Ex VP Dick Cheney DESTROYS Obama on 9/11: ‘No President Has Done More to Weaken the US’

Hillary supported that war and voted for it. Are you voting for her?
Yes, Dick Cheney & co lied to Congress and duped them with false intelligence that there was a need for war. Hillary said it was a mistake. What more do you want? She's not the only person in Congress pissed off at Cheney for lying to them. Back in the old days if you lied to Congress about things of such magnitude they....

Congress got their briefings from the CIA and FBI, just like Bush and Cheney did. You don't really believe anything that Hillary says do you? She is a congenital liar and has been since birth.
Oh, OK, Cheney of Haliburton Oil interests, and who was also financially deep in bed with private military contracting $$$, who possessed a secret wing of the Pentagon just for his own covert activities within it, had no part in doctoring intelligence to create a legitimacy to urge Congress to declare war on an area his oil interests had long been drooling over the sweet crude that lies just beneath the surface of eh?

Sure. Gotcha.
I love how Trump chants over and over "to the victors belong the spoils of battle" saying "we should have taken the oil!!" about the illegal invasion of sovereign Iraq. Every wounded veteran or amputee sitting their with PTSD, their life ebbing away, ruined and damaged forever because of their sacrifice must be patting themselves on the back saying "gee I'm glad to learn that liberty and freedom meant the "liberty" to waltz into a sovereign nation I had no reason to be in and the "freedom" to take the oil for Dick Cheney, once I helped him blow the place up...before it blew me up.."

So for those keeping track: Cheney supported Trump as the nominee back when most of the GOP were not (and still aren't) and Trump supports Cheney's plan to have invaded Iraq illegally so that he could get the oil.

Donald Trump + Dick Cheney. What could possibly go wrong?
What "war crime" did either one commit? Be specific now.

Starting a war base on a lie. We had absolutely no business going into Iraq. Thousands of American soldiers died for imaginary WMDs. People lost their kids and spouses to a lie told by the Bush administration.
Hillary supported that war and voted for it. Are you voting for her?

Yes I am voting for her. I don't agree with Hilary. In many issues. But as a black Muslim American I will not vote Trump. Trump is dangerous. He brings the bigoted out of the woodworks.
No Trump want to bring blacks out of the ghettos. It's Hillary and the democrats that are dangerous to blacks. You have trusted them for over 50 years and you aren't any better off.

Democrats or Republicans will not solve the issue of blacks in ghettos. It is an internal issue that whites will never understand nor I do expect them to understand.
Education is the solution, and democrats want to keep blacks uneducated.
Starting a war base on a lie. We had absolutely no business going into Iraq. Thousands of American soldiers died for imaginary WMDs. People lost their kids and spouses to a lie told by the Bush administration.
Hillary supported that war and voted for it. Are you voting for her?

Yes I am voting for her. I don't agree with Hilary. In many issues. But as a black Muslim American I will not vote Trump. Trump is dangerous. He brings the bigoted out of the woodworks.
No Trump want to bring blacks out of the ghettos. It's Hillary and the democrats that are dangerous to blacks. You have trusted them for over 50 years and you aren't any better off.

Democrats or Republicans will not solve the issue of blacks in ghettos. It is an internal issue that whites will never understand nor I do expect them to understand.
Education is the solution, and democrats want to keep blacks uneducated.

So what are red states excuse for having such low rates of performance in education? Red states perform the worse in terms of education.
ISIS is trying to destroy Iraq, thanks to Obama. Bush left him a stable Iraq and he blew it.
Bush left Obama a stable Iraq?
Bush and Darth Cheney destabilized Iraq in the first place.
And Bush us the one who set up a timeline for withdrawal.
Were we supposed to permanently occupy the country?

IN case you missed it, we are back in Iraq with a stabilizing military force.
Hillary supported that war and voted for it. Are you voting for her?

Yes I am voting for her. I don't agree with Hilary. In many issues. But as a black Muslim American I will not vote Trump. Trump is dangerous. He brings the bigoted out of the woodworks.
No Trump want to bring blacks out of the ghettos. It's Hillary and the democrats that are dangerous to blacks. You have trusted them for over 50 years and you aren't any better off.

Democrats or Republicans will not solve the issue of blacks in ghettos. It is an internal issue that whites will never understand nor I do expect them to understand.
Education is the solution, and democrats want to keep blacks uneducated.

So what are red states excuse for having such low rates of performance in education? Red states perform the worse in terms of education.
Liberals are in charge of education. You do realize blacks had close families before welfare? Another liberal policy.
Yes I am voting for her. I don't agree with Hilary. In many issues. But as a black Muslim American I will not vote Trump. Trump is dangerous. He brings the bigoted out of the woodworks.
No Trump want to bring blacks out of the ghettos. It's Hillary and the democrats that are dangerous to blacks. You have trusted them for over 50 years and you aren't any better off.

Democrats or Republicans will not solve the issue of blacks in ghettos. It is an internal issue that whites will never understand nor I do expect them to understand.
Education is the solution, and democrats want to keep blacks uneducated.

So what are red states excuse for having such low rates of performance in education? Red states perform the worse in terms of education.
Liberals are in charge of education. You do realize blacks had close families before welfare? Another liberal policy.

Are you black?
The US has been running on Fascist principles for decades but it was Cheney and his side-kicks Bush Baby Jr. and Donny boy Rumsfeld who decided to run with the ball and show the world what it was all about, thus ruining any positive notion the world 'might' have had for Democracy in the US --- yet this bastard says it was Obamba who's weakened the US?????!!!!!!! The US has been constantly voted the Biggest Threat to World Peace by the people of the world before Obamba came to the Whine House.
No Trump want to bring blacks out of the ghettos. It's Hillary and the democrats that are dangerous to blacks. You have trusted them for over 50 years and you aren't any better off.

Democrats or Republicans will not solve the issue of blacks in ghettos. It is an internal issue that whites will never understand nor I do expect them to understand.
Education is the solution, and democrats want to keep blacks uneducated.

So what are red states excuse for having such low rates of performance in education? Red states perform the worse in terms of education.
Liberals are in charge of education. You do realize blacks had close families before welfare? Another liberal policy.

Are you black?
No, but you keep supporting a party that only cares for your vote.
Wow, and after what Bush did to the Middle East.

Well, Cheney has nerve, give him that.

What Obama did was worse. Although Bush may have "lied", Obama pulled out and left a vacuum for utter evil while supplying it with cash and arms. Cheney just needs to STFU all the same. We all know he doesn't give a sh**.

Obama pulled out because that was the agreement we signed with Iraq....Bush signed it

That is true. The problem was that the Pentagon strongly advised leaving a contingency force in Iraq to counter exactly what eventually happened. Obama was more interested in keeping his campaign promise and taking credit for the Bush agreement than playing hardball with Iraq and forcing a SOF agreement. The result of hie piss poor judgement was ISIS taking over parts of Syria and Iraq.

False...We left because we signed the agreement to leave (Bush Signed) and Malaki wanted to prosecute US soldiers for war crimes

Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal
Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands that any U.S. military forces to stay would have to be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits.

So I hear people say we should've stayed. How? By ripping up the agreement and kicking out Malaki who wanted to lock up soldiers and make it a new US territory?
Wow, and after what Bush did to the Middle East.

Well, Cheney has nerve, give him that.

What Obama did was worse. Although Bush may have "lied", Obama pulled out and left a vacuum for utter evil while supplying it with cash and arms. Cheney just needs to STFU all the same. We all know he doesn't give a sh**.

Obama pulled out because that was the agreement we signed with Iraq....Bush signed it

That is true. The problem was that the Pentagon strongly advised leaving a contingency force in Iraq to counter exactly what eventually happened. Obama was more interested in keeping his campaign promise and taking credit for the Bush agreement than playing hardball with Iraq and forcing a SOF agreement. The result of hie piss poor judgement was ISIS taking over parts of Syria and Iraq.

False...We left because we signed the agreement to leave (Bush Signed) and Malaki wanted to prosecute US soldiers for war crimes

Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal
Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands that any U.S. military forces to stay would have to be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits.

So I hear people say we should've stayed. How? By ripping up the agreement and kicking out Malaki who wanted to lock up soldiers and make it a new US territory?

Because Obama sent Biden to negotiate and his heart wasn't in it. If he had played hardball, he could have changed their minds. You don't have to rip up the agreement to modify it. Are you suggesting the US is really that weak and doesn't have any negotiating power?
Liberals are in charge of education. ...
If that were true you wouldn't be such an idiot. Maybe at least your children (and the whole generation after you), benefited. I hope so.
Then why are liberals against school vouchers?

What liberals are for or against has nothign to do with who controls education.

Its like saying Republicans run the movie business. And then say "Oh yeah, if they dont run the movie business then why do they like American Sniper?"
Liberals are in charge of education. ...
If that were true you wouldn't be such an idiot. Maybe at least your children (and the whole generation after you), benefited. I hope so.
Then why are liberals against school vouchers?
Vouchers? I thought we were talking about EDUCATION and the possibility that your children will have access to a much better one than you had. But you don't really care about that, do you. You just want to continue making absurd comments on the forum and pray you won't have to admit that you are wrong about the whole thing. If your children turn out as dumbed-down as you, make sure to tell them that you had a chance to give them a better life but you were too pig-headed and selfish to do anything about it.
Liberals are in charge of education. ...
If that were true you wouldn't be such an idiot. Maybe at least your children (and the whole generation after you), benefited. I hope so.
Then why are liberals against school vouchers?

What liberals are for or against has nothign to do with who controls education.

Its like saying Republicans run the movie business. And then say "Oh yeah, if they dont run the movie business then why do they like American Sniper?"
What does that have to do with school vouchers?
Wow, and after what Bush did to the Middle East.

Well, Cheney has nerve, give him that.

What Obama did was worse. Although Bush may have "lied", Obama pulled out and left a vacuum for utter evil while supplying it with cash and arms. Cheney just needs to STFU all the same. We all know he doesn't give a sh**.

Obama pulled out because that was the agreement we signed with Iraq....Bush signed it

That is true. The problem was that the Pentagon strongly advised leaving a contingency force in Iraq to counter exactly what eventually happened. Obama was more interested in keeping his campaign promise and taking credit for the Bush agreement than playing hardball with Iraq and forcing a SOF agreement. The result of hie piss poor judgement was ISIS taking over parts of Syria and Iraq.

False...We left because we signed the agreement to leave (Bush Signed) and Malaki wanted to prosecute US soldiers for war crimes

Iraq PM: Immunity issue scuttled US troop deal
Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that U.S. troops are leaving Iraq after nearly nine years of war because Baghdad rejected American demands that any U.S. military forces to stay would have to be shielded from prosecution or lawsuits.

So I hear people say we should've stayed. How? By ripping up the agreement and kicking out Malaki who wanted to lock up soldiers and make it a new US territory?

Because Obama sent Biden to negotiate and his heart wasn't in it.


If he had played hardball, he could have changed their minds.

And if he really tried hard he would've also been king of the Middle East...but alas his heart wasnt in it. Where the fuck do you lames come up with such BS.

You don't have to rip up the agreement to modify it. Are you suggesting the US is really that weak and doesn't have any negotiating power?

Not when Malaki wanted to be free to prosecute US soldiers...no. There is no room to "negotiate" that. Its a non starter
Liberals are in charge of education. ...
If that were true you wouldn't be such an idiot. Maybe at least your children (and the whole generation after you), benefited. I hope so.
Then why are liberals against school vouchers?

What liberals are for or against has nothign to do with who controls education.

Its like saying Republicans run the movie business. And then say "Oh yeah, if they dont run the movie business then why do they like American Sniper?"
What does that have to do with school vouchers?

What does that have to do with American Sniper?

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