Eviction of 9 Palestinian Families from East Jerusalem by Israeli Police

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Hey, don't blame me if your ethnicity carries it's own Bernie Maddof reputation... Here's an idea: STOP JEWING PEOPLE OVER.

Oh, so I was correct in my conclusion in the other thread and you are, in fact, a bigot. Thanks for the blatant confirmation. I would have felt bad if I'd false accused you.

hehehe.. ANOTHER error is your brand noobness. I don't blame you though. Even if you shoot your wad like a 14 year old boy finally getting to third base it's easy to confuse my callous use of vocab as racism. I invite you to ask anyone in this thread which of us posters is the most vocal about wanting to see ethnic equality in isreal on par with what is found here in the US. That is, if you are not too busy stuffing the meat curtains of your vagina around the thong underwear of cookie cutter zionists today.


In searching for info on eviction procedures in Israel I found this :

Most of West Jerusalem is off-limits to Palestinian residents of Jerusalem in terms of their ability to purchase property.

Under Israeli law, to qualify to purchase property on “State Land” the purchaser must either be a citizen of Israel! What a concept they want citizen to purchase the land. ALL Israeli Arabs are entitled to citizenship if they want, but most reject it! So if they reject it, why do you argue they should be entitled to the same rights as citizens?

Should illegal aliens in the US have the same rights as citizens of the US?
Should your American citizenship depend on your acceptance of a WHITE AMERICA? Maybe we can strip you of your property until you accept that the US is primarily concerned with white people....
Hey, don't blame me if your ethnicity carries it's own Bernie Maddof reputation... Here's an idea: STOP JEWING PEOPLE OVER.

Oh, so I was correct in my conclusion in the other thread and you are, in fact, a bigot. Thanks for the blatant confirmation. I would have felt bad if I'd false accused you.

hehehe.. ANOTHER error is your brand noobness. I don't blame you though. Even if you shoot your wad like a 14 year old boy finally getting to third base it's easy to confuse my callous use of vocab as racism. I invite you to ask anyone in this thread which of us posters is the most vocal about wanting to see ethnic equality in isreal on par with what is found here in the US. That is, if you are not too busy stuffing the meat curtains of your vagina around the thong underwear of cookie cutter zionists today.

Low class and bigoted. You've got it all.
In searching for info on eviction procedures in Israel I found this :

Most of West Jerusalem is off-limits to Palestinian residents of Jerusalem in terms of their ability to purchase property.

Under Israeli law, to qualify to purchase property on “State Land” the purchaser must either be a citizen of Israel! What a concept they want citizen to purchase the land. ALL Israeli Arabs are entitled to citizenship if they want, but most reject it! So if they reject it, why do you argue they should be entitled to the same rights as citizens?

Should illegal aliens in the US have the same rights as citizens of the US?

What does illegal aliens have to do with anything. In the US legal residents can own property. These people are citizens of Jerusalem, they are legal residents.
In searching for info on eviction procedures in Israel I found this :

Most of West Jerusalem is off-limits to Palestinian residents of Jerusalem in terms of their ability to purchase property. This is because most of West Jerusalem, like most of Israel, is “State Land” (in all, 93% of land in Israel is “State Land,” though the percentage is lower in Jerusalem). Under Israeli law, to qualify to purchase property on “State Land” the purchaser must either be a citizen of Israel (Palestinian Jerusalemites are legal residents if the city, not citizens of Israel) or legally entitled to citizenship under the law of return (i.e. Jewish). This means an Israeli or a Jew from anywhere in the world can purchase such property in West Jerusalem, but not a Palestinian resident of the city. (Technically, by the way, these are generally not purchases but long-term leases.)
With respect to private land in West Jerusalem, legally there are no limitations on Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem purchasing in such areas. Similarly, there are no legal limitations on Palestinian residents of Jerusalem renting in West Jerusalem. However, we are unfamiliar with a single case of a Palestinian who holds Jerusalem residency who is living in West Jerusalem, either through purchase or rental of property (and we are very familiar with this issue). The reasons for this are social, cultural, and economic. This is distinct, by the way, from Arab citizens of Israel, a small number of who do live in West Jerusalem.

In addition, it should be emphasized that the ban on purchase of property on “State Lands” by Palestinian residents of Jerusalem extends to East Jerusalem. Not only are Palestinian Jerusalemites barred from purchasing property in most of West Jerusalem, but they are also barred from purchasing property in the 35% of East Jerusalem that Israel has expropriated as “State Land” since 1967, and on which Israel’s East Jerusalem settlements have been built. This means that in more than 1/3 of East Jerusalem, Israelis and Jews from anywhere in the world have a right to buy property in Israeli settlements, but not Palestinian residents of Jerusalem, including the very residents whose land was expropriated to build these settlements.

The Peace Now Blog » Abusing Jerusalem to Assail Peace: the Case of the Shepherd’s Hotel

Its called a strategy! The Jews want to pack as many Jews into Jerusalem as possible! Jerusalem is 35% Jewish. Eastern Jerusalem is now 40% Jewish! The Israelis are trying to get it to be majority Jewish throughout. They want to make a claim on it in the end solution in I/P conflict. Having a majority in all of Jerusalem is a good method!

The Palestinians are using a strategy also to prevent an annexation of both Gaza and the West Bank. Which is reproduce rabbits!
In searching for info on eviction procedures in Israel I found this :

Most of West Jerusalem is off-limits to Palestinian residents of Jerusalem in terms of their ability to purchase property. This is because most of West Jerusalem, like most of Israel, is “State Land” (in all, 93% of land in Israel is “State Land,” though the percentage is lower in Jerusalem). Under Israeli law, to qualify to purchase property on “State Land” the purchaser must either be a citizen of Israel (Palestinian Jerusalemites are legal residents if the city, not citizens of Israel) or legally entitled to citizenship under the law of return (i.e. Jewish). This means an Israeli or a Jew from anywhere in the world can purchase such property in West Jerusalem, but not a Palestinian resident of the city. (Technically, by the way, these are generally not purchases but long-term leases.)
With respect to private land in West Jerusalem, legally there are no limitations on Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem purchasing in such areas. Similarly, there are no legal limitations on Palestinian residents of Jerusalem renting in West Jerusalem. However, we are unfamiliar with a single case of a Palestinian who holds Jerusalem residency who is living in West Jerusalem, either through purchase or rental of property (and we are very familiar with this issue). The reasons for this are social, cultural, and economic. This is distinct, by the way, from Arab citizens of Israel, a small number of who do live in West Jerusalem.

In addition, it should be emphasized that the ban on purchase of property on “State Lands” by Palestinian residents of Jerusalem extends to East Jerusalem. Not only are Palestinian Jerusalemites barred from purchasing property in most of West Jerusalem, but they are also barred from purchasing property in the 35% of East Jerusalem that Israel has expropriated as “State Land” since 1967, and on which Israel’s East Jerusalem settlements have been built. This means that in more than 1/3 of East Jerusalem, Israelis and Jews from anywhere in the world have a right to buy property in Israeli settlements, but not Palestinian residents of Jerusalem, including the very residents whose land was expropriated to build these settlements.

The Peace Now Blog » Abusing Jerusalem to Assail Peace: the Case of the Shepherd’s Hotel

Its called a strategy! The Jews want to pack as many Jews into Jerusalem as possible! Jerusalem is 35% Jewish. Eastern Jerusalem is now 40% Jewish! The Israelis are trying to get it to be majority Jewish throughout. They want to make a claim on it in the end solution in I/P conflict. Having a majority in all of Jerusalem is a good method!

The Palestinians are using a strategy also to prevent an annexation of both Gaza and the West Bank. Which is reproduce rabbits!

thanks for admitting the racism behind the scenes. Now, if only the US can apply that same standard to maintaining WASP dominance over the United States... (but, as we all know, THAT would be racist)
The Norway Post - Israel strongly criticised for evictions

Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere commented: “The eviction of these Palestinian families is in breach of Israel’s obligations under international law, (and) together with the destruction of Palestinian homes and the construction of new settlements in East Jerusalem, is jeopardising the peace process."

EU protests evictions of Palestinians from east Jerusalem | Headlines | Jerusalem Post

Swedish government spokesman Anders Jorle said Israeli Ambassador Benjamin Dagan was summoned to the Foreign Ministry on Monday, where he was handed the 27-nation bloc's statement describing Sunday's evictions "unacceptable."

The EU said "house demolitions, evictions and settlement activities in East Jerusalem are illegal under international law."

Israel defends Jerusalem evictions - CNN.com

In the United States, a State Department spokesman urged Israel to refrain from "provocative actions."

"As Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton has stated previously, the eviction of families and demolition of homes in East Jerusalem is not in keeping with Israeli obligations under the Roadmap," said Robert Wood, referring to the 2003 "Roadmap for peace" plan.

"We urge that the government of Israel and municipal officials refrain from provocative actions in East Jerusalem, including home demolitions and evictions. Unilateral actions taken by either party cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations and will not be recognized by the international community."

Senior State Department officials told CNN that Acting Assistant Secretary Jeffrey Feltman had conveyed the United States' concern to the Israeli ambassador in Washington.

Condemnations raining down on Israel from around the world... but of course, everyone is wrong, including the USA, only Israel is right - because it has the divine right...

Well done.

Sometimes Israel is right. Sometimes Israel is wrong. From what I've seen, people tend to either by blatantly pro-Israel, where Israel can do no wrong, or blatantly anti-Israel, where Israel can do no right. The conversation on the Israel situation has become so polarized that we can't see the forest for the trees anymore, so to speak.
In searching for info on eviction procedures in Israel I found this :

Most of West Jerusalem is off-limits to Palestinian residents of Jerusalem in terms of their ability to purchase property.

Under Israeli law, to qualify to purchase property on “State Land” the purchaser must either be a citizen of Israel! What a concept they want citizen to purchase the land. ALL Israeli Arabs are entitled to citizenship if they want, but most reject it! So if they reject it, why do you argue they should be entitled to the same rights as citizens?

Should illegal aliens in the US have the same rights as citizens of the US?

What does illegal aliens have to do with anything. In the US legal residents can own property. These people are citizens of Jerusalem, they are legal residents.

The Arabs in East Jerusalem have the option to become Israeli citizens, but they refuse. So why then do they (do you) assume they will get all the same rights are citizens, when they refuse citizenship?
have laws requiring that the possessions of people who have been evicted be put into storage. That is standard procedure in my state. Though sometimes ignored by some lawless landlords.

Not the standard in most places! If the owner has to go through the trouble to evict someone (courts and fees) why place extra burden on the person with putting the evictee's things into storage.

In IL its moving the the stuff right in front of the house!
Two Palestinian families in East Jerusalem forcibly evicted from their houses - International Middle East Media Center

Interesting account of the actual eviction:

Israeli forces first demolished gates on the two houses and then forced the families out at gunpoint, without letting them remove furniture or belongings.

At around 5:30 in the morning, Israeli police arrived at the Hannoun family home and broke into the house through the windows. They removed Maher Hanoun, his wife Nadia and their 3 children using force. The police separated the family from the international and Israeli solidarity activists that were staying in the home. Police then arrested the international and Israeli solidarity activists that were staying with the family. Around the same time, Israeli police came into the al-Ghawe family home and removed the family, among them many small children, and internationals staying in the home. Eyewitnesses reported that Israeli forces beat a Palestinian male who was trying to intervene when police were yelling at an elderly Palestinian woman.

Interesting... something pertinent to the case:

The Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem was built by the UN and Jordanian government in 1956 to house Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war. With the the start of the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, following the 1967 war, settlers began claiming ownership of the land the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood was built on. Stating that they had purchased the land from a previous Ottoman owner in the 1800s, settlers claimed ownership of the land. In 1972, settlers successfully registered this claim with the Israeli Land Registrar.

The lawyer of the Sheikh Jarrah families went to Turkey to find these documents proving the settler’s landownership in the Ottoman Archives. The Ottomans were well known for neatly documenting all important events, stored by date. The original of the document that the settlers base their claims upon was not to be found in the archives.

Interesting quote...

In 2004 Nadav Shargai from Ha’aretz reported that: “A process of Judaization has already begun . The compound is currently, and gradually, being cleared of its Arab population by means of legal procedures

Please, read the entire article, I just posted what to me are the most interesting parts.

I'd also like for people interested in this issue to post their own sources... if you don't like mine, post better ones.
Sometimes Israel is right. Sometimes Israel is wrong. From what I've seen, people tend to either by blatantly pro-Israel, where Israel can do no wrong, or blatantly anti-Israel, where Israel can do no right. The conversation on the Israel situation has become so polarized that we can't see the forest for the trees anymore, so to speak.

Sure. How about we focus on the issue at hand. Is Israel right or wrong in regards to this case? I'd like to find out. I want to know what the hell is going on. I've been keeping an eye on Isr/Pal 'conflict' for the past 9 years... I don't think you can summarize the problem in a few snazzy sentences.
Under Israeli law, to qualify to purchase property on “State Land” the purchaser must either be a citizen of Israel! What a concept they want citizen to purchase the land. ALL Israeli Arabs are entitled to citizenship if they want, but most reject it! So if they reject it, why do you argue they should be entitled to the same rights as citizens?

Should illegal aliens in the US have the same rights as citizens of the US?

What does illegal aliens have to do with anything. In the US legal residents can own property. These people are citizens of Jerusalem, they are legal residents.

The Arabs in East Jerusalem have the option to become Israeli citizens, but they refuse. So why then do they (do you) assume they will get all the same rights are citizens, when they refuse citizenship?

AGAIN, how quick would you be to validate your American citizenship ONLY if you accept that the US is a WHITE ANGLO SAXON PROTESTANT NATION? I bet you'd balk and cry foul just like your demonized ****** class in israel is doing. Thankfully, there are muslim nations to point at when you get too uncomfotable comparing israel to the United States.
If you are going to state they defended themselves, then quote what the defense was. I quoted it below. Exactly what I was saying all along!

They are not disputing title pre-'48 they are enforcing a sales contract and money exchange that the Arab adverse possessor signed with the Jews who PAID money RECENTLY for the property.

Again imagine if an Israeli Arab who accepted Israel citizenship contract to buy a home in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv and paid money, but the Jewish owner told him to fuck off. Would the Israel court be just in evicting the Jews and allowing the Arab in? So why is it so hard to accept in the reverse!

Israel defends Jerusalem evictions - CNN.com

In the United States, a State Department spokesman urged Israel to refrain from "provocative actions."

"As Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton has stated previously, the eviction of families and demolition of homes in East Jerusalem is not in keeping with Israeli obligations under the Roadmap," said Robert Wood, referring to the 2003 "Roadmap for peace" plan.

"We urge that the government of Israel and municipal officials refrain from provocative actions in East Jerusalem, including home demolitions and evictions. Unilateral actions taken by either party cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations and will not be recognized by the international community."

Senior State Department officials told CNN that Acting Assistant Secretary Jeffrey Feltman had conveyed the United States' concern to the Israeli ambassador in Washington.

Condemnations raining down on Israel from around the world... but of course, everyone is wrong, including the USA, only Israel is right - because it has the divine right...

Well done.


Israel defends Jerusalem evictions - CNN.com
who described the dispute as a legal one between two private parties over who had title to a property in East Jerusalem.

In the court action, a settler group sued claiming the Palestinians had violated an agreement under which they were allowed to live in the houses.

"On the contrary, here you see a situation where private people bought private property and that's what it is, and the court dealt with a land dispute between two private groups of people."
Another interesting article, this time, focusing on other Palestinian families evicted from their houses in East Jerusalem, esp. the al-Kurd family. It sheds light onto this case as well.

I find a quote of Mr. Luria especially interesting:

But Daniel Luria of Ateret Cohanim, an organisation which promotes Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem says "nobody's forcing anyone out - the courts ruled they [the Kurds] were living there illegally". [...]

To Mr Luria, the Green Line - the 1949 ceasefire line - between East and West Jerusalem is meaningless, whatever the international community says.

"God gave the land to the Jewish people. Full stop."

Always the divine entitlement. You really can't debate these people can you since they consider themselves entitled to the land by god... It must feel like talking to a wall.

I wish I could actually find an unbiased analysis of all these eviction cases instead of media stories... Media can choose to color it a certain way and can show bias... Does anyone have such a link???

Link to the article I took the above quote from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7729487.stm
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Jew Crow strikes again. Non-jews getting a fair shake in israel is about as rare as a black family enjoying a white only pool in Alabama circa 1936.

Funny that you refuse to answer my question, jewhook.. I take it you'd rather not comment on how loud you'd be crying if your American citizenship depended on your acceptance of a WHITE ANGLO SAXON PROTESTANT AMERICA.
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