Ex-NYT Journalist killed in Ukaine

You do understand WAR don't you?

We've gone generations now engaging in war with our hands tied behind our back.

Next time we're in a war we better be willing to fight or be enslaved

With all due respect, fighting the next big war to win might require the use of some human shields. Idiots like Franco wouldn't perform any other useful purpose that I know of.
As all the "news" coming the Ukraine/Russia war, they have to be checked and double checked.

So here is the other side of the coin.... always is good to know both sides. :dunno:

The “New York Times Journalist” reported killed this morning was reportedly not working for the NYT at the time of his death. This individual was likely some sort of US Intel collector.

He was a spy?
""The mayor's order completes the picture of today's death of former New York Times employee Brand Renault. The deceased journalist tried to take pictures from his car, but the territorial defense fighters took these actions for espionage"
Killed by ukrainians. But everyone remembered that they were russians

So, buddy, go fuck yourself
Link to your crap, super dupe...
Real freedom fighter you are, super dupe...Fox etc BS never stops carping about Ukraine, vaccines, Dems and you end up being a total chump for corrupt oligarchs...

I don't see you hauling your fat ass over to Ukraine to protect their freedom. Your weak-assed "president" won't even give them the Polish Migs.

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