for a misdemeanor.

...the United States has been criticized for the reported treatment of detainees in American facilities:

The U.S. government has the largest immigration detention system in the world, and that is nothing to be proud of. The underlying problem with immigration detention is that most detainees are only guilty of being in the U.S. without authorization, which is a civil offense, not a crime.

Yet detainees are treated like criminals, held behind bars and barbed wire, often in remote locations. In fact, in at least one respect, immigration detainees are treated worse than criminals: Criminal defendants have the right to a speedy adjudication and to court-appointed legal counsel. Immigration detainees do not.

Detention punishes people in disproportionate relation to their alleged infractions, and contributes to the misconception that undocumented immigrants are criminals.
The lie is sick pricks like you trying to act like your actions are humane.

The hilarity of the OP is magnified when one considers Fox News has been making things up since it was put on the air. Nearly every "opinion editor" claimed there were WMDs found in Iraq; contrary to what President Bush 43 said.

The kid in the cage, staring forlornly out from his literally padded cell in the company of children wearing $69.95 Vans Sk8-Hi shoes? FAKE.

Fact-checked: Viral photo of boy in cage a FAKE

The picture of TRUMP CHILD CONCENTRATION CAMPS? It was from Obama's administration.

That Picture Of Immigrant Kids In Cages? It Has a Surprising Backstory

The refugee child crying on the cover of TIME while Trump looks on with disdain? Not a refugee, and never separated from her family.

Time Magazine: Ok, The Story is Fake...But It's Real in Our Hearts

So why does the Left always need to lie?

Their agenda is so out of touch with the American people the are REQUIRED to lie.
Just more "liberals are bad" propaganda. If you would open your eyes you would see which party is really the liars.
Yes, that would be the party that lies...the democrats.

Like you're lying here.

The kid in the cage, staring forlornly out from his literally padded cell in the company of children wearing $69.95 Vans Sk8-Hi shoes? FAKE.

Fact-checked: Viral photo of boy in cage a FAKE

The picture of TRUMP CHILD CONCENTRATION CAMPS? It was from Obama's administration.

That Picture Of Immigrant Kids In Cages? It Has a Surprising Backstory

The refugee child crying on the cover of TIME while Trump looks on with disdain? Not a refugee, and never separated from her family.

Time Magazine: Ok, The Story is Fake...But It's Real in Our Hearts

So why does the Left always need to lie?

Their agenda is so out of touch with the American people the are REQUIRED to lie.

So when a person on the left eats, they're not really eating?

When they start threads on this forum, it's not a real thread, and it's not making sweeping statements that are clearly not true?

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