Evil Koch Brothers Give $25 Million to United Negro College Fun


Koch brothers to give $25 million to United Negro College Fund | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour

oh my...those evil koch brothers

what will the lefties do now?

It's called good public relations. And compared to what they've given PACs to support Tea Party candidates, it's a drop in the bucket.

The Koch Brothers Are Spending Circles Around Democrats
Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity Outspending Democrats - Businessweek

And OF COURSE Congress makes it illegal to disclose those actual numbers of dollars the Koch-heads are spending.

poor libs

kock brothers do something they approve of and they still have to bitch and whine and complain it is a diversionary tactic


i trust there are some libs out there who can simply say they did a good deed

poor libs

kock brothers do something they approve of and they still have to bitch and whine and complain it is a diversionary tactic


i trust there are some libs out there who can simply say they did a good deed

The key word is "motive"...

poor libs

kock brothers do something they approve of and they still have to bitch and whine and complain it is a diversionary tactic


i trust there are some libs out there who can simply say they did a good deed

Good deeds and acquiring almost $80,000,000,000 in wealth simply don't go hand in hand. Anyone who thinks so is simply naive.

And besides, I wasn't complaining. You posted the story, not us.

poor libs

kock brothers do something they approve of and they still have to bitch and whine and complain it is a diversionary tactic


i trust there are some libs out there who can simply say they did a good deed

Good deeds and acquiring almost $80,000,000,000 in wealth simply don't go hand in hand. Anyone who thinks so is simply naive.

And besides, I wasn't complaining. You posted the story, not us.

all you've done is whine about the koch brothers. you can't even simply say they did a good deed here.

you're pathetic

poor libs

kock brothers do something they approve of and they still have to bitch and whine and complain it is a diversionary tactic


i trust there are some libs out there who can simply say they did a good deed

Good deeds and acquiring almost $80,000,000,000 in wealth simply don't go hand in hand. Anyone who thinks so is simply naive.

And besides, I wasn't complaining. You posted the story, not us.

all you've done is whine about the koch brothers. you can't even simply say they did a good deed here.

you're pathetic

I don't whine about anything. I help expose them since airheads like you wouldn't even know who they were or how they were fleecing you without people like me.
On the surface, it appeared that a major New York hospital had gratefully accepted a $100 million gift from a philanthropic family with a long history of donating to the arts, higher learning and medicine.

But the new wing at New York-Presbyterian Hospital inspired a bizarre protest last weekend by activist groups including the NAACP New York State Conference, the New York State Nurses’ Association and the hospital-employee union SEIU Local 1199. ...

No, the only thing the liberal interest groups didn’t like about the new hospital wing was its funding source: the philanthropist known as David H. Koch. The new wing was gratefully to be named after Koch, who along with his brother Charles stands as one of today’s great philanthropists.

Among the many David Koch gifts to this city alone are a previous $15 million to New York-Presbyterian’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, $30 million to Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, $25 million to the Hospital for Special Surgery, $20 million to a dinosaur exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, $65 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and $100 million to the Lincoln Center theater that is home to the New York City Ballet and the New York City Opera. ...

The anti-Koch groups held their protest on International Women’s Day to signify that this was a woman’s issue: It turns out a group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights, which also receives some Koch brothers largesse, has given $1 million to Susan B. Anthony’s List, a pro-life group. And the nurses who have made it their calling to protect human life? They don’t like that. ...

Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

Buying our democracy? Lol. They're not doing a very good job then since O and the dems have had the presidency for two terms now.

LOL yeah. Lets not forget the fact Obama raised twice as much as McCain and outraised Romney.

So why is it the Koch's are so bad when Obama can raise near 2 billion dollars- just for presidential elections alone?

Who is buying what?
Evil bastards, they're only doing this to deflect from how much they hate black people.

Do they have an NBA team ? If so, give it back Kock suckers !!!

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