Evil Republicans limit public union collective bargaining rights again!

The GOP is doing a nice job of villifying the teachers, firefighters, police, etc. They have made these people out to be worse than the taliban. Yet the corporations will walk away laughing. Those that wish for all this to happen are voting themselves right into a bigger plutocracy than already exists. It's fine for them to pay in more, but to take away some seniority for those that have dedicated their lives to their jobs? This is stupid. The snowplow drivers NEED TO REMEMBER THIS NEXT TIME THERE IS A BLIZZARD....take your time boys....tell the business owners to stick it. When wages are cut, so should the motivation be cut.

Nice spew but perhaps you need to talk to the dems who voted for it not the GOP
I have no problem saying that it sucks. Shame on ANY politician blaming the the workers for the financial mess their state is in. The workers didn't cause it and budgets shouldn't be balanced on the workers backs. And I don't care if they have a D or R next to their name.

The union thugs (workers) did cause it. Anyone who claims otherwise is an imbecile or a lying scumbag.

I thought liberals believe we all need to sacrifice. How about if these privileged government employees do a little sacrificing?

I would grandfather current public worker benefits and then replace all public pensions with a 401K plan and a stipend for health care insurance. That would be a sustainable system and not require increases in property or other taxes.

Screw the "grandfathering." Why should a work like a borrowed mule to pay their outrageous pensions because some scumbag politician took their political donations that came out of my pocket?

You're the fucking scumbag since you expect government to wipe your ass but don't want to pay the people who work for you. You'd be the first one to wet his pants if your road wasn't plowed, garbage wasn't picked up or you couldn't flush a toilet.

So STFU and pay the poor bastards that YOU hired to work for you.

oh, wait. it was evil democrats in massachusetts.

sorry for the misunderstanding

State House votes to limit union bargaining rights - BostonHerald.com

the house is composed of 128 D and 31 R.

i guess the recall effort will start any minute now. :rofl:

"The Massachusetts House voted Tuesday to dramatically strengthen the power of city and town leaders to change health insurance plans for municipal employees over the objections of unions.

The 111-42 vote late Tuesday came after House leaders agreed to modify their original plan in the hopes of heading off labor opposition."

comedy gold this is:lol:.......so, I expect to see da goose and the other defenders of the union faith in full fury...go get'em boyz!!:popcorn:
Oh The Times They Are A CHANGIN'...Even in California!

California voters want government employees to give up some retirement benefits to help ease the state's financial problems, favoring a cap on pensions and a later age for collecting them, according to a new poll.

Voter support for rolling back benefits available to few outside the public sector comes as Gov. Jerry Brown and Republicans in the Legislature haggle over changes to the pension system as part of state budget negotiations. Such benefits have been a flashpoint of national debate this year, and the poll shows that Californians are among those who perceive public retirement plans to be too costly.

Voters appear ready to embrace changes not just for future hires but also for current employees who have been promised the benefits under contract.

Seventy percent of respondents said they supported a cap on pensions for current and future public employees. Nearly as many, 68%, approved of raising the amount of money government workers should be required to contribute to their retirement. Increasing the age at which government employees may collect pensions was favored by 52%

Times/USC Dornsife Poll: California voters want public employees to shoulder more of the state's financial troubles, according to the Times/USC Dornsife poll - latimes.com

hey thats my pension you're messing with!!!!!!!:evil:

I gotta change hats, wait a minute...

Good job!!!!!:lol:
If I still lived in Boston I might be tempted to spearhead the recall effort!! :razz:
Democrats have done a fabulous job convincing ignorant voters that they are fighting for the poor, the working people, and the needy. This exposes the charade.
Democrats have done a fabulous job convincing ignorant voters that they are fighting for the poor, the working people, and the needy. This exposes the charade.

So on the other hand you're admitting that this is an attack on the poor, the working people, and the needy? That's refreshing!!

oh, wait. it was evil democrats in massachusetts.

sorry for the misunderstanding

State House votes to limit union bargaining rights - BostonHerald.com

the house is composed of 128 D and 31 R.

i guess the recall effort will start any minute now. :rofl:

"The Massachusetts House voted Tuesday to dramatically strengthen the power of city and town leaders to change health insurance plans for municipal employees over the objections of unions.

The 111-42 vote late Tuesday came after House leaders agreed to modify their original plan in the hopes of heading off labor opposition."

Trouble in paradise? Teddy would be so disappointed. Anyone have a seismograph over Teddy's grave? Is he rolling?

amazing how silent the dems are now as compared to when repubs did pretty much the same thing


^ koolaid
Democrats have done a fabulous job convincing ignorant voters that they are fighting for the poor, the working people, and the needy. This exposes the charade.

So on the other hand you're admitting that this is an attack on the poor, the working people, and the needy? That's refreshing!!


Let's be real for a moment shall we? Both parties cater to the rich folks that fund their election campaigns. Democrats are very good at pretending they are fighting for the oppressed, the poor, the needy, et.al., but they are really just playing charades.

Case in point - cutting the deficit. The Democrats will pretend that they are going to raise taxes on the "rich", they'll demagogue the living shit out it and we'll be inundated with nonstop stories from breathless reporters about how the poor "McNally family from Baltimore" and millions more, will be eating sawdust and worms because of proposed budget cuts by the evil Republicans.

But the issue is already decided with a wink and a nod - no tax increases will be approved for anyone, especially not the evil "rich". (where will the campaign money come from!!???) The budget will be cut (as it should be) and the poor needy will have to do with less from the government. It's the way things are done in Washington. Democrats know that they'll get the "poor" vote, the "progressive" vote, the "black" vote, and the "labor" vote anyway. They have nothing to lose and they know it.

The Democrats will blame it all on the Republicans who by the way, control only 1/2 of 1/3 of the government :cuckoo: - it's a classic "look over there" trick and Democrat voters fall for it every time.
democrats have done a fabulous job convincing ignorant voters that they are fighting for the poor, the working people, and the needy. This exposes the charade.

so on the other hand you're admitting that this is an attack on the poor, the working people, and the needy? That's refreshing!!


let's be real for a moment shall we? Both parties cater to the rich folks that fund their election campaigns. Democrats are very good at pretending they are fighting for the oppressed, the poor, the needy, et.al., but they are really just playing charades.

Case in point - cutting the deficit. The democrats will pretend that they are going to raise taxes on the "rich", they'll demagogue the living shit out it and we'll be inundated with nonstop stories from breathless reporters about how the poor "mcnally family from baltimore" and millions more, will be eating sawdust and worms because of proposed budget cuts by the evil republicans.

But the issue is already decided with a wink and a nod - no tax increases will be approved for anyone, especially not the evil "rich". (where will the campaign money come from!!???) the budget will be cut (as it should be) and the poor needy will have to do with less from the government. It's the way things are done in washington. Democrats know that they'll get the "poor" vote, the "progressive" vote, the "black" vote, and the "labor" vote anyway. They have nothing to lose and they know it.

The democrats will blame it all on the republicans who by the way, control only 1/2 of 1/3 of the government :cuckoo: - it's a classic "look over there" trick and democrat voters fall for it every time.

The GOP is doing a nice job of villifying the teachers, firefighters, police, etc. They have made these people out to be worse than the taliban. Yet the corporations will walk away laughing. Those that wish for all this to happen are voting themselves right into a bigger plutocracy than already exists. It's fine for them to pay in more, but to take away some seniority for those that have dedicated their lives to their jobs? This is stupid. The snowplow drivers NEED TO REMEMBER THIS NEXT TIME THERE IS A BLIZZARD....take your time boys....tell the business owners to stick it. When wages are cut, so should the motivation be cut.

I guess you missed the part that this is Massachusetts the OP is talking about, bastion of liberalism on the east coast, Democrat defenders of labor and the "little guy".
One would think in a state controlled by Dems they could pass tax the rich laws to help offset the cost. Uuuummmmm.............

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