Evil Koch Brothers Give $25 Million to United Negro College Fun


Koch brothers to give $25 million to United Negro College Fund | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour

oh my...those evil koch brothers

what will the lefties do now?

I'm a "lefty" and I think what they did was a great thing. I also think that the people receiving those scholarships should know where and who the money came from so the Koch brothers and their ideology can get the credit for the donation.

i knew there was an honest and good lefty out there.
0.00030120481928 of their combined net worth



they give 25 MILLION and all you can do is bitch about it


Well, what do you want people to do take the other Koch bros ball out your mouth and fight for it?

are you naturally retarded or do you work at it?
That's from 2010. Try the Koch brothers numbers for 2013-2014 against Soros. Soros isn't even a player anymore.

link it.

so i guess you obviously don't mind that soros far outspent them previously.

two faced hack

Oooh, nasty.....such thin skin.

You started a thread about the Kochs and now you've switched to bashing Soros.

Is that because you can't defend the Kochs?

didn't think you would back up your claim with a link.

i mentioned soros only to show your leftwinger hypocrisy. and it worked perfectly.

Koch brothers to give $25 million to United Negro College Fund | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour

oh my...those evil koch brothers

what will the lefties do now?

I'm a "lefty" and I think what they did was a great thing. I also think that the people receiving those scholarships should know where and who the money came from so the Koch brothers and their ideology can get the credit for the donation.

i knew there was an honest and good lefty out there.

Thanks, I just call it the way I see it. Some people from different sides of the aisle will like it and some people won't. In my opinion, people in college should be exposed to all sorts of different political ideologies, so they can better decide what's better for them individually.
I'm a "lefty" and I think what they did was a great thing. I also think that the people receiving those scholarships should know where and who the money came from so the Koch brothers and their ideology can get the credit for the donation.

i knew there was an honest and good lefty out there.

Thanks, I just call it the way I see it. Some people from different sides of the aisle will like it and some people won't. In my opinion, people in college should be exposed to all sorts of different political ideologies, so they can better decide what's better for them individually.


That's from 2010. Try the Koch brothers numbers for 2013-2014 against Soros. Soros isn't even a player anymore.

link it.

so i guess you obviously don't mind that soros far outspent them previously.

two faced hack
Because they weren't directly contributing back then - because there were still disclosure rules back then. They want to control things anonymously. So they put their money into other things like 'think tanks'.

It was only after wingnuts decimated campaign finance rules that they saw they could contribute huge sums in a shell game.

At least Soros hasn't tried to hide his intentions. Liberals are generally more honorable than conservatives.
That's from 2010. Try the Koch brothers numbers for 2013-2014 against Soros. Soros isn't even a player anymore.

link it.

so i guess you obviously don't mind that soros far outspent them previously.

two faced hack
Because they weren't directly contributing back then - because there were still disclosure rules back then. They want to control things anonymously. So they put their money into other things like 'think tanks'.

It was only after wingnuts decimated campaign finance rules that they saw they could contribute huge sums in a shell game.

At least Soros hasn't tried to hide his intentions. Liberals are generally more honorable than conservatives.

Liberals are more honorable? How come they never own up to their misdeeds? How come so many dead people vote for Liberals?
Bengazi, Fast and Furious, Irs picking on conservative groups, etc. When will we see Holders records of who knew what when?
On the surface, it appeared that a major New York hospital had gratefully accepted a $100 million gift from a philanthropic family with a long history of donating to the arts, higher learning and medicine.

But the new wing at New York-Presbyterian Hospital inspired a bizarre protest last weekend by activist groups including the NAACP New York State Conference, the New York State Nurses’ Association and the hospital-employee union SEIU Local 1199. ...

No, the only thing the liberal interest groups didn’t like about the new hospital wing was its funding source: the philanthropist known as David H. Koch. The new wing was gratefully to be named after Koch, who along with his brother Charles stands as one of today’s great philanthropists.

Among the many David Koch gifts to this city alone are a previous $15 million to New York-Presbyterian’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, $30 million to Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, $25 million to the Hospital for Special Surgery, $20 million to a dinosaur exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, $65 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and $100 million to the Lincoln Center theater that is home to the New York City Ballet and the New York City Opera. ...

The anti-Koch groups held their protest on International Women’s Day to signify that this was a woman’s issue: It turns out a group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights, which also receives some Koch brothers largesse, has given $1 million to Susan B. Anthony’s List, a pro-life group. And the nurses who have made it their calling to protect human life? They don’t like that. ...
Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post


...because their fears are made real:

Billionaire's role in hiring decisions at Florida State University raises questions

A conservative billionaire who opposes government meddling in business has bought a rare commodity: the right to interfere in faculty hiring at a publicly funded university.

A foundation bankrolled by Libertarian businessman Charles G. Koch has pledged $1.5 million for positions in Florida State University's economics department. In return, his representatives get to screen and sign off on any hires for a new program promoting "political economy and free enterprise."

Traditionally, university donors have little official input into choosing the person who fills a chair they've funded. The power of university faculty and officials to choose professors without outside interference is considered a hallmark of academic freedom.

Under the agreement with the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, however, faculty only retain the illusion of control. The contract specifies that an advisory committee appointed by Koch decides which candidates should be considered. The foundation can also withdraw its funding if it's not happy with the faculty's choice or if the hires don't meet "objectives" set by Koch during annual evaluations.
Billionaire's role in hiring decisions at Florida State University raises questions

A conservative billionaire who opposes government meddling in business has bought a rare commodity: the right to interfere in faculty hiring at a publicly funded university.

A foundation bankrolled by Libertarian businessman Charles G. Koch has pledged $1.5 million for positions in Florida State University's economics department. In return, his representatives get to screen and sign off on any hires for a new program promoting "political economy and free enterprise."

Traditionally, university donors have little official input into choosing the person who fills a chair they've funded. The power of university faculty and officials to choose professors without outside interference is considered a hallmark of academic freedom.

Under the agreement with the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, however, faculty only retain the illusion of control. The contract specifies that an advisory committee appointed by Koch decides which candidates should be considered. The foundation can also withdraw its funding if it's not happy with the faculty's choice or if the hires don't meet "objectives" set by Koch during annual evaluations.

Oh boo hoo hoo.....imagine, a university forced to take money against their will.

Cry me a friggin' river!
CaféAuLait;9220608 said:
Buying our democracy? Lol. They're not doing a very good job then since O and the dems have had the presidency for two terms now.

LOL yeah. Lets not forget the fact Obama raised twice as much as McCain and outraised Romney.

So why is it the Koch's are so bad when Obama can raise near 2 billion dollars- just for presidential elections alone?

Who is buying what?

Is it better for representative democracy if 10 million people donate $10 each (the Obama model) or if Sheldon Addelson donates $100 million (the Republican model)?
The Koch brothers are only concerned with destroying the EPA, so their petrochemical companies can pollute at will.

If winning a few black votes will help them do that, so be it.

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